Honors Thesis Defense Presentation (1).pdf

Financial decisions, which are major life decisions, can often be overly complicated. Day-to-day financial calculations and investment decisions can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Thus, keeping in mind the complicated nature of finance and the heavy dependence on

Financial decisions, which are major life decisions, can often be overly complicated. Day-to-day financial calculations and investment decisions can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Thus, keeping in mind the complicated nature of finance and the heavy dependence on these formulas for decision-making, the need for a comprehensive financial calculator rises. The financial calculator is a set of comprehensive logical formulas that takes user input and provides recommendations along with numerical values. The program uses Python scripting language and is focused on the core logic. The program also uses a variety of finance topics and related concepts.
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Financial decisions, which are major life decisions, can often be overly complicated. Day-to-day financial calculations and investment decisions can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Thus, keeping in mind the complicated nature of finance and the heavy dependence on

Financial decisions, which are major life decisions, can often be overly complicated. Day-to-day financial calculations and investment decisions can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Thus, keeping in mind the complicated nature of finance and the heavy dependence on these formulas for decision-making, the need for a comprehensive financial calculator rises. The financial calculator is a set of comprehensive logical formulas that takes user input and provides recommendations along with numerical values. The program uses Python scripting language and is focused on the core logic. The program also uses a variety of finance topics and related concepts.
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Building a Financial Calculator to Provide Users with the Tools to Make Better Financial Decisions


Financial decisions, which are major life decisions, can often be overly complicated. Day-to-day financial calculations and investment decisions can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Thus, keeping in mind the complicated nature of finance and the heavy dependence on

Financial decisions, which are major life decisions, can often be overly complicated. Day-to-day financial calculations and investment decisions can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Thus, keeping in mind the complicated nature of finance and the heavy dependence on these formulas for decision-making, the need for a comprehensive financial calculator rises. The financial calculator is a set of comprehensive logical formulas that takes user input and provides recommendations along with numerical values. The program uses Python scripting language and is focused on the core logic. The program also uses a variety of finance topics and related concepts.

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Phoenix’s Housing Market During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the “New Normal”

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Homeownership is an essential part of the American Dream and one of the most important tools for anyone in the 21st century to build wealth. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a level of uncertainty to a market that has

Homeownership is an essential part of the American Dream and one of the most important tools for anyone in the 21st century to build wealth. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a level of uncertainty to a market that has been largely stable since the last recession. This has proven to be a major roadblock affecting multiple generations of Americans in their quests to develop wealth. A particularly interesting case study through this crisis has been the housing market of Phoenix Arizona. When the challenges presented by the pandemic began to unfold, thousands of home listings and sales were canceled all the while newly unemployed Arizonians began to worry about meeting their mortgage payments. However, this disruption didn’t last long, several months after the beginning of the pandemic housing prices quickly began to swell. Many listings continue to be sold for tens of thousands of dollars above the asking price which has led investors to ask: how have Phoenix homes been able to seemingly ignore the economic downturn? Today we are living in the hottest housing market since early 2007, and many expert opinions on the state of the market conflict with one another. Some expect housing prices to crash, others believe this growth is sustainable. A complex web of interconnected financial and human systems has led us to the position we are in today and several important questions have been left unanswered. What forces have driven the market to such dramatic heights? Who have been the winners and losers in the Arizona housing market during the pandemic? And what can be expected to happen in the near future as the “new normal” served to us by COVID-19 unfolds? The purpose of this thesis is to explore these questions and identify the underlying factors that have created the current market conditions. It will begin with an analysis of relevant supply and demand factors, then move to identify groups of winners and losers, to finally develop a prescriptive outlook for challenges facing Phoenix’s housing market.
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Post-Grad Personal Finance

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With the rise in education costs and student debt, financial literacy and knowledge has never been more important. Sadly, the current reality is that financial literacy is not a staple in the curriculum for most of the American education system.

With the rise in education costs and student debt, financial literacy and knowledge has never been more important. Sadly, the current reality is that financial literacy is not a staple in the curriculum for most of the American education system. Budgeting, saving, building credit and many other financial skills are key parts of your life right after college and very few students come out of school with a solid understanding of them. The goal of this paper is to introduce a few key elements of personal finance for those students and recent graduates who have little to no exposure to them. The topics I chose to discuss are budgeting, student loans, investing, and retirement. The numbers and salary figures are from Arizona State Career services to set up scenarios that many ASU graduates will face right out of school. More specifically the budgeting section is set up to mimic what income level, rent expense, and student loan payments graduating Sun Devils can expect to see right out of school. It was also important for me to introduce topics for long term planning like investing and retirement. Setting goals and preparing for the future, no matter how far down the road it seems, are fundamental for establishing a healthy financial foundation. Building a healthy financial foundation takes time, patience and understanding but it is a possibility for everyone. Establishing a very basic knowledge of these topics can help students immensely and utilizing this guide, along with other outside resources, students and graduates will be able to start their journey toward a more secure financial future.
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Stock Trading Quantified: An Exploration of Algorithmic Trading Principles using QuantConnect

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My thesis is an exploration on the principles of algorithmic trading. I was introduced to the world of algorithmic trading in the Summer of 2018 when I got an internship at a startup trading firm called Helios Machine Intelligence. At

My thesis is an exploration on the principles of algorithmic trading. I was introduced to the world of algorithmic trading in the Summer of 2018 when I got an internship at a startup trading firm called Helios Machine Intelligence. At HeliosMI, my job was to model algorithms for their in-house developed platform (in Java and C#). I learned how to model several different strategies, but I didn’t understand how, or more importantly, why these strategies worked. In the Spring of 2019 when I first began planning my thesis, I initially planned on recreating and optimizing HeliosMI’s trading platform. It was after reading a few books over the summer, namely; The Man Who Solved the Market by Gregory Zuckerman, Algorithmic Trading by Ernie Chan, and A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Gordon Malkiel, that I realized that I was much more interested in learning the fundamentals of algorithmic trading, so I decided to make this the new focus of my thesis. At HeliosMI, we tested strategies against the historical data of stocks using an application called QuantConnect. This application is easy-to-use, cheap (even offering a free tier) and provides plenty of documentation with an active community forum, making it the obvious choice as the platform for my thesis research. Throughout my research I focused on exploring high-frequency trading algorithms, mainly because these are the types of algorithms that are employed at Wall Street hedge funds, and also the type I worked on at HeliosMI. I developed three distinct algorithms throughout my research; a momentum based strategy, a mean reversion based strategy, and a preferred time of day based strategy. In my thesis report, I go in depth on each of these strategies, as well as discuss the history of algorithmic trading, and explore some future research aspirations.
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The Emergence of Micro-Investing Brokerage and Trading Platforms

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The intent of this paper is inform and educate people on micro-investing, so they can better understand this new and growing category of investing. Given that micro-investing is a relatively new phenomenon, people naturally have many questions about it. What

The intent of this paper is inform and educate people on micro-investing, so they can better understand this new and growing category of investing. Given that micro-investing is a relatively new phenomenon, people naturally have many questions about it. What is micro-investing, and what makes it different from traditional investing? What are the origins of this growing segment of financial technology? What features and characteristics do micro-investing platforms have in common and what differentiates them from each other? Is micro-investing viable and cost effective, and if so, is it right for you? What is the future of micro-investing, and is it here to stay? This paper seeks to answer these questions and additional questions that the reader may have.
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Uncertainty of the Stock Market and its Effect on the U.S. Economy

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The purpose of this thesis is to educate the reader and share the relevant areas of the United States and its ever-so unpredictable stock and real estate market. It will further detail, how investing in stocks can be beneficial or

The purpose of this thesis is to educate the reader and share the relevant areas of the United States and its ever-so unpredictable stock and real estate market. It will further detail, how investing in stocks can be beneficial or negative to one’s financial portfolio. This article explains and dissects the areas of the U.S. market and possibly dependent economy. The foundational definition and the basics of buying, selling and trading in the stock market is a very intricate process. There are various causes and concerns about how the stock market affects the economy and vice versa, how the economy affects the financial markets. As a theoretical framework, this topic will take a deep dive into the 2008 recession and the devastating effects it had on the global economy and financial markets. Furthermore, I will explain what steps the government took, the key decisions and incentives placed to pull itself out and what strategies and laws were passed to ensure that such a drastic crash would not repeat.
The goal of this thesis is to further educate the reader about the realities of the U.S stock market. Whether that be the risks or the benefits, it is important for every young adult and those that have invested in the past, to have extensive knowledge about how our stock market. It is true that the stock market affects the overall economy, however, it can be said that the economy has a significant effect on the stock market as well. Investing in the stock market is not something that Americans are forced to learn about, and many millennials have the, “Why should I care about that?” mindset when it comes to learning about the pros and cons of the Financial markets. This trend is very alarming because when done right, investing in the stock market can truly pay dividends. A cultural shift towards learning financial nuances should be incorporated in all education and more of the next generation should be educated and given this awareness. This article will not address the newer entrants such as crypto-currency, because that is more of a fad rather than a largescale market that would affect the overall economy.
The second goal with this thesis is to explain how the stock market affects the overall economy, as it is one of many significant factors. This goal may be slightly more difficult as there are so many variables in the US economy, such as changes in the global economy. One can also argue that the stock market is a supplement of the current economy. Addressing the financial markets and behavior, this conclusion will eventually address different variables and focus on the markets and how they affect the United States economy.
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Socially Responsible Management Practices for Optimal Societal Wealth Spread, Cost Internalization, and Sustainable Long-Term Profit

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This thesis provides an analysis of successful socially responsible management practices and company cultures to identify the required elements for proper cost internalization of manufacturing and service industries, as well as a more even wealth distribution throughout society for better

This thesis provides an analysis of successful socially responsible management practices and company cultures to identify the required elements for proper cost internalization of manufacturing and service industries, as well as a more even wealth distribution throughout society for better consumption and sustainable long-term profits. For the purpose of this analysis, I have researched various companies that actively engage in the aforementioned features. The goal is to identify first steps necessary to transition corporate and private entities to a system where purchase power supersedes nominal currency numbers, such as being able to afford more for the same amount of USD than earning higher sums of USD to pay for the same product or service, thus ultimately creating stronger and more stable economies and currencies. To build such a framework, I have used various interdisciplinary concepts to present a solution for a more equitable system of accounting for value generation, and thus a system that aims at evening the wealth gap between populations.
By working on this thesis, I was able to identify causes that lead to inequality due to how manufacturing and service systems might account for costs, as well as solutions and concepts that can help pave the way for a more egalitarian society. Furthermore, through this study I have also discovered actors, namely benefit corporations, that actively partake in various actions to benefit not only their customers, but society as a whole. The causes, measurements, documents, and principles I looked at were company financial statements whenever available, various socially responsible management literature, accounting principles, research literature on the inequality of cost externalization, etc. These resources established that a proper plan to tackling the unsustainable business and financial practices of many corporate and private entities today involves a consumer-oriented vision that follows the triple bottom line, a mission that closely follow a vision, core company values that emphasize the need to serve society, and a plan to closely and efficiently follow through with said vision. Problems such as over reliance on limited resources and externalizing environmental costs due to intrinsically uncompetitive business models could be potentially mitigated with proper restructuring of business models. The triple bottom line is an accounting framework that incorporates the integral segments of social, environmental, and financial dimensions of performance. Lastly, it is worthwhile to mention that companies which successfully worked under this mantra and plan tend to be sustainable over longer periods of time and be more innovative than competitors, which ultimately lead to higher levels of goodwill and loyalty from their customers.
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