The Effect of pH, Acetate, and Buffer Concentration on Anode Biofilms of Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA Using Advanced Electrochemical Methods

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The mechanisms of extracellular respiration in Geobacter sulfurreducens, commonly considered to be a model organism for anode respiration, are yet to be completely understood. The interplay between electron and proton transport especially could be a key to gaining further insights.

The mechanisms of extracellular respiration in Geobacter sulfurreducens, commonly considered to be a model organism for anode respiration, are yet to be completely understood. The interplay between electron and proton transport especially could be a key to gaining further insights. One way to investigate the mechanisms of extracellular respiration under varying environmental conditions is by analyzing the electrochemical response of the biofilm with respect to pH, buffer concentrations, and acetate concentrations. I seek to increase the understanding of the electrochemical response of the G. sulfurreducens biofilm through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) techniques in concert with chronoamperometry. I used Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA biofilms in single-chamber electrochemical cells (approximately 100 mL volume) with a small gold working electrode (3.14 mm2). I observed limitations in the initial methods used for media replacement. I tracked changes in the CV data, such as EKA (midpoint potential), as a function of pH and buffer concentration. The media replacement method developed demonstrates success in pH experiments that will be transferrable to other environmental conditions to study electron transport. The experiments revealed that the clarity of data collected is dependent on the quality of the biofilm. A high quality biofilm is characterized by a high current density and normal growth behavior. The general trends seen in these experiments are that as pH increases the potential decreases, and as buffer concentration increases the potential decreases and pH increases. Acetate-free conditions in the reactor were unable to be achieved as characterized by non-zero current densities in the acetate-free experiments.
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Continuous Hydrogen Peroxide Production using Microbial Electrochemical Cells

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Alternative ion exchange membranes for implementation in a peroxide production microbial electrochemical cel (PP-MEC) are explored through membrane stability tests with NaCl electrolyte and stabilizer EDTA at varying operational pHs. PP-MEC performance parameters \u2014 H2O2 concentration, current density, coulombic efficiency

Alternative ion exchange membranes for implementation in a peroxide production microbial electrochemical cel (PP-MEC) are explored through membrane stability tests with NaCl electrolyte and stabilizer EDTA at varying operational pHs. PP-MEC performance parameters \u2014 H2O2 concentration, current density, coulombic efficiency and power input required \u2014 are optimized over a 7 month continuous operation period based on their response to changes in HRT, EDTA concentration, air flow rate and electrolyte. I found that EDTA was compatible for use with the membranes. I also determined that AMI membranes were preferable to CMI and FAA because it was consistently stable and maintained its structural integrity. Still, I suggest testing more membranes because the AMI degraded in continuous operation. The PP-MEC produced up to 0.38 wt% H2O2, enough to perform water treatment through the Fenton process and significantly greater than the 0.13 wt% batch PP-MEC tests by previous researchers. It ran at > 0.20 W-hr/g H2O2 power input, ~ three orders of magnitude less than what is required for the anthraquinone process. I recommend high HRT and EDTA concentration while running the PP- MEC to increase H2O2 concentration, but low HRT and low EDTA concentration to decrease power input required. I recommend NaCl electrolyte but suggest testing new electrolytes that may control pH without degrading H2O2. I determined that air flow rate has no effect on PP-MEC operation. These recommendations should optimize PP-MEC operation based on its application.
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Characterizing Buffers to Maximize Peroxide Production in the Cathode Chamber of Microbial Fuel Cells

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Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) facilitate the conversion of organic matter to electrical current to make the total energy in black water treatment neutral or positive and produce hydrogen peroxide to assist the reuse of gray water. This research focuses on

Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) facilitate the conversion of organic matter to electrical current to make the total energy in black water treatment neutral or positive and produce hydrogen peroxide to assist the reuse of gray water. This research focuses on wastewater treatment at the U.S. military forward operating bases (FOBs). FOBs experience significant challenges with their wastewater treatment due to their isolation and dangers in transporting waste water and fresh water to and from the bases. Even though it is theoretically favorable to produce power in a MFC while treating black water, producing H2O2 is more useful and practical because it is a powerful cleaning agent that can reduce odor, disinfect, and aid in the treatment of gray water. Various acid forms of buffers were tested in the anode and cathode chamber to determine if the pH would lower in the cathode chamber while maintaining H2O2 efficiency, as well as to determine ion diffusion from the anode to the cathode via the membrane. For the catholyte experiments, phosphate and bicarbonate were tested as buffers while sodium chloride was the control. These experiments determined that the two buffers did not lower the pH. It was seen that the phosphate buffer reduced the H2O2 efficiency significantly while still staying at a high pH, while the bicarbonate buffer had the same efficiency as the NaCl control. For the anolyte experiments, it was shown that there was no diffusion of the buffers or MFC media across the membrane that would cause a decrease in the H2O2 production efficiency.
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Direct Flame Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for Use in Remote Powering Applications

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In this Honors thesis, direct flame solid oxide fuel cells (DFFC) were considered for their feasibility in providing a means of power generation for remote powering needs. Also considered for combined heat and fuel cell power cogeneration are thermoelectric cells

In this Honors thesis, direct flame solid oxide fuel cells (DFFC) were considered for their feasibility in providing a means of power generation for remote powering needs. Also considered for combined heat and fuel cell power cogeneration are thermoelectric cells (TEC). Among the major factors tested in this project for all cells were life time, thermal cycle/time based performance, and failure modes for cells. Two types of DFFC, anode and electrolyte supported, were used with two different fuel feed streams of propane/isobutene and ethanol. Several test configurations consisting of single cells, as well as stacked systems were tested to show how cell performed and degraded over time. All tests were run using a Biologic VMP3 potentiostat connected to a cell placed within the flame of a modified burner MSR® Wisperlite Universal stove. The maximum current and power output seen by any electrolyte supported DFFCs tested was 47.7 mA/cm2 and 9.6 mW/cm2 respectively, while that generated by anode supported DFFCs was 53.7 mA/cm2 and 9.25 mW/cm2 respectively with both cells operating under propane/isobutene fuel feed streams. All TECs tested dramatically outperformed both constructions of DFFC with a maximum current and power output of 309 mA/cm2 and 80 mW/cm2 respectively. It was also found that electrolyte supported DFFCs appeared to be less susceptible to degradation of the cell microstructure over time but more prone to cracking, while anode supported DFFCs were dramatically less susceptible to cracking but exhibited substantial microstructure degradation and shorter usable lifecycles. TECs tested were found to only be susceptible to overheating, and thus were suggested for use with electrolyte supported DFFCs in remote powering applications.
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A Sustainable Approach to Wastewater Treatment Using Microbial Fuel Cells with Peroxide Production

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Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) promote the sustainable conversion of organic matter in black water to electrical current, enabling the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) while making waste water treatment energy neutral or positive. H2O2 is useful in remote locations such

Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) promote the sustainable conversion of organic matter in black water to electrical current, enabling the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) while making waste water treatment energy neutral or positive. H2O2 is useful in remote locations such as U.S. military forward operating bases (FOBs) for on-site tertiary water treatment or as a medical disinfectant, among many other uses. Various carbon-based catalysts and binders for use at the cathode of a an MFC for H2O2 production are explored using linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and rotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE) techniques. The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) at the cathode has slow kinetics at conditions present in the MFC, making it important to find a catalyst type and loading which promote a 2e- (rather than 4e-) reaction to maximize H2O2 formation. Using LSV methods, I compared the cathodic overpotentials associated with graphite and Vulcan carbon catalysts as well as Nafion and AS-4 binders. Vulcan carbon catalyst with Nafion binder produced the lowest overpotentials of any binder/catalyst combinations. Additionally, I determined that pH control may be required at the cathode due to large potential losses caused by hydroxide (OH-) concentration gradients. Furthermore, RRDE tests indicate that Vulcan carbon catalyst with a Nafion binder has a higher H2O2 production efficiency at lower catalyst loadings, but the trade-off is a greater potential loss due to higher activation energy. Therefore, an intermediate catalyst loading of 0.5 mg/cm2 Vulcan carbon with Nafion binder is recommended for the final MFC design. The chosen catalyst, binder, and loading will maximize H2O2 production, optimize MFC performance, and minimize the need for additional energy input into the system.
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Selective Enrichment Yields Robust Ethene-Producing Dechlorinating Cultures From Microcosms Stalled at Cis-Dichloroethene

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Dehalococcoides mccartyi strains are of particular importance for bioremediation due to their unique capability of transforming perchloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) to non-toxic ethene, through the intermediates cis-dichloroethene (cis-DCE) and vinyl chloride (VC). Despite the widespread environmental distribution of Dehalococcoides,

Dehalococcoides mccartyi strains are of particular importance for bioremediation due to their unique capability of transforming perchloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) to non-toxic ethene, through the intermediates cis-dichloroethene (cis-DCE) and vinyl chloride (VC). Despite the widespread environmental distribution of Dehalococcoides, biostimulation sometimes fails to promote dechlorination beyond cis-DCE. In our study, microcosms established with garden soil and mangrove sediment also stalled at cis-DCE, albeit Dehalococcoides mccartyi containing the reductive dehalogenase genes tceA, vcrA and bvcA were detected in the soil/sediment inocula. Reductive dechlorination was not promoted beyond cis-DCE, even after multiple biostimulation events with fermentable substrates and a lengthy incubation.

However, transfers from microcosms stalled at cis-DCE yielded dechlorination to ethene with subsequent enrichment cultures containing up to 109 Dehalococcoides mccartyi cells mL-1. Proteobacterial classes which dominated the soil/sediment communities became undetectable in the enrichments, and methanogenic activity drastically decreased after the transfers. We hypothesized that biostimulation of Dehalococcoides in the cis-DCE-stalled microcosms was impeded by other microbes present at higher abundances than Dehalococcoides and utilizing terminal electron acceptors from the soil/sediment, hence, outcompeting Dehalococcoides for H2. In support of this hypothesis, we show that garden soil and mangrove sediment microcosms bioaugmented with their respective cultures containing Dehalococcoides in high abundance were able to compete for H2 for reductive dechlorination from one biostimulation event and produced ethene with no obvious stall. Overall, our results provide an alternate explanation to consolidate conflicting observations on the ubiquity of Dehalococcoides mccartyi and occasional stalling of dechlorination at cis-DCE; thus, bringing a new perspective to better assess biological potential of different environments and to understand microbial interactions governing bioremediation.

Date Created

Fate of six neonicotinoids during full-scale wastewater treatment and passage through an engineered wetland

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Six high-production-volume neonicotinoids were traced through a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and engineered wetland located downstream, in a study motivated by reports on these insecticides posing threats to non-target invertebrate species and potentially playing a role in the global

Six high-production-volume neonicotinoids were traced through a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and engineered wetland located downstream, in a study motivated by reports on these insecticides posing threats to non-target invertebrate species and potentially playing a role in the global honeybee colony collapse disorder. An array of automated samplers was deployed in a five-day monitoring campaign and resultant flow-weighted samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) using the isotope dilution method. Concentrations in WWTP influent and effluent were 54.7 ± 2.9 and 48.6 ± 2.7 ng/L for imidacloprid, respectively, and 3.7 ± 0.3 and 1.8 ± 0.1 ng/L for acetamiprid, respectively. A mass balance over the WWTP showed no (p=0.09, CI = 95%) removal of imidacloprid, and 56 ± 6% aqueous removal of acetamiprid. In the constructed wetland downstream, a lack of removal was noted for both imidacloprid (from 54.4 ± 3.4 ng/L to 49.9 ± 14.6 ng/L) and acetamiprid (from 2.00 ± 0.03 ng/L to 2.30 ± 0.21 ng/L). Clothianidin was detected only inconsistently in the WWTP and wetland (>2 to 288 ng/L; 60% detection frequency), whereas thiamethoxam (<10 ng/L), thiacloprid (<2 ng/L), and dinotefuran (<180 ng/L) were not detected at all. Thus, imidacloprid and acetamiprid were identified as recalcitrant sewage constituents (estimated U.S. WWTP discharge of 1920- 4780 kg/y) that persist during conventional wastewater treatment to enter U.S. surface waters at potentially harmful concentrations.
Date Created

Non-Negatively Constrained Least Squares and Parameter Choice by the Residual Periodogram for the Inversion of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Data


The inverse problem associated with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy requiring the solution of a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind is considered. If the underlying physical model is not clearly determined, the inverse problem needs to be solved using a

The inverse problem associated with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy requiring the solution of a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind is considered. If the underlying physical model is not clearly determined, the inverse problem needs to be solved using a regularized linear least squares problem that is obtained from the discretization of the integral equation. For this system, it is shown that the model error can be made negligible by a change of variables and by extending the effective range of quadrature. This change of variables serves as a right preconditioner that significantly improves the condition of the system. Still, to obtain feasible solutions the additional constraint of non-negativity is required. Simulations with artificial, but realistic, data demonstrate that the use of non-negatively constrained least squares with a smoothing norm provides higher quality solutions than those obtained without the non-negative constraint. Using higher-order smoothing norms also reduces the error in the solutions. The L-curve and residual periodogram parameter choice criteria, which are used for parameter choice with regularized linear least squares, are successfully adapted to be used for the non-negatively constrained Tikhonov least squares problem. Although these results have been verified within the context of the analysis of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, there is no reason to suppose that they would not be relevant within the broader framework of solving Fredholm integral equations for other applications.

Date Created

Electrochemical charaterization of anode-respiring geobacter sulfurreducens and geoalkalibacter subterraneus

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To further the efforts producing energy from more renewable sources, microbial electrochemical cells (MXCs) can utilize anode respiring bacteria (ARB) to couple the oxidation of an organic substrate to the delivery of electrons to the anode. Although ARB such as

To further the efforts producing energy from more renewable sources, microbial electrochemical cells (MXCs) can utilize anode respiring bacteria (ARB) to couple the oxidation of an organic substrate to the delivery of electrons to the anode. Although ARB such as Geobacter and Shewanella have been well-studied in terms of their microbiology and electrochemistry, much is still unknown about the mechanism of electron transfer to the anode. To this end, this thesis seeks to elucidate the complexities of electron transfer existing in Geobacter sulfurreducens biofilms by employing Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) as the tool of choice. Experiments measuring EIS resistances as a function of growth were used to uncover the potential gradients that emerge in biofilms as they grow and become thicker. While a better understanding of this model ARB is sought, electrochemical characterization of a halophile, Geoalkalibacter subterraneus (Glk. subterraneus), revealed that this organism can function as an ARB and produce seemingly high current densities while consuming different organic substrates, including acetate, butyrate, and glycerol. The importance of identifying and studying novel ARB for broader MXC applications was stressed in this thesis as a potential avenue for tackling some of human energy problems.
Date Created