An investigation of the relationship between education, credentials and knowledge of personal trainers and client retention

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The purpose of this study was two-fold. In Specific Aim One, we examined the associations between education level, personal trainer credentials and characteristics, and knowledge of exercise science and personal training principles. In Specific Aim Two we examined associations between


The purpose of this study was two-fold. In Specific Aim One, we examined the associations between education level, personal trainer credentials and characteristics, and knowledge of exercise science and personal training principles. In Specific Aim Two we examined associations between education, personal trainer credentials and knowledge of personal trainers with client retention. This study utilized a cross-sectional research design. An anonymous electronic survey was used to collect the data. Eligible participants (N=226) were individuals who were providing one-on-one personal training services for at least one client. All data were assessed for normality prior to data analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to evaluate sample characteristics. Mean and standard deviations, median and interquartile range [IQR] or frequency and percentages were reported for the sample characteristics. Bivariate associations were examined with dependent t-tests and one-way ANOVAs for normally distributed data. Mann- Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for non-normally distributed variables. The median knowledge score for the sample was 6.0 [3.00] points, out of a possible 24, with 92.5% of the sample scoring 10 or lower. Sex (Male/Female), education level, having a degree in the field, certification status (yes
o) and number of certifications were not associated with knowledge scores (p > 0.05). Years of experience in personal training was positively associated with mean knowledge scores (H(3) = 9.280, p = 0.026). Sex of the personal trainer, having a degree in the field (yes
o), the number of personal trainer certifications, the cost of training, the type of facility, the type of employment of the personal trainer and knowledge scores were not associated with client retention (p > 0.05). Education level (F3,87 = 8.176, p < 0.001), personal training certification (yes
o) (t38 = 2.277, p = 0.029), years of experience (F3, 87 = 3.169, p = 0.028), facility size (F4,84 = 8.049, p < 0.001), and exercise science degree type (F3,48 = 6.008, p = 0.001) were all associated with client retention. This study provides insight on knowledge retention of active personal trainers on subject matter deemed foundational by four certifying organizations. The findings should influence both the preparatory learning and well as continuing education approaches of both certifying organizations and institutions of higher learning.
Date Created

Physical Activity and its Relation to Physical Fitness and Motor Skill Performance in Women Ages 45 - 65 Years

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This study examined the relationships between the amount of physical activity engagement and two sets of health-related tests: measures of physical fitness (abdominal curl-ups, push-ups, handgrip strength, hip flexibility, and cardiorespiratory fitness) as well as measures of motor skill performance

This study examined the relationships between the amount of physical activity engagement and two sets of health-related tests: measures of physical fitness (abdominal curl-ups, push-ups, handgrip strength, hip flexibility, and cardiorespiratory fitness) as well as measures of motor skill performance (kicking, throwing, jumping, hopping, running, and standing from a supine position) in mid-life women (ages 45-65). Physical activity engagement was assessed using 7-day accelerometer readings and the Stanford Brief Activity Survey. Motor skill performance was assessed using scores of maximum kicking, throwing, jumping, hopping, and running speeds and maximum jumping distance. Physical fitness was assessed using scores of maximum abdominal curl-ups, push-ups, handgrip strength, hip flexibility, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Results suggest that regular participation in moderate lifestyle, walking, and vigorous physical activity are related to better performances in curl-ups, push-ups, cardiorespiratory fitness on a submaximal treadmill test, kicking, throwing, and transitioning from a supine position to standing. These data represent the feasibility of selected motor skills and physical fitness tests for mid-life women and suggest that a relationship may be present between selected motor skills and health-related physical fitness measures and physical activity.
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Assisted Cycling Therapy (ACT) Improves Mobility in Adults with Down Syndrome

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The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of two modes of exercise on the lower body strength and aerobic capacity in adults with Down syndrome (DS). Six participants randomly completed one of two exercise interventions: 1) Voluntary

The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of two modes of exercise on the lower body strength and aerobic capacity in adults with Down syndrome (DS). Six participants randomly completed one of two exercise interventions: 1) Voluntary Cycling (VC), where participants cycled at their self-selected pedaling rate and 2) Assisted Cycling Therapy (ACT), where the participants' voluntary pedaling rates were augmented by 35% with a motor. In each intervention, the participant completed three, 30-minute cycling sessions each week for a total of eight weeks. The Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) was used to evaluate the distance each participant was able to complete in six minutes before and after the intervention. There was a significant increase in the distance and velocity of the participants after the intervention with a greater mean improvement for participants in the ACT group than VC when analyzing total score and t-score. Future research will include a greater sample size and control group to reach significant results as well as try and reveal the mechanisms involved in these physical health improvements found after an acute bout of assisted cycling in adults with DS.
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Efficacy of a Student-Led, Community-Based, Multifactorial Fall Prevention Program: Stay in Balance

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Background: Falls are a major public health concern in older adults. Recent fall prevention guidelines recommend the use of multifactorial fall prevention programs (FPPs) that include exercise for community-dwelling older adults; however, the availability of sustainable, community-based FPPs is limited.


Background: Falls are a major public health concern in older adults. Recent fall prevention guidelines recommend the use of multifactorial fall prevention programs (FPPs) that include exercise for community-dwelling older adults; however, the availability of sustainable, community-based FPPs is limited.

Methods: We conducted a 24-week quasi-experimental study to evaluate the efficacy of a community-based, multifactorial FPP [Stay in Balance (SIB)] on dynamic and functional balance and muscular strength. The SIB program was delivered by allied health students and included a health education program focused on fall risk factors and a progressive exercise program emphasizing lower-extremity strength and balance. All participants initially received the 12-week SIB program, and participants were non-randomly assigned at baseline to either continue the SIB exercise program at home or as a center-based program for an additional 12 weeks. Adults aged 60 and older (n = 69) who were at-risk of falling (fall history or 2+ fall risk factors) were recruited to participate. Mixed effects repeated measures using Statistical Application Software Proc Mixed were used to examine group, time, and group-by-time effects on dynamic balance (8-Foot Up and Go), functional balance (Berg Balance Scale), and muscular strength (30 s chair stands and 30 s arm curls). Non-normally distributed outcome variables were log-transformed.

Results: After adjusting for age, gender, and body mass index, 8-Foot Up and Go scores, improved significantly over time [F(2,173) = 8.92, p = 0.0; T0 − T2 diff = 1.2 (1.0)]. Berg Balance Scores [F(2,173) = 29.0, p < 0.0001; T0 − T2 diff = 4.96 (0.72)], chair stands [F(2,171) = 10.17, p < 0.0001; T0 − T2 diff = 3.1 (0.7)], and arm curls [F(2,171) = 12.7, p < 0.02; T0 − T2 diff = 2.7 (0.6)] also all improved significantly over time. There were no significant group-by-time effects observed for any of the outcomes.

Conclusion: The SIB program improved dynamic and functional balance and muscular strength in older adults at-risk for falling. Our findings indicate continuing home-based strength and balance exercises at home after completion of a center-based FPP program may be an effective and feasible way to maintain improvements in balance and strength parameters.

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“ASUKI Step” Pedometer Intervention in University Staff: Rationale and Design

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Background: We describe the study design and methods used in a 9-month pedometer-based worksite intervention called “ASUKI Step” conducted at the Karolinska Institutet (KI) in Stockholm, Sweden and Arizona State University (ASU) in the greater Phoenix area, Arizona. Methods/Design: “ASUKI Step” was based

Background: We describe the study design and methods used in a 9-month pedometer-based worksite intervention called “ASUKI Step” conducted at the Karolinska Institutet (KI) in Stockholm, Sweden and Arizona State University (ASU) in the greater Phoenix area, Arizona. Methods/Design: “ASUKI Step” was based on the theory of social support and a quasi-experimental design was used for evaluation. Participants included 2,118 faculty, staff, and graduate students from ASU (n = 712) and KI (n = 1,406) who participated in teams of 3–4 persons. The intervention required participants to accumulate 10,000 steps each day for six months, with a 3-month follow-up period. Steps were recorded onto a study-specific website. Participants completed a website-delivered questionnaire four times to identify socio-demographic, health, psychosocial and environmental correlates of study participation. One person from each team at each university location was randomly selected to complete physical fitness testing to determine their anthropometric and cardiovascular health and to wear an accelerometer for one week. Study aims were: 1) to have a minimum of 400 employee participants from each university site reach a level of 10, 000 steps per day on at least 100 days (3.5 months) during the trial period; 2) to have 70% of the employee participants from each university site maintain two or fewer inactive days per week, defined as a level of less than 3,000 steps per day; 3) to describe the socio-demographic, psychosocial, environmental and health-related determinants of success in the intervention; and 4) to evaluate the effects of a pedometer-based walking intervention in a university setting on changes in self-perceived health and stress level, sleep patterns, anthropometric measures and fitness. Incentives were given for compliance to the study protocol that included weekly raffles for participation prizes and a grand finale trip to Arizona or Sweden for teams with most days over 10,000 steps. Discussion: “ASUKI Step” is designed to increase the number of days employees walk 10,000 steps and to reduce the number of days employees spend being inactive. The study also evaluates the intra- and interpersonal determinants for success in the intervention and in a sub-sample of the study, changes in physical fitness and body composition during the study.

Date Created

Correlates of exercise self-efficacy in older adults with arthritis

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Purpose: This study explored the potential correlates of exercise self-efficacy among older adults with a self-reported diagnosis of arthritis. Methods: This study was a secondary data analysis and used a cross-sectional design. Data was collected from a convenience sample of

Purpose: This study explored the potential correlates of exercise self-efficacy among older adults with a self-reported diagnosis of arthritis. Methods: This study was a secondary data analysis and used a cross-sectional design. Data was collected from a convenience sample of Non-Hispanic White and Non-Hispanic Black individuals between 2006-2008 (N=208). Descriptive statistics were run to assess means and frequencies within the sample. Bivariate statistics (Pearson and Spearman correlations, T-tests and one-way analysis of variance) were run to examine relationships between the independent and dependent variables. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to examine independent predictors of self-efficacy for exercise (SEE) and barriers self-efficacy for exercise (BSE). Results: Participants were predominantly female (85.6%), white (62.9%), retired (58.1%) and had a mean age of 66.6 [10.7] years. For education level, 23.4% reported a Master’s degree or higher and 18.6% reported they had at most a high school degree or GED. Nearly 47% of the sample were classified as obese based on self-reported body mass index (BMI) and 68.3% of the sample were not meeting the American College of Sports Medicine physical activity (PA) recommendations. Participants reported a relatively high BSE (22.6) and an average SEE (22.7). Significant positive associations were seen with outcome expectation for exercise (EOE), social support, and total minutes of PA and negative associations with BMI, physical function, pain, and negative affect with SEE and BSE. Meeting the PA guidelines (t134.5=4.60, 95%CI= 4.7(6.71-2.68), p<0.001) and being white (t164=2.82, 95%CI=2.82(0.57-5.08), p=0.014) were associated with SEE and BSE (t165=3.42, 95%CI= 4.37(6.89-1.85), p=0.001) and (t164=2.34, 95%CI= 2.95(0.46-5.43), p=0.021), respectively. In regression analyses, significant predictors of SEE were education (p=.006), physical function (p=.006) and EOE (p<.001). Significant predictors of BSE were physical function (p=.020), social support (p=.031), EOE (p=<.001), education level (p=.037), and total minutes of PA (p=.022). The variables in the SEE model accounted for 50.5% (R=.737, R2=.505) of the total variance and the variables in BSE model accounted for 41.1% (R=.672, R2=.411) of the total variance of the model. Discussion: EOE appears to be an important predictor of SEE and BSE. Examining the temporal relationship between EOE and SEE is warranted.
Date Created

Barriers & motivators to physical activity in older Mexican American men

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The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the cultural, social, environmental, and gender factors that may influence physical activity (PA) in older Mexican American (MA) men living in Tucson, Arizona. The Mexican origin population is the fastest growing

The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the cultural, social, environmental, and gender factors that may influence physical activity (PA) in older Mexican American (MA) men living in Tucson, Arizona. The Mexican origin population is the fastest growing Hispanic subgroup in our nation, increasing from 20.6 million in the year 2000 to 31.8 million in 2010. Arizona has the sixth largest Hispanic population in the United States and the Mexican origin population accounts for 91% of Arizona's Hispanics. Despite the fast growing Mexican population, there are a limited number of studies that examine MAs and PA. There are even fewer interventions created to foster PA among older (≥65 years old) MA men. Fourteen individual interviews were conducted with older MA men living in Tucson, Arizona. Data was collected, organized, and analyzed according to the methodologies of Clark Moustakas and the Social Ecology Model for Health Promotion framework. Six themes emerged which reflected the older MA male's perception of health, masculinity, and physical activity: a) Retirement promotes self-care behaviors, b) Women, health care providers, and the Internet are important in promoting health, c) Aging changes physical activity, d) I take care of myself, e) Physical activity is a personal choice and lifestyle, and f) I learn and make adjustments as needed. Themes were used to create textural and structural descriptions of their experiences. Descriptions were formed into the essence of the phenomenon. The results of this study increase our understanding of health, masculinity, and physical activity in older MA men. This research will inform the development of an evidence-based PA intervention to promote cardiovascular (CV) health in older MA men that may be implemented in a variety of community-based settings.
Date Created

The effects of assisted cycle therapy on executive and motor functioning in older adults

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This study examines cognitive and motor function in typical older adults following acute exercise. Ten older adults (Mage = 65.1) completed a single session of assisted cycling (AC) (i.e., exercise accomplished through the use of a motor), voluntary cycling (VC)

This study examines cognitive and motor function in typical older adults following acute exercise. Ten older adults (Mage = 65.1) completed a single session of assisted cycling (AC) (i.e., exercise accomplished through the use of a motor), voluntary cycling (VC) (self-selected cadence), and a no cycling (NC) control group. These sessions were randomized and separated by approximately one week. Both ACT and VC groups rode a stationary bicycle for 30-minutes each session. These sessions were separated by at least two days. Participants completed cognitive testing that assessed information processing and set shifting and motor testing including gross and fine motor performance at the beginning and at the end of each session. Consistent with our hypothesis concerning manual dexterity, the results showed that manual dexterity improved following the ACT session more than the VC or NC sessions. Improvements in set shifting were also found for the ACT session but not for the VC or NC sessions. The results are interpreted with respect to improvements in neurological function in older adults following acute cycling exercise. These improvements are balance, manual dexterity, and set shifting which have a positive effects on activities of daily living; such as, decrease risk of falls, improve movements like eating and handwriting, and increase ability to multitask.
Date Created

Association of objectively measured physical activity with cognitive function in black and white older adults: Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study

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Background and purpose: Regular physical activity (PA) provides benefits for cognitive health and helps to improve or maintain quality of life among older adults. Objective PA measures have been increasingly used to overcome limitations of self-report measures. The purpose of

Background and purpose: Regular physical activity (PA) provides benefits for cognitive health and helps to improve or maintain quality of life among older adults. Objective PA measures have been increasingly used to overcome limitations of self-report measures. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of objectively measured PA and sedentary time with cognitive function among older adults.

Methods: Participants were recruited from the parent REasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Study. ActicalTM accelerometers provided estimates of PA variables, including moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA), high light PA (HLPA), low light PA (LLPA) and sedentary time, for 4-7 consecutive days. Prevalence and incidence of cognitive impairment were defined by the Six-Item Screener. Letter fluency, animal fluency, word list learning and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (orientation and recall) were conducted to assess executive function and memory.

Results: Of the 7,339 participants who provided accelerometer wear data > 4 days (70.1 ± 8.6 yr, 54.2% women, 31.7% African American), 320 participants exhibited impaired cognition. In cross-sectional analysis, participants in the highest MVPA% quartile had 39% lower odds of cognitive impairment than those in the lowest quartile (OR: 0.61, 95% C.I.: 0.39-0.95) after full adjustment. Further analysis shows most quartiles of MVPA% and HLPA% were significantly associated with executive function and memory (P<0.01). During 2.7 ± 0.5 years of follow-up, 3,385 participants were included in the longitudinal analysis, with 157 incident cases of cognitive impairment. After adjustments, participants in the highest MVPA% quartile had 51% lower hazards of cognitive impairment (HR: 0.49, 95% C.I.: 0.28-0.86). Additionally, MVPA% was inversely associated with change in memory z-scores (P<0.01), while the highest quartile of HLPA% was inversely associated with change in executive function and memory z-scores (P<0.01).

Conclusion: Higher levels of objectively measured MVPA% were independently associated with lower prevalence and incidence of cognitive impairment, and better memory and executive function in older adults. Higher levels of HLPA% were also independently associated with better memory and executive function. The amount of MVPA associated with lower risk of cognitive impairment (259 min/week) is >70% higher than the minimal amount of MVPA recommended by PA guidelines.
Date Created

Novel approaches to increasing stair use in a university population

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Research indicates that adults are not acquiring enough physical activity. Increasing the use of stairs is an accessible way to weave high intensity physical activity into the daily routine. The purpose of this study is to test the effect of

Research indicates that adults are not acquiring enough physical activity. Increasing the use of stairs is an accessible way to weave high intensity physical activity into the daily routine. The purpose of this study is to test the effect of four environmental changes on ascending stair use in a mixed population of college students, faulty, and staff on a southwest college campus. The study design included a 10-week time series design with alternating baseline and intervention phases, including a directional cue represented by footprints on the ground, a positive prompt, a deterrent prompt and a combination phase. Data was collected with both an in-person tally and a video recording device. The study included 6,140 observations and coded variables included stair use, sex, number of bags carried, temperature, and volume. Rater reliability ranged from .81 to 1.0. Multivariate logistic regression was used to perform the statistic analysis. Stair use increased significantly from Washout 1 and the positive prompting phase with a 7% absolute increase and an odds ratio of 1.35 (95% CI 1.080-1.696). Stair use during the footprint phase, deterrent phase and combination phase did not increase significantly compared to the previous baseline or washout phases. Day of the week (Monday=reference, Tuesday CI=1.626, 95% CI 1.298-2.011, Wednesday OR=0.457, 95% CI 0.248-0.841, Thursday OR=1.434, 95% CI 1.164-1.766), sex (OR=1.376, 95% CI 1.173-1.613) and volume (OR=1.007, 95% CI 1.005-1.008) were significantly correlated to stair use. Women used the stairs more than men and higher volume situations were related to increased stair use. Temperature and baggage number were not related to stair use. The results of this study indicate that positive prompting with an environmental message theme is an effective method to increase stair use in a university setting.
Date Created