Virtuality and Performativity: Nepantla within González Iñárritu’s Carne y Arena

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The complexity of the U.S.-Mexico border is rooted in a fixation on establishing a clear separation of land that is unsafe and safe, between them and us. Chicana cultural theorist Gloria Anzaldúa states, “A border is a dividing line, a

The complexity of the U.S.-Mexico border is rooted in a fixation on establishing a clear separation of land that is unsafe and safe, between them and us. Chicana cultural theorist Gloria Anzaldúa states, “A border is a dividing line, a narrow string along a steep edge. A borderland is a vague and undetermined place created by the emotional residue of an unnatural boundary. It is in a constant state of transition” (Anzaldúa 1987, 3). In her 1987 semi-autobiographical work, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, she examines the U.S.-Mexico borderland as an in-between space that allows for physical, emotional, and creative transformation through the lens of nepantla, a Nahuatl term for the “space between, in the middle of, or in the midst of.” Recognizing that collective landscapes, specifically that of the U.S.-Mexico border, are separated through policy and physical barriers, filmmaker Alejandro González Iñárritu (b. 1963, Mexico City, Mexico) explores the permeability of the U.S.-Mexico border desert landscape through his mixed reality immersive installation, Carne y Arena (Virtualmente Presente, Fisicamente Invisible) (Flesh and Sand: Virtually Present, Physically Invisible) (2017). This thesis analyzes the use of virtual reality technologies as immersive storytelling tools in Carne y Arena through a social history of art and scholar Gloria Anzaldúa's reinterpretation of the concept of nepantla as a liminal space of transformation. González Iñárritu’s Carne y Arena makes visible the perils Latin American migrants face when crossing the Southwest desert in an experiential presentation. Through a socially conscious lens, he depicts real-life individuals and their stories with humanity and empathy. Carne y Arena draws attention to the dehumanization of Latin American migrants and transforms the U.S.-Mexico border landscape into a political theater of imagination, empathy, and memory.
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Anchored Absences: Selected Works by Doris Salcedo and Enrique Ramírez

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“Anchored Absences: Selected Works by Doris Salcedo and Enrique Ramírez” addresses how the works of these artists link the past to the present and make memories manifest by wielding evocative associations through particular materials and places. In my study of

“Anchored Absences: Selected Works by Doris Salcedo and Enrique Ramírez” addresses how the works of these artists link the past to the present and make memories manifest by wielding evocative associations through particular materials and places. In my study of the works Sumando ausencias (Adding Absences, 2016), Fragmentos (Fragments, 2018), and Quebrantos (Shattered, 2019) by Colombian artist Doris Salcedo, I delve into the political context of these works, discuss the different groups with which Salcedo collaborated in their production, and analyze the materials she employed and their associations. Drawing from discussions on the relationship between art and politics, as well as debates about the activity of creating public memorials, I examine how, through these public artworks, Salcedo contributes new images and representations of the cost of Colombia’s civil war (1960s-present) to collective visual culture. In the second part of this study, I analyze the strategies the Chilean artist Enrique Ramírez uses to produce the films Brisas (Breezes, 2008) and Los durmientes (The sleepers, 2014), which assemble layers of antithetical visual and auditory elements and deter a linear construction of history. I engage with writings that deal with the fragmentary and plural nature of memory, the use and repression of images, and the role of architecture and geography in holding and activating memory to discuss how Ramírez unsettles the narratives held by Chile’s dictatorship (1973–1990) in contested spaces. I conclude that by making innovative images of political events, the works by these artists create new frameworks to conceptualize violence. Therein lies the power of image production.
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Crianza en la confluencia de culturas: Una evaluación de la relevancia cultural del programa Chile Crece Contigo en Putre, Chile

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In 2006, the Chilean government began the implementation of a “program of integrated childhood protection” called Chile Crece Contigo. This program involves the cooperation of the public health, education, and legal systems of Chile in the support of the Rights

In 2006, the Chilean government began the implementation of a “program of integrated childhood protection” called Chile Crece Contigo. This program involves the cooperation of the public health, education, and legal systems of Chile in the support of the Rights of the Child ratified by the United Nations in 1989, and guarantees accessibility to the diverse historical and cultural communities of Chile. This study seeks to evaluate the cultural pertinence of Chile Crece Contigo as implemented in the public health system of the predominantly Aymaran community of Putre and recommend policy changes and further investigation for the improvement of its implementation in all Aymaran communities of Northern Chile. These objectives were pursued through three weeks of observation of program activities as well as interviews with key implementers of Chile Crece Contigo in Putre’s Rural Family Health Center, a practitioner of traditional Aymaran medicine and mothers whose children are enrolled or were enrolled in a variety of the services offered by the program. These results highlighted successful efforts by health practitioners in Putre to provide culturally relevant care through Chile Crece Contigo, but also policy failures and ongoing uncertainty considering best practices for cultural pertinence within the program. The conclusion was reached that several funding and logistical policies of Chile Crece Contigo need to be altered to better serve this rural, Aymaran community. Also, several in-depth longitudinal studies on traditional Aymaran upbringing and the common socioeconomic conditions of the Aymaran community in Chile should be carried out in order to determine further policy changes and best practices for Chile Crece Contigo.

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Motherhood: The Experiences of Domestic Workers in Contemporary Latin American Cinema

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This paper explores the psychological experiences of domestic workers in three contemporary Latin American films: Roma (Mexico, 2018), Crímenes de familia (Argentina, 2020) and Que Horas Ela Volta? (Brazil, 2015). Specifically, the motherhood of these three protagonists is explored and

This paper explores the psychological experiences of domestic workers in three contemporary Latin American films: Roma (Mexico, 2018), Crímenes de familia (Argentina, 2020) and Que Horas Ela Volta? (Brazil, 2015). Specifically, the motherhood of these three protagonists is explored and analyzed using psychological research that pertains to motherhood, trauma, and the relationships between domestic workers and the families that employ them. This paper reveals that contemporary Latin American cinema portrays domestic workers as having negative experiences of motherhood as a direct result of their occupation and proposes for further protections, policy change, and psychological research to take place for domestic workers in Latin America and beyond.

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Towards a National Cinema: An Analysis of Caliwood Films by Luis Ospina and Carlos Mayolo and Their Fundamental Contribution to Colombian Film

This dissertation proposes a re-evaluation of the films of Caliwood—a close-knit group of film fanatics who produced socially-minded independent cinema in Cali, Colombia—and the group’s contribution towards a national film industry. Focusing primarily on the works of Luis Ospina and

This dissertation proposes a re-evaluation of the films of Caliwood—a close-knit group of film fanatics who produced socially-minded independent cinema in Cali, Colombia—and the group’s contribution towards a national film industry. Focusing primarily on the works of Luis Ospina and Carlos Mayolo during the period ranging between 1971 and 1991, this study analyzes six key films—Oiga vea! (1972), Cali de Película (1973), Agarrando Pueblo (1977), Pura Sangre (1982), Carne de tu carne (1983)—which showcase the evolution of the group’s production from experimental documentaries to pseudo-documentaries and fictional films. Additionally, It All Started at the End (2015) is analyzed because it is the last film produced by Luis Ospina and it showcases the history of the group from his own perspective. In totality, these films represent a political stance derived from the tenets of the Third Cinema movement—a call for a revolutionary cinema which reverberated throughout Latin America—which denounces neocolonialism, the capitalist system, and the Hollywood model of cinema as mere entertainment for profit. Furthermore, this comprehensive analysis of Caliwood’s films covers a representative sample of their film legacy, as well as their critique of socio-political and cultural issues in Colombia. The reflections yielded from this study propose a reframing of Colombian film history and acknowledges the importance of Ospina’s and Mayolo’s contribution to the development of a “national” film tradition in Colombia.
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En Busca de Dulcinea: Representación Audiovisual de un Personaje Incorpóreo

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Dulcinea del Toboso es todo un misterio, ya que no es una persona real, sino un personaje ficticio que nunca llega a aparecer en la novela Don Quijote de La Mancha, de Miguel de Cervantes (1605, 1615). Aunque Dulcinea no

Dulcinea del Toboso es todo un misterio, ya que no es una persona real, sino un personaje ficticio que nunca llega a aparecer en la novela Don Quijote de La Mancha, de Miguel de Cervantes (1605, 1615). Aunque Dulcinea no dice una sola palabra en el libro, existe en la imaginación de su protagonista, Don Quijote. Este hombre de edad avanzada, aficionado a la lectura de libros de caballería, fantasea con la idea de ser un caballero en busca de aventuras, motivado en todo momento por el pensamiento de su dama idealizada. La descripción que ofrece Cervantes al presentar a Dulcinea en la novela es ambigua, ya que la asocia con una campesina llamada Aldonza, pero sin llegar a emplear elementos de certeza. Dulcinea no es un ser humano, ni tampoco un verdadero personaje literario, así que la única imagen que uno puede formarse de ella reside en la imaginación. Esta investigación se centra en probar que esa imagen ha tenido una impactante evolución a través de los siglos hasta convertirse hoy día en una especie de marca distintiva. Varios intelectuales han estudiado el enigma de Dulcinea. Miguel de Unamuno la interpretó como gloria eterna, Menéndez Pidal como puro ideal, Pedro Salinas como la sombra de un personaje que nunca llegó a ser. Más recientemente Anne Cruz la describía como el cuerpo inmaterial más famoso de todas las obras de Cervantes, y Frederick de Armas como imaginación mítica en pleno desempeño. Entonces, ¿cómo se representan los cuerpos inmateriales? ¿Cómo ser Dulcinea y Aldonza y ninguna de ellas a la vez? ¿Cómo alcanzar tanta fama sin tener si quiera una voz real? El propósito de mi estudio es reinterpretar la Dulcinea de Don Quijote desde la perspectiva de los productos audiovisuales y culturales del siglo XX y XXI. La idea es abrir nuevas perspectivas a los enfoques contemporáneos de lecturas clásicas. Los estudios interdisciplinarios y las interpretaciones modernas, como las usadas en este trabajo, atraerán a los estudiantes actuales, los cuales tienden a visualizar las humanidades y el estudio de los libros clásicos como una materia intangible difícil de entender (algo así como la percepción convencional de la elusiva Dulcinea del Toboso). Esta tesis quiere contribuir a cambiar ese sentimiento.

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Dialéctica de la Otredad: Texto, Contexto e Intertexto en Tres Reescrituras Shakesperianas de Uruguay, Argentina y Chile

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This doctoral dissertation analyzes the rendering of three complex concepts (otherness, alterity, and identity)—and their relationship— in three rewrites of William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet and The Tragedy of Macbeth from America’s Southern Cone (Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile). By

This doctoral dissertation analyzes the rendering of three complex concepts (otherness, alterity, and identity)—and their relationship— in three rewrites of William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet and The Tragedy of Macbeth from America’s Southern Cone (Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile). By embarking in a close reading of Interrogatorio en Elsinore (Carlos Manuel Varela), La señora Macbeth (Griselda Gambaro), and Yorick: la historia de Hámlet (Francisco y Simón Reyes), this dissertation approaches otherness, alterity, and identity in three of its multiple dimensions (ideological, gender, and artistic subjectivity of the translator/adaptator vis-à-vis the writer). While several studies have explored these three concepts separately and mostly from a cultural standpoint, this is the first one to show how they interact between one another through its representation in three rewrites of Shakespeare in Spanish from Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile. The cultures and history of the countries in which these three translations/adaptations are immersed are just a layer of this research. In addition to it—and loyal to the spirit of the texts being analyzed—this study takes advantage of other disciplines (translation studies, psychoanalysis, philosophy, and gender and communication theory, just to name a few) to analyze in depth and systematically what is implied in otherness, alterity, and identity. The interdisciplinary nature of this dissertation leads to valuable conclusions that can be of benefit, not only for the type of societies portrayed by the rewrites being studied, but for others as well.
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A Cyber(space) of Their Own: Female Iberian and Latin American Artists and Writers of the Digital. A Transatlantic Analysis from Identity (De)Construction, Political Dissidence and Activism, to the Posthuman

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As a result of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs, works can be distributed and viewed at a global scale with the simple click of the mouse. One can even visit entire museums and virtually walk through

As a result of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs, works can be distributed and viewed at a global scale with the simple click of the mouse. One can even visit entire museums and virtually walk through their collections without having to leave one’s own seat. Furthermore, new software, programs, and digital tools facilitate and make possible the ability to experiment and create one’s art in ways that were previously unimaginable or even unheard of. This is also true with the dissemination of one’s art and the visibility of contemporary artists who create works pertaining to the digital realm. However, the availability, usage, and training associated with such technologies do not come without its own implications and drawbacks. Unfortunately, there exists a great disparity not only with access and availability of the Internet at a global level, but also a digital divide, which indicates that the technologies and sciences are “gendered”—for instance, the male majority in STEM professions and fields of study. When considering the Humanities, specifically the genre of contemporary art and literature, women’s marginalization is witnessed there too, as distinguished canonical works belong to predominantly Caucasian, Anglo-Saxon men. In the digital age then, Iberian and Latin American women writers and artists face the challenge of visibility and recognition in two territories—technology and contemporary artistic creation—dominated by men. This study gathers contemporary female artists of digital works originating from North America, the Caribbean, South America, and Spain who utilize a wide variety of tools to conduct and create their artwork. The artists and authors analyzed in this project include: Teresa Serrano (México, D.F. 1936-), Adriana Calatayud (México, D.F. 1967-), Ana Mendieta (Havana, 1948-1985), Maritza Molina (Havana), Yasmín S. Portales Machado (Havana, 1980-), María María Acha-Kutscher (Lima, 1968-), Praba Pilar (Colombia), María Cañas (Seville, 1972-), and Pilar Albarracín (Arcena, Huelva 1968-), with the objective of investigating the manner in which digital tools are being used by these women artists and writers for the purpose visibility, identity (de)construction, as spaces of resistance, and to explore how those messages are transmitted and transformed through digital mediums.
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Overshadowing sight: the story of blindness in twenty-first century Latin American narrative and visual culture

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Coming out from under the shadow of sight, blindness has a story to tell. From Tiresias to The Miracle Worker, literary and visual representations of blindness are cornerstones of compelling tales of loss and overcoming. In support of the inherent

Coming out from under the shadow of sight, blindness has a story to tell. From Tiresias to The Miracle Worker, literary and visual representations of blindness are cornerstones of compelling tales of loss and overcoming. In support of the inherent value of sight, these conventional narratives overshadow the stories and lived experiences of blind people themselves. In light of this misrepresentation, I explore what it means to read, write, and see blindness, as well as consider the implications of being blind in present-day Latin America. I achieve this through a transnational and interdisciplinary analysis of novels, short stories, film, and photography by blind and sighted artists and writers whose work has been published or exhibited after the year 2000. In this context, I will demonstrate how blindness can serve as a lens through which the production and reception of narrative and visual culture can be critically evaluated from a blind person’s perspective. Most importantly, this dissertation showcases the critical and creative work of blind people in order to demystify stereotypes and contextualize anxieties surrounding blindness, perception, and identity.
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Una aproximación literaria a los discursos del pasado y de la identidad: la novela histórica Colombiana sobre la conquista y la colonia en el siglo XXI

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Globalization has brought a renewed interest in the discourses of the past and national/ethnic identities that has been reflected in the cultural production and the social sciences around the globe. Historical novel (and their sequel telenovelas), a literary field closely

Globalization has brought a renewed interest in the discourses of the past and national/ethnic identities that has been reflected in the cultural production and the social sciences around the globe. Historical novel (and their sequel telenovelas), a literary field closely linked to historiography, reflects, and has contributed to (re)shape the discourses of the past and identity in Latin America. Since the first decades of the 19th century until nowadays, Colombian novelists have explored Colombian identity through historical novels. Their plots and characters are highly influenced by new historiographical trends. During the19th and the first half of the 20th century, Romantic and Realist novels were generally constructed over historicist assumption of the past: the belief that it is possible to acquire a completely “objective” knowledge of the past. However, some outstanding Colombian historical novels, such as La Marquesa de Yolombó (1928), challenged this notion of the past. Since the last decades of the 20th century, Colombian historical novels share an attitude toward the past that Linda Hutcheon has defined as Historiographical Metafiction. This approach to history challenges the idea of an objective total history, and emphasizes the importance of the personal experiences, the subjectivity, of their characters and of the narrative voices. Donde no te Conozcan (2007), Trí¬ptico de la Infamia (2016), and Mancha de la Tierra (2014) are three Colombian historical novels written in the 21st century that share this attitude towards history. They question the nineteenth-century interpretations of Colombian history, especially those related to the role of Jews, Moors, Indigenous, Africans, and mestizos in the colonial social dynamics, and, therefore, in Colombian culture.
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