Nutrition and Activity Education for Hispanic Children: An Updated Curriculum

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This project modifies an existing theory-based culturally responsive nutrition and physical activity curriculum designed for early adolescent Hispanic children. Modifications to the Salud con Sabor Latino para los Ninos (SSLN) curriculum, originally designed for adolescents, include didactic content and activities

This project modifies an existing theory-based culturally responsive nutrition and physical activity curriculum designed for early adolescent Hispanic children. Modifications to the Salud con Sabor Latino para los Ninos (SSLN) curriculum, originally designed for adolescents, include didactic content and activities which are evidence-based and age appropriate for younger children (second to fourth grade). Using a community based participatory research approach, culturally responsive and developmentally cognizant modifications were made based on child development theories, social behavior theory, and evidence of successful obesity interventions among this age group. The end goal is to assist the community partner, Esperança, and provide an opportunity to impact obesity rates in this high risk population.
The goal of the updated eight session SSLN program is to decrease BMI, increase nutritional knowledge, and improve attitude and behavior towards nutrition and physical activity in Hispanic school-aged children. After meeting with Esperança to identify which elements of the curriculum needed modification, an extensive literature review was conducted to identify new and relevant research appropriate to the modifications. Integrating child development theories, social behavior theory, and results from earlier successful obesity intervention programs, curriculum sessions will be condensed and modified using a community base participatory research approach. Once edits to the curriculum are completed and approved, Esperança will implement the newly modified curriculum, and evaluate the success of the curriculum changes.
The final project is composed of a condensed, theory-based, culturally responsive, and developmentally age appropriate eight session curricula that will educate Hispanic school-aged children on nutrition and physical activity.
Date Created