Engineering Education: How Today's Youth Learns CAD Skills in an Online Environment

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The purpose of this project is to assess how well today’s youth is able to learn new skills<br/>in the realm of engineering through online video-conferencing resources. Each semester of this<br/>last year, a class of students in both 3rd and 6th

The purpose of this project is to assess how well today’s youth is able to learn new skills<br/>in the realm of engineering through online video-conferencing resources. Each semester of this<br/>last year, a class of students in both 3rd and 6th grade learned about computer-aided design (CAD)<br/>and 3D printing through their laptops at school. This was done by conducting online lessons of<br/>TinkerCAD via Zoom and Google Meet. TinkerCAD is a simple website that incorporates easy-to-learn skills and gives students an introduction to some of the basic operations that are used in<br/>everyday CAD endeavors. In each lesson, the students would learn new skills by creating<br/>increasingly difficult objects that would test both their ability to learn new skills and their overall<br/>enjoyment with the subject matter. The findings of this project reflect that students are able to<br/>quickly learn and retain new information relating to CAD. The group of 6th graders was able to<br/>learn much faster, which was expected, but the class of 3rd graders still maintained the<br/>knowledge gained from previous lessons and were able to construct increasingly complicated<br/>objects without much struggle. Overall, the students in both classes enjoyed the lessons and did<br/>not find them too difficult, despite the online environment that we were required to use. Some<br/>students found the material more interesting than others, but in general, the students found it<br/>enjoyable to learn about a new skill that has significant real-world applications

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Which Metrics Are Effective in Predicting Future NFL Success of College Football Players?

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In this study, I sought to determine which NFL Combine metrics are predictive of future NFL success among the quarterback, running back, and wide receiver positions, with the hope of providing meaningful information that can be utilized by NFL executives

In this study, I sought to determine which NFL Combine metrics are predictive of future NFL success among the quarterback, running back, and wide receiver positions, with the hope of providing meaningful information that can be utilized by NFL executives when making decisions about draft selections. I gathered samples spanning across the years 2010-2015 of all three of the aforementioned position groups. Among these samples, I used certain criteria which split them up within their position groups. The two groups of players were identified as: those who had successful careers and those who had unsuccessful careers. Given this information, I performed t-tests and ANOVA between successful and unsuccessful groups with the goal of identifying which combine metrics are predictive of future NFL success, and which are not. For quarterbacks, the 40-yard dash, broad jump, three-cone, and 10-yard shuttle all appear to be predictive of success. Notably, quarterback height does not appear to be predictive, despite the popular belief that a quarterback should be tall if they are to succeed. For running backs, player weight, 40-yard dash, and three-cone all appear to be predictive of success, with the broad jump and 10-yard shuttle seemingly predicting success as well, albeit to a lesser degree of strength. For wide receivers, all metrics do not appear to be predictive of success, with the exception of the 40-yard dash, which only appears to be slightly predictive. While there are likely many other factors that contribute to a player’s success than tests administered at the NFL combine, NFL general managers can look to these results when making draft selections.

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Technology Education for Future Innovators

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With the world fundamentally changing as a result of the new computer technologies that have become increasingly more prevalent in day-to-day life, public education systems must adapt to equip students with the skills and knowledge they will need to function

With the world fundamentally changing as a result of the new computer technologies that have become increasingly more prevalent in day-to-day life, public education systems must adapt to equip students with the skills and knowledge they will need to function in the future. The crossOver curriculum, presented to a local group of Tempe high school students, provides informative, accessible technology education lessons aimed at inspiring students, grades 9-12, to pursue computer knowledge, such as web development and mobile app design, independently in hopes that they might choose technology as a career path later in their educations. I designed this curriculum to be engaging by constantly incorporating hands-on activities where students were able to build and execute code based on concepts they learned during our weekly sessions. Each unit in the crossOver curriculum has accompanying resources that are comprehensive, requiring little to no background knowledge in the subjects they cover. Recognizing that many schools, especially ones in lower income areas, may not have the resources to provide effective technology education, I spent considerable effort providing instructional tools meant for educators to utilize. These resources will be made available for others to use in the future. I faced many early challenges in the learning process of developing lessons that were interesting to the group of approximately fifteen high schoolers attending regularly; nevertheless, the overall outcome was successful. This conclusion is based on the students’ feedback and the quality of work they were eventually able to produce using the programming tools covered in the crossOver curriculum.
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STEM Education and Agriculture: The Garden Grub

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This paper about the Garden Grub concerns the growing Agritech industry along with exposing middle school students to STEM education. Currently over half of America's students are not prepared to be successful in our technology driven world. These students did

This paper about the Garden Grub concerns the growing Agritech industry along with exposing middle school students to STEM education. Currently over half of America's students are not prepared to be successful in our technology driven world. These students did not have the opportunity to be exposed to many Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math related careers or majors before entering the working world and/or college. These students are unaware of the real-life applications these topics can have and will never have the chance to pursue these fields. Using the Garden Grub, students will be introduced to the world of Agritech and how traditional agriculture is changing in include more technology. The Garden Grub is designed to not only introduce students to STEM in general, but specifically the Agritech Industry. With the Garden Grub kit and instructions students will be able to construct a small device that will monitor the external temperature and the soil moisture of a plant they are growing. For future implementations of the Garden Grub, we will develop a structured lesson plan to teach the users more about the device they are building. This is so in the future users could continue their education in Agritech and STEM because they have more knowledge on the subjects From standalone testing the Garden Grub, the device was able to successfully monitor the lettuce to ensure that it grew successfully. The Garden Grub instructions and kit were tested in a fourth-grade classroom, where college volunteers worked with the students to begin to create their own device. While there was not enough time to successfully complete the product the fourth graders were more interested in STEM than when we first started. Even though they struggled in the beginning, students quickly learned basic concepts , such as +/- circuit power, transfer of data, and sensor connections. More recently we were able to go into a middle school and teach in a classroom with the students who were part of a coding elective course. Since our last outing we were able to update the user manual and prepare more ahead of time. This gave us more time to explain the concepts to the students, along with being able to successful build all of the devices. They began to think of ways that this device could be applicable to their lives along with how the Garden Grub could be improved in the future.
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My Clothing Line: Web Platform for Customized Fashion

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The fashion industry demonstrates itself to be highly competitive and aggressive, making it difficult for fashion graduates to find work in the industry. Another customer problem is that fashion products do not ideally meet customers' expectations, whether it is through

The fashion industry demonstrates itself to be highly competitive and aggressive, making it difficult for fashion graduates to find work in the industry. Another customer problem is that fashion products do not ideally meet customers' expectations, whether it is through fit, design, etc. These two problems relate to the inefficiencies in the ideation and distribution channels of fashion. There is a lack of another outlet for fashion where products are different from what retail offers and fashion ideas can be shared. The two problems stated previously are byproducts of this. This research study and entrepreneurial effort of building a web platform will allow consumers, designers, manufacturers, and retailers (these target groups are also known as "customer segments" throughout the project) to work together to create a clothing product that not only fits the customer's vision, but also provides the ability for designers and small businesses to better establish themselves in the industry. The website was designed based on potential customers' inputs collected from a marketing survey, a competitive analysis, and the business model canvas. The website was developed following the systems development life cycle (SDLC) project management method. This was followed in order to make sure the website will be available on time, with all the required features, and within the budget. According to the survey analysis, most people do not make an effort to produce a unique design if a fashion product does not meet their standards. Instead, they will settle for an item similar to what was in mind and that already exists in-stores or online. However, further data analysis showed that this difference was apparent between men and women. Thus, the research finding was that the website would be targeting a niche market of college-aged women during the first launch. In order to reach the small target segment, different digital marketing approaches must be used to attract new users. To attract college-aged female consumers, the site must discover and sponsor "influencers" to authentically promote the website towards prospective consumers. To attract designers, word of mouth is best utilized: reaching out to design majors at Arizona State University, then other local schools, and expanding from there. To attract local manufacturers and retailers, a typical direct sales strategy is necessary by informing these businesses about the team and background, so that they feel confident in the partnership. The overall hypothesis of this project: the creation of a web platform that provides a network among consumers, designers, and local businesses will create jobs for designers, cause local businesses to build recognition, and allow consumers to create their own fashion product without design experience. This site is named My Clothing Line to make it feel as though each of the individual customers are logging into their own business site.
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Are College Students Equipped with Basic Knowledge on Data Security?

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How prepared are individuals to work in an environment with sensitive information? Do business students believe a data security course would be a valuable addition to their curriculum? This study investigates W.P. Carey's role in preparing its students for jobs

How prepared are individuals to work in an environment with sensitive information? Do business students believe a data security course would be a valuable addition to their curriculum? This study investigates W.P. Carey's role in preparing its students for jobs in which they most likely will have to handle large amounts of important data. Roughly 500 students across varying majors and years of education in the W.P. Carey School of Business answered an assortment of questions on their computer habits, and responded to various scenarios to test their knowledge. The survey targeted three specific areas (Software Updates, Password Protection, and Phishing) which was believed to be most pertinent to the students' future roles as professionals. While a large number of those surveyed (roughly 65%) responded well to most questions, nearly a third of all the responses received indicated cause for concern or an indication of a lack of knowledge. It was suggested (and many respondents agreed) that further education be provided to students for their own well-being in addition to the wellbeing of their future employers.
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Timing, Diligence, and Innovation: A Case-Study Determining Mobile Application Success

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The purpose of this thesis was to develop a tool to provide information and data for design teams to use throughout the mobile application design process. Ideally, this would enable teams to see patterns in iterative design, and ultimately use

The purpose of this thesis was to develop a tool to provide information and data for design teams to use throughout the mobile application design process. Ideally, this would enable teams to see patterns in iterative design, and ultimately use data-driven analysis to make their own decisions. The initial problem was a lack of available information offered by mobile application design teams—the initial goal being to work closely with design teams to learn their decision-making methodology. However, every team that was reached out to responded with rejection, presenting a new problem: a lack of access to quality information regarding the decision-making process for mobile applications. This problem was addressed by the development of an ethical hacking script that retrieves reviews in bulk from the Google Play Store using Python. The project was a success—by feeding an application’s unique Play Store ID, the script retrieves a user-specified amount of reviews (up to millions) for that mobile application and the 4 “recommended” applications from the Play Store. Ultimately, this thesis proved that protected reviews on the Play Store can be ethically retrieved and used for data-driven decision making and identifying patterns in an application’s iterative design. This script provides an automated tool for teams to “put a finger on the pulse” of their target applications.
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Financial Literacy In Zimbabwe: The Vehicle To Economic Reform

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Zimbabwe's economic crisis has spun over decades since the late 90s. The ordeal began with hyperinflation between 1999 and 2008. During this time, the country was in debt and the government kept printing money to pay off the debt and

Zimbabwe's economic crisis has spun over decades since the late 90s. The ordeal began with hyperinflation between 1999 and 2008. During this time, the country was in debt and the government kept printing money to pay off the debt and take care of fiscal obligations. As a result, the economy has undergone some unstable phases which have made it difficult for citizens to comprehend how money works around the world. This project identifies the key events leading to Zimbabwe's economic struggles; describes the challenges of inadequate financial education; analyzes the role of financial literacy in alleviating Zimbabwe's economic crisis; acknowledges that financial literacy is a necessary foundation for creating financial independence amongst citizens, but is ineffective in the absence of financial inclusion; suggests blockchain technology as a sustainable means to mobilize both financial education and inclusion; provides recommendations for successful development of financial education and inclusion and introduces our plan to start an initiative that promotes financial independence amongst young Zimbabweans. It is without a doubt that public financial education and inclusion programs become a top priority for Zimbabweans in order to revive the economy. The conclusion is drawn from the idea that when individuals are empowered to be self-sufficient, they can intentionally or unintentionally contribute to economic growth by improving their standards of living and that of those around them.
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Ride Devil: Ride-Sharing for University Campuses

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In this thesis a community-based ride sharing mobile application, Ride Devil, will be introduced and created to provide services for communities such as Arizona State University and its students, faculty, and other affiliates to find safe rides around campus because

In this thesis a community-based ride sharing mobile application, Ride Devil, will be introduced and created to provide services for communities such as Arizona State University and its students, faculty, and other affiliates to find safe rides around campus because campus population problem exists. This causes increased transportation costs, decreased parking space availability, and more transportation issues. The Ride Devil application itself is based off on the ride-sharing concept of transportation as introduced, above. Students, faculty, and other university affiliates will drive their own vehicles and use the Ride Devil services in order to coordinate pick-ups with members of its community. Not only is this form of transportation more cost effective than competing transportation models, taxis, but it also promotes safety, community, and educational assistance.
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