Aerosolization of Microbial Pathogens and Indicator to Assess their Transport and Dispersion in Air

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“Airborne dispersal of microorganisms influences their biogeography, gene flow, atmospheric processes, human health and transmission of pathogens that affect humans, plants and animals” (Alsved et al., 2018). Many airborne pathogens cause diseases, such as Legionnaires disease, which is a type

“Airborne dispersal of microorganisms influences their biogeography, gene flow, atmospheric processes, human health and transmission of pathogens that affect humans, plants and animals” (Alsved et al., 2018). Many airborne pathogens cause diseases, such as Legionnaires disease, which is a type of pneumonia caused due to Legionella. Since the first report of a Legionella outbreak in 1976, or reports of Non – tuberculous Mycobacterium (NTM) outbreaks in hospital and healthcare settings by the CDC, it is significant to understand the behavior, occurrence and persistence of opportunistic pathogenic aerosols in the atmosphere. This study comprises a literature review and experimental work on airborne dispersion of 4 microorganisms – E. coli, Legionella pneumophila, Mycobacterium phlei and bacteriophage P22. The literature review summarizes their characteristics, their potential sources, disease outbreaks, collection and detection methodologies, environmental conditions for their growth and survival and few recommendations for reducing potential outbreaks. Aerosolization of each of these microorganisms was carried out separately in a closed environment using a spray gun and a nebulizer. The spraying time consisted of 1 sec, 5secs or 10secs, from one end of a chamber, and collecting air sample from the other end of the chamber, using a microbial air sampler. The air sample collection was performed to understand their transport, dispersion and reduction in air. Legionella showed a log reduction of ~4 using spray gun and ≤0.6 using nebulizer, whereas Mycobacterium showed a log reduction of ~4.5 using spray gun and ≤0.7 using nebulizer, respectively. Bacteriophage P22 on the other hand showed a 4 log reduction using spray gun and ≤1.4 using the nebulizer. This shows that aerosolization of microorganisms depends on its cell structure, size and survivability. Legionella follows the air – to – water transmission route, and Mycobacterium is hydrophobic, due to which their aerosols are more stable and active, than E. coli. Other environmental properties such as relative humidity and temperature impact the transport and dispersion of microorganisms in air.

The experiments in this study validated the aerosolization and transport of Legionella, Mycobacterium and bacteriophage P22 in a closed environment over time. In general, microbial concentration collected in air increased with aerosolization time of the test water. On the other hand, their concentration significantly decreased as elapsed time progressed after aerosolization, due to settling effect of larger particles and potential reduction due to inactivation of bacterial and viruses in the air.
Date Created

Impact of Turbidity on the UV Inactivation of Escherichia coli

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Turbidity is a known problem for UV water treatment systems as suspended particles can shield contaminants from the UV radiation. UV systems that utilize a reflective radiation chamber may be able to decrease the impact of turbidity on the efficacy

Turbidity is a known problem for UV water treatment systems as suspended particles can shield contaminants from the UV radiation. UV systems that utilize a reflective radiation chamber may be able to decrease the impact of turbidity on the efficacy of the system. The purpose of this study was to determine how kaolin clay and gram flour turbidity affects inactivation of Escherichia coli (E. coli) when using a UV system with a reflective chamber. Both sources of turbidity were shown to reduce the inactivation of E. coli with increasing concentrations. Overall, it was shown that increasing kaolin clay turbidity had a consistent effect on reducing UV inactivation across UV doses. Log inactivation was reduced by 1.48 log for the low UV dose and it was reduced by at least 1.31 log for the low UV dose. Gram flour had a similar effect to the clay at the lower UV dose, reducing log inactivation by 1.58 log. At the high UV dose, there was no change in UV inactivation with an increase in turbidity. In conclusion, turbidity has a significant impact on the efficacy of UV disinfection. Therefore, removing turbidity from water is an essential process to enhance UV efficiency for the disinfection of microbial pathogens.
Date Created

Bella Vida Estates: Due Diligence, Street Improvements, and Quantities

This honors project combines the capstone component of CEE: 486 Integrated Civil Engineering Design and the Barrett, The Honors College requirement by combination of Due Diligence report and Street Improvements and Quantities, respectively.

Overall, this project report provides due diligence

This honors project combines the capstone component of CEE: 486 Integrated Civil Engineering Design and the Barrett, The Honors College requirement by combination of Due Diligence report and Street Improvements and Quantities, respectively.

Overall, this project report provides due diligence for a proposed development project, Bella Vida Estates, designed by Red Rock Engineering. This proposed project is located in the southwest portion of the City of Phoenix, in the Laveen Village community.

Bella Vida Estates is a proposed 560-acre mixed-use development whose composition includes single family residential, commercial, recreational park and greenspace, a preparatory charter school, and water storage and wastewater treatment facilities. The subject property is confined east of the new Loop 202 – South Mountain Freeway Extension, south of W. Dobbins Road, north of W. Elliot Road, and west of S. 51st Avenue.

The Due Diligence report is comprised of relevant information needed to develop these parcels of land, including a Property Overview, Land Development Plan, Development Considerations, Sustainability and Value Add components, and Costs.

To provide a more comprehensive due diligence package for the proposed project, street improvement quantities were estimated and then presented via a Construction Documents Exhibit and an Opinion of Probable Costs document.

The Construction Documents Exhibit was created according to City of Phoenix Standards using AutoCAD Civil 3D. The exhibit includes four sheets: Cover Sheet, Exhibit Sheet, Cross Sections, and Appendix. The purpose of this exhibit is to provide a visual representation of the streets to be improved upon, with proper hatching (based on type of cross section), dimensioning, and annotations to aid in presentation.

The Opinion of Probable Costs tabulates Onsite Development costs, which includes Paving, utilities in the form of Water, Sewer, and Storm, Earthwork/Grading, and Lump Sum costs. In addition to the onsite costs, Contingency, General Conditions, General Contractor Fee, and Taxes are included to provide a comprehensive overview of estimated costs.

Red Rock Engineering is excited to propose this promising, sustainable development as a place of residence, commerce, and recreation to the residents of the Laveen Village community.
Date Created

Passive and active surfaces to reduce fouling of membranes and membane modules

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This dissertation investigates the mechanisms that lead to fouling, as well as how an understanding of how these mechanisms can be leveraged to mitigate fouling.

To limit fouling on feed spacers, various coatings were applied. The results showed silver-coated biocidal

This dissertation investigates the mechanisms that lead to fouling, as well as how an understanding of how these mechanisms can be leveraged to mitigate fouling.

To limit fouling on feed spacers, various coatings were applied. The results showed silver-coated biocidal spacers outperformed other spacers by all measures. The control polypropylene spacers performed in-line with, or better than, the other coatings. Polypropylene’s relative anti-adhesiveness is due to its surface free energy (SFE; 30.0 +/- 2.8 mN/m), which, according to previously generated models, is near the ideal SFE for resisting adhesion of bacteria and organics (~25 mN/m).

Previous research has indicated that electrochemical surfaces can be used to remove biofilms. To better elucidate the conditions and kinetics of biofilm removal, optical coherence tomography microscopy was used to visualize the biofouling and subsequent cleaning of the surface. The 50.0 mA cm-2 and 87.5 mA cm-2 current densities proved most effective in removing the biofilm. The 50.0 mA cm-2 condition offers the best balance between performance and energy use for anodic operation.

To test the potential to incorporate electrochemical coatings into infrastructure, membranes were coated with carbon nanotubes (CNTs), rendering the membranes electrochemically active. These membranes were biofouled and subsequently cleaned via electrochemical reactions. P. aeruginosa was given 72h to develop a biofilm on the CNT-coated membranes in a synthetic medium simulating desalination brines. Cathodic reactions, which generate H2 gas, produce vigorous bubbling at a current density of 12.5 mA cm-2 and higher, leading to a rapid and complete displacement of the biofilm from the CNT-functionalized membrane surface. In comparison, anodic reactions were unable to disperse the biofilms from the surface at similar current densities.

The scaling behavior of a nanophotonics-enabled solar membrane distillation (NESMD) system was investigated. The results showed the NESMD system to be resistant to scaling. The system operated without any decline in flux up to concentrations 6x higher than the initial salt concentration (8,439 mg/L), whereas in traditional membrane distillation (MD), flux essentially stopped at a salt concentration factor of 2x. Microscope and analytical analyses showed more fouling on the membranes from the MD system.
Date Created

Development of optimization models for regional wastewater and storm water systems with application in the Jizan region, Saudi Arabia

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Imagine you live in a place without any storm water or wastewater systems!

Wastewater and storm water systems are two of the most crucial systems for urban infrastructure. Water resources have become more limited and expensive in arid and semi-arid

Imagine you live in a place without any storm water or wastewater systems!

Wastewater and storm water systems are two of the most crucial systems for urban infrastructure. Water resources have become more limited and expensive in arid and semi-arid regions. According to the fourth World Water Development Report, over 80% of global wastewater is released into the environment without adequate treatment. Wastewater collection and treatment systems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) covers about 49% of urban areas; about 25% of treated wastewater is used for landscape and crop irrigation (Ministry of Environment Water and Agriculture [MEWA], 2017). According to Guizani (2016), during each event of flooding, there are fatalities. In 2009, the most deadly flood occurred in Jeddah, KSA within more than 160 lives lost. As a consequence, KSA has set a goal to provide 100% sewage collection and treatment services to every city with a population above 5000 by 2025, where all treated wastewater will be used.

This research explores several optimization models of planning and designing collection systems, such as regional wastewater and stormwater systems, in order to understand and overcome major performance-related disadvantages and high capital costs. The first model (M-1) was developed for planning regional wastewater system, considering minimum costs of location, type, and size sewer network and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The second model (M-2) was developed for designing a regional wastewater system, considering minimum hydraulic design costs, such as pump stations, commercial diameters, excavation costs, and WWTPs. Both models were applied to the Jizan region, KSA.

The third model (M-3) was developed to solve layout and pipe design for storm water systems simultaneously. This model was applied to four different case scenarios, using two approaches for commercial diameters. The fourth model (M-4) was developed to solve the optimum pipe design of a storm sewer system for given layouts. However, M-4 was applied to a storm sewer network published in the literature.

M-1, M-2, and M-3 were developed in the general algebraic modeling system (GAMS) program, which was formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) solver, while M-4 was formulated as a nonlinear programming (NLP) procedure.
Date Created

Real-Time Operation of River-Reservoir Systems During Flood Conditions Using Optimization-Simulation Model with One- and Two-Dimensional Modeling

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Flooding is a critical issue around the world, and the absence of comprehension of watershed hydrologic reaction results in lack of lead-time for flood forecasting and expensive harm to property and life. It happens when water flows due to extreme

Flooding is a critical issue around the world, and the absence of comprehension of watershed hydrologic reaction results in lack of lead-time for flood forecasting and expensive harm to property and life. It happens when water flows due to extreme rainfall storm, dam breach or snowmelt exceeds the capacity of river system reservoirs and channels. The objective of this research was to develop a methodology for determining a time series operation for releases through control gates of river-reservoir systems during flooding events in a real-time using one- and/or two-dimensional modeling of flows through river-reservoir systems.

The optimization-simulation methodology interfaces several simulation-software coupled together with an optimization model solved by genetic algorithm coded in MATLAB. These software include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-RAS linked the genetic algorithm in MATLAB to come up with an optimization-simulation model for time series gate openings to control downstream elevations. The model involves using the one- and two-dimensional ability in HEC-RAS to perform hydrodynamic routing with high-resolution raster Digital Elevation Models. Also, the model uses both real-time gridded- and gaged-rainfall data in addition to a model for forecasting future rainfall-data.

This new model has been developed to manage reservoir release schedules before, during, and after an extraordinary rainfall event that could cause extreme flooding. Further to observe and control downstream water surface elevations to avoid exceedance of threshold of flood levels in target cells in the downstream area of study, and to minimize the damage and direct effects in both the up and downstream.

The application of the complete optimization-simulation model was applied to a portion of the Cumberland River System in Nashville, Tennessee for the flooding event of May 2010. The objective of this application is to demonstrate the applicability of the model for minimizing flood damages for an actual flood event in real-time on an actual river basin. The purpose of the application in a real-time framework would be to minimize the flood damages at Nashville, Tennessee by keeping the flood stages under the 100-year flood stage. This application also compared the three unsteady flow simulation scenarios: one-dimensional, two-dimensional and combined one- and two-dimensional unsteady flow.
Date Created

Optimization Models for Iraq’s Water Allocation System

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In the recent past, Iraq was considered relatively rich considering its water resources compared to its surroundings. Currently, the magnitude of water resource shortages in Iraq represents an important factor in the stability of the country and in protecting sustained

In the recent past, Iraq was considered relatively rich considering its water resources compared to its surroundings. Currently, the magnitude of water resource shortages in Iraq represents an important factor in the stability of the country and in protecting sustained economic development. The need for a practical, applicable, and sustainable river basin management for the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Iraq is essential. Applicable water resources allocation scenarios are important to minimize the potential future water crises in connection with water quality and quantity. The allocation of the available fresh water resources in addition to reclaimed water to different users in a sustainable manner is of the urgent necessities to maintain good water quantity and quality.

In this dissertation, predictive water allocation optimization models were developed which can be used to easily identify good alternatives for water management that can then be discussed, debated, adjusted, and simulated in greater detail. This study provides guidance for decision makers in Iraq for potential future conditions, where water supplies are reduced, and demonstrates how it is feasible to adopt an efficient water allocation strategy with flexibility in providing equitable water resource allocation considering alternative resource. Using reclaimed water will help in reducing the potential negative environmental impacts of treated or/and partially treated wastewater discharges while increasing the potential uses of reclaimed water for agriculture and other applications. Using reclaimed water for irrigation is logical and efficient to enhance the economy of farmers and the environment while providing a diversity of crops, especially since most of Iraq’s built or under construction wastewater treatment plants are located in or adjacent to agricultural lands. Adopting an optimization modelling approach can assist decision makers, ensuring their decisions will benefit the economy by incorporating global experiences to control water allocations in Iraq especially considering diminished water supplies.
Date Created

Water Supply Infrastructure Modeling and Control under Extreme Drought and/or Limited Power Availability

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The phrase water-energy nexus is commonly used to describe the inherent and critical interdependencies between the electric power system and the water supply systems (WSS). The key interdependencies between the two systems are the power plant’s requirement of water for

The phrase water-energy nexus is commonly used to describe the inherent and critical interdependencies between the electric power system and the water supply systems (WSS). The key interdependencies between the two systems are the power plant’s requirement of water for the cooling cycle and the water system’s need of electricity for pumping for water supply. While previous work has considered the dependency of WSS on the electrical power, this work incorporates into an optimization-simulation framework, consideration of the impact of short and long-term limited availability of water and/or electrical energy.

This research focuses on the water supply system (WSS) facet of the multi-faceted optimization and control mechanism developed for an integrated water – energy nexus system under U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) project 029013-0010 CRISP Type 2 – Resilient cyber-enabled electric energy and water infrastructures modeling and control under extreme mega drought scenarios. A water supply system (WSS) conveys water from sources (such as lakes, rivers, dams etc.) to the treatment plants and then to users via the water distribution systems (WDS) and/or water supply canal systems (WSCS). Optimization-simulation methodologies are developed for the real-time operation of water supply systems (WSS) under critical conditions of limited electrical energy and/or water availability due to emergencies such as extreme drought conditions, electric grid failure, and other severe conditions including natural and manmade disasters. The coupling between WSS and the power system was done through alternatively exchanging data between the power system and WSS simulations via a program control overlay developed in python.

A new methodology for WDS infrastructural-operational resilience (IOR) computation was developed as a part of this research to assess the real-time performance of the WDS under emergency conditions. The methodology combines operational resilience and component level infrastructural robustness to provide a comprehensive performance assessment tool.

The optimization-simulation and resilience computation methodologies developed were tested for both hypothetical and real example WDS and WSCS, with results depicting improved resilience for operations of the WSS under normal and emergency conditions.
Date Created

Predicting Water Quality Parameters and Investigating the Impacts of Rainfall on Bacterial Concentrations in Arizona Surface Waters

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One of the two objectives of this dissertation is an investigation into the possible correlation between rainfall events and increased levels of E. coli and Mycobacterium using an existing data set. The literature states that levels of microbial concentrations do

One of the two objectives of this dissertation is an investigation into the possible correlation between rainfall events and increased levels of E. coli and Mycobacterium using an existing data set. The literature states that levels of microbial concentrations do increase after rainfall events, but there are no studies to indicate this correlation applies in any Arizona water systems. The data analyzed for the bacterial concentrations project suggested the possibility of a correlation along one river but it is not conclusive to state that any correlation exists between rainfall events and the microbial concentration for many other sites included in the analysis. This is most likely due to the highly engineered water delivery systems that are not directly impacted.

The secondary objective was to determine if there are environmental variables collected from an ongoing project which would be a good candidate for making predictions about any of the project data parameters. Of the 79 possible opportunities for the model to accurately predict the dependent variable, it showed strong statistical favorability as well as experimentally favorable results towards Dissolved Organic Carbon as the best dependent variable from the data set, resulting in an accuracy of 41%. This is relevant since Dissolved Organic Carbon is one of the most important water quality parameters of concern for drinking water treatment plants where disinfection by-products are a limiting factor. The need for further analysis and additional data collection is an obvious result from both studies. The use of hydrograph data instead of rainfall would be a logical new direction for the heavily engineered water delivery systems.
Date Created

Water quality and thermal stratification of Cragin Reservoir: current and future impact of forest fires

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C.C. Cragin Reservoir’s location in the Coconino National Forest, Arizona makes it prone to wild fire. This study focused on the potential impacts of such a wild fire on the reservoir’s annual thermal stratification cycle impacts and water quality.

C.C. Cragin Reservoir’s location in the Coconino National Forest, Arizona makes it prone to wild fire. This study focused on the potential impacts of such a wild fire on the reservoir’s annual thermal stratification cycle impacts and water quality. The annual thermal stratification cycle impacted the reservoir’s water quality by increasing hypolimnion concentrations of magnesium, iron, turbidity, and specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA) values, as well as resulting in the hypolimnion having decreased dissolved oxygen concentrations during stratified months. The scarification process did not affect the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in the reservoir or the total/dissolved nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations. Some general water quality trends that emerged were that phosphorous was the limiting nutrient, secchi disk depth and chlorophyll a concentration are inversely related, and no metals were found to be in concentrations that would violate an EPA drinking water maximum contaminant level (MCL). A carbon mass model was developed and parameterized using DOC measurements, and then using historic reservoir storage and weather data, the model simulated DOC concentrations in the reservoir following four hypothetical wild fire events. The model simulated varying initial reservoir storage volumes, initial flush volumes, and flush DOC concentrations, resulting in reservoir DOC concentrations varying from 17.41 mg/L to 8.82 mg/L.
Date Created