Violet Voices: Analyzing the Representation of Queer and Lesbian Women in Television and Film

Representation in television and film not only impacts how people view themselves, but also how society views them. We have created a society in which the media defines societal norms and controls how particular groups and issues are represented. It

Representation in television and film not only impacts how people view themselves, but also how society views them. We have created a society in which the media defines societal norms and controls how particular groups and issues are represented. It is vital for identity formation and creating a sense of belonging, and normalizes communities that may be viewed through a stereotypical lens. What we see in the media has a significant impact on our lives and perspectives. For lesbian and queer women, invisibility and heteronormativity are common themes in television and film representation, both historically and today. Representation in film and television is uncommon and short-lived for lesbian and queer women. When these characters are included, they often pose issues such as not being relatable to the community or they exemplify stereotypes and tropes. These include the oversexualization of lesbian and queer women and the “bury your gays” trope, which explains the frequency that these characters are killed or denied happiness. Lesbian and queer women crave visibility and authentic representation. Diverse representation that strays from the standard heteronormative narrative is imperative in creating a more inclusive world in which every person feels they belong and receives acceptance and respect. My webpage,, shares my research and aims to serve as a resource for the lesbian and queer community to express their opinions about shows and films, and for creators to learn what lesbian and queer women wish to see in television and film representations.
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Metamorphosis Behind the Closet Door: Analysis of Queer identities through Monstrous Transformations

Queer individuals are frequently perceived as ‘the Other’ and thus, ‘the Other’ that exists in the imagination of writers as creatures and monsters to terrify audiences frequently take on queer characteristics. However, to examine these monsters, their transformations, and the

Queer individuals are frequently perceived as ‘the Other’ and thus, ‘the Other’ that exists in the imagination of writers as creatures and monsters to terrify audiences frequently take on queer characteristics. However, to examine these monsters, their transformations, and the communities that connect to them further, we must step away from the cis, straight view of ‘normality’ and attempt to discuss the creature from within. This paper aims to examine the experiences of individual queer identities as they transition out of assumed heteronormativity and into ‘the Other’ themselves through the monsters that each identity aligns itself with narratively.
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A Content Analysis of News Media Representation of Transgender Athletes in Arizona: Exploring the Framing of Anti-Trans Sports Bills


With a record-breaking number of anti-trans laws being proposed and passed in the several years, it is important to understand how news media are framing them. This study is a content analysis of news media representations of transgender people in

With a record-breaking number of anti-trans laws being proposed and passed in the several years, it is important to understand how news media are framing them. This study is a content analysis of news media representations of transgender people in sports in Arizona, with a focus on understanding how the news articles are constructed and what claims are being made within them. The purpose of this research is to investigate how the news media reflects and shapes the emerging debate about transgender inclusion in sports. The study uses a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative content analysis of news articles from major newspapers in Arizona. The results indicate that the majority of news articles were positive or neutral in nature regarding transgender inclusion in sports when reporting on the introduction of anti-trans bills in Arizona. This suggests that the media is not agreeing with the anti-trans legislation. The analysis also reveals the lack of transgender voices included in news articles related to anti-trans sports bans. This research highlights the need for responsible and accurate reporting in the media, particularly in shaping public opinion about policies related to transgender individuals in sports. It also emphasizes the importance of creating inclusive and supportive environments for transgender youth in sports.

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Queer Representations of Female Beauty in Music


I will argue that Fletcher as a queer female musician is less focused on physical beauty, but instead is more focused on inner beauty and the character of women instead. I will begin with defining beauty in its many forms

I will argue that Fletcher as a queer female musician is less focused on physical beauty, but instead is more focused on inner beauty and the character of women instead. I will begin with defining beauty in its many forms and how this industry and market has grown in recent years through a review of the current literature in the applicable fields of study. The other side of this endeavor will be a review of selected song lyrics and an analysis of how they describe feminine beauty. This will demonstrate that queer women view and describe women differently- and in a more positive and humanizing manner.

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Outside the Binary: A Narrative Analysis of Bi- and Pansexual Coming Out Videos Online

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Much of the literature around coming out narratives is concerned with monosexual coming out experiences. While some recent literature has expanded to include discussions of non-monosexual experiences, there is a lack of research surrounding the coming out narratives of non-monosexual

Much of the literature around coming out narratives is concerned with monosexual coming out experiences. While some recent literature has expanded to include discussions of non-monosexual experiences, there is a lack of research surrounding the coming out narratives of non-monosexual individuals specifically. This thesis aims to investigate such coming out narratives. The coming out narrative genre as a whole has been examined by several researchers across several years, highlighting a variety of monosexual coming out experiences. This project aims to utilize past research of coming out narratives to build a framework of common themes within the genre and employ this framework as a basis of comparison between monosexual and non-monosexual coming out narratives. Since the experiences of non-monosexual members of the queer community are not being looked at within the coming out narrative genre, it is crucial to highlight non-monosexual experiences in narrative research such as this. Data for this study comes from several publicly available online coming out narratives from YouTube, with the final total equaling 12 narratives. This study finds that there are distinct differences between the coming out narratives of monosexual and non-monosexual narratives and, as such, provides evidence of unique lived experiences for non-monosexual individuals when coming out.
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The Realities of Influencer Culture: A Case Study of Hannah Palmer

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Influencer culture has, within the last few decades, evolved into a distinguishable subset of social media, as well as the entertainment and business worlds. This project seeks to highlight core aspects of what makes an influencer and what distinguishes the

Influencer culture has, within the last few decades, evolved into a distinguishable subset of social media, as well as the entertainment and business worlds. This project seeks to highlight core aspects of what makes an influencer and what distinguishes the role from traditional celebrities through the experience and thoughts of Hannah Palmer, an influencer most popular on Instagram in the fashion and lifestyle market. Using her as a case study, this project seeks to analyze how Hannah exists in the culture and the unique approach to the culture that she takes. The core concepts Hannah interacts with, as most influencers do, include self-branding, parasocial relationships and communication, the concept of authenticity, the role of labor (both aspirational and invisible), and gender dynamics of the entertainment industry.

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Reflections of the "Shining City on the Hill": Beverly Hills Cop as a Case Study of Encoded Resistance in Mainstream Hollywood Films

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An entire decade of films that emerged from the Hollywood system during the blockbuster era of the 1980s is often summed up as one marked by a “curious and disturbing phenomenon of children’s films conceived and marketed largely for adults

An entire decade of films that emerged from the Hollywood system during the blockbuster era of the 1980s is often summed up as one marked by a “curious and disturbing phenomenon of children’s films conceived and marketed largely for adults — films that construct the adult spectator as a child, or, more precisely, as a childish adult, an adult who would like to be a child.” If it is possible, as film theorist Siegfried Kracauer proposed, that “in recording the visible world — whether current reality or an imaginary universe — films … provide clues to hidden mental processes,” what are we to deduce about the mental processes of the American public who would pay to sit in a movie theater and watch Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) or Rambo: First Blood (1982) for multiple viewings? In addressing this questions it may be helpful to turn again to Krakauer, who reminds us that a box office “hit may cater only to one of many co-existing [mass] demands, and not even a very specific one,” and that even if one could draw conclusions about the “peculiar mentality of a nation” by analyzing the “pictorial and narrative motifs” of box office hits, this “by no means implies a fixed national character.” This is a key insight because it implies a diverse national character composed of mass demands that remain unmet by the “children’s films” produced for adults which remain emblematic of Hollywood during the 1980s. In this thesis, I argue that the mainstream Hollywood film Beverly Hills Cop contradicts this notion because it employs sophisticated strategies to work as resistance against the dominant American cultural ideologies of the mid-1980s. I briefly contextualize the film in its historical and cultural setting. Then, I analyze three narrative aspects of the film. First, I begin with the various interactions Eddie Murphy’s character Axel Foley has with several “gatekeepers” throughout the film. Next, I analyze a scene in which Foley is assaulted by Sgt. Taggart of the Beverly Hills Police Department. Finally, I analyze Foley’s relationships with the supporting characters Mikey and Jenny. Beverly Hills Cop is one of the most popular and successful American films of the 1980s. Its subversiveness suggests the possibility that a host of other popular films from the decade are similarly sophisticated. This points to the need for a reexamination of a decade of American cinema that has been cast as “children’s films conceived and marketed largely for adults.”

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Reality Television's Abstraction of Authenticity Through a Scientific Lens

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This analysis explores the mirrored formats of scientific research and reality television from an interdisciplinary perspective. By dissecting the four “layers” of reality television and their contributions to authenticity or inauthenticity, it becomes clear that reality television is more pseudoscientific

This analysis explores the mirrored formats of scientific research and reality television from an interdisciplinary perspective. By dissecting the four “layers” of reality television and their contributions to authenticity or inauthenticity, it becomes clear that reality television is more pseudoscientific than anything. Textual analysis, in the form of the reality shows, is paired with scholarship on the material to present this argument.

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Ex Queer Scientia | From the Queer, Knowledge: The Evolution of Queer Expressions of Gender & Sexuality in the Star Trek Universe

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This thesis is a series of essays on the evolution of queer expressions of gender & sexuality in the Star Trek Universe. This project spans the entire history of the franchise but focuses primarily on the Star Trek series Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Discovery.
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Descent: A Modern Television Adaptation of Dante's Inferno

Descent is a modern television adaptation of Dante's Inferno, in which the main characters must navigate the levels of the Dark Web instead of Hell. This Creative Project includes the script for the first episode of this series, as well

Descent is a modern television adaptation of Dante's Inferno, in which the main characters must navigate the levels of the Dark Web instead of Hell. This Creative Project includes the script for the first episode of this series, as well as episode summaries for each of the 10 episodes in the first season.
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