Aspects of Physics in High Performance Vehicle Components

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My thesis is about the physics concepts that are involved in 4 components of a vehicle and how they affect a normal car and a race car in daily driving and on the race track.

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Luminometric Analysis of Yeast Calcium Channel Homeostasis Following Hypotonic Shock

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Calcium is the only ion capable of triggering electrical and chemical reactions in cells which are part of essential biomolecular processes, such as gene transcription and ion flux. Calcium homeostasis, the control of concentration levels, is therefore crucial for the

Calcium is the only ion capable of triggering electrical and chemical reactions in cells which are part of essential biomolecular processes, such as gene transcription and ion flux. Calcium homeostasis, the control of concentration levels, is therefore crucial for the proper functioning of cells. For example, cardiomyocytes, the cells that form cardiac muscle, rely on calcium transfer process to produce muscle contraction.
The purpose of this work is to study aspects of calcium homeostasis in the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae, common yeast. Using luminometric techniques, the response of the yeast was monitored against a set of changes in the environment calcium abundance. The results indicate a complex response as both increase and decreases of external calcium induce elevations in cytosolic calcium concentrations.
Calcium is transferred across compartments by means of channels. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, many of them have been identified; Cch1p-Mid1p, Vcx1p, Pmc1p, Pmr1p, and Yvc1p. Their participation in calcium homeostasis is well established. Observations of cytosolic calcium increase after a hypertonic shock are mainly associated with influx of ions from the environment though the Cch1p-Mid1p. This process is generally considered as driven by calcium concentration gradients. However, recent studies have suggested that the plasma membrane channel, Cch1p-Mid1p, may possess more sophisticated regulation and sensory mechanisms. The results of our experiments support these ideas.
We carried out experiments that subjected yeast to multiple shocks: a hypertonic shock followed by either a second hypertonic shock, a hypotonic shock, or a yeast dilution pulse where the solution volume increases by the calcium concentration has only a small change. The cytosolic calcium concentration of a yeast population was monitored via luminometry.
The main result of this study is the observation of an unexpected response to the combination of hypertonic and hypotonic shocks. In this case it was observed that the cytosolic calcium concentration increased after both shocks. This indicates that cytosolic calcium increases are not solely driven by the presence of concentration gradients. The response after the hypotonic pulse arises from more complex mechanisms that may include sensor activity at the membrane channels and the release of calcium from internal storages.
Date Created

Luminometric Analysis of Yeast Calcium Channel Homeostasis Following Hypotonic Shock

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Calcium is the only ion capable of triggering electrical and chemical reactions in cells which are part of essential biomolecular processes, such as gene transcription and ion flux. Calcium homeostasis, the control of concentration levels, is therefore crucial for the

Calcium is the only ion capable of triggering electrical and chemical reactions in cells which are part of essential biomolecular processes, such as gene transcription and ion flux. Calcium homeostasis, the control of concentration levels, is therefore crucial for the proper functioning of cells. For example, cardiomyocytes, the cells that form cardiac muscle, rely on calcium transfer process to produce muscle contraction.
The purpose of this work is to study aspects of calcium homeostasis in the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae, common yeast. Using luminometric techniques, the response of the yeast was monitored against a set of changes in the environment calcium abundance. The results indicate a complex response as both increase and decreases of external calcium induce elevations in cytosolic calcium concentrations.
Calcium is transferred across compartments by means of channels. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, many of them have been identified; Cch1p-Mid1p, Vcx1p, Pmc1p, Pmr1p, and Yvc1p. Their participation in calcium homeostasis is well established. Observations of cytosolic calcium increase after a hypertonic shock are mainly associated with influx of ions from the environment though the Cch1p-Mid1p. This process is generally considered as driven by calcium concentration gradients. However, recent studies have suggested that the plasma membrane channel, Cch1p-Mid1p, may possess more sophisticated regulation and sensory mechanisms. The results of our experiments support these ideas.
We carried out experiments that subjected yeast to multiple shocks: a hypertonic shock followed by either a second hypertonic shock, a hypotonic shock, or a yeast dilution pulse where the solution volume increases by the calcium concentration has only a small change. The cytosolic calcium concentration of a yeast population was monitored via luminometry.
The main result of this study is the observation of an unexpected response to the combination of hypertonic and hypotonic shocks. In this case it was observed that the cytosolic calcium concentration increased after both shocks. This indicates that cytosolic calcium increases are not solely driven by the presence of concentration gradients. The response after the hypotonic pulse arises from more complex mechanisms that may include sensor activity at the membrane channels and the release of calcium from internal storages.
Date Created

Development of Software to Control and Analyze a Tabletop Nuclear Physics System

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Different tools have been developed by physicists to detect particle interactions, including one tool called a cloud chamber. A cloud chamber is a device that uses a supersaturated alcohol vapor to outline the paths of subatomic particles. It requires an

Different tools have been developed by physicists to detect particle interactions, including one tool called a cloud chamber. A cloud chamber is a device that uses a supersaturated alcohol vapor to outline the paths of subatomic particles. It requires an adequate source of radiation, either background radiation or a radioactive element, that is placed inside the chamber and allowed to decay. The particles emitted from the decaying element form tracks, as a result of the condensation of the supersaturated alcohol. This condensation ionizes the particles as they are being emitted, which creates the visible track. In order to produce curved tracks, which are necessary for data analysis, a suitable magnetic field must also be applied to the moving particles. As these particles come into contact with the magnetic field, their tracks curve, allowing for measurements of the radius of curvature for each track to be deduced. The radius of curvature can then be used to determine the identity of the atomic nucleus that the emitted particle came from. Computer programming can be applied to this process to make it faster and more efficient. This thesis project involved the composition of a software that could control a cloud chamber apparatus set up to view the beta decay of Pb-210 and analyze the tracks produced by emitted electrons to determine their radius of curvature. By the completion of this project, a software was developed that could accurately detect tracks from test images and control several parts of a cloud chamber.
Date Created

A simultaneous physically and chemically gelling polymer system for endovascular embolization of cerebral aneurysms

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Current treatment methods for cerebral aneurysms are providing life-saving measures for patients suffering from these blood vessel wall protrusions; however, the drawbacks present unfortunate circumstances in the invasive procedure or with efficient occlusion of the aneurysms. With the advancement of

Current treatment methods for cerebral aneurysms are providing life-saving measures for patients suffering from these blood vessel wall protrusions; however, the drawbacks present unfortunate circumstances in the invasive procedure or with efficient occlusion of the aneurysms. With the advancement of medical devices, liquid-to-solid gelling materials that could be delivered endovascularly have gained interest. The development of these systems stems from the need to circumvent surgical methods and the requirement for improved occlusion of aneurysms to prevent recanalization and potential complications. The work presented herein reports on a liquid-to-solid gelling material, which undergoes gelation via dual mechanisms. Using a temperature-responsive polymer, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (poly(NIPAAm), the gelling system can transition from a solution at low temperatures to a gel at body temperature (physical gelation). Additionally, by conjugating reactive functional groups onto the polymers, covalent cross-links can be formed via chemical reaction between the two moieties (chemical gelation). The advantage of this gelling system comprises of its water-based properties as well as the ability of the physical and chemical gelation to occur within physiological conditions. By developing the polymer gelling system in a ground-up approach via synthesis, its added benefit is the capability of modifying the properties of the system as needed for particular applications, in this case for embolization of cerebral aneurysms. The studies provided in this doctoral work highlight the synthesis, characterization and testing of these polymer gelling systems for occlusion of aneurysms. Conducted experiments include thermal, mechanical, structural and chemical characterization, as well as analysis of swelling, degradation, kinetics, cytotoxicity, in vitro glass models and in vivo swine study. Data on thermoresponsive poly(NIPAAm) indicated that the phase transition it undertakes comes as a result of the polymer chains associating as temperature is increased. Poly(NIPAAm) was functionalized with thiols and vinyls to provide for added chemical cross-linking. By combining both modes of gelation, physical and chemical, a gel with reduced creep flow and increased strength was developed. Being waterborne, the gels demonstrated excellent biocompatibility and were easily delivered via catheters and injected within aneurysms, without undergoing degradation. The dual gelling polymer systems demonstrated potential in use as embolic agents for cerebral aneurysm embolization.
Date Created