Environmental releases of neonicotinoid and fipronil insecticides via U.S. wastewater infrastructure

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This dissertation is focused on environmental releases from U.S. wastewater infrastructure of recently introduced, mass-produced insecticides, namely neonicotinoids as well as fipronil and its major degradates (sulfone, sulfide, amide, and desulfinyl derivatives), jointly known as fiproles. Both groups of compounds

This dissertation is focused on environmental releases from U.S. wastewater infrastructure of recently introduced, mass-produced insecticides, namely neonicotinoids as well as fipronil and its major degradates (sulfone, sulfide, amide, and desulfinyl derivatives), jointly known as fiproles. Both groups of compounds recently have caught the attention of regulatory agencies worldwide due to their toxic effects on pollinators and on aquatic invertebrates at very low, part-per-trillion levels (Chapter 1). Mass balance studies conducted for 13 U.S. wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) showed ubiquitous occurrence (3-666 ng/L) and persistence of neonicotinoids (Chapter 2). For the years 2001 through 2016, a longitudinal nationwide study was conducted on the occurrence of fiproles, via analysis of sludge as well as raw and treated wastewater samples. Sludge analysis revealed ubiquitous fiprole occurrence since 2001 (0.2-385 µg/kg dry weight) and a significant increase (2.4±0.3-fold; p<0.005) to elevated levels found both in 2006/7 and 2015/6. This study established a marked persistence of fiproles during both wastewater and sludge treatment, while also identifying non-agricultural uses as a major source of fiprole loading to wastewater (Chapter 3). Eight WWTPs were monitored in Northern California to assess pesticide inputs into San Francisco Bay from wastewater discharge. Per-capita-contaminant-loading calculations identified flea and tick control agents for use on pets as a previously underappreciated source term dominating the mass loading of insecticides to WWTPs in sewage and to the Bay in treated wastewater (Chapter 4). A nationwide assessment of fipronil emissions revealed that pet products, while representing only 22±7% of total fipronil usage (2011-2015), accounted for 86±5% of the mass loading to U.S. surface waters (Chapter 5). In summary, the root cause for considerable annual discharges into U.S. surface waters of the neonicotinoid imidacloprid (3,700-5,500 kg/y) and of fipronil related compounds (1,600-2,400 kg/y) is domestic rather than agricultural insecticide use. Reclaimed effluent from U.S. WWTPs contained insecticide levels that exceed toxicity benchmarks for sensitive aquatic invertebrates in 83% of cases for imidacloprid and in 67% of cases for fipronil. Recommendations are provided on how to limit toxic inputs in the future.
Date Created

Fate of six neonicotinoids during full-scale wastewater treatment and passage through an engineered wetland

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Six high-production-volume neonicotinoids were traced through a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and engineered wetland located downstream, in a study motivated by reports on these insecticides posing threats to non-target invertebrate species and potentially playing a role in the global

Six high-production-volume neonicotinoids were traced through a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and engineered wetland located downstream, in a study motivated by reports on these insecticides posing threats to non-target invertebrate species and potentially playing a role in the global honeybee colony collapse disorder. An array of automated samplers was deployed in a five-day monitoring campaign and resultant flow-weighted samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) using the isotope dilution method. Concentrations in WWTP influent and effluent were 54.7 ± 2.9 and 48.6 ± 2.7 ng/L for imidacloprid, respectively, and 3.7 ± 0.3 and 1.8 ± 0.1 ng/L for acetamiprid, respectively. A mass balance over the WWTP showed no (p=0.09, CI = 95%) removal of imidacloprid, and 56 ± 6% aqueous removal of acetamiprid. In the constructed wetland downstream, a lack of removal was noted for both imidacloprid (from 54.4 ± 3.4 ng/L to 49.9 ± 14.6 ng/L) and acetamiprid (from 2.00 ± 0.03 ng/L to 2.30 ± 0.21 ng/L). Clothianidin was detected only inconsistently in the WWTP and wetland (>2 to 288 ng/L; 60% detection frequency), whereas thiamethoxam (<10 ng/L), thiacloprid (<2 ng/L), and dinotefuran (<180 ng/L) were not detected at all. Thus, imidacloprid and acetamiprid were identified as recalcitrant sewage constituents (estimated U.S. WWTP discharge of 1920- 4780 kg/y) that persist during conventional wastewater treatment to enter U.S. surface waters at potentially harmful concentrations.
Date Created