Glycoside Hydrolase Gene Families Of Termite Hindgut Protists

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This project was completed to understand the evolution of the ability to digest wood in termite symbiotic protists. Lower termites harbor bacterial and protist symbionts which are essential to the termite ability to use wood as a nutritional source, producing

This project was completed to understand the evolution of the ability to digest wood in termite symbiotic protists. Lower termites harbor bacterial and protist symbionts which are essential to the termite ability to use wood as a nutritional source, producing glycoside hydrolases to break down the polysaccharides found in lignocellulose. Yet, only a few molecular studies have been done to confirm the protist species responsible for particular enzymes. By mining publicly available and newly generated genomic and transcriptomic data, including three transcriptomes from isolated protist cells, I identify over 200 new glycoside hydrolase sequences and compute the phylogenies of eight glycoside hydrolase families (GHFs) reported to be expressed by termite hindgut protists.

Of those families examined, the results are broadly consistent with Todaka et al. 2010, though none of the GHFs found were expressed in both termite-associated protist and non-termite-associated protist transcriptome data. This suggests that, rather than being inherited from their free-living protist ancestors, GHF genes were acquired by termite protists while within the termite gut, potentially via lateral gene transfer (LGT). For example one family, GHF10, implies a single acquisition of a bacterial xylanase into termite protists. The phylogenies from GHF5 and GHF11 each imply two distinct acquisitions in termite protist ancestors, each from bacteria. In eukaryote-dominated GHFs, GHF7 and GHF45, there are three apparent acquisitions by termite protists. Meanwhile, it appears prior reports of GHF62 in the termite gut may have been misidentified GHF43 sequences. GHF43 was the only GHF found to contain sequences from the protists not found in the termite gut. These findings generally all support the possibility termite-associated protists adapted to a lignocellulosic diet after colonization of the termite hindgut. Nonetheless, the poor resolution of GHF phylogeny and limited termite and protist sampling constrain interpretation.
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Higher order electrokinetic effects for applied biological analytics

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Microfluidic systems have gained popularity in the last two decades for their potential applications in manipulating micro- and nano- particulates of interest. Several different microfluidics devices have been built capable of rapidly probing, sorting, and trapping analytes of interest. Microfluidics

Microfluidic systems have gained popularity in the last two decades for their potential applications in manipulating micro- and nano- particulates of interest. Several different microfluidics devices have been built capable of rapidly probing, sorting, and trapping analytes of interest. Microfluidics can be combined with separation science to address challenges of obtaining a concentrated and pure distinct analyte from mixtures of increasingly similar entities. Many of these techniques have been developed to assess biological analytes of interest; one of which is dielectrophoresis (DEP), a force which acts on polarizable analytes in the presence of a non-uniform electric fields. This method can achieve high resolution separations with the unique attribute of concentrating, rather than diluting, analytes upon separation. Studies utilizing DEP have manipulated a wide range of analytes including various cell types, proteins, DNA, and viruses. These analytes range from approximately 50 nm to 1 µm in size. Many of the currently-utilized techniques for assessing these analytes are time intensive, cost prohibitive, and require specialized equipment and technical skills.

The work presented in this dissertation focuses on developing and utilizing insulator-based dielectrophoresis (iDEP) to probe a wide range of analytes; where the intrinsic properties of an analyte will determine its behavior in a microchannel. This is based on the analyte’s interactions with the electrokinetic and dielectrophoretic forces present. Novel applications of this technique to probe the biophysical difference(s) between serovars of the foodborne pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes, and surface modified Escherichia coli, are investigated. Both of these applications demonstrate the capabilities of iDEP to achieve high resolution separations and probe slight changes in the biophysical properties of an analyte of interest. To improve upon existing iDEP strategies a novel insulator design which streamlines analytes in an iDEP device while still achieving the desirable forces for separation is developed, fabricated, and tested. Finally, pioneering work to develop an iDEP device capable of manipulating larger analytes, which range in size 10-250 µm, is presented.
Date Created