The Periphrastic Passive Grammaticalization in Modern Standard Arabic

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Natural languages go through two major cycles in their diachronic change. A high synthetic marking characterizes the first cycle, and a high analytic marking characterizes the second. This thesis investigates an emerging analytic passive in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), representing

Natural languages go through two major cycles in their diachronic change. A high synthetic marking characterizes the first cycle, and a high analytic marking characterizes the second. This thesis investigates an emerging analytic passive in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), representing the analytic cycle. This construction is designated periphrastic passive since two grammatical morphemes mark the passiveness. The older morphological passive construction in Classical Arabic (CA) and MSA, representing the synthetic cycle, is juxtaposed with the periphrastic passive. Given the inconsistent passive characterization in the literature, the comparison between the two passive forms is couched in the prototypical passive analysis. This thesis seeks to show that the periphrastic passive in MSA has grammaticalized to perform the passive function. It argues that the main verb in the periphrastic passive, i.e., tamma/yatimmu, has grammaticalized to a passive auxiliary. The corpus data of CA and MSA about tamma/yatimmu complementation, the subjectverb agreement, and the frequency of tamma/yatimmu show the grammaticalization of the periphrastic passive. The lexical source of the auxiliary tamma/yatimmu, i.e., ‘finish,’ is also attested to perform the passive function in Colloquial Icelandic (CI). The commonality between the lexical sources in the two passive constructions in MSA and CI suggests that the lexical source ‘finish’ could serve as a lexical source of passive constructions.
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Adverb(ial)s in Iraqi Arabic: Cinque's Functional Hierarchy

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The dissertation investigates the applicability of Cinque’s (1999) functional hierarchy hypothesis to adverb(ial)s in Iraqi Arabic. Cinque’s functional hierarchy is a hypothesis developed to predict adverb ordering statement in Italian and with its multiple versions, Cinque advocates the universality of

The dissertation investigates the applicability of Cinque’s (1999) functional hierarchy hypothesis to adverb(ial)s in Iraqi Arabic. Cinque’s functional hierarchy is a hypothesis developed to predict adverb ordering statement in Italian and with its multiple versions, Cinque advocates the universality of his hypothesis. The investigation specifically explores two questions, is an adverb a separate part of speech Arabic? And do adverb(ial)s in Iraqi Arabic follow a rigid ordering statement similar to that suggested by Cinque’s? I argue in my investigation that the term adverb is still vague to Arab linguists, hence I adopt the term adveb(ial)s throughout my dissertation. While the two terms in English are quite distinct, I think, Arabic grammarians are far from settling the debate over considering it a separate part of speech. Certainly, the case is the same for Iraqi Arabic which is the vernacular I am investigating. As I turn to English, I discuss the two most recent hypotheses of adverb ordering. I review Cinque’s functional hierarchy as a syntactic-based hypothesis and Ernst’s scope theory which is a semantic-based hypothesis. While the two hypotheses are valid to predict adverb placement and ordering, I only test Cinque’s hierarchy in my investigation of the ordering in Iraqi Arabic. In my research, I rely on Zyman’s (2012) research on adverbs in English as I utilize many of his examples and translate them to Iraqi Arabic. I suggest that Adverb(ial)s in Iraqi Arabic are in the Spec of a functional head in accordance with the Cinquian hierarchy. Generally, this claim has its roots in Baker’s (1985) Mirror principle which configures the relationship between morphology and syntax. My test of Iraqi Arabic proves that Cinque’s modal is not fully applicable to Iraqi Arabic as adverbs tied to non-spinal constituents do not comply with Cinque’s rigid ordering. The data and the finding in this dissertation will contribute to the Arabic language research on the interplay between syntax, semantics and morphology. Additionally, the findings will shed light on other vernaculars in Arabic as more research is needed on the different varieties of Arabic.
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Language Learning Strategies Used by Higher Level Students in Target Language Environment and EFL/Foreign Language Environment

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Language learning strategy (LLS) has been long considered as one of the most important variables impacting language performance. Learning context, as a major effect on LLS choices, has not been paid much attention compared to other individual variables in LLS

Language learning strategy (LLS) has been long considered as one of the most important variables impacting language performance. Learning context, as a major effect on LLS choices, has not been paid much attention compared to other individual variables in LLS research. For the purpose of highlighting contextual influence in LLS research, the present study investigated LLSs used by higher level students in a target language environment and an EFL/foreign language environment. To achieve the goals, a total of 44 enrolled doctoral students (19 in the United States and 25 in China) were recruited as participants. A background survey, a questionnaire (i.e., Language Strategy Use Inventory [LSUI]), and semi-structured interviews were deployed to gather data. The findings first showed that higher level students used a wide repertoire of LLSs to facilitate their language learning in each learning environment. Second, the findings identified eight specific contextual factors influencing the LLS use of higher level students in both learning environments, which included access to target language, participation in an academic environment, access to target language learning sources, experience as a teaching associate/research assistant, exposure to diverse accents and dialects of the target language, lack of feedback on errors, experience in target language classes, and beliefs about social reaction to learning target language. Third, the findings also showed that students reported some specific LLSs to be most useful in each learning environment. For example, “talking with (native) English speakers” was considered as a useful speaking strategy in target language environment, and “using language learning applications (APPs)” was considered as a useful listening and speaking strategy in EFL/foreign language environment. In addition, implications for future research and pedagogy were offered. Keywords: Language learning strategy (LLS), learning context (environment), higher level students, target language environment (TLE), EFL/foreign language environment (E/FLE), mixed methods
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Language Attitude towards the Urban and Bedouin Dialects in Najd, Saudi Arabia

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Nonlinguists’ attitudes towards language are a major factor in the process of language change. Therefore, linguists are interested in examining how language varieties are perceived. Several studies around the world have demonstrated that ideologies play a major role in shaping

Nonlinguists’ attitudes towards language are a major factor in the process of language change. Therefore, linguists are interested in examining how language varieties are perceived. Several studies around the world have demonstrated that ideologies play a major role in shaping how people perceive certain dialects, how social meanings are associated with these varieties, and how linguistic communities are shaped in part by these beliefs. However, little attention has been given to language attitude in the Arab region, and in the Saudi context particularly. Moreover, none of the attitudinal studies in the region have tried to investigate Najdis’ attitudes towards their own dialects. Using a conceptually presented attitudinal approach, this study bridges the literature gap by examining 1041 Najdis’ language attitudes towards two of the main dialects there: The Najdi Urban and Najdi Bedouin varieties. The study answers the following questions: How do Najdis perceive the Najdi Urban and Bedouin dialects, and what are the frequently associated characteristics with these varieties? The results of the quantitative analysis show that Najdis’ language attitudes can be discussed with and reduced to two themes: modernity and traditionality. The Urban Najdi dialect was perceived as modern. Contrarily, the Bedouin Najdi dialect was considered traditional. Each social group tended to rate their dialect higher than the other group did in both factors, indicating in-group loyalty. Also, both groups showed high levels of linguistic security.
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A Sketch Grammar of Kípíp: A Constructed Clown Language

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Gibberish seems to have a universal comedic appeal that transcends language barriers – Youtube sensation Crazy Frog goes “bing-ding,” stop-motion penguin Pingu goes “noot-noot,” and Chilean street clown Karcocha speaks in whistle. Clowns don’t need language to make people laugh

Gibberish seems to have a universal comedic appeal that transcends language barriers – Youtube sensation Crazy Frog goes “bing-ding,” stop-motion penguin Pingu goes “noot-noot,” and Chilean street clown Karcocha speaks in whistle. Clowns don’t need language to make people laugh – Charlie Chaplin did it silently – but what if their gibberish meant something? Intrigued, I sought to explore a species of clowns and how their naturalistic language could evolve the hoots and honks of clown gibberish through naturalistic processes of grammaticalization. First, I evolved a base language (which is not “clown-ish” in itself). Then, I modified the whistled register used by shepherds (not unlike Hmong and Silbo Gomero) into a clown register, which hides the true meaning of jokes in a series of whistles (to encode tone) and other sound effects (to encode consonants). Combined with a clownish subspecies of sapiens and a culture built around “facepaint as self” and humor as a leveling mechanism, this constructed language is vividly clownish. My ultimate intent is to demonstrate the limitless possibility of language change through a detailed, yet silly lens.
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An Examination of Thai Nominal Phrases: The Syntactic Structures and Pragmatics that Govern

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The purpose of this thesis is to provide an in-depth examination of the syntactic rules and pragmatic structures that govern the construction of Thai nominal phrases. There is a current debate among linguistic researchers of the Thai language (and

The purpose of this thesis is to provide an in-depth examination of the syntactic rules and pragmatic structures that govern the construction of Thai nominal phrases. There is a current debate among linguistic researchers of the Thai language (and others within the Tai-Kadai family) contemplating whether the inherent syntactic structure of nominal phrases projects a Determiner Phrase [DP] or a Noun Phrase [NP] (Birmingham, 2020; Jenks, 2011; Piriyawiboon, 2010; and Singhapreecha, 2001). An examination of the grammatical and pragmatic features that dictate the formation of Thai nominals, as well as an investigation of the prevailing linguistic theories focused on nominal phrase construction supporting each structure, has been conducted and is presented within this thesis. This extensive research, performed to address the dilemma “Does the Thai language project a DP or an NP?”, has resulted in the conclusion that the Thai language, with its free word-order and its fascinating pragmatic structures, projects an underlying NP phrase structure that allows for an optional determiner, used to indicate specificity.
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Gradience in Split Intransitivity and Lexical Aspect in Modern Standard Arabic

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The Split Intransitivity Hierarchy (SIH) proposed by Sorace (2000) is an aspectually gradient classification of unaccusative and unergative verbs. This hierarchy has been attested in many Western European languages. However, little is known about typologically different languages. This dissertation provides

The Split Intransitivity Hierarchy (SIH) proposed by Sorace (2000) is an aspectually gradient classification of unaccusative and unergative verbs. This hierarchy has been attested in many Western European languages. However, little is known about typologically different languages. This dissertation provides an account of the gradience in aspectual and thematic specification of intransitives in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). It seeks to confirm whether the SIH exists in Arabic and whether it applies to its syntactic characteristics of split intransitivity. Following Sorace’s classifications, Arabic intransitives are divided into seven categories: change of location, change of state, continuation of a pre-existing state, existence of state, uncontrolled process, controlled motional process, and controlled nonmotional process. To test the behavior of these verb classes, the researcher applies diagnostics of split intransitivity and carries out tests of telicity, stativity, and durativity. In addition, the researcher examines the contribution of the outer/grammatical aspect to the inner/lexical aspectual specification of the verb in MSA. Native speakers’ judgment is utilized to distinguish grammatical examples from ungrammatical ones. The results confirm the existence of the SIH in Arabic. Arabic intransitives are subject to systematic variation in their lexical aspect as they show different degrees of telicity and durativity. Specifically, verbs of change of location show core unaccusative/telic behavior, while verbs of change of state oscillate in their telicity. Verbs in the middle of the hierarchy are the most indeterminate about their aspectual and thematic realization. The findings also reveal that Arabic verbs of continuation are durative, while verbs of existence are mostly stative. Moreover, durative classes in Arabic show variable degrees of durativity. In particular, the class of uncontrolled process displays the lowest degree of durativity. Verbs of controlled motional process are more unergative/durative than verbs of uncontrolled process and less categorical in their behavior than verbs of controlled nonmotional process. Finally, verbs that denote controlled nonmotional processes are core unergative/durative and the most unambiguous in their behavior. Overall, Arabic intransitives keep their original aspectual classification even when changing the outer aspect from perfective to imperfective.
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Interdisciplinary Approaches to Forensic Linguistic Analysis and Medieval Manuscript Studies: Developing a Working Framework for Research

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The field of forensic linguistics has burgeoned in the past several decades within a current-day framework of language use, ranging from dialectal analysis to legal language analysis in court cases, to trademark and authorship disputes, and more. When it comes

The field of forensic linguistics has burgeoned in the past several decades within a current-day framework of language use, ranging from dialectal analysis to legal language analysis in court cases, to trademark and authorship disputes, and more. When it comes to utilizing forensic linguistics techniques within a historical framework, however, there is still a great deal of research and work to be done. There is a gap in historical research that needs to be filled, to create a more cohesive whole when examining the past for understanding. Pioneers in historical authorship analysis are now using forensic linguistic methods more frequently in their manuscript analyses and research, and the results of those studies indicate that some linguistic variables can be statistically measured with a relative degree of accuracy for historical documents. What is needed now is a forensic analysis which also comprehensively accounts for the challenges regarding various cultures’ definitions of ‘author’ and ‘authorship’ and translation methods in different time periods. For medieval manuscripts, these analyses must also consider the manuscript culture inherent in that time period. In this dissertation, I discuss the rift apparent in the framework of understanding where forensic linguistic analysis and manuscript analysis are not fully meeting in the middle. I address the need for a general methodology that allows academics in both disciplines to work together in finding variables for forensic testing which include the needs of the manuscript culture behind it, so that future research can more fully enrich the understanding of medieval history as a whole. During that discussion, I analyze several completed authorship analyses surrounding the tenth century Old English gloss of the Lindisfarne Gospels, examining the methods utilized by each researcher in accomplishing their chosen research goal. Then, I focus on developing a generalized methodology which can provide a framework for handling unique, individual analyses of medieval manuscripts which have questionable authorship attribution. This framework will help to create a more solid foundation for providing more accurate and effective data for historical authorship cases.
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Pause for Thought: A Pilot Comparative Study of Pause Placement Amongst Native, Heritage, and Non-Native Speakers

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Temporal features and frequency of pauses have been studied extensively in the literature, but the interest in the syntactic location of pauses is a more recent development. While previous research has studied the pause patterns of L1 and L2 speakers

Temporal features and frequency of pauses have been studied extensively in the literature, but the interest in the syntactic location of pauses is a more recent development. While previous research has studied the pause patterns of L1 and L2 speakers as well as the effects of pause location on perceptions of fluency, these studies have all utilized a binary approach the categorization of pauses as occurring either between or within clauses or major constituent boundaries. This research attempts to take a look at pause placement with a finer distinction of pause location, including junctures that occur between and within phrases. To accomplish this, two experiments were conducted. The first experiment gathered read-aloud speech samples from native, non-native, and heritage speakers of Mandarin Chinese, which were then manipulated in Praat to contain only a single pause that occurred either between or within phrases. The samples were presented to native Chinese speakers to assess for perceptions of fluency as affected by the pause location condition. Findings of this preliminary pilot study did not find a significant correlation between pause location and perceptions of fluency at the phrasal level. The second experiment gathered spontaneous speech samples from the same speaker population as Experiment 1. The pauses that occurred in the samples were coded according to a system developed by the author to account for eight different syntactic junctions, and the percentage of pause at each location was calculated. Analysis showed a significant correlation with pause location and percentage of pauses (p < 0.01), as well as a statistically significant interaction between the effects of speaker status and pause location on percentage of pause (p = 0.011). The findings of this study are limited due to the small population size, but research in this fine-grained analysis of pause location within a clause has implications in the fields of L2 acquisition, psycholinguistics, and natural language processing.
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Hedges and Boosters in Undergraduate Research Recommendation Letters

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Academic recommendation letters are an essential component of institutional gatekeeping practices, yet few scholars have explored their use in the context of nationally competitive scholarships and fellowships. Using a mixed-methods framework, this study uses Hyland’s (2005a) taxonomy to analyze the

Academic recommendation letters are an essential component of institutional gatekeeping practices, yet few scholars have explored their use in the context of nationally competitive scholarships and fellowships. Using a mixed-methods framework, this study uses Hyland’s (2005a) taxonomy to analyze the frequency, form, and function of hedges and boosters across fifty-one recommendation letters submitted for a nationally competitive undergraduate STEM scholarship. Of the eighty-nine terms that occurred in the letters, there were thirty-seven boosting terms and fifty-one hedging terms (41% boosters and 59% hedges). Despite the higher rate of hedges, the majority of these terms were not used to express doubt. Results show that letter writers for prestigious programs use a combination of hedges and boosters alongside their status and expertise within the academy to sponsor promising undergraduate researchers. This study expands our understanding of recommendation letters outside of graduate-level selection processes and answers Hyland’s (2005b) call for more mixed method approaches and use of discourse analysis across academic genres.
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