Characterization of perovskite oxide/semiconductor heterostructures

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Integrated oxide/semiconductor heterostructures have attracted intense interest for device applications which require sharp interfaces and controlled defects. The research of this dissertation has focused on the characterization of perovskite oxide/oxide and oxide/semiconductor heterostructures, and the analysis of interfaces and defect

Integrated oxide/semiconductor heterostructures have attracted intense interest for device applications which require sharp interfaces and controlled defects. The research of this dissertation has focused on the characterization of perovskite oxide/oxide and oxide/semiconductor heterostructures, and the analysis of interfaces and defect structures, using scanning transmission electrom microscopy (STEM) and related techniques.

The SrTiO3/Si system was initially studied to develop a basic understanding of the integration of perovskite oxides with semiconductors, and successful integration with abrupt interfaces was demonstrated. Defect analysis showed no misfit dislocations but only anti-phase boundaries (APBs) in the SrTiO3 (STO) films. Similar defects were later observed in other perovskite oxide heterostructures.

Ferroelectric BaTiO3 (BTO) thin films deposited directly onto STO substrates, or STO buffer layers with Ge substrates, were grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) in order to control the polarization orientation for field-effect transistors (FETs). STEM imaging and elemental mapping by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) showed structurally and chemically abrupt interfaces, and the BTO films retained the c-axis-oriented tetragonal structure for both BTO/STO and BTO/STO/Ge heterostructures. The polarization displacement in the BTO films of TiN/BTO/STO heterostructures was investigated. The Ti4+ atomic column displacements and lattice parameters were measured directly using HAADF images. A polarization gradient, which switched from upwards to downwards, was observed in the BTO thin film, and evidence was found for positively-charged oxygen vacancies.

Heterostructures grown on Ge substrates by atomic layer deposition (ALD) were characterized and compared with MBE-grown samples. A two-step process was needed to overcome interlayer reaction at the beginning of ALD growth. A-site-rich oxide films with thicknesses of at least 2-nm had to be deposited and then crystallized before initiating deposition of the following perovskite oxide layer in order to suppress the formation of amorphous oxide layers on the Ge surface. BTO/STO/Ge, BTO/Ge, SrHfTiO3/Ge and SrZrO3/Ge thin films with excellent crystallinity were grown using this process.

Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) heterostructures were fabricated as ferroelectric capacitors and then electrically stressed to the point of breakdown to correlate structural changes with electrical and physical properties. BaTiO3 on Nb:STO was patterned with different top metal electrodes by focused-ion-beam milling, Au/Ni liftoff, and an isolation-defined approach.
Date Created

Metal Matrix-Metal Nanoparticle Composites With Tunable Melting Temperature and High Thermal Conductivity for Phase-Change Thermal Storage


Phase-change materials (PCMs) are of broad interest for thermal storage and management applications. For energy-dense storage with fast thermal charging/discharging rates, a PCM should have a suitable melting temperature, large enthalpy of fusion, and high thermal conductivity. To simultaneously accomplish

Phase-change materials (PCMs) are of broad interest for thermal storage and management applications. For energy-dense storage with fast thermal charging/discharging rates, a PCM should have a suitable melting temperature, large enthalpy of fusion, and high thermal conductivity. To simultaneously accomplish these traits, we custom design nanocomposites consisting of phase-change Bi nanoparticles embedded in an Ag matrix. We precisely control nanoparticle size, shape, and volume fraction in the composite by separating the nanoparticle synthesis and nanocomposite formation steps. We demonstrate a 50–100% thermal energy density improvement relative to common organic PCMs with equivalent volume fraction. We also tune the melting temperature from 236–252 °C by varying nanoparticle diameter from 8.1–14.9 nm. Importantly, the silver matrix successfully prevents nanoparticle coalescence, and no melting changes are observed during 100 melt–freeze cycles. The nanocomposite’s Ag matrix also leads to very high thermal conductivities. For example, the thermal conductivity of a composite with a 10% volume fraction of 13 nm Bi nanoparticles is 128 ± 23 W/m-K, which is several orders of magnitude higher than typical thermal storage materials. We complement these measurements with calculations using a modified effective medium approximation for nanoscale thermal transport. These calculations predict that the thermal conductivity of composites with 13 nm Bi nanoparticles varies from 142 to 47 W/m-K as the nanoparticle volume fraction changes from 10 to 35%. Larger nanoparticle diameters and/or smaller nanoparticle volume fractions lead to larger thermal conductivities.

Date Created