The Cosmic Neutrino Background Asymmetry near the Surface of the Earth

It has been recently claimed that there is a local enhancement of neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry in the Cosmic Neutrino Background (CNB) near the surface of the Earth of order $10^{-4}$ due to the in-matter potential experienced by relic neutrinos. This asymmetry

It has been recently claimed that there is a local enhancement of neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry in the Cosmic Neutrino Background (CNB) near the surface of the Earth of order $10^{-4}$ due to the in-matter potential experienced by relic neutrinos. This asymmetry is significantly larger than the expected $10^{-9}$ from the baryon asymmetry and is a promising step towards detecting the CNB. However, this claim makes many simplifying assumptions to reach this outcome, the most significant of which is the geometry used to model the Earth. Here, we approach the problem with a more realistic geometry for the Earth, and we find that the neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry near Earth is $10^{-8}$, which agrees with other recently reported results from other authors}.
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Titanium, Iron, Neutrinos, and Asymmetric Explosions: An Exploration of Supernovae and Their Remnants

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The lives of high-mass stars end with core-collapse supernovae, which distribute energy and chemical elements into the interstellar medium. This process is integral to the Galactic ecosystem, since stars and planets will form from the enriched interstellar medium. Since most

The lives of high-mass stars end with core-collapse supernovae, which distribute energy and chemical elements into the interstellar medium. This process is integral to the Galactic ecosystem, since stars and planets will form from the enriched interstellar medium. Since most supernovae are detected at intergalactic distances, opportunities to examine them in detail are rare. Computer simulations and observations of supernova remnants are frequently employed to study these events and their influence on the universe. I explore the topic of supernovae using a multi-pronged approach, beginning with an examination of the core-collapse supernova engine. The radioisotopes 44Ti and 56Ni, produced in the innermost ejecta, provide a probe of this central engine. Using a three-dimensional supernova simulation with nucleosynthesis post-processing, I examine the production of these isotopes and their thermodynamic histories. Since production of 44Ti is especially sensitive to the explosion conditions, insights can be gained by comparing the model with 44Ti observations from supernova remnant Cassiopeia A. Next, I consider supernova remnants as potential sources of high-energy neutrinos within the Milky Way galaxy. The developing field of neutrino astronomy has yet to identify the origins of the diffuse neutrino flux first detected by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in 2013. In principle, high-energy Galactic sources like supernova remnants could contribute measurably to this flux. I also consider Galactic open clusters, environments which are rich in supernovae and other energetic phenomena. Statistical analysis finds no evidence of causal association between these objects and the IceCube neutrino events. I conclude with a series of asymmetric three-dimensional supernova models, presented as a comparative analysis of how supernova morphology affects nucleosynthetic yields. Both real supernovae and simulations frequently exhibit aspherical morphologies, but the detailed thermodynamic consequences and the ultimate effects on yields are poorly understood. The simulations include symmetric and bipolar explosion geometries for both 15- and 20-solar-mass progenitor stars. Across the spectrum of models, I show how small changes in the peak temperatures and densities experienced by ejecta can influence the production of notable isotopes such as 44Ti.
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Anomalous Chiral Plasmas in the Hydrodynamic Regime

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Chiral symmetry and its anomalous and spontaneous breaking play an important role

in particle physics, where it explains the origin of pion and hadron mass hierarchy

among other things.

Despite its microscopic origin chirality may also lead to observable effects


Chiral symmetry and its anomalous and spontaneous breaking play an important role

in particle physics, where it explains the origin of pion and hadron mass hierarchy

among other things.

Despite its microscopic origin chirality may also lead to observable effects

in macroscopic physical systems -- relativistic plasmas made of chiral

(spin-$\frac{1}{2}$) particles.

Such plasmas are called \textit{chiral}.

The effects include non-dissipative currents in external fields that could be present

even in quasi-equilibrium, such as the chiral magnetic (CME) and separation (CSE)

effects, as well as a number of inherently chiral collective modes

called the chiral magnetic (CMW) and vortical (CVW) waves.

Applications of chiral plasmas are truly interdisciplinary, ranging from

hot plasma filling the early Universe, to dense matter in neutron stars,

to electronic band structures in Dirac and Weyl semimetals, to quark-gluon plasma

produced in heavy-ion collisions.

The main focus of this dissertation is a search for traces of chiral physics

in the spectrum of collective modes in chiral plasmas.

I start from relativistic chiral kinetic theory and derive

first- and second-order chiral hydrodynamics.

Then I establish key features of an equilibrium state that describes many

physical chiral systems and use it to find the full spectrum of collective modes

in high-temperature and high-density cases.

Finally, I consider in detail the fate of the two inherently chiral waves, namely

the CMW and the CVW, and determine their detection prospects.

The main results of this dissertation are the formulation of a fully covariant

dissipative chiral hydrodynamics and the calculation of the spectrum of collective

modes in chiral plasmas.

It is found that the dissipative effects and dynamical electromagnetism play

an important role in most cases.

In particular, it is found that both the CMW and the CVW are heavily damped by the usual

Ohmic dissipation in charged plasmas and the diffusion effects in neutral plasmas.

These findings prompt a search for new physical observables in heavy-ion collisions,

as well as a revision of potential applications of chiral theories in

cosmology and solid-state physics.
Date Created

Techniques for the analysis and understanding of cosmic evolution

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The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) has provided precise information on the evolution of the Universe and the current cosmological paradigm. The CMB has not yet provided definitive information on the origin and strength of any primordial magnetic fields or how

The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) has provided precise information on the evolution of the Universe and the current cosmological paradigm. The CMB has not yet provided definitive information on the origin and strength of any primordial magnetic fields or how they affect the presence of magnetic fields observed throughout the cosmos. This work outlines an alternative method to investigating and identifying the presence of cosmic magnetic fields. This method searches for Faraday Rotation (FR) and specifically uses polarized CMB photons as back-light. I find that current generation CMB experiments may be not sensitive enough to detect FR but next generation experiments should be able to make highly significant detections. Identifying FR with the CMB will provide information on the component of magnetic fields along the line of sight of observation.

The 21cm emission from the hyperfine splitting of neutral Hydrogen in the early universe is predicted to provide precise information about the formation and evolution of cosmic structure, complementing the wealth of knowledge gained from the CMB.

21cm cosmology is a relatively new field, and precise measurements of the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) have not yet been achieved. In this work I present 2σ upper limits on the power spectrum of 21cm fluctuations (Δ²(k)) probed at the cosmological wave number k from the Donald C. Backer Precision Array for Probing the Epoch of Reionization (PAPER) 64 element deployment. I find upper limits on Δ²(k) in the range 0.3 < k < 0.6 h/Mpc to be (650 mK)², (450 mK)², (390 mK)², (250 mK)², (280mK)², (250 mK)² at redshifts z = 10.87, 9.93, 8.91, 8.37, 8.13 and 7.48 respectively

Building on the power spectrum analysis, I identify a major limiting factor in detecting the 21cm power spectrum.

This work is concluded by outlining a metric to evaluate the predisposition of redshifted 21cm interferometers to foreground contamination in power spectrum estimation. This will help inform the construction of future arrays and enable high fidelity imaging and

cross-correlation analysis with other high redshift cosmic probes like the CMB and other upcoming all sky surveys. I find future

arrays with uniform (u,v) coverage and small spectral evolution of their response in the (u,v,f) cube can minimize foreground leakage while pursuing 21cm imaging.
Date Created

Production of Short-Lived Radionuclides in Asymmetric Supernovae

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Supernovae are vital to supplying necessary elements to forming bodies in our solar systems. This project studies the creation of a subset of these necessary elements, called short-lived radionuclides (SLRs). SLRs are isotopes with relatively short half-lives and can serve

Supernovae are vital to supplying necessary elements to forming bodies in our solar systems. This project studies the creation of a subset of these necessary elements, called short-lived radionuclides (SLRs). SLRs are isotopes with relatively short half-lives and can serve as heat sources for forming planetary bodies, and their traces can be used to date stellar events. Computational models of asymmetric supernovae provide opportunities to study the effect of explosion geometry on the SLR yields. We are most interested in the production of \iso{Al}{26}, \iso{Fe}{60}, and \iso{Ca}{41}, whose decayed products are found in our own solar system. To study the effect of explosion asymmetries in supernovae, we use TYCHO stellar evolution code, SNSHP smooth particle hydrodynamics code for 3D explosion simulations, Burn code for nucleosythesis post-processing, and Python code written to analyze the output of the post-processing code.
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Direct dark matter detection phenomenology

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The identity and origin of dark matter is one of the more elusive mysteries in the fields of particle physics and cosmology. In the near future, direct dark matter detectors will offer a chance at observing dark matter non-gravitationally for

The identity and origin of dark matter is one of the more elusive mysteries in the fields of particle physics and cosmology. In the near future, direct dark matter detectors will offer a chance at observing dark matter non-gravitationally for the first time. In this thesis, formalisms are developed to analyze direct detection experiments and to quantify the extent to which properties of the dark matter can be determined. A range of non-standard assumptions about the dark matter are considered, including inelastic scattering, isospin violation and momentum dependent scattering. Bayesian inference is applied to realistic detector configurations to evaluate parameter estimation and model selection ability.

A complete set of simplified models for spin-0, spin-1/2 and spin-1 dark matter candidates are formulated. The corresponding non-relativistic operators are found, and are used to derive observational signals for the simplified models. The ability to discern these simplified models with direct detection experiments is demonstrated. In the near future direct dark matter detectors will be sensitive to coherent neutrino scattering, which will limit the discovery potential of these experiments. It was found that eleven of the fourteen non-relativistic operators considered produce signals distinct from coherent scattering, and thus the neutrino background does not greatly affect the discovery potential in these cases.
Date Created

Cosmological and astrophysical probes of physics beyond the standard model

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Cosmology, carrying imprints from the entire history of the universe, has emerged as a precise observational science over the past 30 years. It can probe physics beyond the Standard Model at energy scales much higher than the weak scale. This

Cosmology, carrying imprints from the entire history of the universe, has emerged as a precise observational science over the past 30 years. It can probe physics beyond the Standard Model at energy scales much higher than the weak scale. This thesis reports on some important probes of beyond standard model physics derived in a cosmological setting - (I) It is shown that primordial gravitational waves left over from inflation carry unique detectable CMB signatures for neutrino masses, axions and any other relativistic species that may have been present. (II) Higgs Inflation, the most popular and compelling inflation model with a higgs boson is studied next and it is shown that quantum effects have so far been incorrectly incorporated. A spurious gauge ambiguity arising from quantum effects enters the canonical prediction for observables in Higgs Inflation that must be addressed. (III) A new novel mechanism for generating the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe via decaying gravitinos is proposed. If the Supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking scale is high, then in the presence of R-parity violation, gravitinos can successfully reproduce the baryon asymmetry and evade all low energy constraints. (IV) The final chapter reports on a new completely general analysis of simplified models used in direct detection of dark matter. This is useful to explore what high energy physics constraints can be obtained from direct detection experiments.
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Possible counterparts of IceCube high energy neutrinos

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The IceCube Neutrino Observatory has provided the first map of the high energy (~0.01 – 1 PeV) sky in neutrinos. Since neutrinos propagate undeflected, their arrival direction is an important identifier for sources of high energy particle acceleration. Reconstructed arrival

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory has provided the first map of the high energy (~0.01 – 1 PeV) sky in neutrinos. Since neutrinos propagate undeflected, their arrival direction is an important identifier for sources of high energy particle acceleration. Reconstructed arrival directions are consistent with an extragalactic origin, with possibly a galactic component, of the neutrino flux. We present a statistical analysis of positional coincidences of the IceCube neutrinos with known astrophysical objects from several catalogs. For the brightest gamma-ray emitting blazars and for Seyfert galaxies, the numbers of coincidences is consistent with the random, or “null”, distribution. Instead, when considering starburst galaxies with the highest flux in gamma-rays and infrared radiation, up to n = 8 coincidences are found, representing an excess over the ~4 predicted for the null distribution. The probability that this excess is realized in the null case, the p-value, is p = 0.042. This value falls to p = 0.003 for a set of gamma-ray detected starburst galaxies and superbubbles in the galactic neighborhood. Therefore, it is possible that these might account for a subset of IceCube neutrinos. The physical plausibility of such correlation is discussed briefly.
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Measurement of the branching ratio of Klong to pi0 nu nubar

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A search for Klong to pi0 nu nubar was performed on the initial Physics data taken by the KOTO collaboration by the 30-GeV proton synchrotron at JPARC, located in Tokai, Japan. The detector used in the experiment is an upgraded

A search for Klong to pi0 nu nubar was performed on the initial Physics data taken by the KOTO collaboration by the 30-GeV proton synchrotron at JPARC, located in Tokai, Japan. The detector used in the experiment is an upgraded version of the E391 detector, KOTO's predecessor experiment performed at KEK. The analysis was performed on 2.49 E+11 ± (0.91%)stat ± (2.50%)syst kaon decays. The analysis uses Klong to 3pi0, Klong to 2pi0, and Klong to 2 gamma; for normalization and Monte Carlo validation. Based on my independent analysis, the single event sensitivity was determined to be 1.31 E-8 ± (1.22%)stat ± (7.12%)syst, comparable with the E391 result. An upper limit of 5.12 E-8 was measured for the Klong to pi0 nu nubar branching ratio at a 90% confidence level.
Date Created

Detecting Non-Relativistic Cosmic Neutrinos by Capture on Tritium: Phenomenology and Physics Potential

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We study the physics potential of the detection of the Cosmic Neutrino Back- ground via neutrino capture on tritium, taking the proposed PTOLEMY experiment as a case study. With the projected energy resolution of ∆ ∼ 0.15eV, the experiment will

We study the physics potential of the detection of the Cosmic Neutrino Back- ground via neutrino capture on tritium, taking the proposed PTOLEMY experiment as a case study. With the projected energy resolution of ∆ ∼ 0.15eV, the experiment will be sensitive to neutrino masses with degenerate spectrum, m1 ≃ m2 ≃ m3 = mν 0.1eV. These neutrinos are non-relativistic today; detecting them would be a unique opportunity to probe this unexplored kinematical regime. The signature of neutrino capture is a peak in the electron spectrum that is displaced by 2mν above the beta decay endpoint. The signal would exceed the background from beta decay if the energy resolution is ∆ 0.7 mν. Interestingly, the total capture rate depends on the origin of the neutrino mass, being ΓD ≃ 4 and ΓM ≃ 8 events per year (for a 100 g tritium target) for unclustered Dirac and Majorana neutrinos, respectively. An enhancement of the rate of up to O(1) is expected due to gravitational clustering, with the unique potential to probe the local overdensity of neutrinos. Turning to more exotic neutrino physics, PTOLEMY could be sensitive to a lepton asymmetry, and reveal the eV-scale sterile neutrino that is favored by short baseline oscillation searches. The experiment would also be sensitive to a neutrino lifetime on the order of the age of the uni- verse and break the degeneracy between neutrino mass and lifetime which affects existing bounds.

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