A Framework for Soft Body Armor Design Using Solid Finite Elements

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A finite element model that replicates the experimental procedure to test and certify soft body armor has been developed. The model consists of four components: bullet, clay, straps, and shoot pack with different material models that closely capture the behavior

A finite element model that replicates the experimental procedure to test and certify soft body armor has been developed. The model consists of four components: bullet, clay, straps, and shoot pack with different material models that closely capture the behavior of each component when subjected to ballistic impact loading. To test the fidelity of the model, three metrics are used - back face signature (BFS), the number of penetrated shoot pack layers, and the number of damaged shoot pack layers on the clay side of the shoot pack assembly. In addition, the shape and size of the bullet, and the shape and size of the hole in the shoot pack are also considered as qualitative measures to assess the developed model. The focus of this research work is to improve the shoot pack material model, while the constitutive model for the components is taken from earlier work done at ASU. Results show considerable improvement in the model in terms of capturing the number of penetrated layers, the size and shape of the holes in the shoot pack layer, and the predicted BFS. The developed finite element models can be used to predict the behavior of soft body armor for different initial conditions, shoot pack materials, and arrangement of the layers.
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Evaluation of Early-Age Drying and Shrinkage Cracking in Slab Systems

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Concrete develops strength rapidly after mixing and is highly influenced by temperature and curing process. The material characteristics and the rate of property development, along with the exposure conditions influences volume change mechanisms in concrete, and the cracking propensity of

Concrete develops strength rapidly after mixing and is highly influenced by temperature and curing process. The material characteristics and the rate of property development, along with the exposure conditions influences volume change mechanisms in concrete, and the cracking propensity of the mixtures. Furthermore, the structure geometry (due to restraint as well as the surface area-to-volume ratio) also influences shrinkage and cracking. Thus, goal of this research is to better understand and predict shrinkage cracking in concrete slab systems under different curing conditions. In this research, different concrete mixtures are evaluated on their propensity to shrink based on free shrinkage and restrained shrinkage tests.Furthermore, from the data obtained from restrained ring test, a casted slab is measured for shrinkage. Effects of different orientation of restraints are studied and compared to better understand the shrinking behavior of the concrete mixtures. The results show that the maximum shrinkage is near the edges of the slab and decreases towards the center. Shrinkage near the edges with no restraint is found out to be more than the shrinkage towards the edges with restraining effects.
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Building a Predictive Finite Element Model for Soft Personnel Armor

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Despite its relevance for law enforcement applications, the design of soft armor has mainly been based on a trial-and-error approach. A combined experimental and finite element analysis framework is used to build a predictive numerical model for the analysis and

Despite its relevance for law enforcement applications, the design of soft armor has mainly been based on a trial-and-error approach. A combined experimental and finite element analysis framework is used to build a predictive numerical model for the analysis and hence, design of soft armor. The material models for major components of the soft armor certification system—bullet, shoot pack, straps, and clay backing, are first constructed using laboratory tests and publicly available data. Next, three metrics, namely, back face signature (BFS), number of penetrated shoot pack layers, and mushrooming of the bullet, are established to gauge the model’s accuracy with respect to the laboratory ballistic test data. Finally, optimized material model parameters are obtained by calibrating a coarser model. The final accuracy test of the developed framework is carried out using laboratory ballistic test data involving multiple shots on the shoot pack. Subsequently, the impacts of incorporating stitching into the final model were examined and compared. The results indicate that reliable predictive data can be obtained using the developed process and can likely be extended for use in modeling other impact simulations.
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A Rational Approach to Characterize Fracture Properties of Composites to Support a Cohesive Zone Material Model

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Composites are replacing conventional materials in aerospace applications due to their light weight, non-corrosiveness, and high specific strength. This thesis aims to characterize the input data for IM7-8552 unidirectional composite to support MAT213, an orthotropic elasto-plastic damage material model and

Composites are replacing conventional materials in aerospace applications due to their light weight, non-corrosiveness, and high specific strength. This thesis aims to characterize the input data for IM7-8552 unidirectional composite to support MAT213, an orthotropic elasto-plastic damage material model and MAT_186, a mixed mode cohesive zone model used to model delamination. MAT_213 in conjunction with MAT_186 can be used to predict the behavior of composite under crush and impact loads including delamination. MAT_213 requires twelve sets of stress-strain curves, direction-dependent material constants, and flow rule coefficients as input. All the necessary inputs are obtained through the post-processing of a total of twelve distinct quasi-static and room temperature (QS-RT) experiments. MAT_186 is driven by a set of Mode I and Mode II fracture parameters and traction separation laws, a constitutive law that derives the relationship between stresses and relative displacements at integration points of cohesive elements. Obtaining cohesive law parameters experimentally is a tedious process as it requires close monitoring of the crack length during the test, which is a difficult task to achieve with accuracy even after using sophisticated equipment such as Digital Image Correlation (DIC). In this thesis, a numerical inverse analysis method to precisely predict these parameters by using finite element analysis with cohesive zone modeling and response surface methodology (RSM) is proposed. Three steps comprise RSM. The process in Step 1 involves calculating the root mean square error between the finite element and experimental load-displacement curves to produce the response surface. In step 2, the response surface is fitted with a second-order polynomial using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. In step 3, an optimization problem is solved by minimizing the fitted function to find the optimum cohesive zone parameters. Finally, the obtained input for MAT_213 and MAT_186 material models is validated by performing a quasi-isotropic tension test simulation.
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A Comprehensive Investigation of the Characteristics of Alkali Activated Mine Tailing-Slag Binders and Mine Tailing-Cement Binders

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Alkali activated mine tailing-slag blends and mine tailing-cement blends containing mine tailings as the major binder constituent are evaluated for their setting time behavior, reactivity properties, flow characteristics, and compressive strengths. Liquid sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide are used as

Alkali activated mine tailing-slag blends and mine tailing-cement blends containing mine tailings as the major binder constituent are evaluated for their setting time behavior, reactivity properties, flow characteristics, and compressive strengths. Liquid sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide are used as the activator solution. The effects of varying alkali oxide-to-powder ratio (n value) and silicon oxide-to-alkali oxide ratio (Ms value) is explored. The reactivity of all blends prepared in this study is studied using an isothermal calorimeter. Mine tailing-cement blends show a higher initial heat release peak than mine tailing-slag blends, whereas their cumulative heat release is comparable for higher n values of 0.050 to 0.100. Compressive strength tests and rheological studies were done for the refined blends selected based on setting time criterion. Setting times and compressive strengths are found to depend significantly on the activator parameters and binder compositions, allowing fine-tuning of the mix proportion parameters based on the intended end applications. The compressive strength of the selected mine tailing-slag blends and mine tailing-cement blends are in the range of 7-40 MPa and 4-11 MPa, respectively. Higher compressive strength is generally achieved at lower Ms and higher n values for mine tailing-slag blends, while a higher Ms yields better compressive strength in the case of mine tailing-cement blends. Rheological studies indicate a decrease in yield stress and viscosity with increase in the replacement ratio, while a higher activator concentration increase both. Oscillatory shear studies were used to evaluate the storage modulus and loss modulus of the mine tailing binders. The paste is seen to exhibit a more elastic behavior at n values of 0.05 and 0.075, however the viscous behavior is seen to dominate at higher n value of 0.1 at similar replacement ratios and Ms value. A higher Ms value is also seen to increase the onset point of the drop in both the storage and loss modulus of the pastes. The studied also investigated the potential use of mine tailing blends for coating applications. The pastes with higher alkalinity showed a lesser crack percentage, with a 10% slag replacement ratio having a better performance compared to 20% and 30% slag replacement ratios. Overall, the study showed that the activation parameters and mine tailings replacement level have a significant influence on the properties of both mine tailing-slag binders and mine tailing-cement binders, thereby allowing selection of suitable mix design for the desired end application, allowing a sustainable approach to dispose the mine tailings waste
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Applications of Reduced Order Modeling for Geometrically Nonlinear Structures: Highly Asymmetric Structures and Contact Nonlinearity

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Over the past few decades there has been significant interest in the design and construction of hypersonic vehicles. Such vehicles exhibit strongly coupled aerodynamics, acoustics, heat transfer, and structural deformations, which can take significant computational efforts to simulate using standard

Over the past few decades there has been significant interest in the design and construction of hypersonic vehicles. Such vehicles exhibit strongly coupled aerodynamics, acoustics, heat transfer, and structural deformations, which can take significant computational efforts to simulate using standard finite element and computational fluid dynamics techniques. This situation has lead to development of various reduced order modelling (ROM) methods which reduce the parameter space of these simulations so they can be run more quickly. The planned hypersonic vehicles will be constructed by assembling a series of sub-structures, such as panels and stiffeners, that will be welded together creating built-up structures.In this light, the focus of the present investigation is on the formulation and validation of nonlinear reduced order models (NLROMs) of built-up structures that include nonlinear geometric effects induced by the large loads/large response. Moreover, it is recognized that gaps between sub-structures could result from the these intense loadings can thus the inclusion of the nonlinearity introduced by contact separation will also be addressed. These efforts, application to built-up structures and inclusion of contact nonlinearity, represent novel developments of existing NLROM strategies. A hat stiffened panel is selected as a representative example of built-up structure and a compact NRLOM is successfully constructed for this structure which exhibited a potential internal resonance. For the investigation of contact nonlinearity, two structural models were used: a cantilevered beam which can contact several stops and an overlapping plate model which can exhibit the opening/closing of a gap. Successful NLROMs were constructed for these structures with the basis for the plate model determined as a two-step process, i.e., considering the plate without gap first and then enriching the corresponding basis to account for opening of the gap. Adaptions were then successfully made to a Newton-Raphson solver to properly account for contact and the associated forces in static predictions by NLROMs.
Date Created

Understanding and Controlling Inelastic Energy Dissipation in Silicate Glasses

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Glasses have many applications such as containers, substrates of displays, high strength fibers and portable electronic display panels. Their excellent mechanical properties such as high hardness, good forming ability and scratch resistance make glasses ideal for these applications. Many factors

Glasses have many applications such as containers, substrates of displays, high strength fibers and portable electronic display panels. Their excellent mechanical properties such as high hardness, good forming ability and scratch resistance make glasses ideal for these applications. Many factors affect the selection of one glass over another for a given purpose such as cost, ingredients, scalability of manufacturing, etc. Typically, silicate based glasses are often selected because they satisfy most of the selection criteria. However, with the recent abundant use of these glasses in touch-based applications, understanding their abilities to dissipate energy due to surface contact loads has become increasingly desirable. The most common silicate glasses worldwide are glassy silica and soda lime. Calcium aluminosilicates are also gaining popularity due to their importance as substrates for display screens in electronic devices. The surface energy dissipation and strength of these glasses are based on several factors, but predominantly rely on ingredient composition and the so-called Indentation Size Effect (ISE), where the strength depends on the maximum surface force. Both the composition and ISE alter the strength and favored energy dissipation mechanisms of the glass. Unlocking the contribution of these mechanisms and elucidating their dependence on composition and force is the underlining goal of this thesis.Prior to cracking, silicate glasses can inelastically deform by shear and densification. However, the link between the mechanical properties, strength, glass structure and maximum force and the propensity by which either of these mechanisms are favored still remains unclear. In this study, the first aim is to elucidate the causes of the ISE and i explore the relationships between the ISE and the dissipation mechanisms, and identify what feature(s) of the glass can be used to infer their behavior. All glasses have shown a strong link between the ISE and shear flow and densification. Second, the link between composition and the dissipation mechanisms will be elucidated. This is accomplished by performing indentation tests coupled with an annealing method to independently quantify the amount of volume associated with each dissipation mechanism and elucidate relationships with ingredients and structure of the glasses. Some conclusions will then be presented that link all these behaviors together.
Date Created

Generating Point Cloud Failure Surface of Polymeric Unidirectional Composites Using Virtual Tests

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Composite materials have gained interest in the aerospace, mechanical and civil engineering industries due to their desirable properties - high specific strength and modulus, and superior resistance to fatigue. Design engineers greatly benefit from a reliable predictive tool that can

Composite materials have gained interest in the aerospace, mechanical and civil engineering industries due to their desirable properties - high specific strength and modulus, and superior resistance to fatigue. Design engineers greatly benefit from a reliable predictive tool that can calculate the deformations, strains, and stresses of composites under uniaxial and multiaxial states of loading including damage and failure predictions. Obtaining this information from (laboratory) experimental testing is costly, time consuming, and sometimes, impractical. On the other hand, numerical modeling of composite materials provides a tool (virtual testing) that can be used as a supplemental and an alternate procedure to obtain data that either cannot be readily obtained via experiments or is not possible with the currently available experimental setup. In this study, a unidirectional composite (Toray T800-F3900) is modeled at the constituent level using repeated unit cells (RUC) so as to obtain homogenized response all the way from the unloaded state up until failure (defined as complete loss of load carrying capacity). The RUC-based model is first calibrated and validated against the principal material direction laboratory tests involving unidirectional loading states. Subsequently, the models are subjected to multi-directional states of loading to generate a point cloud failure data under in-plane and out-of-plane biaxial loading conditions. Failure surfaces thus generated are plotted and compared against analytical failure theories. Results indicate that the developed process and framework can be used to generate a reliable failure prediction procedure that can possibly be used for a variety of composite systems.
Date Created

Mechanics of Soft Solids: Theory and Applications in 3D Printing of Concrete

Layer-wise extrusion of soft-solid like cement pastes and mortars is commonly used in 3D printing of concrete. Rheological and mechanical characterization of the printable binder for on-demand flow and subsequent structuration is a critical challenge. This research is an effort

Layer-wise extrusion of soft-solid like cement pastes and mortars is commonly used in 3D printing of concrete. Rheological and mechanical characterization of the printable binder for on-demand flow and subsequent structuration is a critical challenge. This research is an effort to understand the mechanics of cementitious binders as soft solids in the fresh state, towards establishing material-process relationships to enhance print quality. This study introduces 3D printable binders developed based on rotational and capillary rheology test parameters, and establish the direct influence of packing coefficients, geometric ratio, slip velocities, and critical print velocities on the extrudate quality. The ratio of packing fraction to the square of average particle diameter (0.01-0.02), and equivalent microstructural index (5-20) were suitable for printing, and were directly related to the cohesion and extrusional yield stress of the material. In fact, steady state pressure for printing (30-40 kPa) is proportional to the extrusional yield stress, and increases with the geometric ratio (0-60) and print velocity (5-50 mm/s). Higher print velocities results in higher wall shear stresses and was exponentially related to the slip layer thickness (estimated between 1-5μ), while the addition of superplasticizers improve the slip layer thickness and the extrudate flow. However, the steady state pressure and printer capacity limits the maximum print velocity while the deadzone length limits the minimum velocity allowable (critical velocity regime) for printing. The evolution of buildability with time for the fresh state mortars was characterized with digital image correlation using compressive strain and strain rate in printed layers. The fresh state characteristics (interlayer and interfilamentous) and process parameters (layer height and fiber dimensions) influence the hardened mechanical properties. A lower layer height generally improves the mechanical properties and slight addition of fiber (up to 0.3% by volume) results in a 15-30% increase in the mechanical properties. 3D scanning and point-cloud analysis was also used to assess the geometric tolerance of a print based on mean error distances, print accuracy index, and layer-wise percent overlap. The research output will contribute to a synergistic material-process design and development of test methods for printability in the context of 3D printing of concrete.
Date Created

Generalized Modeling and Experimental Validation of Flexural Response in Cement-Based Composites

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There is a high demand for customized designs of various types of cement-based materials in order to address specific purposes in the construction field. These demands stem from the need to optimize the cementitious matrix properties and reinforcement choices, especially

There is a high demand for customized designs of various types of cement-based materials in order to address specific purposes in the construction field. These demands stem from the need to optimize the cementitious matrix properties and reinforcement choices, especially in high reliability, durability, and performance applications that include infrastructure, energy production, commercial buildings, and may ultimately be extended to low risk/high volume applications such as residential applications. The typical tools required to guide practicing engineers should be based on optimization algorithms that require highly efficient capacity and design alternatives and optimal computational tools. The general case of flexural design of members is an important aspect of design of structural members which can be extended to a variety of applications that include various cross-sections such as rectangular, W-sections, channels, angles, and T sections. The model utilized the simplified linear constitutive response of cement-based composite in compression and tension and extends into a two-segment elastic-plastic, strain softening, hardening, tension-stiffening, and a multi-segment system. The generalized parametric model proposed uses a dimensionless system in the stress-strain materials diagram to formulate piecewise equations for an equilibrium of internal stresses and obtains strain distributions for the closed-form solution of neutral axis location. This would allow for the computation of piecewise moment-curvature response. The number of linear residual stress implemented is flexible to a user to maintain a robust response. In the present approach bilinear, trilinear, and quad-linear models are addressed and a procedure for incorporating additional segments is presented. Moreover, a closed-form solution of moment-curvature can be solved and employed in calculating load-deflection response. The model is adaptable for various types of fiber-reinforced and textile reinforced concrete (FRC, TRC, UHPC, AAC, and Reinforced Concrete). The extensions to cover continuous fiber reinforcement such as textile reinforced concrete (TRC, FRCM) strengthening and repair are addressed. The theoretical model is extended to incorporate the hybrid design (HRC) with continuous rebar with FRC to increase the ductility and ultimate moment capacity. HRC extends the performance of the fiber system to incorporate residual capacity into a serviceability-based design that reduced the reliance on the design based on the limit state. The design chart for HRC and as well as conventional RC has been generated for practicing engineering applications. Results are compared to a large array of data from experimental results conducted at the ASU structural lab facilities and other published literature.
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