Spin polarized currents in magnetic and superconducting structures

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An electrical current with high spin polarization is desirable for the performance of novel spintronics devices, such as magnetic tunnel junction and giant magnetoresistance devices. The generation of spin polarized current can be from ferromagnetic materials or triplet superconductors.

Anomalous Hall

An electrical current with high spin polarization is desirable for the performance of novel spintronics devices, such as magnetic tunnel junction and giant magnetoresistance devices. The generation of spin polarized current can be from ferromagnetic materials or triplet superconductors.

Anomalous Hall effect (AHE) is an effective way to study the properties of magnetic structures. The scattering of electrons by the magnetic moments affects the change of resistance, which can be used to detect the magnetization. In this dissertation, AHE is used to study the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) structures, including Co/Pt and Ta/CoFeB/MgO.

Domain walls exist in all ferromagnetic materials. This dissertation studies the domain wall movement in the Ta/CoFeB/MgO structure. A single domain is observed by measuring the anomalous Hall effect. On the other hand, a zero Hall step is successfully observed in a single layer of magnetic material for the first time, which can be used to fabricate advanced domain wall spintronics devices.

Besides the normal ferromagnetic material, the generation of spin polarized current in superconductor is also important for Spintronics. The electrons in superconductors form Cooper pairs. In this dissertation, Andreev Reflection Spectroscopy (ARS) is used to study the spin configuration in Cooper pairs.

Generally, ferromagnetism and superconductivity can not co-exist. In this dissertation, the Bi/Ni bilayer structure has been studied with ARS, and the measurement results show a triplet superconductivity below 4K. The appearance of superconductivity is believed to be attributed to the Bi-Ni interface, and the triplet Cooper pair makes it a promising candidate in superconducting spintronics.

Besides, a Bi3Ni single crystal is also studied with ARS. The measurements show a singlet superconductivity in this material, which further proves the importance of the Bi/Ni interface to achieve triplet superconductivity.

Finally, ARS is also used to study NbSe2 monolayer, a 2D superconductor. The monolayer is verified by the measurements of critical temperature and critical field, which are different from the values of multilayer or bulk. Andreev reflection results show that NbSe2 monolayer is a singlet superconductor and there is no node exist in the superconducting gap for a in plane magnetic field up to 58 kOe.
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Continuous Control of Spin Polarization Using a Magnetic Field

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The giant magnetoresistance (GMR) of a point contact between a Co/Cu multilayer and a superconductor tip varies for different bias voltage. Direct measurement of spin polarization by Andreev reflection spectroscopy reveals that the GMR change is due to a change

The giant magnetoresistance (GMR) of a point contact between a Co/Cu multilayer and a superconductor tip varies for different bias voltage. Direct measurement of spin polarization by Andreev reflection spectroscopy reveals that the GMR change is due to a change in spin polarization. This work demonstrates that the GMR structure can be utilized as a spin source and that the spin polarization can be continuously controlled by using an external magnetic field.

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Above 400-K Robust Perpendicular Ferromagnetic Phase in a Topological Insulator

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The quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) that emerges under broken time-reversal symmetry in topological insulators (TIs) exhibits many fascinating physical properties for potential applications in nanoelectronics and spintronics. However, in transition metal–doped TIs, the only experimentally demonstrated QAHE system to

The quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) that emerges under broken time-reversal symmetry in topological insulators (TIs) exhibits many fascinating physical properties for potential applications in nanoelectronics and spintronics. However, in transition metal–doped TIs, the only experimentally demonstrated QAHE system to date, the QAHE is lost at practically relevant temperatures. This constraint is imposed by the relatively low Curie temperature (T[subscript c]) and inherent spin disorder associated with the random magnetic dopants. We demonstrate drastically enhanced T[subscript c] by exchange coupling TIs to Tm[subscript 3]Fe[subscript 5]O[subscript 12], a high-T[subscript c] magnetic insulator with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Signatures showing that the TI surface states acquire robust ferromagnetism are revealed by distinct squared anomalous Hall hysteresis loops at 400 K. Point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy confirms that the TI surface is spin-polarized. The greatly enhanced T[subscript c], absence of spin disorder, and perpendicular anisotropy are all essential to the occurrence of the QAHE at high temperatures.

Date Created

Determination of Spin Polarization Using an Unconventional Iron Superconductor

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An unconventional iron superconductor, SmO0.7F0.3FeAs, has been utilized to determine the spin polarization and temperature dependence of a highly spin-polarized material, La0.67Sr0.33MnO3, with Andreev reflection spectroscopy. The polarization value obtained is the same as that determined using a conventional superconductor

An unconventional iron superconductor, SmO0.7F0.3FeAs, has been utilized to determine the spin polarization and temperature dependence of a highly spin-polarized material, La0.67Sr0.33MnO3, with Andreev reflection spectroscopy. The polarization value obtained is the same as that determined using a conventional superconductor Pb but the temperature dependence of the spin polarization can be measured up to 52 K, a temperature range, which is several times wider than that using a typical conventional superconductor. The result excludes spin-parallel triplet pairing in the iron superconductor.

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