Generalized Modeling and Experimental Validation of Flexural Response in Cement-Based Composites

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There is a high demand for customized designs of various types of cement-based materials in order to address specific purposes in the construction field. These demands stem from the need to optimize the cementitious matrix properties and reinforcement choices, especially

There is a high demand for customized designs of various types of cement-based materials in order to address specific purposes in the construction field. These demands stem from the need to optimize the cementitious matrix properties and reinforcement choices, especially in high reliability, durability, and performance applications that include infrastructure, energy production, commercial buildings, and may ultimately be extended to low risk/high volume applications such as residential applications. The typical tools required to guide practicing engineers should be based on optimization algorithms that require highly efficient capacity and design alternatives and optimal computational tools. The general case of flexural design of members is an important aspect of design of structural members which can be extended to a variety of applications that include various cross-sections such as rectangular, W-sections, channels, angles, and T sections. The model utilized the simplified linear constitutive response of cement-based composite in compression and tension and extends into a two-segment elastic-plastic, strain softening, hardening, tension-stiffening, and a multi-segment system. The generalized parametric model proposed uses a dimensionless system in the stress-strain materials diagram to formulate piecewise equations for an equilibrium of internal stresses and obtains strain distributions for the closed-form solution of neutral axis location. This would allow for the computation of piecewise moment-curvature response. The number of linear residual stress implemented is flexible to a user to maintain a robust response. In the present approach bilinear, trilinear, and quad-linear models are addressed and a procedure for incorporating additional segments is presented. Moreover, a closed-form solution of moment-curvature can be solved and employed in calculating load-deflection response. The model is adaptable for various types of fiber-reinforced and textile reinforced concrete (FRC, TRC, UHPC, AAC, and Reinforced Concrete). The extensions to cover continuous fiber reinforcement such as textile reinforced concrete (TRC, FRCM) strengthening and repair are addressed. The theoretical model is extended to incorporate the hybrid design (HRC) with continuous rebar with FRC to increase the ductility and ultimate moment capacity. HRC extends the performance of the fiber system to incorporate residual capacity into a serviceability-based design that reduced the reliance on the design based on the limit state. The design chart for HRC and as well as conventional RC has been generated for practicing engineering applications. Results are compared to a large array of data from experimental results conducted at the ASU structural lab facilities and other published literature.
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