Sustainable Table

"If we really believe in food, we must do something about it, for our voices should be raised above the rest," James Beard said. Today, the word "sustainable" is being linked to almost every facet of our lives. Everything from

"If we really believe in food, we must do something about it, for our voices should be raised above the rest," James Beard said. Today, the word "sustainable" is being linked to almost every facet of our lives. Everything from restaurants to cars to school supplies are marketed as green or sustainable. Businesses have a lot to gain if they are environmentally conscious (Friedman, 2017). Companies that genuinely care about the planet cultivate positive reputations. Needless to say a company's brand and reputation are arguably the most important differentials amongst its competition. Additionally, a company's social responsibility goes hand in hand with talent retention. Companies that care about their staff and the community are more likely to recruit employees that will be advocates of the product and business (Friedman, 2017). A healthy work culture encourages productivity, recruitment and retention. Unfortunately some businesses stretch the truth and make bold sustainability claims in order to reap the above benefits. When it comes to the food service industry, which restaurants are actually living up to the claim of being sustainable? I embarked upon a journey to find the restaurants and chefs that are creating exquisite dishes while protecting the environment and preserving the food chain system. Initially I developed a list of 30 prospective restaurants based upon published material bringing awareness to their environmentally conscious initiatives. Ultimately I selected three diverse restaurants from the list that successfully met the sustainability requirements. I utilized criteria established by The Sustainable Restaurant Association (SRA) as my guideline to evaluate the establishments (Our Sustainability Framework). I immersed myself in the restaurants, camera in hand, to discover more about the ecofriendly food movement in Arizona. I created a YouTube channel where I posted all of my edited film in order to heighten awareness of these socially and environmentally responsible establishments. The vlog series features a different restaurant in each episode highlighting the sustainable culinary and business concepts as well as the savory items on the menu. During this quest I discovered how these restaurants have remained successful while minimizing their ecological footprint. These establishments can serve as a guide to other chefs and business owners who are looking to accomplish the same feats.
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Millennials in the Workplace: A Documentary

Thesis: Regardless of the negative connotations that come with the word "Millennial," this generation has a positive influence on workplace design, which encourages employee productivity and success at work. Workplace structure has changed greatly over the past decade. While large

Thesis: Regardless of the negative connotations that come with the word "Millennial," this generation has a positive influence on workplace design, which encourages employee productivity and success at work. Workplace structure has changed greatly over the past decade. While large companies like Google and Facebook are renowned for their workplace design, many smaller companies have followed in their footsteps to help employees enjoy and succeed at work. In Phoenix, Arizona, two companies, Nextiva and ZOG Digital, use technology and workplace design to give employees a healthier, more productive work environment. While many traditional corporate companies might look down upon an open work concept and elimination of traditional office spaces like cubicles, these two companies have shown that not only are employees more productive, but they are happier as well. Research shows that as Millennials make their way into the workforce, changes to workplace design will follow. Free food, games rooms, open desks, and comfortable workspaces are all aspects of new workplace innovations. With these changes, comes backlash towards the generation personally, when in fact the new designs are shown to be successful. ZOG Digital is a digital marketing company that embraces the idea of multiple workspaces. The design of the office was to have a wide variety of places people can do work. The office features coffee bars, kitchen counters, private offices, treadmills with laptop stands and the open floor plan where each employee has his or her own desk. This type of catering was not always common, but as more Millennials find their way into leadership, office space commonalities have changed. By 2025, Millennials will make up 75-percent of the overall workforce. This statistic makes the Millennial generation the target market for employers and Millennials sending out resumes have more education than any generation prior. The potential impact on the workplace based on this fact is immeasurable but changes have already begun to develop. The years to come will be the ultimate determinate to the impact Millennials have in the workplace. It's the job of each generation to prepare and teach the younger generations how to be leaders and positively impact their immediate environment. The future is uncertain but bright for this generation and those to come.
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Media of Two Worlds: The Influence That Media Has On Its Viewers

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My thesis is about media in both Italy and the United States, and how they evolved into the media we consume today. It revolves around my Journalism and Communication major, as well as my Italian minor. I have incorporated both

My thesis is about media in both Italy and the United States, and how they evolved into the media we consume today. It revolves around my Journalism and Communication major, as well as my Italian minor. I have incorporated both areas of my studies in my thesis; such as the differences in two different worlds and how they cover and relay media to their viewers, the way in which media influences children, and how advancements such as social media affect journalism in today's society. Through my research, I was able to show that media exists all around the world but the way it is relayed to it's public changes, and influences its audience. I conducted my research via peer-reviewed articles, journals and accredited academic works as well as personal and anonymous surveys. I used my interviews and surveys to build off of the articles I found to make a firm and strong conclusion. The resources used in my thesis were different professionals who currently work, or worked with a credible and well-know media
ews outlet. I also gathered information from elementary, middle, high-school, and college students. Having a different variety of ages, helped me gage the influence media has on its consumers so that I could draw an accurate conclusion.
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