Kinetics of Small Molecule Interactions With Membrane Proteins in Single Cells Measured With Mechanical Amplification

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Measuring small molecule interactions with membrane proteins in single cells is critical for understanding many cellular processes and for screening drugs. However, developing such a capability has been a difficult challenge. We show that molecular interactions with membrane proteins induce

Measuring small molecule interactions with membrane proteins in single cells is critical for understanding many cellular processes and for screening drugs. However, developing such a capability has been a difficult challenge. We show that molecular interactions with membrane proteins induce a mechanical deformation in the cellular membrane, and real-time monitoring of the deformation with subnanometer resolution allows quantitative analysis of small molecule–membrane protein interaction kinetics in single cells. This new strategy provides mechanical amplification of small binding signals, making it possible to detect small molecule interactions with membrane proteins. This capability, together with spatial resolution, also allows the study of the heterogeneous nature of cells by analyzing the interaction kinetics variability between different cells and between different regions of a single cell.

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Thermoelectric Effect and Its Dependence on Molecular Length and Sequence in Single DNA Molecules

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Studying the thermoelectric effect in DNA is important for unravelling charge transport mechanisms and for developing relevant applications of DNA molecules. Here we report a study of the thermoelectric effect in single DNA molecules. By varying the molecular length and

Studying the thermoelectric effect in DNA is important for unravelling charge transport mechanisms and for developing relevant applications of DNA molecules. Here we report a study of the thermoelectric effect in single DNA molecules. By varying the molecular length and sequence, we tune the charge transport in DNA to either a hopping- or tunnelling-dominated regimes. The thermoelectric effect is small and insensitive to the molecular length in the hopping regime. In contrast, the thermoelectric effect is large and sensitive to the length in the tunnelling regime. These findings indicate that one may control the thermoelectric effect in DNA by varying its sequence and length. We describe the experimental results in terms of hopping and tunnelling charge transport models.

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Piezoresistivity in Single DNA Molecules

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Piezoresistivity is a fundamental property of materials that has found many device applications. Here we report piezoresistivity in double helical DNA molecules. By studying the dependence of molecular conductance and piezoresistivity of single DNA molecules with different sequences and lengths,

Piezoresistivity is a fundamental property of materials that has found many device applications. Here we report piezoresistivity in double helical DNA molecules. By studying the dependence of molecular conductance and piezoresistivity of single DNA molecules with different sequences and lengths, and performing molecular orbital calculations, we show that the piezoresistivity of DNA is caused by force-induced changes in the π–π electronic coupling between neighbouring bases, and in the activation energy of hole hopping. We describe the results in terms of thermal activated hopping model together with the ladder-based mechanical model for DNA proposed by de Gennes.

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Gate-Controlled Conductance Switching in DNA

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Extensive evidence has shown that long-range charge transport can occur along double helical DNA, but active control (switching) of single-DNA conductance with an external field has not yet been demonstrated. Here we demonstrate conductance switching in DNA by replacing a

Extensive evidence has shown that long-range charge transport can occur along double helical DNA, but active control (switching) of single-DNA conductance with an external field has not yet been demonstrated. Here we demonstrate conductance switching in DNA by replacing a DNA base with a redox group. By applying an electrochemical (EC) gate voltage to the molecule, we switch the redox group between the oxidized and reduced states, leading to reversible switching of the DNA conductance between two discrete levels. We further show that monitoring the individual conductance switching allows the study of redox reaction kinetics and thermodynamics at single molecular level using DNA as a probe. Our theoretical calculations suggest that the switch is due to the change in the energy level alignment of the redox states relative to the Fermi level of the electrodes.

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Charge transport in single molecules

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Studying charge transport through single molecules is of great importance for unravelling charge transport mechanisms, investigating fundamentals of chemistry, and developing functional building blocks in molecular electronics.

First, a study of the thermoelectric effect in single DNA molecules is reported. By

Studying charge transport through single molecules is of great importance for unravelling charge transport mechanisms, investigating fundamentals of chemistry, and developing functional building blocks in molecular electronics.

First, a study of the thermoelectric effect in single DNA molecules is reported. By varying the molecular length and sequence, the charge transport in DNA was tuned to either a hopping- or tunneling-dominated regimes. In the hopping regime, the thermoelectric effect is small and insensitive to the molecular length. Meanwhile, in the tunneling regime, the thermoelectric effect is large and sensitive to the length. These findings indicate that by varying its sequence and length, the thermoelectric effect in DNA can be controlled. The experimental results are then described in terms of hopping and tunneling charge transport models.

Then, I showed that the electron transfer reaction of a single ferrocene molecule can be controlled with a mechanical force. I monitor the redox state of the molecule from its characteristic conductance, detect the switching events of the molecule from reduced to oxidized states with the force, and determine a negative shift of ~34 mV in the redox potential under force. The theoretical modeling is in good agreement with the observations, and reveals the role of the coupling between the electronic states and structure of the molecule.

Finally, conclusions and perspectives were discussed to point out the implications of the above works and future studies that can be performed based on the findings.
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An integrated microarray printing and detection system to study protein-protein interactions

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In this thesis, a breadboard Integrated Microarray Printing and Detection System (IMPDS) was proposed to address key limitations of traditional microarrays. IMPDS integrated two core components of a high-resolution surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi) system and a piezoelectric dispensing system

In this thesis, a breadboard Integrated Microarray Printing and Detection System (IMPDS) was proposed to address key limitations of traditional microarrays. IMPDS integrated two core components of a high-resolution surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi) system and a piezoelectric dispensing system that can print ultra-low volume droplets. To avoid evaporation of droplets in the microarray, a 100 μm thick oil layer (dodecane) was used to cover the chip surface. The interaction between BSA (Bovine serum albumin) and Anti-BSA was used to evaluate the capability of IMPDS. The alignment variability of printing, stability of droplets array and quantification of protein-protein interactions based on nanodroplet array were evaluated through a 10 x 10 microarray on SPR sensor chip. Binding kinetic constants obtained from IMPDS are close with results from commercial SPR setup (BI-3000), which indicates that IMPDS is capable to measure kinetic constants accurately. The IMPDS setup has following advantages: 1) nanoliter scale sample consumption, 2) high-throughput detection with real-time kinetic information for biomolecular interactions, 3) real-time information during printing and spot-on-spot detection of biomolecular interactions 4) flexible selection of probes and receptors (M x N interactions). Since IMPDS studies biomolecular interactions with low cost and high flexibility in real-time manner, it has great potential in applications such as drug discovery, food safety and disease diagnostics, etc.
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A Novel Wireless Wearable Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Monitoring Device With Disposable Sensors

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A novel portable wireless volatile organic compound (VOC) monitoring device with disposable sensors is presented. The device is miniaturized, light, easy-to-use, and cost-effective. Different field tests have been carried out to identify the operational, analytical, and functional performance of the

A novel portable wireless volatile organic compound (VOC) monitoring device with disposable sensors is presented. The device is miniaturized, light, easy-to-use, and cost-effective. Different field tests have been carried out to identify the operational, analytical, and functional performance of the device and its sensors. The device was compared to a commercial photo-ionization detector, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and carbon monoxide detector. In addition, environmental operational conditions, such as barometric change, temperature change and wind conditions were also tested to evaluate the device performance. The multiple comparisons and tests indicate that the proposed VOC device is adequate to characterize personal exposure in many real-world scenarios and is applicable for personal daily use.

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Particle Pollution Estimation Based on Image Analysis

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Exposure to fine particles can cause various diseases, and an easily accessible method to monitor the particles can help raise public awareness and reduce harmful exposures. Here we report a method to estimate PM air pollution based on analysis of

Exposure to fine particles can cause various diseases, and an easily accessible method to monitor the particles can help raise public awareness and reduce harmful exposures. Here we report a method to estimate PM air pollution based on analysis of a large number of outdoor images available for Beijing, Shanghai (China) and Phoenix (US). Six image features were extracted from the images, which were used, together with other relevant data, such as the position of the sun, date, time, geographic information and weather conditions, to predict PM2.5 index. The results demonstrate that the image analysis method provides good prediction of PM2.5 indexes, and different features have different significance levels in the prediction.

Date Created

Monitoring physiological signals using camera

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Monitoring vital physiological signals, such as heart rate, blood pressure and breathing pattern, are basic requirements in the diagnosis and management of various diseases. Traditionally, these signals are measured only in hospital and clinical settings. An important recent trend is

Monitoring vital physiological signals, such as heart rate, blood pressure and breathing pattern, are basic requirements in the diagnosis and management of various diseases. Traditionally, these signals are measured only in hospital and clinical settings. An important recent trend is the development of portable devices for tracking these physiological signals non-invasively by using optical methods. These portable devices, when combined with cell phones, tablets or other mobile devices, provide a new opportunity for everyone to monitor one’s vital signs out of clinic.

This thesis work develops camera-based systems and algorithms to monitor several physiological waveforms and parameters, without having to bring the sensors in contact with a subject. Based on skin color change, photoplethysmogram (PPG) waveform is recorded, from which heart rate and pulse transit time are obtained. Using a dual-wavelength illumination and triggered camera control system, blood oxygen saturation level is captured. By monitoring shoulder movement using differential imaging processing method, respiratory information is acquired, including breathing rate and breathing volume. Ballistocardiogram (BCG) is obtained based on facial feature detection and motion tracking. Blood pressure is further calculated from simultaneously recorded PPG and BCG, based on the time difference between these two waveforms.

The developed methods have been validated by comparisons against reference devices and through pilot studies. All of the aforementioned measurements are conducted without any physical contact between sensors and subjects. The work presented herein provides alternative solutions to track one’s health and wellness under normal living condition.
Date Created

Optical methods for studying cell mechanics

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Mechanical properties of cells are important in maintaining physiological functions of biological systems. Quantitative measurement and analysis of mechanical properties can help understand cellular mechanics and its functional relevance and discover physical biomarkers for diseases monitoring and therapeutics.

This dissertation presents

Mechanical properties of cells are important in maintaining physiological functions of biological systems. Quantitative measurement and analysis of mechanical properties can help understand cellular mechanics and its functional relevance and discover physical biomarkers for diseases monitoring and therapeutics.

This dissertation presents a work to develop optical methods for studying cell mechanics which encompasses four applications. Surface plasmon resonance microscopy based optical method has been applied to image intracellular motions and cell mechanical motion. This label-free technique enables ultrafast imaging with extremely high sensitivity in detecting cell deformation. The technique was first applied to study intracellular transportation. Organelle transportation process and displacement steps of motor protein can be tracked using this method. The second application is to study heterogeneous subcellular membrane displacement induced by membrane potential (de)polarization. The application can map the amplitude and direction of cell deformation. The electromechanical coupling of mammalian cells was also observed. The third application is for imaging electrical activity in single cells with sub-millisecond resolution. This technique can fast record actions potentials and also resolve the fast initiation and propagation of electromechanical signals within single neurons. Bright-field optical imaging approach has been applied to the mechanical wave visualization that associated with action potential in the fourth application. Neuron-to-neuron viability of membrane displacement was revealed and heterogeneous subcellular response was observed.

All these works shed light on the possibility of using optical approaches to study millisecond-scale and sub-nanometer-scale mechanical motions. These studies revealed ultrafast and ultra-small mechanical motions at the cellular level, including motor protein-driven motions and electromechanical coupled motions. The observations will help understand cell mechanics and its biological functions. These optical approaches will also become powerful tools for elucidating the interplay between biological and physical functions.
Date Created