Structural Characteristics of Laramide Stress Field in the Bradshaw Mountains Region and Enhancing Remote Education and Differentiated Instruction through High-Resolution Model Creation with Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry

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This combined research provides in-depth insights into both the tectonic evolution of the Bradshaw Mountain region in Arizona and the effective use of Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry in remote geological education. The first study focuses on deciphering paleostress fields in the

This combined research provides in-depth insights into both the tectonic evolution of the Bradshaw Mountain region in Arizona and the effective use of Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry in remote geological education. The first study focuses on deciphering paleostress fields in the Bradshaw Mountains region, which helps unravel Earth's past tectonic activities and lithospheric evolution. By examining fractures in plutonic stocks, ranging in age from 73 to 64 million years, crucial insights into the area's tectonic history were obtained. Fracture properties such as size, frequency, orientation, and location were diligently recorded. Further examination in a regional context revealed a complex stress regime during the Laramide orogeny, underpinned by diverse fracture and aplite dike orientations. The findings hint at potential influences of stress reversal during Laramide pluton emplacement and crystallization on regional principal stress, which deviated from previous regional tectonic studies. Factors like crustal dilation, local uplift, tensile stress cycle, and topographic stress could explain the lack of predicted mineralized orientations. The implications of these findings are vital for reconstructing Laramide tectonic and magmatic activities in the region, although further research is required to fully understand the causative mechanisms. The second study centers on the use of SfM photogrammetry in geological education, with a focus on remote learning environments. This involves creating 3D models of hand samples and outcrops with exceptional resolution for detail recognition. Detailed guidance on hardware and software specifications, image capture conditions, file management, and 3D model creation using Metashape is provided. The study emphasizes the dual-masking technique for optimum texture quality and the role of SketchFab in the analysis and viewing of the final product. This integration of SfM photogrammetry into geological education supplements traditional hands-on learning and enhances students' grasp of geological concepts. The technique provides an immersive, interactive experience, especially beneficial for students unable to physically access geological samples, and fosters critical thinking through a hands-on digital interface.
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Geology of the Hassayampa River Canyon Area, Wickenburg, Arizona

The Hassayampa River Canyon, located near Wickenburg, Arizona, is a riparian ecosystem and a popular recreational area in the arid Sonoran Desert of central Arizona. The canyon hosts well-exposed middle Cenozoic volcanic and sedimentary sequences, an underlying crystalline basement, and

The Hassayampa River Canyon, located near Wickenburg, Arizona, is a riparian ecosystem and a popular recreational area in the arid Sonoran Desert of central Arizona. The canyon hosts well-exposed middle Cenozoic volcanic and sedimentary sequences, an underlying crystalline basement, and the unconformity that separates the two packages of rocks. The crystalline basement includes Proterozoic metamorphic and granitic rocks, and a Cretaceous granodiorite intrusion. The area features extension-related normal faults, major associated tear faults, evidence for faulting during accumulation of the mid-Cenozoic sequence, and known mineral deposits, including those of manganese, gold, and copper. New geologic mapping provides the city of Wickenburg with scientific and societal information for future land-use and resource-management decisions, and improves the understanding of the geologic history of the region. New geologic mapping in the southern half of the Sam Powell Peak 7.5' Quadrangle highlights (1) mid-Cenozoic volcanism and extension that formed the main geologic features of the area, including Hassayampa River Canyon; (2) relationships between Neogene sedimentation and late Neogene basin-fill deposits, and (3) the development of the modern Hassayampa River system onto pre-existing bedrock topography. Geologic mapping was conducted under the joint State-Federal USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping program, and was jointly funded by the Arizona Geological Survey and USGS under EdMap award G18AC00230.
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Landslide Blocks within Miocene Sedimentary Rocks of Papago Park

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Papago Park in Tempe, Arizona (USA) is host to several buttes composed of landslide breccias. The focus of this thesis is a butte called “Contact Hill,” which is composed of metarhyolitic debris flows, granitic debris flows, and Barnes Butte Breccia.

Papago Park in Tempe, Arizona (USA) is host to several buttes composed of landslide breccias. The focus of this thesis is a butte called “Contact Hill,” which is composed of metarhyolitic debris flows, granitic debris flows, and Barnes Butte Breccia. The Barnes Butte Breccia can be broken down into several different compositional categories that can be dated based on their relative ages. The depositional timeline of these rocks is explored through their mineral and physical properties. The rhyolitic debris flow is massively bedded and dips at 26° to the southeast. The granitic debris flow is not bedded and exhibits a mixture of granite clasts of different grain sizes. In thin section analysis, five mineral types were identified: opaque inclusions, white quartz, anhedral and subhedral biotite, yellow stained K-feldspar, and gray plagioclase. It is hypothesized that regional stretching and compression of the crust, accompanied with magmatism, helped bring the metarhyolite and granite to the surface. Domino-like fault blocks caused large brecciation, and collapse of a nearby quartzite and granite mountain helped create the Barnes Butte Breccia: a combination of quartzite, metarhyolite, and granite clasts. Evidence of Papago Park’s ancient terrestrial history is seen in metarhyolite clasts containing sand grains. These geologic events, in addition to erosion, are responsible for Papago Park’s unique appearance today.

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Developing a Dual-Medium Virtual Environment for Geoscience Education Research and Teaching

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This project produced a dual-medium (traditional screen & virtual reality) virtual environment of Barnhardt Canyon, in Payson, Arizona. The project showcases two different approaches to developing a virtual environment with both being centered by 360 degree content. The virtual environment

This project produced a dual-medium (traditional screen & virtual reality) virtual environment of Barnhardt Canyon, in Payson, Arizona. The project showcases two different approaches to developing a virtual environment with both being centered by 360 degree content. The virtual environment allows a user to explore the area in a much more immersive way than offered by traditional media. Future uses of the project could include research on the educational efficacy of virtual reality content, or the project could be used as a teaching tool in geoscience classes.
Date Created

Cloud Piercers: Mountains and Adventure in Western North America

The mountains of western North America are spectacular and diverse, from sheer walls of crumbling black limestone in the Canadian Rockies, to smooth glacially polished granite in the Wind River Range, to gargantuan ice-clad volcanoes in the Cascades. These great

The mountains of western North America are spectacular and diverse, from sheer walls of crumbling black limestone in the Canadian Rockies, to smooth glacially polished granite in the Wind River Range, to gargantuan ice-clad volcanoes in the Cascades. These great bastions of rock, snow, and ice, still very much wild and untamed, provide an incredible arena for adventure, exploration, and challenge. Over the past three years, I have devoted thousands of hours to exploring these vast wild places, climbing high peaks, steep cliffs, and frozen waterfalls. In doing so, I studied the rich geologic history of the mountains. This thesis project is a compilation of stories and images from those adventures, along with the stories of the mountains themselves: how the rocks were formed, thrust skyward, and sculpted over the ages into their present, glorious form. The photographic and detailed narrative of the geology and adventures is on a new website called Cloud Piercers, which currently features three geologically diverse mountain massifs: (1) Mount Rainier, an active volcano in the Cascade Range of Washington; (2) Mount Robson, the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies, within a terrain of folded Paleozoic sedimentary rocks; and (3) the Wind River Range of Wyoming, composed mostly of Archean metamorphic and granitic rocks. This website will be expanded in the future as the geologic studies and adventures continue.
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Geologic and Structural Characterization of Shallow Seismic Properties Along The San Jacinto Fault at Sage Brush Flat, Southern California

The study of fault zones is a critical component to understanding earthquake mechanics and seismic hazard evaluations. Models or simulations of potential earthquakes, based on fault zone properties, are a first step in mitigating the hazard. Theoretical models of earthquake

The study of fault zones is a critical component to understanding earthquake mechanics and seismic hazard evaluations. Models or simulations of potential earthquakes, based on fault zone properties, are a first step in mitigating the hazard. Theoretical models of earthquake ruptures along a bi-material interface result in asymmetrical damage and preferred rupture propagation direction. Results include greater damage intensity within stiffer material and preferred slip in the direction of the more compliant side of the fault. Data from a dense seismic array along the Clark strand of the SJFZ at Sage Brush Flat (SGB) near Anza, CA, allows for analysis and characterization of shallow (<1km depth) seismic structure and fault zone properties. Results indicate potential asymmetric rock damage at SGB, similar to findings elsewhere along the SJFZ suggesting an NW preferred rupture propagation.

In this study, analysis of high resolution topography suggests asymmetric morphology of the SGB basin slopes are partially attributed to structural growth and fault zone damage. Spatial distributions of rock damage, from site mapping and fault perpendicular transects within SGB and Alkali Wash, are seemingly asymmetric with pulverization dominantly between fault strands or in the NE fault block. Remapping of the SJFZ through Alkali Wash indicates the fault is not isolated to a single strand along the main geologic boundary as previously mapped. Displacement measurements within SGB are analogous to those from the most recent large earthquake on the Clark fault. Geologic models from both a 3D shear wave velocity model (a product from the dense seismic array analysis) and lithologic and structural mapping from this study indicate surface observations and shallow seismic data compare well. A synthetic three-dimensional fault zone model illustrates the complexity of the structure at SGB for comparison with dense array seismic wave products. Results of this study generally agree with findings from seismic wave interpretations suggesting damage asymmetry is controlled by a NW preferred rupture propagation.
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Remote Sensing and Modeling of Stressed Aquifer Systems and the Associated Hazards

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Aquifers host the largest accessible freshwater resource in the world. However, groundwater reserves are declining in many places. Often coincident with drought, high extraction rates and inadequate replenishment result in groundwater overdraft and permanent land subsidence. Land subsidence is the

Aquifers host the largest accessible freshwater resource in the world. However, groundwater reserves are declining in many places. Often coincident with drought, high extraction rates and inadequate replenishment result in groundwater overdraft and permanent land subsidence. Land subsidence is the cause of aquifer storage capacity reduction, altered topographic gradients which can exacerbate floods, and differential displacement that can lead to earth fissures and infrastructure damage. Improving understanding of the sources and mechanisms driving aquifer deformation is important for resource management planning and hazard mitigation.

Poroelastic theory describes the coupling of differential stress, strain, and pore pressure, which are modulated by material properties. To model these relationships, displacement time series are estimated via satellite interferometry and hydraulic head levels from observation wells provide an in-situ dataset. In combination, the deconstruction and isolation of selected time-frequency components allow for estimating aquifer parameters, including the elastic and inelastic storage coefficients, compaction time constants, and vertical hydraulic conductivity. Together these parameters describe the storage response of an aquifer system to changes in hydraulic head and surface elevation. Understanding aquifer parameters is useful for the ongoing management of groundwater resources.

Case studies in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, focus on land subsidence from groundwater withdrawal as well as distinct responses to artificial recharge efforts. In Christchurch, New Zealand, possible changes to aquifer properties due to earthquakes are investigated. In Houston, Texas, flood severity during Hurricane Harvey is linked to subsidence, which modifies base flood elevations and topographic gradients.
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The Effect of the IRIS REU Program on Student Retention in Geoscience

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For the geoscience community to continue to grow, students need to be attracted to the field. Here we examine the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program to understand how the participants' experiences' affects their

For the geoscience community to continue to grow, students need to be attracted to the field. Here we examine the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program to understand how the participants' experiences' affects their interest in geoscience and educational and career goals. Eleven interns over two years (2013-2014) were interviewed prior to the start of their internship, after their internship, and after presenting their research at the American Geophysical Union annual meeting. This internship program is of particular interest because many of the interns come into the REU with non-geoscience or geophysics backgrounds (e.g., physics, mathematics, chemistry, engineering). Both a priori and emergent codes are used to convert interview transcripts into quantitative data, which is analyzed alongside demographic information to understand how the REU influences their decisions. Increases in self-efficacy and exposure to multiple facets of geoscience research are expressed as primary factors that help shape their future educational and career goals. Other factors such as networking opportunities and connections during the REU also can play a role in their decision. Overall, REU participants who identified as geosciences majors solidified their decisions to pursue a career in geosciences, while participants who identified as non-geosciences majors were inclined to change majors, pursue geosciences in graduate school, or explore other job opportunities in the geosciences.
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Detrital-Zircon and Paleontological Constraints on Correlations of Pennsylvanian-Permian Rocks Near Sedona, Arizona

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This research focuses on a geologic controversy regarding the stratigraphic position of the Hermit Formation outside of the Grand Canyon, specifically in Sedona, Arizona. The goal of this research is to provide additional constraints on this dispute by pinpointing the

This research focuses on a geologic controversy regarding the stratigraphic position of the Hermit Formation outside of the Grand Canyon, specifically in Sedona, Arizona. The goal of this research is to provide additional constraints on this dispute by pinpointing the transition to the Hermit Formation in Sedona, if possible. To accomplish this, we use field observations and detrital zircon dating techniques to compare data we collected in Sedona with data previously published for the Grand Canyon. Fossil evidence in Sedona and near Payson, Arizona is also used to aid correlation. Starting from the Grand Canyon, the Hermit Formation pinches out to the southeast and, hypothetically obstructed by the Sedona Arch, does not reach Sedona. Detrital zircon data show similar age distributions between the Grand Canyon and Sedona rock units, but the results are not strong enough to confidently correlate units between these two localities. The data collected for this study suggest that if the Hermit Formation is present in Sedona, it is limited to higher up in the section as opposed to occupying the middle portion of the section as is currently interpreted. To determine with greater accuracy whether the Hermit Formation does exist higher in the section of Sedona, more detrital zircons should be collected and analyzed from the part of the section that yielded a relative increase in young zircons aged 200-600 Ma.
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Comparative evolution of the Shyok and Yarlung suture zones: implications for the collision Between India and Eurasia

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The collision between the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates marked the onset of the rise of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen, but also brought about profound changes to the Earth's oceans and climate. The exact sequence of events that occurred during this

The collision between the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates marked the onset of the rise of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen, but also brought about profound changes to the Earth's oceans and climate. The exact sequence of events that occurred during this collision is poorly understood, leading to a wide range of estimates of its age. The Indus and Yarlung sutures are generally considered to represent the final collision between India and Eurasia, and together form a mostly continuous belt that can be traced over 2000 km along strike. In the western portions of the orogen the Karakoram Fault introduces a key complexity to the study of timing of collision by offsetting the Indus and Yarlung sutures. Recent work has used the complexities introduced by the Karakoram Fault to suggest that the more northerly Shyok suture, not the Indus suture, represents the India-Eurasia collision zone. Estimates for timing of the India-Eurasia collision fall into one of three groups: 40-34 Ma, 55-50 Ma, and 66-60 Ma. Attempts to reconcile these models have thus far been unsuccessful. In order to provide additional data that might further clarify the timing and location of collision, studies have been performed along the Shyok suture in India and along the Yarlung suture in Tibet at Sangsang. A study along the Shyok suture argues that the suture formed between 92-85 Ma. This timing precludes an interpretation that the Shyok suture marks the location of the India-Eurasia collision. A second study demonstrates the utility of two new geochronometers, (U-Th)/Pb joaquinite and 40Ar/39Ar neptunite, that play an important role in unraveling the tectonic history of the Yarlung suture. A third study is an investigation of the structure and geochronology of the Sangsang ophiolite complex. Here, multiple (U-Th)/Pb and 40Ar/39Ar systems record magmatism and metamorphism spanning ca. 125-52 Ma. By tying these chronometers to tectonic process, a history is reconstructed of the southern margin of Tibet that includes Early Cretaceous to Late Cretaceous forearc rifting associated with mid ocean ridge subduction, Paleocene accretionary wedge uplift and erosion, and finally Eocene metasomatism and collision.
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