The Call-and-Response of History: Rhetorical and Literate Social Practices of Healing, Re-Education, and Reclaiming Black Humanity among African Americans in Ghana

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This dissertation is about African Americans’ transnational rhetorical and literate social practices of reclaiming Black humanity. To this end, it asks: How is the humanity of African Americans rhetorically constituted in relation to Ghana? To reclaim Black humanity, what do

This dissertation is about African Americans’ transnational rhetorical and literate social practices of reclaiming Black humanity. To this end, it asks: How is the humanity of African Americans rhetorically constituted in relation to Ghana? To reclaim Black humanity, what do African Americans do down the ground and to what end? For those who turn to Ghana to reclaim their humanity, what do they say they need to learn, and need to unlearn in the process of re-education? What does this re-education make possible? Where do they locate (if any) healing in this process of re-education? Currently, people, including those of African descent, are moving across transnational borders at a rate never seen before. In response, scholars in transnational rhetorical studies such as Rebecca Dingo and Blake Scott have challenged the field to account for the workings of “vectors of power” – colonial histories, nation-state power, and the operations of global capital—in people’s lives (Dingo and Blake 524). In relation to such movement among people of African descent, leaders in Global Black Rhetorics, Ronisha Browdy and Esther Milu, direct special attention to matters of healing, re-education, and the reclamation of Black humanity. Given its own experiences of brutal colonial histories of chattel slavery, resource exploitation, and current economic challenges, the nation-state of Ghana has become a contested transnational site to theorize African Americans’ inventive practices of negotiating these globalized forces which continue to dehumanize them in multiple ways. Heeding the call of cultural icons including W.E.B. Du Bois, Malcolm X, and Maya Angelou to “return home” to Ghana, the participants in this study enact everyday rhetorical and literate social practices such as taking Indigenous Ghanaian names, wearing Indigenous clothing, and engaging in somatic practices at contested historic sites. This dissertation has sought to honor these difficult and yet necessary rhetorical and literate social practices that African Americans deploy on-the-ground in Ghana to achieve their purposes of making a homeplace conducive for their humanity, honoring their ancestral heritage, re-educating themselves, and healing from epistemic and ontological harm as feats towards reclaiming Black humanity. In honoring these rhetorical and literate social practices of African Americans returning home to Ghana, I invoked bell hooks’ concept of homeplace and African philosophical and epistemic concepts of Ubuntu relationality and Sankofa. And yet the call to return home is not without its challenges–challenges that underscore the contributions of participatory rhetorical research in such transnationally complex domains.
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An Ecological Model of Rhetorical Fatigue: Examining the Relational Nature of Accommodation Negotiations in Disability Resource Centers

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This thesis analyzes how Arizona State University’s disability resource center, Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services (SAILS), impacts access fatigue among students with disabilities. Access fatigue is rhetorical fatigue borne from the continuous need for people with disabilities to perform

This thesis analyzes how Arizona State University’s disability resource center, Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services (SAILS), impacts access fatigue among students with disabilities. Access fatigue is rhetorical fatigue borne from the continuous need for people with disabilities to perform accommodation negotiations, or requests for practices that will grant them access to certain spaces. This study theorizes access fatigue as an intersection between scholarship about embodied rhetorical fatigue and interactional rhetorical phenomena that occur during accommodation negotiations. This research is guided by user experience (UX) methodologies, including a textual heuristic analysis of two SAILS documents; stakeholder interviews with students, teachers, and a SAILS representative; and a comparative analysis situating SAILS in relation to other disability resource centers. This thesis frames accommodation negotiations and access fatigue through the lens of institutional relationality and identifies four key dimensions of institutional relationality that affected participants’ experiences with access fatigue, including: burden sharing between students and SAILS, misfitting between students and SAILS, institutional culture shaping facilitated by relationships between non-registered stakeholders and SAILS, and institutional access fatigue resulting from design inconsistencies between SAILS and other disability resource centers. To relate this theorization to design practices, this thesis includes UX-informed guidelines for designing disability resource centers that promote fatigue relief through the integration of theories of institutional relationality.
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Learning to Thrive: A Strategy Handbook Based on Women and Those Who Identify as Non-Binary with ADHD


A handbook consisting of scholarship and social media included to frame the six experiences around which this handbook is organized: getting in the zone, a thought process in overdrive; impulsivity; a distinct relationship to creativity; difficulties with transitions, especially the

A handbook consisting of scholarship and social media included to frame the six experiences around which this handbook is organized: getting in the zone, a thought process in overdrive; impulsivity; a distinct relationship to creativity; difficulties with transitions, especially the transition to and from sleep; and a complex relationship to medication. Following the initial framing, I then describe what each of these experiences feel like to me. To render these experiences for the purpose of a shared inquiry, I followed the critical-incident interview method that Flower describes in Community Literacy and the Rhetoric of Public Engagement. I first learned to use this interview technique in ENG 205: Introduction to Writing, Rhetorics and Literacies and practiced it further in ENG 390: Methods of Inquiry. The crux of my project is the insights of research participants as they read and responded to the six critical incidents and respective follow-up questions I designed for this study. The full interview protocol–approved by ASU’s Internal Review Board in December of 2022–is included in the appendix. Following IRB approval, I recruited four participants for a critical-incident interview, the results of which enliven this handbook’s portrait of thriving with ADHD.

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The Linguistic Contrast Between Screenplays and Novels

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Screenplays and novels are similar in that they both tell a story. However, the two are not the same. Screenplays and novels have a significantly different function and purpose from one another. With that being said, this thesis conducts a

Screenplays and novels are similar in that they both tell a story. However, the two are not the same. Screenplays and novels have a significantly different function and purpose from one another. With that being said, this thesis conducts a register analysis to discover the prominent linguistic differences in each register. Overall, this study finds that novels and screenplays do in fact have linguistic features that differ from one another. The linguistic features distinctive to a screenplay are: shorter sentences, more non-standard sentences, and more nouns. Longer sentences, independent clause coordination constituents, phrasal constituents, and reduced predicate adjective phrases are the linguistic features present in the novel.
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Exchanging Normative Assimilation for Frictional Access: An Examination of the Rhetorical Circulation of Ableism in University Documents and Spaces

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Institutions of higher education pride themselves on their commitments to access, inclusion, and care. However, when motivated by neoliberal goals of productivity, such initiatives may confuse inclusion with normative assimilation by attempting to align all individuals with an ableist status

Institutions of higher education pride themselves on their commitments to access, inclusion, and care. However, when motivated by neoliberal goals of productivity, such initiatives may confuse inclusion with normative assimilation by attempting to align all individuals with an ableist status quo. In other words, neutral documents, discourses, and design practices may contribute to the rhetorical and material circulation of systemic ableism by encouraging compulsory alignment with able standards and norms. To examine how the systemic force of neoliberal ableism may move across higher educational spaces, this dissertation engages understandings of rhetoric as complexly circulating across trans-situational, everyday sites in universities. Further, I show that neoliberalism relies on the rhetorical circulation and normalization of ableist rhetorics across seemingly neutral university documents, discourses and design practices like those aimed to promote access, inclusion, and care. This dissertation thus follows the social justice call in technical and professional communication to interrogate participation in documentation, design, and discursive practices that may contribute to larger systems of oppression. Specifically, I apply a mixed-methods, qualitative approach of corpus linguistic analysis, semi-structured interviews grounded in user-experience design, and thematic, concept, and in vivo coding to examine and disrupt the circulation of ableist rhetoric across composition program mission statements, self-care documents, and digital classroom interfaces. Drawing from technical and professional communication, rhetoric and composition, disability studies, rhetorics of health and medicine, social justice, and disability justice scholarship, this dissertation explores theoretical frameworks for interrogating ableism’s material-discursive implications and provides guidelines for university stakeholders to engage in more equitable communications. Ultimately, I offer a theory of “cripistemological coalition” that calls for transdisciplinary, coalitional measures that position disability as integral to university inclusion, access, and care.
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Poetry Anthology on Sexist Subordination: Drawn From Personal and Professional Experience and Scholarship

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In this anthology, I will delve into two spheres of my personal and professional life: how my gender has inhibited my authority in the workplace, and how my gender has impacted the assumptions others make of my aptitude and worth.

In this anthology, I will delve into two spheres of my personal and professional life: how my gender has inhibited my authority in the workplace, and how my gender has impacted the assumptions others make of my aptitude and worth. In each entry, I explore the intersection of poetry and literary criticism regarding internalized gendered assumptions. My headnote offers questions to consider upon reading each poem, and I have taken techniques and examples from Mary Oliver’s handbook on writing poetry, to then offer my own poem in response. Finally, I then analyze relevant scholarship to the gender-based issue I am referencing, alongside a personal explanation of how this issue materializes in my poems.

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Between Remembering and Forgetting: US Public Memory of the Frontier in Buildings, Objects, and Videogames

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This dissertation examines the “remembering-forgetting dialectic,” or a common assumption that remembering and forgetting are antithetical acts with opposing values in a public (Blair et al 18). More specifically, it examines this dialectic within the context of settler colonialism, which

This dissertation examines the “remembering-forgetting dialectic,” or a common assumption that remembering and forgetting are antithetical acts with opposing values in a public (Blair et al 18). More specifically, it examines this dialectic within the context of settler colonialism, which other scholars have noted is marked by the pervasive “forgetting” (Shotwell 37) and “erasure” (Stuckey 232) of the violent, genocidal acts that enabled a settler-colonial nation to develop. To examine this dialectic’s appearance and high stakes in that “forgetting” epistemic context, I analyzed US public memory of the Frontier, a historic space that references the United States’ settler-colonial westward expansion and a symbolic space that has lasting ties to hegemonic constructions of American civic identity. To do so, I ask, What does public memory of the Frontier suggest about the remembering-forgetting dialectic? To address this research aim, I analyzed three sites that engage in Frontier memory work: (1) the Foy Proctor Historical Park, an outdoor exhibit focused on ranching history at the National Ranching Heritage Center in Lubbock, Texas; (2) Remembering Our Indian School Days: The Boarding School Experience, an exhibit at the Heard Museum in Phoenix, Arizona that documents the experiences of American Indian students who attended off-reservation boarding schools; and (3) The Oregon Trail, a videogame that simulates a mid-nineteenth century pioneer’s journey across the Frontier. In my analysis, I identified the site’s public memory narrative, discussed how the site rhetorically builds that narrative, and considered the site’s efforts to encourage visitors to identify with the portrayed history. My results show that: (1) the Foy Proctor Historical Park perpetuates a settler-colonial narrative through its rhetorical invention of a Frontier landscape, (2) Remembering Our Indian School Days challenges the “forgetting” and “erasure” of settler-colonial memory through extensive documentation efforts, and (3) The Oregon Trail reproduces an interactive, settler-colonial narrative by positioning players into role-playing as pioneers. I ultimately argue common assumptions about the functionality of remembering and forgetting in a public do not account for the epistemic complexity shown within these sites; the remembering-forgetting dialectic thus remains a significant topic in public memory studies.
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Celebrity Rhetoric and Public Writing Pedagogy in the Composition Classroom: A Taylor Swift Case Study

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This thesis argues that celebrities and celebrity studies should be taken more seriously in writing studies as productive sites for writing instruction in the composition classroom. Historically, celebrity culture has been overlooked for ostensibly lacking in substance or relevance to

This thesis argues that celebrities and celebrity studies should be taken more seriously in writing studies as productive sites for writing instruction in the composition classroom. Historically, celebrity culture has been overlooked for ostensibly lacking in substance or relevance to critical thought. However, academic disciplines, such as cultural studies and celebrity studies, are paving the way for celebrities having a more significant rhetorical relevance as figures in the public. This thesis explores celebrities as cultural figures who are advantageously positioned in the public realm as rhetorical agents. Their increased visibility and the increase in observation of celebrity culture in the public sphere are contributing to how people form opinions and make judgments about the world around them. Yet, despite some of the connections between the public, writing, and celebrity rhetoric, there has been little work in the field aligning celebrity rhetoric as a site for public writing instruction within academia. This thesis seeks to address this gap by aligning celebrity rhetoric with scholarship on public writing pedagogy in composition studies. To model how students might approach analyzing and writing about celebrity rhetoric in the composition classroom, this thesis offers a critical look at the celebrity rhetoric of Taylor Swift. The case study rhetorically analyzes sites of public writing that work intertextuality across various mediums to construct her celebrity as a representation of modern feminism. This thesis concludes with a discussion about the pedagogical implication of implementing celebrity rhetoric in the composition classroom. It concludes that celebrity rhetoric is useful for students in composition classrooms for making personal connections with their work, negotiating an understanding about culture and public issues, and influencing the production of rhetoric, writing and their own identity as scholars.
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Methods on the Move: What it Takes to Approach Methods Rhetorically

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This study considers what it means to acquire a literacy, and in this case, a
literacy that is capable of transforming barriers into pathways through a rhetorical
approach to methods. The problem we are trying to solve is how exactly we as

This study considers what it means to acquire a literacy, and in this case, a
literacy that is capable of transforming barriers into pathways through a rhetorical
approach to methods. The problem we are trying to solve is how exactly we as
rhetorical decision makers can acquire the type of literacy that can allow us to
approach a method as a way to transform barriers when we are stuck. This
problem space is especially challenging because it is one thing to master a literacy
of being part of a Discourse whose practices are well codified, but another thing
to learn to master a literacy that by definition employs methods to transform
barriers into pathways. This is what makes this problem space, so significant and
worthwhile to investigate as rhetorical decision makers.
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The End of Life Ritual

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"Memento mori- remember you must die." Death is not a simple topic for anyone to address, especially when they are already grieving the loss of a loved one or the realization that they too will die one day. Death and

"Memento mori- remember you must die." Death is not a simple topic for anyone to address, especially when they are already grieving the loss of a loved one or the realization that they too will die one day. Death and the practice of death rituals are things that all humans have in common, but at the same time they are something that we will all go through alone and all perceive differently. It can be extremely isolating and painful to grieve or to confront the reality of our own life ending, but it is something that many of us must face. Rituals are what give us the ability to reflect and work through difficult emotions and the ritual created through this project is no different.
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