Millennials in the Workplace: A Documentary

Thesis: Regardless of the negative connotations that come with the word "Millennial," this generation has a positive influence on workplace design, which encourages employee productivity and success at work. Workplace structure has changed greatly over the past decade. While large

Thesis: Regardless of the negative connotations that come with the word "Millennial," this generation has a positive influence on workplace design, which encourages employee productivity and success at work. Workplace structure has changed greatly over the past decade. While large companies like Google and Facebook are renowned for their workplace design, many smaller companies have followed in their footsteps to help employees enjoy and succeed at work. In Phoenix, Arizona, two companies, Nextiva and ZOG Digital, use technology and workplace design to give employees a healthier, more productive work environment. While many traditional corporate companies might look down upon an open work concept and elimination of traditional office spaces like cubicles, these two companies have shown that not only are employees more productive, but they are happier as well. Research shows that as Millennials make their way into the workforce, changes to workplace design will follow. Free food, games rooms, open desks, and comfortable workspaces are all aspects of new workplace innovations. With these changes, comes backlash towards the generation personally, when in fact the new designs are shown to be successful. ZOG Digital is a digital marketing company that embraces the idea of multiple workspaces. The design of the office was to have a wide variety of places people can do work. The office features coffee bars, kitchen counters, private offices, treadmills with laptop stands and the open floor plan where each employee has his or her own desk. This type of catering was not always common, but as more Millennials find their way into leadership, office space commonalities have changed. By 2025, Millennials will make up 75-percent of the overall workforce. This statistic makes the Millennial generation the target market for employers and Millennials sending out resumes have more education than any generation prior. The potential impact on the workplace based on this fact is immeasurable but changes have already begun to develop. The years to come will be the ultimate determinate to the impact Millennials have in the workplace. It's the job of each generation to prepare and teach the younger generations how to be leaders and positively impact their immediate environment. The future is uncertain but bright for this generation and those to come.
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ASU Olympians: Dissecting their Psyche

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The research and work that allowed my thesis creative project to come to fruition were tokens of a truly enlightening experience. My thesis is entitled, ASU Olympians: Dissecting their Psyche, and delves into three main topics that blanket all eight

The research and work that allowed my thesis creative project to come to fruition were tokens of a truly enlightening experience. My thesis is entitled, ASU Olympians: Dissecting their Psyche, and delves into three main topics that blanket all eight of the subjects that I interviewed. The first topic encompasses the idea that Athletic Director Ray Anderson is constantly trying to expand the Olympic culture within ASU Athletics. The second topic is the fact that competing in the Olympics changes an athlete's trajectory whether they medal or not. The third topic focuses on the physical and mental toll the Games take on these athletes. I designed an interactive website to showcase these topics. In it, there are interactive features from up-and-coming applications such as a 360-degree photo from Bubbli, an infographic from Venngage and a timeline from Timeglider. I have written four long-form stories on marathoner Amy Hastings Cragg, swimmer Richard Bohus, high-jumper Bryan McBride and water polo defender Gao Ao. To enhance these ideas further, I created four videos: One about future ASU volunteer coach Michael Phelps, another on current ASU Swim & Dive Coach Bob Bowman, another on Ao to go along with her story and finally a one-on-one with Ray Anderson as the centerpiece to my project. Every piece of this website fits together to communicate one overarching message: The Olympics leave a massive impact on the ASU athletes that compete in them and an impact that each of these athlete's find an interesting story to tell in its wake.
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Dazed & Confused: Using Science to Diagnose concussions

Abstract My documentary is about the concussion detection study with Arizona State Football, Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), Riddell and the Barrow Neurological Institute. Football players voluntarily participate in the study that aims to identify a biomarker released from the

Abstract My documentary is about the concussion detection study with Arizona State Football, Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), Riddell and the Barrow Neurological Institute. Football players voluntarily participate in the study that aims to identify a biomarker released from the brain to identify if a player has suffered from a concussion. The study uses blood, urine and saliva samples, along with head impact data from Riddell's Sideline Response System. The study is also focusing on the impact of sub-concussive hits and the effects. According to the Barrow Neurological Institute, 84% of respondents believe concussions are "a serious medical condition," and a third of Valley parents will not let their children play football. I interviewed an ASU football player who participated in the study and found out about his experiences with concussions. The severity of concussions has received a lot of attention in recent years, and this study hopes to mitigate concussions symptoms and the fear of concussions. According to the 2015 NFL Health and Safety Report, since 2012 the NFL reported concussions were down by 35%. I interviewed the TGen leaders of the study and the neurologist at the Barrow Concussion and Brain Injury center involved in the study to find out how they plan to find a biomarker and use it to develop an objective way to diagnose concussions. An example of a possible objective test is a mouthguard that changes from clear to blue after a player sustained a hit that resulted in a concussion. The 2015-2016 ASU football season marked the study's third year of research. At the time of my documentary, the study had no timeline to release data.
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On Deck: Inside the Arizona Fall League

Each year, a select few minor league baseball players are chosen to attend the Arizona Fall League, a development league within Major League Baseball that hones the next generation of players, coaches, managers, and even umpires. These players make u

Each year, a select few minor league baseball players are chosen to attend the Arizona Fall League, a development league within Major League Baseball that hones the next generation of players, coaches, managers, and even umpires. These players make up the top talent currently in the minor leagues from each of Major League Baseball's 30 organizations. Of the thousands in the minors, just seven players from each organization can go to this extra six-week season, and learn to play alongside the best future talent the sport has to offer. On Deck: Inside the Arizona Fall League is a short documentary that looks at some of these players, as they continue their baseball journey that they hope leads them one day to the Majors. The documentary can be viewed online at or
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A 21st Century Broadcast Student's Guide to Web Basics: Preparing to be a Multimedia Journalist

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This project aims to aggregate recent information on broadcast journalism curriculum and propose a website design to help educate broadcast students about the most-needed web skills in newsrooms. Television reporters must go beyond re-hashing their broadcast package and script on

This project aims to aggregate recent information on broadcast journalism curriculum and propose a website design to help educate broadcast students about the most-needed web skills in newsrooms. Television reporters must go beyond re-hashing their broadcast package and script on the station's website, and this includes knowledge of the best site design practices to house more in-depth content. The Grady Undergraduate Survey, as well as the opinions and experience of professionals today, show that web design and web writing skills are two of the most important skills a broadcast student can possess as they prepare to graduate and seek jobs.
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Poetry in Motion: A Preliminary Feasibility Study for Comparing MLB Pitchers

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ABSTRACT: After attending the Major League Winter Meetings in Orlando, Florida (the largest gathering of baseball executives in the world), it was affirmed how valuable a pitcher is to a team. "Which pitcher will be worth the pay or hurt

ABSTRACT: After attending the Major League Winter Meetings in Orlando, Florida (the largest gathering of baseball executives in the world), it was affirmed how valuable a pitcher is to a team. "Which pitcher will be worth the pay or hurt your pay?" This is a multimillion-dollar question asked every season by managers, teams and organizations in Major League Baseball. This is a question that has been mulled over in the past, present and will be a highly regarded question in the future in the baseball industry. While technology is still being developed to analyze and test pitchers for the future, what can be done in the meantime without the bells and whistles? The purpose and objective of my thesis paper is to try to identify a recipe that can be used by any baseball team to compare pitchers without the use of very advance and expensive technology. The arm motion of a pitcher is crucial as poor mechanics can lead to an injured pitcher or even surgery, forcing a team to dig deep elsewhere. For my paper, I chose pitchers I had video access to from the 2013 season that include Diamondbacks pitchers: Patrick Corbin, Wade Miley, Josh Collmenter and Joe Thatcher. Then I chose two players I would like to further analyze: a knuckleball pitcher, R.A. Dickey, and a fastball/curveball pitcher, Stephen Strasburg. The data collected includes: angles of arm in motion also known as the jerk, stride, angle velocity, height, weight, number of games started/played in 2013, percentage of pitches thrown in a season, number of pitches thrown in a season, innings pitched (IP) and earned run average (ERA). The data was put in a table to compare pitchers in the now or the future.
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Role Models in a Socially Mediated World: How Four Female TV News Anchors Use Twitter in Phoenix

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Social media is changing the way journalists operate; their use of Twitter is potentially representational of that change. Because of Twitter, journalists can connect to stories, sources, and audiences in ways they never could before. Because this is an evolving

Social media is changing the way journalists operate; their use of Twitter is potentially representational of that change. Because of Twitter, journalists can connect to stories, sources, and audiences in ways they never could before. Because this is an evolving practice, role models can be difficult to find, which presents a problem for journalism students. In broadcast journalism, the challenge is even more pronounced when it comes to finding women exemplars for female students; female students are more likely to relate to female role models.This study, using in-depth interviews and textual analysis, examines how Twitter is being used by four prominent journalists in one competitive market. The Twitter feeds of four female TV news anchors in Phoenix, Arizona, the 12th largest broadcast market in the United States, are explored in terms of content and practice. The results show that they used Twitter daily and for more than just tweeting out the day's news, suggesting that Twitter has become a standard journalistic tool and a practice worth emulating.
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Like, Share, Rinse, Retweet: How Millennials Are Using Technology to Accelerte Social Change

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In 2014, we are seeing change on social issues such as same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization at a rate that is visibly faster than major social issues of the past. Statistics show that these issues are fan-favorites with the millennial

In 2014, we are seeing change on social issues such as same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization at a rate that is visibly faster than major social issues of the past. Statistics show that these issues are fan-favorites with the millennial generation, while also showing that this same group overwhelmingly dominates popular online platforms, a major tool that social issues of the past lacked. This study aims to examine whether or not there is a correlation between the online presence of millennials, the coverage by the media, and the policy-making decisions by legislators. With that idea in mind, perhaps we can prove that millennials have the ability to set the stage for social change. The instantaneous supply and demand of the Internet has created a climate where responses to our questions and ideas are expected faster than ever. By better understanding the dynamics of the relationships between these three groups, perhaps we can find solutions for creating change faster and more effectively.
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