A variational approach to planning, allocation and mapping in robot swarms using infinite dimensional models

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This thesis considers two problems in the control of robotic swarms. Firstly, it addresses a trajectory planning and task allocation problem for a swarm of resource-constrained robots that cannot localize or communicate with each other and that exhibit stochasticity in

This thesis considers two problems in the control of robotic swarms. Firstly, it addresses a trajectory planning and task allocation problem for a swarm of resource-constrained robots that cannot localize or communicate with each other and that exhibit stochasticity in their motion and task switching policies. We model the population dynamics of the robotic swarm as a set of advection-diffusion- reaction (ADR) partial differential equations (PDEs).

Specifically, we consider a linear parabolic PDE model that is bilinear in the robots' velocity and task-switching rates. These parameters constitute a set of time-dependent control variables that can be optimized and transmitted to the robots prior to their deployment or broadcasted in real time. The planning and allocation problem can then be formulated as a PDE-constrained optimization problem, which we solve using techniques from optimal control. Simulations of a commercial pollination scenario validate the ability of our control approach to drive a robotic swarm to achieve predefined spatial distributions of activity over a closed domain, which may contain obstacles. Secondly, we consider a mapping problem wherein a robotic swarm is deployed over a closed domain and it is necessary to reconstruct the unknown spatial distribution of a feature of interest. The ADR-based primitives result in a coefficient identification problem for the corresponding system of PDEs. To deal with the inherent ill-posedness of the problem, we frame it as an optimization problem. We validate our approach through simulations and show that reconstruction of the spatially-dependent coefficient can be achieved with considerable accuracy using temporal information alone.
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A Fast Algorithm for Constructing Efficient Event-Related Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Designs

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We propose a novel, efficient approach for obtaining high-quality experimental designs for event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (ER-fMRI), a popular brain mapping technique. Our proposed approach combines a greedy hill-climbing algorithm and a cyclic permutation method. When searching for optimal

We propose a novel, efficient approach for obtaining high-quality experimental designs for event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (ER-fMRI), a popular brain mapping technique. Our proposed approach combines a greedy hill-climbing algorithm and a cyclic permutation method. When searching for optimal ER-fMRI designs, the proposed approach focuses only on a promising restricted class of designs with equal frequency of occurrence across stimulus types. The computational time is significantly reduced. We demonstrate that our proposed approach is very efficient compared with a recently proposed genetic algorithm approach. We also apply our approach in obtaining designs that are robust against misspecification of error correlations.

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Multi-task learning and its applications to biomedical informatics

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In many fields one needs to build predictive models for a set of related machine learning tasks, such as information retrieval, computer vision and biomedical informatics. Traditionally these tasks are treated independently and the inference is done separately for each

In many fields one needs to build predictive models for a set of related machine learning tasks, such as information retrieval, computer vision and biomedical informatics. Traditionally these tasks are treated independently and the inference is done separately for each task, which ignores important connections among the tasks. Multi-task learning aims at simultaneously building models for all tasks in order to improve the generalization performance, leveraging inherent relatedness of these tasks. In this thesis, I firstly propose a clustered multi-task learning (CMTL) formulation, which simultaneously learns task models and performs task clustering. I provide theoretical analysis to establish the equivalence between the CMTL formulation and the alternating structure optimization, which learns a shared low-dimensional hypothesis space for different tasks. Then I present two real-world biomedical informatics applications which can benefit from multi-task learning. In the first application, I study the disease progression problem and present multi-task learning formulations for disease progression. In the formulations, the prediction at each point is a regression task and multiple tasks at different time points are learned simultaneously, leveraging the temporal smoothness among the tasks. The proposed formulations have been tested extensively on predicting the progression of the Alzheimer's disease, and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed models. In the second application, I present a novel data-driven framework for densifying the electronic medical records (EMR) to overcome the sparsity problem in predictive modeling using EMR. The densification of each patient is a learning task, and the proposed algorithm simultaneously densify all patients. As such, the densification of one patient leverages useful information from other patients.
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Modeling and control for microgrids

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Traditional approaches to modeling microgrids include the behavior of each inverter operating in a particular network configuration and at a particular operating point. Such models quickly become computationally intensive for large systems. Similarly, traditional approaches to control do not use

Traditional approaches to modeling microgrids include the behavior of each inverter operating in a particular network configuration and at a particular operating point. Such models quickly become computationally intensive for large systems. Similarly, traditional approaches to control do not use advanced methodologies and suffer from poor performance and limited operating range. In this document a linear model is derived for an inverter connected to the Thevenin equivalent of a microgrid. This model is then compared to a nonlinear simulation model and analyzed using the open and closed loop systems in both the time and frequency domains. The modeling error is quantified with emphasis on its use for controller design purposes. Control design examples are given using a Glover McFarlane controller, gain sched- uled Glover McFarlane controller, and bumpless transfer controller which are compared to the standard droop control approach. These examples serve as a guide to illustrate the use of multi-variable modeling techniques in the context of robust controller design and show that gain scheduled MIMO control techniques can extend the operating range of a microgrid. A hardware implementation is used to compare constant gain droop controllers with Glover McFarlane controllers and shows a clear advantage of the Glover McFarlane approach.
Date Created

Batch mode active learning for multimedia pattern recognition

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The rapid escalation of technology and the widespread emergence of modern technological equipments have resulted in the generation of humongous amounts of digital data (in the form of images, videos and text). This has expanded the possibility of solving real

The rapid escalation of technology and the widespread emergence of modern technological equipments have resulted in the generation of humongous amounts of digital data (in the form of images, videos and text). This has expanded the possibility of solving real world problems using computational learning frameworks. However, while gathering a large amount of data is cheap and easy, annotating them with class labels is an expensive process in terms of time, labor and human expertise. This has paved the way for research in the field of active learning. Such algorithms automatically select the salient and exemplar instances from large quantities of unlabeled data and are effective in reducing human labeling effort in inducing classification models. To utilize the possible presence of multiple labeling agents, there have been attempts towards a batch mode form of active learning, where a batch of data instances is selected simultaneously for manual annotation. This dissertation is aimed at the development of novel batch mode active learning algorithms to reduce manual effort in training classification models in real world multimedia pattern recognition applications. Four major contributions are proposed in this work: $(i)$ a framework for dynamic batch mode active learning, where the batch size and the specific data instances to be queried are selected adaptively through a single formulation, based on the complexity of the data stream in question, $(ii)$ a batch mode active learning strategy for fuzzy label classification problems, where there is an inherent imprecision and vagueness in the class label definitions, $(iii)$ batch mode active learning algorithms based on convex relaxations of an NP-hard integer quadratic programming (IQP) problem, with guaranteed bounds on the solution quality and $(iv)$ an active matrix completion algorithm and its application to solve several variants of the active learning problem (transductive active learning, multi-label active learning, active feature acquisition and active learning for regression). These contributions are validated on the face recognition and facial expression recognition problems (which are commonly encountered in real world applications like robotics, security and assistive technology for the blind and the visually impaired) and also on collaborative filtering applications like movie recommendation.
Date Created

Adaptive mesh generation for solution of incompressible fluid flows using high order gradients

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A new method of adaptive mesh generation for the computation of fluid flows is investigated. The method utilizes gradients of the flow solution to adapt the size and stretching of elements or volumes in the computational mesh as is

A new method of adaptive mesh generation for the computation of fluid flows is investigated. The method utilizes gradients of the flow solution to adapt the size and stretching of elements or volumes in the computational mesh as is commonly done in the conventional Hessian approach. However, in the new method, higher-order gradients are used in place of the Hessian. The method is applied to the finite element solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on model problems. Results indicate that a significant efficiency benefit is realized.
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