The Cultural Impact of Japanese Anime and Manga in Spain

After traveling to Spain to study abroad, I noticed a large amount of shops selling goods related to Japanese anime, which helped inspire the topic of my honors thesis. In this paper, the cultural impact of Japanese animation and comics

After traveling to Spain to study abroad, I noticed a large amount of shops selling goods related to Japanese anime, which helped inspire the topic of my honors thesis. In this paper, the cultural impact of Japanese animation and comics on Spain is explored. The history/origin of anime in Spain, the early reception of these works in Spain, the importance of the anime fandom, the intersection between Spanish and Japanese culture in anime and anime-inspired films, and the positive representation of Spain in these works are all relevant topics that constitute the argument of this document. Sources in both English and Spanish are utilized.This paper explores the surprising connections between the two countries. The way in which their cultures interact through the consumption of this form of media was quite fascinating to look into.
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“I’m Eating by the Rav, Baruch Hashem”: The Development of Jewish English in the United States


Members of minority communities in the United States have their own ways of internally communicating. The American Jewish community is no different. This paper seeks to demonstrate that Jewish English, known as Yeshivish, has developed into two distinct configurations: Creole

Members of minority communities in the United States have their own ways of internally communicating. The American Jewish community is no different. This paper seeks to demonstrate that Jewish English, known as Yeshivish, has developed into two distinct configurations: Creole Yeshivish for the more religiously observant, and Dialect Yeshivish for the less religiously observant. The divergence is due to differing levels of interaction with the secular world. To prove this, pidgin, creole, dialect, and language are linguistically defined, as are the seven levels of Jewish religious observance. Pop culture infused with Yeshivish structures is analyzed at both levels of speech. Two additional examples of immigrant languages are explored. Finally, a possible future for each of the speaking traditions is laid out according to the latest survey data.

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Hiatus Resolution in Colombian Spanish: Analysis of Vowel Sequence Duration Across Word Boundaries

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Hiatus resolution, also explained by vowel sequence realization, occurs when a vowel sequence that occupies two syllables in normative speech is reduced to a monosyllabic sequence. In this study, vowel sequence realization was examined by measuring the duration of word-boundary

Hiatus resolution, also explained by vowel sequence realization, occurs when a vowel sequence that occupies two syllables in normative speech is reduced to a monosyllabic sequence. In this study, vowel sequence realization was examined by measuring the duration of word-boundary vowel sequences in the speech of Spanish speakers from Cali and Barranquilla, Colombia. Four variables (speaker gender, regional variety, speaking rate, and two-word string frequency) were analyzed to determine their effects on the duration of the unstressed vowel sequences , , , and .
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A Novel Approach to Teaching Spanish: A 5th Grade Technology-Based 5E Spanish Curriculum

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The 5E model of instruction is most commonly used in STEM; however, this thesis explores the idea of integrating the 5E model into second-language teaching of Spanish. Furthermore, this project incorporates technology into the 5E system to create engaging lessons.

The 5E model of instruction is most commonly used in STEM; however, this thesis explores the idea of integrating the 5E model into second-language teaching of Spanish. Furthermore, this project incorporates technology into the 5E system to create engaging lessons. The overarching question of this paper is “How can technology and the 5E model be combined to create effective 5th-grade Spanish lesson plans?” This thesis includes four complete Spanish 5E lesson plans designed for a 5th-grade class.

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An analysis of the offensive behavior and discourse utilized by fan groups at Latin American futbol games and how it compares to its United States counterpart

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This study details the role and significance of the fan groups at soccer games within Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and the United States. It will illustrate the profound importance of the game of soccer within these cultures and how the behavior

This study details the role and significance of the fan groups at soccer games within Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and the United States. It will illustrate the profound importance of the game of soccer within these cultures and how the behavior that takes place within these stadiums is a direct reflection of these societies. The research follows three common three among all three cultures which include violence, sexism and homophobia. Each of the three Latin American countries has a specific focus on one of the three topics. The study further elaborates on how these fan groups have developed throughout history, as well as the root causes behind some of their most controversial qualities. A brief focus on the history of each country will give clarity to several reasons behind how this fan group culture came to be. A topic that encompasses the behavioral and discursive norms of these cultures is masculinity and how the male population within these fan groups feel it a necessity to exert dominance and hurtful language to prove their status. Lastly, the study also examines the impact that the governing bodies of the sport and the media has on the fan group culture within these nations. The purpose of this project is to gain a better understanding of these cultures, obtain a new perspective on how influential these fan groups are, and demonstrate how their behavior within the stadiums reflects society. This analysis shows how engrained this behavior and language is within these cultures and the globalization of these norms.
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