Ultra-Trace Quantification of Plasticizers at the Tres Rios Constructed Wetland


Plasticizers are plastic additives used to enhance the physical properties of plastic and are ubiquitous in the environment. A class of plasticizer compounds called phthalate esters that are not fully eliminated in wastewater treatment facilities are relevant to the ecological

Plasticizers are plastic additives used to enhance the physical properties of plastic and are ubiquitous in the environment. A class of plasticizer compounds called phthalate esters that are not fully eliminated in wastewater treatment facilities are relevant to the ecological health of downstream ecosystems and urban areas due to their ecotoxicity, tendency for soil accumulation, and the emerging concern about their effects on public health. However, plasticizer concentrations in a constructed wetland environment have rarely been studied in the United States, prompting the need for a method of plasticizer quantification in the Tres Rios Constructed Wetlands which are sustained by the effluent of the 91st Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant in Phoenix, Arizona. The concentrations of four common plasticizer compounds (dimethyl: DMP, diethyl: DEP, di-n-butyl: DnBP, and bis(2-ethylhexyl): DEHP phthalate) at five sites across the wetland surface water were quantified using solid-phase extraction followed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The sampling period included four sample sets taken from March 2022 to September 2022, which gave temporal data in addition to spatial concentration data. Quantification and quality control were performed using internal standard calibration, replicate samples, and laboratory blanks. Higher molecular weight phthalates accumulated in the wetland surface water at significantly higher average concentrations than those of lower molecular weight at a 95% confidence level, ranging from 8 ng/L to 7349 ng/L and 4 ng/L to 27876 ng/L for DnBP and DEHP, respectively. Concentrations for dimethyl phthalate and diethyl phthalate were typically less than 50 ng/L and were often below the method detection limit. Average concentrations of DnBP and DEHP were significantly higher during periods of high temperatures and arid conditions. The spatial distribution of phthalates was analyzed. Most importantly, a method for successful ultra-trace quantification of plasticizers at Tres Rios was established. These results confirm the presence of plasticizers at Tres Rios and a significant seasonal increase in their surface water concentrations. The developed analytical procedure provides a solid foundation for the Wetlands Environmental Ecology Lab at ASU to further investigate plasticizers and contaminants of emerging concern and determine their ultimate fate through volatilization, sorption, photodegradation, hydrolysis, microbial biodegradation, and phytoremediation studies.

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Investigation of Chloramination and its Contribution to N-nitrosodimethylamine Formation in Drinking Water and the Atmosphere

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N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a probable human carcinogen that has been detected in various environments including the atmosphere, clouds, surface waters, and drinking water. NDMA can form through natural reactions in the aqueous phase of the atmosphere and it can form

N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a probable human carcinogen that has been detected in various environments including the atmosphere, clouds, surface waters, and drinking water. NDMA can form through natural reactions in the aqueous phase of the atmosphere and it can form as a disinfection byproduct in water treatment. Due to its carcinogenic nature, it is important to understand the mechanism of formation of NDMA in both engineered processes such as water treatment and in natural processes in fogs and clouds. NDMA might form through the reaction of chloramines with amines in both cases. This work analyzes polydiallyldimethyl ammonium chloride (PolyDADMAC), which is the most commonly used polymer at drinking water treatment plants and has the potential to form NDMA if free polymer is present during the chloramination (disinfection) process. The composition of industrial polyDADMAC solutions is not well understood and is difficult to analyze. This work uses 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to analyze the polymer solution composition. Both 1H and 13C NMR allow investigation of the presence of trace impurities in the solution, gather structural information such as chain length, and inform on reaction mechanisms. The primary impurities of concern for NDMA formation were identified as dimethylamine (DMA) and short-chain oligomers of the polyDADMAC. 13C NMR was further used to confirm that NDMA likely forms from polyDADMAC via a Hofmann elimination. Chloramines might also form in fogs and clouds although to date the potential for chloramines to form NDMA in atmospheric fog and cloud droplets has not been investigated. This work uses computational modeling to determine that at reported atmospheric conditions, the chloramine pathway contributes to less than 0.01% NDMA formation. The numerical modeling identified a need for more atmospheric HOCl measurements. This work proposes a concept of using HOCl to react to form chloramine, which can react to form NDMA as a way to quantify atmospheric HOCl.
Date Created

Occurrence and Speciation of Bromine and Iodine in Drinking Water Sources

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Halogens in drinking water sources, such as bromine (Br) and iodine (I) pose no direct health risk, but are critical precursors in formation of cyto- and genotoxic brominated and iodinated (Br-/I-) DBPs. However, few spatial or historic datasets exist for

Halogens in drinking water sources, such as bromine (Br) and iodine (I) pose no direct health risk, but are critical precursors in formation of cyto- and genotoxic brominated and iodinated (Br-/I-) DBPs. However, few spatial or historic datasets exist for bromine and iodine species in drinking water sources. This dissertation aims to quantify and understand the occurrence and speciation of Br and I in groundwater and surface water serving as source waters for drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs). Aggregation of data from >9000 non-drinking water sampling locations in USA collected from 1930-2017 on halides (bromide (Br-) and iodide (I-)) determined that Br- concentrations were 50 μg/L and 100 μg/L; and I- concentrations were 12 μg/L and 13 μg/L in surface and groundwater respectively. Although, these locations were not drinking water sources, this first of its kind analysis provides potential bounds for Br- and I-. To focus specifically on DWTP sources, a nationwide survey of >250 drinking water sources was conducted between 2018-2020. Br- ion is the only bromine specie, whereas both inorganic (iodide and iodate ions) and organic iodine occur. I- concentrations ranged from 1-250 μg/L and are 4 to 100 times lower than Br- concentrations (10-7800 μg/L, median=80 μg/L). No strong correlation exists between bromide and iodide occurrence (R<0.5, p<0.005). I- was detected in 50% of the samples (75th percentile=5 μg/L) and IO3- was detected in 40% (75th percentile=3 μg/L) of all the samples. To quantify iodine species, tandem ion chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was applied for the first time in drinking water sources. I- and IO3- peaks were well resolved and have minimum detection limit of 0.4 μg/L and 0.7 μg/L respectively. Organic iodine (Org-I) peaks in select drinking water samples from the nationwide survey were partically resolved ranging from <5 to 40 μg/L. This dissertation provides updated nationwide Br- survey and first ever national I species survey. The data generated through this dissertation will be useful to further Br-/I-DBP formation and toxicity research by providing relevant drinking water sources information. Future research targeting Br- and I- removal is advocated for managing Br-/I-DBPs in watersheds.

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Thermally Driven Technologies for Atmospheric Water Capture to Provide Decentralized Drinking Water

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Limited access to clean water due to natural or municipal disasters, drought, or contaminated wells is driving demand for point-of-use and humanitarian drinking water technologies. Atmospheric water capture (AWC) can provide water off the centralized grid by capturing water vapor

Limited access to clean water due to natural or municipal disasters, drought, or contaminated wells is driving demand for point-of-use and humanitarian drinking water technologies. Atmospheric water capture (AWC) can provide water off the centralized grid by capturing water vapor in ambient air and condensing it to a liquid. The overarching goal of this dissertation was to define geographic and thermodynamic design boundary conditions for AWC and develop nanotechnology-enabled AWC technologies to produce clean drinking water.

Widespread application of AWC is currently limited because water production, energy requirement, best technology, and water quality are not parameterized. I developed a geospatial climatic model for classical passive solar desiccant-driven AWC, where water vapor is adsorbed onto a desiccant bed at night, desorbed by solar heat during the day, and condensed. I concluded passive systems can capture 0.25–8 L/m2/day as a function of material properties and climate, and are limited because they only operate one adsorption-desorption-condensation cycle per day. I developed a thermodynamic model for large-scale AWC systems and concluded that the thermodynamic limit for energy to saturate and condense water vapor can vary up to 2-fold as a function of climate and mode of saturation.

Thermodynamic and geospatial models indicate opportunity space to develop AWC technologies for arid regions where solar radiation is abundant. I synthesized photothermal desiccants by optimizing surface loading of carbon black nanoparticles on micron-sized silica gel desiccants (CB-SiO2). Surface temperature of CB-SiO2 increased to 60oC under solar radiation and water vapor desorption rate was 4-fold faster than bare silica. CB-SiO2 could operate >10 AWC cycles per day to produce 2.5 L/m2/day at 40% relative humidity, 3-fold more water than a conventional passive system.

Models and bench-scale experiments were paired with pilot-scale experiments operating electrical desiccant and compressor dehumidifiers outdoors in a semi-arid climate to benchmark temporal water production, water quality and energy efficiency. Water quality varied temporally, e.g, dissolved organic carbon concentration was 3 – 12 mg/L in the summer and <1 mg/L in the winter. Collected water from desiccant systems met all Environmental Protection Agency standards, while compressor systems may require further purification for metals and turbidity.
Date Created

Impact of Misting Systems on Local Air Quality

-Please adjust the format of the abstract. m-3 should be typed as "m to the minus 3" with the "minus 3" in superscript
-see the additional "abstract.pdf" document for formatting
In arid environments like Phoenix, many professional and residential outdoor spaces are

-Please adjust the format of the abstract. m-3 should be typed as "m to the minus 3" with the "minus 3" in superscript
-see the additional "abstract.pdf" document for formatting
In arid environments like Phoenix, many professional and residential outdoor spaces are cooled by the use of misting systems. These systems spray a fine mist of water droplets that cool down the surrounding air through the endothermic evaporation process. When the water droplets evaporate, they leave behind dissolved material that is present in the water, generating ambient particulate matter (PM). Thus, misting systems are a point source of PM. Currently there is no information on their impact on air quality in close proximity to these systems, or on the chemical composition of the particulate matter generated by the evaporating mist.
In this project, PM concentrations are found to increase on average by a factor of 8 from ambient levels in the vicinity of a residential misting system in controlled experiments. PM concentrations in public places that use misting systems are also investigated. The PM10 concentrations in public places ranged from 0.102 ± 0.010 mg m-3 to 1.47 ± 0.15 mg m-3, and PM2.5 ranged from 0.095 ± 0.010 mg m-3 to 0.99 ± 0.10 mg m-3. Air quality index (AQI) values based on these concentrations indicate that these levels of PM range from unhealthy to hazardous in most cases. PM concentrations tend to decrease after remaining relatively constant with increasing distance from misting systems. Chemical data reveal that chloride and magnesium ions may be used as tracers of aerosolized water from misting systems. The average chloride concentration was 71 µg m-3 in misting samples and below the detection limit for Cl- (< 8.2 µg m-3) in ambient samples. The average magnesium concentration was 11.7 µg m-3 in misting samples and 0.23 µg m-3 in ambient samples.
Date Created

Novel image-based methods for quantitative real time environmental monitoring

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Environmental pollution has been one of the most challenging problems in modern society and more and more health issues are now linked to environmental pollution and especially, air pollution. Certain sensitive group like patients with asthma are highly influenced by

Environmental pollution has been one of the most challenging problems in modern society and more and more health issues are now linked to environmental pollution and especially, air pollution. Certain sensitive group like patients with asthma are highly influenced by the environmental air quality and knowledge of the daily air pollution exposure is of great importance for the management and prevention of asthma attack. Hence small form factor, real time, accurate, sensitive and easy to use portable devices for environmental monitoring are of great value.

Three novel image-based methods for quantitative real time environmental monitoring were introduced and the sensing principle, sensor performances were evaluated through simulation and field tests. The first sensing principle uses surface plasmon resonance (SPR) image and home-made molecular sieve (MS) column to realize real time chemical separation and detection. SPR is sensitive and non-specific, which makes it a desirable optical method for sensitive biological and chemical sensing, the miniaturized MS column provides small area footprint and makes it possible for SPR to record images of the whole column area. The innovative and system level integration approach provide a new way for simultaneous chemical separation and detection. The second sensor uses scattered laser light, Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) imager and image processing to realize real-time particulate matter (PM) sensing. Complex but low latency algorithm was developed to obtain real time information for PM including PM number, size and size distribution. The third sensor uses gradient based colorimetric sensor, absorbance light signal and image processing to realize real-time Ozone sensing and achieved high sensitivity and substantially longer lifetime compared to conventional colorimetric sensors. The platform provides potential for multi-analyte integration and large-scale consumer use as wearable device.

The three projects provide novel, state-of-the-art and sensitive solutions for environmental and personal exposure monitoring. Moreover, the sensing platforms also provide tools for clinicians and epidemiologists to conduct large scale clinical studies on the adverse health effects of pollutants on various kinds of diseases.
Date Created

Experimental constraints on Fe concentrations in biomass burning aerosols

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Atmospheric deposition of iron (Fe) can limit primary productivity and carbon dioxide uptake in some marine ecosystems. Recent modeling studies suggest that biomass burning aerosols may contribute a significant amount of soluble Fe to the surface ocean. Existing studies of

Atmospheric deposition of iron (Fe) can limit primary productivity and carbon dioxide uptake in some marine ecosystems. Recent modeling studies suggest that biomass burning aerosols may contribute a significant amount of soluble Fe to the surface ocean. Existing studies of burn-induced trace element mobilization have often collected both entrained soil particles along with material from biomass burning, making it difficult to determine the actual source of aerosolized trace metals.

In order to better constrain the importance of biomass versus entrained soil as a source of trace metals in burn aerosols, small-scale burn experiments were conducted using soil-free foliage representative of a variety of fire-impacted ecosystems. The resulting burn aerosols were collected in two stages (PM > 2.5 μm and PM < 2.5 μm) on cellulose filters using a high-volume air sampler equipped with an all-Teflon impactor. Unburned foliage and burn aerosols were analyzed for Fe and other trace metals using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).

Results of this analysis show that less than 2% of Fe in plant biomass is likely mobilized as atmospheric aerosols during biomass burning events. The results of this study and estimates of annual global wildfire area were used to estimate the impact of biomass burning aerosols on total atmospheric Fe flux to the ocean. I estimate that foliage-derived Fe contributes 114 ± 57 Gg annually. Prior studies, which implicitly include both biomass and soil-derived Fe, concluded that biomass burning contributes approximately 690 Gg of Fe. Together, these studies suggest that fire-entrained soil particles contribute 83% (576 Gg) of Fe in biomass burning emissions, while plant derived iron only accounts for at most 17%.
Date Created

Analyzing cellular properties with dielectrophoresis

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Dielectrophoresis (DEP) is a technique that influences the motion of polarizable particles in an electric field gradient. DEP can be combined with other effects that influence the motion of a particle in a microchannel, such as electrophoresis and electroosmosis.

Dielectrophoresis (DEP) is a technique that influences the motion of polarizable particles in an electric field gradient. DEP can be combined with other effects that influence the motion of a particle in a microchannel, such as electrophoresis and electroosmosis. Together, these three can be used to probe properties of an analyte, including charge, conductivity, and zeta potential. DEP shows promise as a high-resolution differentiation and separation method, with the ability to distinguish between subtly-different populations. This, combined with the fast (on the order of minutes) analysis times offered by the technique, lend it many of the features necessary to be used in rapid diagnostics and point-of-care devices.

Here, a mathematical model of dielectrophoretic data is presented to connect analyte properties with data features, including the intercept and slope, enabling DEP to be used in applications which require this information. The promise of DEP to distinguish between analytes with small differences is illustrated with antibiotic resistant bacteria. The DEP system is shown to differentiate between methicillin-resistant and susceptible Staphylococcus aureus. This differentiation was achieved both label free and with bacteria that had been fluorescently-labeled. Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-positive and negative Klebsiella pneumoniae were also distinguished, demonstrating the differentiation for a different mechanism of antibiotic resistance. Differences in dielectrophoretic behavior as displayed by S. aureus and K. pneumoniae were also shown by Staphylococcus epidermidis. These differences were exploited for a separation in space of gentamicin-resistant and -susceptible S. epidermidis. Besides establishing the ability of DEP to distinguish between populations with small biophysical differences, these studies illustrate the possibility for the use of DEP in applications such as rapid diagnostics.
Date Created

Higher order electrokinetic effects for applied biological analytics

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Microfluidic systems have gained popularity in the last two decades for their potential applications in manipulating micro- and nano- particulates of interest. Several different microfluidics devices have been built capable of rapidly probing, sorting, and trapping analytes of interest. Microfluidics

Microfluidic systems have gained popularity in the last two decades for their potential applications in manipulating micro- and nano- particulates of interest. Several different microfluidics devices have been built capable of rapidly probing, sorting, and trapping analytes of interest. Microfluidics can be combined with separation science to address challenges of obtaining a concentrated and pure distinct analyte from mixtures of increasingly similar entities. Many of these techniques have been developed to assess biological analytes of interest; one of which is dielectrophoresis (DEP), a force which acts on polarizable analytes in the presence of a non-uniform electric fields. This method can achieve high resolution separations with the unique attribute of concentrating, rather than diluting, analytes upon separation. Studies utilizing DEP have manipulated a wide range of analytes including various cell types, proteins, DNA, and viruses. These analytes range from approximately 50 nm to 1 µm in size. Many of the currently-utilized techniques for assessing these analytes are time intensive, cost prohibitive, and require specialized equipment and technical skills.

The work presented in this dissertation focuses on developing and utilizing insulator-based dielectrophoresis (iDEP) to probe a wide range of analytes; where the intrinsic properties of an analyte will determine its behavior in a microchannel. This is based on the analyte’s interactions with the electrokinetic and dielectrophoretic forces present. Novel applications of this technique to probe the biophysical difference(s) between serovars of the foodborne pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes, and surface modified Escherichia coli, are investigated. Both of these applications demonstrate the capabilities of iDEP to achieve high resolution separations and probe slight changes in the biophysical properties of an analyte of interest. To improve upon existing iDEP strategies a novel insulator design which streamlines analytes in an iDEP device while still achieving the desirable forces for separation is developed, fabricated, and tested. Finally, pioneering work to develop an iDEP device capable of manipulating larger analytes, which range in size 10-250 µm, is presented.
Date Created

Historical and future needs for geospatial iodide occurrence and sources in surface and ground waters of the United States of America

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Iodide (I-) in surface and groundwaters is a potential precursor for the formation of iodinated disinfection by-products (I-DBPs) during drinking water treatment. The aim of this thesis is to provide a perspective on the sources and occurrence of I- in

Iodide (I-) in surface and groundwaters is a potential precursor for the formation of iodinated disinfection by-products (I-DBPs) during drinking water treatment. The aim of this thesis is to provide a perspective on the sources and occurrence of I- in United States (US) source waters based on ~9200 surface water (SW) and groundwater (GW) sampling locations. The median I- concentrations observed was 16 μg/l and 14 μg/l, respectively in SW and GW. However, these samples were rarely collected at water treatment plant (WTP) intakes, where such iodide occurrence data is needed to understand impacts on DBPs. Most samples were collected in association with geochemical studies. We conclude that I- occurrence appears to be influenced by geological features, including halite rock/river basin formations, saline aquifers and organic rich shale/oil formations. Halide ratios (Cl-/I-, Br-/I- and Cl-/Br-) were analyzed to determine the I- origin in source waters. SW and GW had median Cl-/I- ratios of ~3600 μg/μg and median Br-/I- ratios of ~15 μg/μg. For states with I- concentration >50 μg/l (e.g., Montana and North Dakota), a single source (i.e., organic rich formations) can be identified. However, for states like California and Texas that have wide-ranging I- concentration of below detection limit to >250 μg/l, I- occurrence can be attributed to a mixture of marine and organic signatures. The lack of information of organic iodine, inorganic I- and IO3- in source waters limits our ability to predict I-DBPs formed during drinking water treatment, and new occurrence studies are needed to fill these data gaps. This is first of its kind study to understand the I- occurrence through historical data, however we also identify the shortcomings of existing databases used to carry out this study.
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