The Death Penalty in Arizona: Past, Present, Future

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The use of the death penalty in Arizona began in Florence, Arizona in 1910. The different methods of execution in Arizona have included death by hanging (1910-1931), lethal gas (1931-1992), and lethal injection (1992-present). The methods of execution in Arizona

The use of the death penalty in Arizona began in Florence, Arizona in 1910. The different methods of execution in Arizona have included death by hanging (1910-1931), lethal gas (1931-1992), and lethal injection (1992-present). The methods of execution in Arizona have changed due to both legal and social factors. Multiple articles have been published with the community’s opinion on the method being used during the specific periods. Arizona has been caught twice trying to illegally import lethal injection drugs, the first time in 2011 and then in 2015. To continue executions Arizona needs to either revise its protocol or choose a new method. In 2021, the state has purchased lethal gases, refurbished its gas chamber, and purchased lethal injection drugs. Currently, Arizona still has lethal injection as the form of execution, and it is unclear what the state plans to do moving forward. As Arizona is unsure of how to proceed, nitrogen hypoxia is a method the state should investigate. The state should move forward like Oklahoma and try a new method instead of taking a step back to a method deemed inadequate.
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Analysis of Serial Killer Characterization in Films 1990-2019

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Serial killers make up a small amount of crime yet are seen in hundreds if not thousands of movies. The way they have been presented and the films in which they are presented have evolved in the past three decades.

Serial killers make up a small amount of crime yet are seen in hundreds if not thousands of movies. The way they have been presented and the films in which they are presented have evolved in the past three decades. Looking at six movies from this thirty year period, analysis of the evolution of serial killers in films will be discussed. There has been an increase in the levels of violence in these films as well as a more relatable, three-dimensional serial killer. There has also been a disproportionate amount of attention given to the serial killer rather than the victims.
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How Anti-Terror Legislation Affected Immigration and Privacy

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By evaluating recent anti-terror legislation, this project examines to what end individual American rights and values are affected as a result.

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The Effect of the Solera Experience on First-Year Student Sense of Belonging at Arizona State University's West Campus

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A student’s sense of belonging at a higher education institution can have a profound impact on their ability to persist through college and complete a degree program. First-year students enrolled in NEW 101 classes at Arizona State University’s (ASU’S) West

A student’s sense of belonging at a higher education institution can have a profound impact on their ability to persist through college and complete a degree program. First-year students enrolled in NEW 101 classes at Arizona State University’s (ASU’S) West campus were evaluated to determine if the Solera Experience, a program designed to help first-year students integrate into the ASU community, had an impact on first-year students’ sense of belonging at ASU. Although the Solera Experience was not found to have a large impact on students’ sense of belonging, it is worth noting that a majority of the first-year students felt like they belong at ASU. Additionally, a student’s short-term and long-term belief in their own academic success did influence their perception of belonging at ASU, which suggests, overall, that the programs ASU has in place to establish sense of belonging seem to be effective.
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Growth of Media, Consumerism, and Crime as Entertainment

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It is no surprise that crime has become an interest to people both nationally and globally. It is impossible to turn on a TV without hearing cable news talking about a bank robbery or a murder, or a political hearing

It is no surprise that crime has become an interest to people both nationally and globally. It is impossible to turn on a TV without hearing cable news talking about a bank robbery or a murder, or a political hearing of some sort. Crime TV shows are incredibly common—there are whole channels dedicated to just crime, and many prime-time TV shows deal with some form of crime, most often the law enforcement teams that interact with it. Movies and books about crime are also incredibly common—most movie theaters have at least one horror movie or psychological thriller on show at a given time, and books stores and libraries have entire sections about true crime and mysteries.
Crime has become an inescapable part of being a consumer and viewer in today’s society. The interest in crime, however, could not have just been created by the media or a few specific parties and gained the amount of attention that is has today. Crime has been of interest since ancient times, seen immortalized in art and literature with famous events like the death of Socrates and the assassination of Julius Caesar. However, only more modern advances in media and the growth in consumerism could have led to interest and commodification of crime as we see it today. Landmark cases like Ted Bundy and O.J. Simpson have contributed to the growth of the media landscape, but because of the cyclical nature of the news and consumer cycle, these cases would not differ much in the way that they would be covered today, even with the new methods of disseminating information that we have today, such as social media and news websites that are accessible by everyone. Crime as entertainment has been a product not just of the media and popular culture but also from American consumers who continue to give media and pop culture producers a consumer who wishes to view their content and to continue to further the interest in crime. Media and popular culture are not the only people to blame for the popularization of crime as a product; people in the United States, and globally, are just as much responsible for the creation of crime as entertainment.
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The Impact of Forensic Science on Society

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The Impact of Forensic Science on Society examines the relationship between forensic science and society. Before 2009, society believed forensic science to be a important investigative tool. When the National Academy of Sciences released a report in 2009 detailing the

The Impact of Forensic Science on Society examines the relationship between forensic science and society. Before 2009, society believed forensic science to be a important investigative tool. When the National Academy of Sciences released a report in 2009 detailing the issues within forensic science, society's opinion changed. This thesis analyzes factors that influenced the change in the relationship between forensic science and society, specifically focusing on the 2009 report, the CSI effect, the Innocence Project, and the role of the media. It also looks at how we can continue to improve forensic science, as well as how to strengthen the relationship between forensic science and society.
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