The Effects of Cervical Nerve Stimulation (CNS) on Fall Risk

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Every year, 3 million older people are treated for fall injuries, and nearly 800,000 are hospitalized, many of which due to head injuries or hip fractures. In 2015 alone, Medicare and Medicaid paid nearly 75% of the $50 Billion in

Every year, 3 million older people are treated for fall injuries, and nearly 800,000 are hospitalized, many of which due to head injuries or hip fractures. In 2015 alone, Medicare and Medicaid paid nearly 75% of the $50 Billion in medical costs generated by falls. As the US population continues to age, more adults are beginning to deal with movement related disorders, and the need to be able to detect and mitigate these risks is becoming more necessary. Classical metrics of fall risk can capture static stability, but recent advancements have yielded new metrics to analyze balance and stability during movement, such as the Maximum Lyapunov Exponent (MLE). Much work has been devoted to characterizing gait, but little has explored novel way to reduce fall risk with interventional therapy. Targeting certain cranial nerves using electrical stimulation has shown potential for treatment of movement disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease (PD) in certain animal models. For human models, based on ease of access, connection to afferents leading to the lower lumber region and key brain regions, as well as general parasympathetic response, targeting the cervical nerves may have a more significant effect on balance and posture. This project explored the effects of transcutaneous Cervical Nerve Stimulation (CNS) on posture stability and gait with the practical application of ultimately applying this treatment to fall risk populations. Data was collected on each of the 31 healthy adults (22.3 ± 6.3 yrs) both pre and post stimulation for metrics representative of fall risk such as postural stability both eyes open and closed, Timed-Up-and-Go (TUG) time, gait velocity, and MLE. Significant differences manifested in the postural stability sub-metric of sway area with subject eyes open in the active stimulation group. The additional 8 metrics and sub-metrics did not show statistically significant differences among the active or sham groups. It is reasonable to conclude that transcutaneous CNS does not significantly affect fall risk metrics in healthy adults. This can potentially be attributed to either the stimulation method chosen, internal brain control mechanisms of posture and balance, analysis methods, and the Yerkes-Dodson law of optimal arousal. However, no adverse events were reported in the active group and thus is a safe therapy option for future experimentation.
Date Created

The Effects of Perturbation on Dynamic Stability for Fall Risk Analysis

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As life expectancy continually rises, many age-related conditions such as deteriorated gait and decreased stability begin to play a larger role in affecting the quality of life for all individuals. Medical expenses associated with falls in the elderly population surpassed

As life expectancy continually rises, many age-related conditions such as deteriorated gait and decreased stability begin to play a larger role in affecting the quality of life for all individuals. Medical expenses associated with falls in the elderly population surpassed $50 Billion in 2015 alone. Understanding fall risk and developing robust metrics and methods of assessment has become more important than ever. While traditional fall risk has looked at classical gait parameters, dynamic stability has gained traction as a more accurate representation of stability during active movement and daily activities. This project seeks to determine the effects on the internal perturbation of gait velocity on dynamic stability represented by the Maximal Lyapunov Exponent (MLE) of multiple acceleration vectors, as well as the efficacy of varying methodology used to assess dynamic stability. Data from 15 healthy, college aged individuals was collected. Significant differences were shown between certain gait velocity trials for one analysis of the three methods explored, while overall trends suggested potential differences between gait velocities with other methodologies warranting further investigation.
Date Created