Design and Engineering of Synthetic Gene Networks

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Synthetic gene networks have evolved from simple proof-of-concept circuits to

complex therapy-oriented networks over the past fifteen years. This advancement has

greatly facilitated expansion of the emerging field of synthetic biology. Multistability is a

mechanism that cells use to achieve a discrete number

Synthetic gene networks have evolved from simple proof-of-concept circuits to

complex therapy-oriented networks over the past fifteen years. This advancement has

greatly facilitated expansion of the emerging field of synthetic biology. Multistability is a

mechanism that cells use to achieve a discrete number of mutually exclusive states in

response to environmental inputs. However, complex contextual connections of gene

regulatory networks in natural settings often impede the experimental establishment of

the function and dynamics of each specific gene network.

In this work, diverse synthetic gene networks are rationally designed and

constructed using well-characterized biological components to approach the cell fate

determination and state transition dynamics in multistable systems. Results show that

unimodality and bimodality and trimodality can be achieved through manipulation of the

signal and promoter crosstalk in quorum-sensing systems, which enables bacterial cells to

communicate with each other.

Moreover, a synthetic quadrastable circuit is also built and experimentally

demonstrated to have four stable steady states. Experiments, guided by mathematical

modeling predictions, reveal that sequential inductions generate distinct cell fates by

changing the landscape in sequence and hence navigating cells to different final states.

Circuit function depends on the specific protein expression levels in the circuit.

We then establish a protein expression predictor taking into account adjacent

transcriptional regions’ features through construction of ~120 synthetic gene circuits

(operons) in Escherichia coli. The predictor’s utility is further demonstrated in evaluating genes’ relative expression levels in construction of logic gates and tuning gene expressions and nonlinear dynamics of bistable gene networks.

These combined results illustrate applications of synthetic gene networks to

understand the cell fate determination and state transition dynamics in multistable

systems. A protein-expression predictor is also developed to evaluate and tune circuit

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Engineering of a Synthetic Quadrastable Gene Network to Approach Waddington Landscape and Cell Fate Determination

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The process of cell fate determination has been depicted intuitively as cells travelling and resting on a rugged landscape, which has been probed by various theoretical studies. However, few studies have experimentally demonstrated how underlying gene regulatory networks shape the

The process of cell fate determination has been depicted intuitively as cells travelling and resting on a rugged landscape, which has been probed by various theoretical studies. However, few studies have experimentally demonstrated how underlying gene regulatory networks shape the landscape and hence orchestrate cellular decision-making in the presence of both signal and noise. Here we tested different topologies and verified a synthetic gene circuit with mutual inhibition and auto-activations to be quadrastable, which enables direct study of quadruple cell fate determination on an engineered landscape. We show that cells indeed gravitate towards local minima and signal inductions dictate cell fates through modulating the shape of the multistable landscape. Experiments, guided by model predictions, reveal that sequential inductions generate distinct cell fates by changing landscape in sequence and hence navigating cells to different final states. This work provides a synthetic biology framework to approach cell fate determination and suggests a landscape-based explanation of fixed induction sequences for targeted differentiation.

Date Created

Quorum-Sensing Crosstalk-Driven Synthetic Circuits: From Unimodality to Trimodality

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Widespread quorum-sensing (QS) enables bacteria to communicate and plays a critical role in controlling bacterial virulence. However, effects of promiscuous QS crosstalk and its implications for gene regulation and cell decision-making remain largely unknown. Here we systematically studied the crosstalk

Widespread quorum-sensing (QS) enables bacteria to communicate and plays a critical role in controlling bacterial virulence. However, effects of promiscuous QS crosstalk and its implications for gene regulation and cell decision-making remain largely unknown. Here we systematically studied the crosstalk between LuxR/I and LasR/I systems and found that QS crosstalk can be dissected into signal crosstalk and promoter crosstalk. Further investigations using synthetic positive feedback circuits revealed that signal crosstalk significantly decreases a circuit’s bistable potential while maintaining unimodality. Promoter crosstalk, however, reproducibly generates complex trimodal responses resulting from noise-induced state transitions and host-circuit interactions. A mathematical model that integrates the circuit’s nonlinearity, stochasticity, and host-circuit interactions was developed, and its predictions of conditions for trimodality were verified experimentally. Combining synthetic biology and mathematical modeling, this work sheds light on the complex behaviors emerging from QS crosstalk, which could be exploited for therapeutics and biotechnology.

Date Created