The Importance of Police Officer Training and How to Improve It in Today's Society


This project consists of a police officer manual and supplemental paper. The goal of this project was to address current flaws in police officer training and implement new ideas in the areas of communication, stress management, and cultural awareness. Utilizing

This project consists of a police officer manual and supplemental paper. The goal of this project was to address current flaws in police officer training and implement new ideas in the areas of communication, stress management, and cultural awareness. Utilizing expertise from qualitative interviews as well as support found in existing literature, this project was able to create a training curriculum that has the potential to lessen the gaps in police officer training.

Date Created

Charismatic Language Patterns in the Courtroom


The power of language in leadership positions and social movements is well established. Charismatic Language patterns have been identified as effective for influencing perception and decision-making. This study examines the use of Charismatic Language in a court of law through

The power of language in leadership positions and social movements is well established. Charismatic Language patterns have been identified as effective for influencing perception and decision-making. This study examines the use of Charismatic Language in a court of law through a randomized survey of different treatments of oral arguments in a homicide case. Results show that Charismatic Language used by the prosecution is less likely to influence a jury and can even dissuade their decision. Additionally, the study finds that Charismatic Language used by a female attorney may hinder the argument's reliability to a jury.

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Founders Lab-Blue Azul Digital Market


This project centered on creating a digital platform to promote local artists and help consumers shop more sustainably.

Date Created

Surviving Harsh U.S. Immigration Policies: Haitian Migration to Mexicali, Baja California

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A successful asylum case is extremely rare in the United States legal system, particularly for Black migrants entering from Haiti who are subject to multiple layers of racism throughout each step of the process. Recent policies, such as Title 42

A successful asylum case is extremely rare in the United States legal system, particularly for Black migrants entering from Haiti who are subject to multiple layers of racism throughout each step of the process. Recent policies, such as Title 42 and Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), have further restricted migrants from initiating this process by blocking their entry and expediting their removals. Title 42, a public health code issued to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, has accelerated the deportation of Haitian migrants, while MPP has forced many migrants to stay in Mexico during their asylum proceedings. Both of these policies have had a punitive effect on migrants attempting to enter the country through “legal manners,” yet they are ineffective ways of stopping migration. Instead, migrants are now crossing through a weaponized southern border due to Border Patrol’s strategy of Prevention through Deterrence. Though there is extensive research on the racism that non-Black migrants face when interacting with enforcement agencies in the Borderlands, there is no research centering the experiences of Black migrants. In this paper, I argue that in spite of this dangerous route, migrants find ways to survive through community-based strategies, including transnational networks. Additionally, I examine local efforts in Mexicali, B.C. to provide support to migrants. This case-study is critical for the understanding of the borderlands as it highlights the detrimental consequences of colonial occupation, racism, and late-stage capitalism. Key words: Black migration, immigration, border enforcement, asylum process

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Gottner Final Project (Spring 2022)

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This year marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of Title IX, a piece of legislation which aims for dismantling gender discrimination. Even with such actions females, especially Black females are not proportionally represented in the world of sports. Due

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of Title IX, a piece of legislation which aims for dismantling gender discrimination. Even with such actions females, especially Black females are not proportionally represented in the world of sports. Due to this phenomenon, a study was funded by the Global Sport Institute to look at barriers for Black Women and Girls sport participation. Focus groups and interviews were used to gather data. They utilized a semi-structured approach using open-ended questions, and were recorded and later transcribed. After a secondary data analysis was performed on the focus group and interview transcripts it was found that community views and resources play an important role in the sports participation for Black girls and women. The topics of legislation history, schools, resources, finances, access, and media views were further researched in order to understand their impact on Black girls and women. A public service announcement (PSA) video was created in order to communicate these findings in a more accessible and modern way. The goal of the PSA video is to not only educate the public about this problem concerning Black girls and women but to also empower and encourage communities to fix it.

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Gottner Video (Spring 2022)

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This year marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of Title IX, a piece of legislation which aims for dismantling gender discrimination. Even with such actions females, especially Black females are not proportionally represented in the world of sports. Due

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of Title IX, a piece of legislation which aims for dismantling gender discrimination. Even with such actions females, especially Black females are not proportionally represented in the world of sports. Due to this phenomenon, a study was funded by the Global Sport Institute to look at barriers for Black Women and Girls sport participation. Focus groups and interviews were used to gather data. They utilized a semi-structured approach using open-ended questions, and were recorded and later transcribed. After a secondary data analysis was performed on the focus group and interview transcripts it was found that community views and resources play an important role in the sports participation for Black girls and women. The topics of legislation history, schools, resources, finances, access, and media views were further researched in order to understand their impact on Black girls and women. A public service announcement (PSA) video was created in order to communicate these findings in a more accessible and modern way. The goal of the PSA video is to not only educate the public about this problem concerning Black girls and women but to also empower and encourage communities to fix it.

Date Created

Inequity and Misogynoir: The Importance of Community Views and Resources on Sports Participation for Black Girls and Women

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of Title IX, a piece of legislation which aims for dismantling gender discrimination. Even with such actions females, especially Black females are not proportionally represented in the world of sports. Due

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of Title IX, a piece of legislation which aims for dismantling gender discrimination. Even with such actions females, especially Black females are not proportionally represented in the world of sports. Due to this phenomenon, a study was funded by the Global Sport Institute to look at barriers for Black Women and Girls sport participation. Focus groups and interviews were used to gather data. They utilized a semi-structured approach using open-ended questions, and were recorded and later transcribed. After a secondary data analysis was performed on the focus group and interview transcripts it was found that community views and resources play an important role in the sports participation for Black girls and women. The topics of legislation history, schools, resources, finances, access, and media views were further researched in order to understand their impact on Black girls and women. A public service announcement (PSA) video was created in order to communicate these findings in a more accessible and modern way. The goal of the PSA video is to not only educate the public about this problem concerning Black girls and women but to also empower and encourage communities to fix it.
Date Created

RiZing: Connecting Students to Roommates Through Video Games

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A significant sub-market within student affairs has been long ignored and broken: Student housing success. Research shows that strong relationships between students that live together are crucial to the well-being and academic success of that student. The problem is that

A significant sub-market within student affairs has been long ignored and broken: Student housing success. Research shows that strong relationships between students that live together are crucial to the well-being and academic success of that student. The problem is that universities have not figured out a standard way to group students effectively with some universities opting to market this inefficiency as a normal part of the college experience. For our thesis as a part of Founders Lab, we created our company, RiZing, to tackle this inefficiency. RiZing addresses the student-housing gap and proves that the lack of effective matching can be solved with the right people and of course, video games. Both students and higher education institutions are desperately trying to solve this problem. General event service vendors are racing just as quickly to serve this collegiate market and are extremely motivated to work with anyone who does. As the world today is becoming increasingly digitized, the founders of RiZing believe that the solution to building and maintaining strong connections with peers is possible through leveraging technology such as video games to create strong personal bonds.

Date Created