A Comparative Analysis of the Role of Farmers’ Markets in Local Food Systems

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The following paper is a comparison between the Mercato di Sant’Ambrogio (Sant’Ambrogio Market) in Florence, Italy and the Open Air Farmers’ Market in Phoenix, Arizona. Farmers’ markets, such as these, serve to rekindle a relationship with food that over time

The following paper is a comparison between the Mercato di Sant’Ambrogio (Sant’Ambrogio Market) in Florence, Italy and the Open Air Farmers’ Market in Phoenix, Arizona. Farmers’ markets, such as these, serve to rekindle a relationship with food that over time has been lost, particularly due to the green revolution, globalisation, and the mechanization of agriculture. In addition, farmers’ markets serve to foster relationships between community members and farmers, and they are an important element of a movement to create food sovereignty within local communities. Food sovereignty gives people the right to decide their food choices. In our modern system where many agricultural decisions are made by the government or large corporations, reclaiming food sovereignty is a larger effort to take back control of personal rights, individual health and the health of the environment.
Using Sant’Ambrogio and Open Air as case studies for the research, this paper provides insight on the degree of impact that local farmers’ markets can have on creating food sovereignty within communities; and how pre-existing factors and negative forces diminish the benefits of farmers’ markets and local food movements. Among many, some of these negative forces include the effects of social and cultural pressures that promote fast food and convenience; a broken agricultural system controlled by monopoly companies; industrial food items priced cheaper than small farmers can compete with; and an underscore of unethical behavior across all sectors (including organic and local) that inhibit honest farmers from making enough profit to survive.
The comparison between Sant’Ambrogio and Open Air Market indicates that big agriculture undermines the success of local farming movements in both countries, but Phoenix can still learn from the movement in Florence, which is rooted in a deep history of outdoor markets and rich food culture. Italy is fortunate in terms of their agriculture capacity because their climate allows for a diverse variety of crops; while Arizona does not have the same agricultural capacity as the Mediterranean climate of Italy, it is still valuable to mimic the network of local food systems that Italy has. In order to do so, Phoenician consumers should take advantage of the food that grows locally and then supplement it with more diverse crops from other areas of Arizona or the southwest.
The Open Air Market in Phoenix currently does not play an important role in the food system except for helping people to relate community and socialization to food. Transparency, communication and education are required to actually increase the success of small local farmers and to help the Open Air Market play a real role in the local food movement and the establishment of food sovereignty.
Date Created