Bad Coffee and Stale Donuts: A Script

The morning of a monumental AA meeting, one of the nine members intended on receiving their five-year chip until they relapsed the night prior. Left feeling hopeless, they struggle to find a reason to retain sobriety. A 60-page script following

The morning of a monumental AA meeting, one of the nine members intended on receiving their five-year chip until they relapsed the night prior. Left feeling hopeless, they struggle to find a reason to retain sobriety. A 60-page script following an Alcoholics Anonymous support group meeting set in Newark, New Jersey. The narrative follows the members as they mirror the levels of Dante's Inferno. Writing about the struggles of addiction and how it not only affects the individual but affects others around them. The script focuses on the idea of identity and belonging, which is two of the four pillars of recovery. The theme focuses on trying to reconnect/find the character's identity without a controlled substance.
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Thompson_Spring_2023 2.59.04 PM.pdf

A 16-page research paper highlights the struggles that people with Auditory Processing Disorder have and how reading with an audiobook can help improve those struggles. The 23-page short story provides a set of text for the reader to enjoy along with hopes of one day making it an audiobook.
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A 16-page research paper highlights the struggles that people with Auditory Processing Disorder have and how reading with an audiobook can help improve those struggles. The 23-page short story provides a set of text for the reader to enjoy along with hopes of one day making it an audiobook.
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Magical Realism and Cerebral Function: How Reading With an Audiobook Can Be the Impetus to Improve Reading Comprehension with APD patients


A 16-page research paper highlights the struggles that people with Auditory Processing Disorder have and how reading with an audiobook can help improve those struggles. The 23-page short story provides a set of text for the reader to enjoy along with hopes of one day making it an audiobook.

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Superstition_Thicker Than Water_Barrett Thesis_Podcast Episode_Kate Ourada.mp3

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Superstition is an urban fantasy fiction anthology podcast. Each episode follows a new pair of characters, revealing the supernatural community hidden within the southwest suburb of Superstition. In Superstition, vampires, werewolves and magic have made their home among chain restaurants

Superstition is an urban fantasy fiction anthology podcast. Each episode follows a new pair of characters, revealing the supernatural community hidden within the southwest suburb of Superstition. In Superstition, vampires, werewolves and magic have made their home among chain restaurants and malls, neighborhood parks and massive parking lots. In recent weeks, both human and supernatural have gone missing and everyone has a different belief in who and why this is happening. Some simply want life to be as quiet and calm as they remember it to be and other will take matters into their own hands to protect their home. “Thicker than Water” follows two vampire sisters, one of which is in the midst of running for Superstition City Council and the other who has decided to take the future and safety of their community into her own hands in the form of Superstition's first vampire coven. The two disagree about how they should be leading Superstition and reflection on their shared trauma leads to high tensions and questioned trust.
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