Mindset Over Methods A Mixed-Methods Study on Culturally Responsive Teaching and Teacher Efficacy

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Disparities in schooling in the United States have been well-documented and researched,along with pedagogies that strive to create equitable learning environments. One such inequity is the overrepresentation of novice teachers in low-income and culturally diverse schools. Novice teachers have been found to

Disparities in schooling in the United States have been well-documented and researched,along with pedagogies that strive to create equitable learning environments. One such inequity is the overrepresentation of novice teachers in low-income and culturally diverse schools. Novice teachers have been found to have lower self-efficacy and leave the profession at a higher rate than veteran teachers. High self-efficacy beliefs have been correlated with better student outcomes. Therefore, the overrepresentation of novice teachers in low-income schools is yet another inequity. This mixed-methods, phenomenological study answered the following research question: How does awareness of Culturally Responsive Teaching affect novice teachers' self-efficacy? There are two theories being used in this research project, Teacher Efficacy and Culturally Responsive Teaching. The results of the study showed that attending three mindset-focused professional developments on Culturally Responsive Teaching improved novice teachers' self-efficacy in student engagement, instructional strategies, and classroom management. Based on these promising outcomes, it is suggested that pre-service and novice teachers be provided with Culturally Responsive instruction opportunities and mentorship. Further research should be done with larger sample sizes and with classroom observations.
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Being "WhAsian" in the Grand Canyon State: Racial Identity Formation and Societal Belonging and Agency as Experienced by Young Bi-Racial Asian/white Americans in Arizona

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ABSTRACT This study focused on the experiences of biracial Asian/white young people in Arizona – specifically, their racial identity; the formation of that identity over time; their sense of belonging in their state and nation; their views on

ABSTRACT This study focused on the experiences of biracial Asian/white young people in Arizona – specifically, their racial identity; the formation of that identity over time; their sense of belonging in their state and nation; their views on the common societal conceptions of what it means to be an American; and their own conceptions of Americanism. Prior research indicates that racial identity formation for biracial people is usually a process over time as they work through prevalent racism, mono-racism, and mono-centricity. Anti-Asian sentiment and legislation, miscegenation laws, and rules of hypodescent (one-drop rules) also have deep historical roots in the U.S. This history has left a wake in which all Americans still live and operate today. However, there is also literature that suggests that current society may be headed in new directions. Multiracial people have been the fastest growing demographic in the last two Census polls, and research suggests (and my study corroborates) that the biracial experience often comes with not only challenges but also myriad benefits, to both self and others. My research is qualitative in nature, and each of the eleven respondents in the study participated in a first interview, a second interview (two weeks later) and a focus group. Abductive coding of the resulting transcripts was around five main themes and twenty sub-themes. The findings both reflected some of this nation’s fraught history (reflected in “American = White” and “Whiteness as Default” subthemes) and provided a hope for the future (especially in the subthemes of “Protean as Strength,” “Dual Perspective,” “Dual Empathy,” and “Self as Quintessential American”). My conclusions indicate that as multiracial people become increasingly common in the U.S. population (as is predicted on a grand scale) and given some of their strengths and unique perspectives on race, their very existence might aid in eradicating racism in society as a whole. Multiracial people may indeed be the quintessential Americans of the future and that may bode well for race relations more generally.
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Considering the Ethical Implications of Tourism in Hawai'i

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In this creative project, I undertake the type of research that other responsible travelers should want to engage in before traveling to a new destination so that they can make the most well informed decisions during their time there. Selected

In this creative project, I undertake the type of research that other responsible travelers should want to engage in before traveling to a new destination so that they can make the most well informed decisions during their time there. Selected parts of this report were used to create an informative website “The Ethical Tourist” that highlights Hawai’i’s history and current state, the tourism industry in Hawai’i, tourism’s impact on Hawai’i, and alternative forms of tourism. The website companion to this report can be accessed here: https://theethicaltourist.godaddysites.com/
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The Education of Jehovah's Witnesses: Narratives About the Relationship Between Religion and Education

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Literature on the topics of education and religion suggests that there is a relationship between the two, one which could be assessed as positive or negative depending on the religion. One religion whose impact on people’s educational experience has recently

Literature on the topics of education and religion suggests that there is a relationship between the two, one which could be assessed as positive or negative depending on the religion. One religion whose impact on people’s educational experience has recently become of interest is the Jehovah’s Witness religion. By analyzing the narratives of people who once practiced as Jehovah’s Witnesses, this paper sought to investigate how religion can impact people’s educational experience, and whether there is a positive or negative relationship. I utilized questions from the Life Story Interview with a framework of analysis that corresponds to common themes in narrative research. My data results consist of narratives from three different participants, which I analyzed according to different narrative themes. The analysis of my data indicated that active members of the Jehovah’s Witness community admitted to feeling less confident in pursuing education. This finding indicated that Jehovah’s Witnesses as students have unmet needs during their years of primary education, such as social support from peers and family members and an understanding of how educational opportunities would benefit them. Findings of the study also indicate that high school teachers might be well-positioned to provide social support and educational information for students in religions like the Jehovah’s Witness religion. Future research could focus on investigating the best practices for teachers to utilize when meeting the needs of students who belong not just to the Jehovah’s Witness religion but to religious minority groups overall.
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"It Was Never Made for Us" Black Mothers Organizing for Educational Possibilities Amidst Anti-Black Realities

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Since the genesis of the long experimental project known as the United States of America, the country has invested in the creation, implementation and maintenance of exclusionary policies and practices which have effectually denied whole and equitable access to educational

Since the genesis of the long experimental project known as the United States of America, the country has invested in the creation, implementation and maintenance of exclusionary policies and practices which have effectually denied whole and equitable access to educational spaces for Black children. These conventions have presented in a myriad of ways from: ignorance compulsory laws, segregation, disparate rates of school suspensions and expulsions, school closures, school funding inequities, denial of access to rigorous classes, burdensome school admissions policies and the disproportionate funneling of Black children into disabled and low-track class designations. Throughout this constant contortion of approaches to educational exclusion, Black mothers have had to guide, cover and encourage their children as they navigate these barriers and dodge the pitfalls of educational removal. This critical ethnographic oral history seeks to investigate the ways that a grassroots community organizing group led by a cadre of Black othermothers, known as the Aurora Coalition of Black Mothers, strategize to challenge the educational structures that support pushout and the continued exclusion of Black children from schools. Employing the frames of Critical Race Theory, BlackCrit and Black Feminist Thought, this study seeks to interrogate the following overarching concerns: 1) How does the mothers’ standpoint affect their response to school system inequities. 2)What is the influence of their efforts towards school equity? What is revealed is the mothers’ ability to employ a strategic wisdom that acknowledges the limits of systems change, perseveres against the intractability of White supremacy and works towards a freer Black education future for their children.
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Korean Cowboy: An Autoethnographic Memoir of Self-Reflection

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This memoir is organized into three parts, each based on a geographic location where I have lived that has contributed to my self-growth the most. The first part, South Korea, analyzes the history of South Korea, as well as its

This memoir is organized into three parts, each based on a geographic location where I have lived that has contributed to my self-growth the most. The first part, South Korea, analyzes the history of South Korea, as well as its relationship of international adoptions with the United States through my personal adoption story. The second part is focused on the sixteen years I spent growing up in Utah. From my early years in school, sports, part-time jobs, graduating from high school and my life as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, this section will showcase the difficulties of growing up in a town where I never fit in. The third and final part deals with the past three years of living in Arizona and attending college.
Even though writing this memoir is incredibly personal to myself, that does not discourage others from gaining something from reading this. I am not the first Asian American, ex-Mormon, college student or adopted individual who writes about their life and I most certainly will not be the last. If anyone is somewhat interested in any of the topics I am going to be writing about, then they can read this memoir and learn something. If not, then they can at least enjoy the stories and hopefully something I went through will put a smile on their face.
Date Created

Geographical Influences on Parental Decision for Child's Secondary Education from a Race Perspective

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The objective of this research project was to explore how lower-income, Latinx parents make decisions about where their child will attend high school and the factors that influence choosing out-of-district or in-district (public, charter or private) high schools. Research on

The objective of this research project was to explore how lower-income, Latinx parents make decisions about where their child will attend high school and the factors that influence choosing out-of-district or in-district (public, charter or private) high schools. Research on parental choice of schooling often finds that parents’ education and income make a difference in school choice decisions with higher-income parents relying more on social networks for information and lower-income parents relying more on school-based information (e.g., Bosetti, 2004; Holme, 2002). Researchers have also found that how information is presented and understood also plays a part in school choice (IES, 2018).
However, less information is available on how Latinx parents receive information and the factors that play a part in their schooling decisions. This project focused on how Latinx parents weight information about their local high schools versus other school choices. The research revolving around Latinx families and high school choice matters because most research in the education sector does not involve minority groups, such as the Latinx and Hispanic communities specifically in Laveen. The key research questions are: Why do Latinx parents send their children to in-district high schools when those schools have poorer test scores? Why do parents send their children out of district high schools? What information and resources are used by parents to help make their decision in the process? How do student perspectives play a part in the decision?
Data was gathered through an on-line survey of parents about factors that play a part in the choice of high school. In-person case studies of four families also showed the detail of the specific ways that sources of information, personal networks, child input, and other factors influence the school choice process. I found that parents sent their children to their designated in-district high school because it was the closest available option that led to the most convenience in regards to commuting. On the other hand, I found that parents sent their child to an out of district high school because of the resources they used, which consisted of mostly family and other social networks that had attended or were currently attending that high school. Overall, the students’ perspective at the time when the decision was made played an important role in almost all of the case studies. All of the children were included at least somewhat and their input was taken into consideration if and when possible. Also, a geographical analysis of Laveen that includes the income levels, education levels, and high schools available in the area is interpreted. Through the maps completed by Social Explorer, the data used is from 2018, and it was filtered from the Hispanic population in Laveen from the non-Hispanic population to add more emphasis on a specific ethnicity.
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Long-Term Survivors of Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Survivor Voice and Survivency in the Decades after Exiting

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Anti-trafficking research recognizes several populations affected by Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE) in the United States (U.S.), yet it has not yet recognized long-term survivors, whose experiences of CSE occurred from the 1960s through the 2000s. Rendering long-term survivors invisible erases

Anti-trafficking research recognizes several populations affected by Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE) in the United States (U.S.), yet it has not yet recognized long-term survivors, whose experiences of CSE occurred from the 1960s through the 2000s. Rendering long-term survivors invisible erases the history of CSE in the U.S. and prevents an accurate assessment of the true scope of CSE that it extends from infancy through adulthood. The most grievous CSE cultures target both boys and girls beginning at infancy and extending through early childhood. This project provides a foundation for understanding who long-term survivors are, the types of CSE they experienced, and their experiences of survivency in the decades after exiting. This study utilized interviews and surveys to collect data from 35 long-term survivors, regarding their experiences in the years past exiting. In addition, it also included a systematic analysis of 43 survivor-authors who have documented their experiences in 76 published writings. Findings show that long-term survivors display tenacity and resourcefulness in dealing with complex, intersecting issues. Their experiences of creating new, meaning-filled identities, reconnecting with humanity, and building a positive view of the world can help pave the way for a smoother road of restoration for younger survivors.
Date Created

End the Silence, End the Violence

End the Silence, End the Violence is a creative project to aid victims of domestic violence. There is a website, pamphlet, video and presentation attached that explains statistics, encourages awareness, and provides victims with access to shelters and legal resources.

End the Silence, End the Violence is a creative project to aid victims of domestic violence. There is a website, pamphlet, video and presentation attached that explains statistics, encourages awareness, and provides victims with access to shelters and legal resources. The website and the pamphlet are intended to put all resources in one place, making them easily accessible for victims of domestic violence. The legal terms were explained, helping any victims who may not have a legal background understand how the court process works. On the website, the adult court process is explained in simple language. Orders of protection are also explained, as well as how to access them, with the direct links to the forms provided. Domestic Violence Shelters in Maricopa county are also listed, along with contact information. All of these shelters were contacted, and were verified to be open for a minimum of one year from October, 2019, and are still accepting victims. No addresses were provided on either the website or the pamphlet, with the hopes that not providing locations will better protect the victims who are seeking help. The pamphlet includes these same shelter resources, along with contact information. The presentation includes domestic violence statistics, as well as important terms and definitions. Finally, there was a video to encourage awareness towards domestic violence. Purple and red paint was used to demonstrate common places these victims suffered abuse, with the purple representing sexual violence, and the red representing physical violence. Not all of the volunteers in the video are victims of domestic violence, but are all advocates for ending domestic violence and helping with prevention.

The website can be found at http://endyoursilence.org/
Date Created

The role of parental expectations and self-beliefs on academic stress and depression among Asian American undergraduates

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Despite high levels of academic achievement as a group (Ryan & Bauman, 2016), Asian American students face many challenges, including academic stress (Flatt, 2013; Liu, 2002) and depression (Aczon-Armstrong, Inouye, & Reyes-Salvail, 2013; Wang & Sheikh-Khalil, 2014). The purpose

Despite high levels of academic achievement as a group (Ryan & Bauman, 2016), Asian American students face many challenges, including academic stress (Flatt, 2013; Liu, 2002) and depression (Aczon-Armstrong, Inouye, & Reyes-Salvail, 2013; Wang & Sheikh-Khalil, 2014). The purpose of this study was to examine self-beliefs (academic self-efficacy and independent self-construal) and family and cultural variables (perceived parental expectations for academic achievement and internalization of the model minority myth) that may affect the academic stress and depression experienced by Asian American undergraduates.

A national sample of 314 participants (221 female, 89 male, 4 nonbinary) who self-identified as Asian American undergraduates were recruited online and through word of mouth. They completed assessments of six constructs: Academic self-efficacy, independent self-construal, perceived parental expectations for academic achievement, internalization of the model minority myth, academic stress, and depression.

Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that of the two self-beliefs, only academic self-efficacy was a predictor of academic stress and depression. The greater the students’ academic self-efficacy, the less academic stress and depression they reported. Independent self-construal was not a significant predictor. Additionally, perceived parental expectations for academic achievement also predicted academic stress and depression. The more students perceived that their parents had high expectations for their academic achievement, the more they experienced academic stress and depression. The cultural variable, internalization of the model minority myth, was not a predictor of academic stress or depression. A moderated hierarchical regression examining whether academic self-efficacy and independent self-construal moderated the relation between perceived parental expectations for academic achievement and academic stress and depression revealed no moderation effects.

The importance of academic self-efficacy is discussed in the context of cognitive theory that posits that thoughts and beliefs affect behaviors and emotions. In addition, cognitive theory is used to explain perceived parental expectations for academic achievement, as these are perceptions and beliefs about others, as related to one’s self. That the internalization of the model minority myth was not related to depression and academic stress is discussed. Limitations and clinical implications for working with Asian Americans with academic stress and depression are also discussed.
Date Created