University Club Advising: Learning and Connecting Through Formal Practices

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This mixed methods action research study closely examines what Club Advisors need in order to be successful in their role, develops an intervention that supports Club Advisors in skill-building along with Club Advisor’s self-motivation and the development of self-efficacy in

This mixed methods action research study closely examines what Club Advisors need in order to be successful in their role, develops an intervention that supports Club Advisors in skill-building along with Club Advisor’s self-motivation and the development of self-efficacy in their role. The purpose of this study was to understand what skills and motivations Club Advisors had and after an intervention occurred, observing whether their self-efficacy around club advising increased. While there has been growth in the area of student affairs and focus on student involvement outside of the classroom, there is currently limited research in the field of university Club Advising as the resources exist informally. The formal literature which does exist does not agree on what skills are needed to be a Club Advisor and does not bridge the gap between theory and practice. The lack of formal research on Club Advising impacts the student experience through Club Advisors not receiving the resources they need. Ensuring the Club Advisors who do volunteer their time are set-up to develop their students successfully requires additional research. This research study used surveys, interviews, memos, and workshop interventions to understand where Club Advisors were developmentally and how to develop them further. Club Advisors in the study wanted to use the resources and connect with others, but before this study did not know how or where to connect. Future cycles of research beyond this study would expand upon the findings and create a foundation for Club Advisor development.
Date Created

Devils on Taylor: Creating Lasting Traditions in the Digital Age

Devils on Taylor is a creative project that explores the role social media plays in
establishing traditions in the current digital landscape. Contemporary marketing
practices adhere to formulaic social media campaigns that we wanted to experiment
within establishing the tailgate event, Devils on

Devils on Taylor is a creative project that explores the role social media plays in
establishing traditions in the current digital landscape. Contemporary marketing
practices adhere to formulaic social media campaigns that we wanted to experiment
within establishing the tailgate event, Devils on Taylor, as a tradition on the Arizona
State University Downtown Phoenix campus. Drawing inspiration from established
traditions on the main, Tempe campus at Arizona State University, we focused on how
social media could grow our event to a comparable caliber of long-standing events such
as Devils on Mill & Devils on College. There were three major components in creating
this project: 1) creating an event with significance and meaning to the surrounding
community; 2) making the given community aware and excited about participating in the
event on a recurring basis; and 3) cultivating new leadership to continue executing this
tradition and successfully passing it down each semester/year. Effective marketing
campaigns cater to the tendencies of the targeted demographic and are imperative to
modify based on the audience. Understanding the target demographic of 18-24-year
olds fundamentally altered our marketing strategy for Devils on Taylor and resulted in
our heavy concentration on social media. This project compares the effectiveness of
marketing strategies such as Facebook, Instagram, flyers and word of mouth and
develops conclusions based on the turnout to Devils on Taylor events, membership
in Inferno Insiders, which is the organization that hosts these events, and the potential
for these two entities to sustain themselves in the following years. Interestingly, the
symbiotic relationship between Inferno Insiders and Devils on Taylor presented unique
challenges. We note the consequences of creating an organization to create a tradition
and project our confidence in the longevity of Devils on Taylor.
Date Created

Devils on Taylor: Creating Lasting Traditions in the Digital Age

Devils on Taylor is a creative project that explores the role social media plays in
establishing traditions in the current digital landscape. Contemporary marketing
practices adhere to formulaic social media campaigns that we wanted to experiment
within establishing the tailgate event, Devils on

Devils on Taylor is a creative project that explores the role social media plays in
establishing traditions in the current digital landscape. Contemporary marketing
practices adhere to formulaic social media campaigns that we wanted to experiment
within establishing the tailgate event, Devils on Taylor, as a tradition on the Arizona
State University Downtown Phoenix campus. Drawing inspiration from established
traditions on the main, Tempe campus at Arizona State University, we focused on how
social media could grow our event to a comparable caliber of long-standing events such
as Devils on Mill & Devils on College. There were three major components in creating
this project: 1) creating an event with significance and meaning to the surrounding
community; 2) making the given community aware and excited about participating in the
event on a recurring basis; and 3) cultivating new leadership to continue executing this
tradition and successfully passing it down each semester/year. Effective marketing
campaigns cater to the tendencies of the targeted demographic and are imperative to
modify based on the audience. Understanding the target demographic of 18-24-year
olds fundamentally altered our marketing strategy for Devils on Taylor and resulted in
our heavy concentration on social media. This project compares the effectiveness of
marketing strategies such as Facebook, Instagram, flyers and word of mouth and
develops conclusions based on the turnout to Devils on Taylor events, membership
in Inferno Insiders, which is the organization that hosts these events, and the potential
for these two entities to sustain themselves in the following years. Interestingly, the
symbiotic relationship between Inferno Insiders and Devils on Taylor presented unique
challenges. We note the consequences of creating an organization to create a tradition
and project our confidence in the longevity of Devils on Taylor.
Date Created

Company Assessment Model - A Multi-Attribute Model

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The project consisted on creating a model for a venture capital firm to use that would help in screening through investment opportunities.
Date Created