The Effect of Ovarian Hormonal Status on 5HT1B Receptor Modulation of Cocaine Self-Administration

Cocaine is a powerful psychomotor stimulant that can affect serotonin (5HT), dopamine, and norepinephrine systems in the brain. Previous studies with 5HT1B receptor agonist, CP94253, have shown dose-dependent decreases in cocaine-self administration in male rats during maintenance. However, these studies

Cocaine is a powerful psychomotor stimulant that can affect serotonin (5HT), dopamine, and norepinephrine systems in the brain. Previous studies with 5HT1B receptor agonist, CP94253, have shown dose-dependent decreases in cocaine-self administration in male rats during maintenance. However, these studies do not take into consideration sex differences between male rats and female rats. Female rats introduce a new complexity because they constantly undergo an estrous cycle that consists of four phases, metestrus, diestrus, proestrus, and estrus. It was hypothesized that cocaine infusions and active lever response rates would greatly decrease during proestrus and estrus in comparison to metestrus and diestrus due to hormonal level differences of LH, FSH, progesterone, and estradiol. In this study, female rats were trained to self-administer a training dose of 0.75 mg/kg/infusion on a fixed progressive ratio (FR5). Rats were then pretreated with CP94253 to test the effects of this 5HT1B agonist on female rat cocaine self-administration during the estrous cycle. Results showed there was no three-way interaction between cycle phase, pretreatment, and cocaine dose on infusions or active lever responses. However, pretreatment with CP94253 decreased cocaine intake and active lever responses at high cocaine doses, regardless of cycle phase. Lastly, there was a two-way interaction between pretreatment and cycle phase in which active lever responses decreased during diestrus and proestrus. These results imply that CP94253 enhances cocaine's effect regardless of cycle phase. Future work can work with ovariectomized (OVX) female rats to observe cocaine self-administration during controlled cycle phases.
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Characterizing p53REs in the Human Hairless Gene Promoter and 5' Untranslated Region

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The human hairless gene (HR) encodes a 130 kDa transcription factor that is primarily expressed in the brain and skin. In the promoter and 5'-untranslated regions (5'-UTR) of HR, there are three putative consensus p53 responsive elements (p53RE). p53 is

The human hairless gene (HR) encodes a 130 kDa transcription factor that is primarily expressed in the brain and skin. In the promoter and 5'-untranslated regions (5'-UTR) of HR, there are three putative consensus p53 responsive elements (p53RE). p53 is a tumor suppressor protein that regulates cell proliferation, apoptosis, and other cell functions. The p53 protein, a known tumor suppressor, acts as a transcription factor and binds to DNA p53REs to activate or repress transcription of the target gene. In general, the p53 binding sequence is 5'-RRRCWWGYYY-3' where W is A or T, and R and Y are purines or pyrimidines, respectively. However, even if the p53 binding sequence does not match the consensus sequence, p53 protein might still be able to bind to the response element. The intent of this investigation was to identify and characterize the p53REs in the promoter and 5'-UTR of HR. If the three p53REs (p53RE1, p53RE2, and p53RE3) are functional, then p53 can bind there and might regulate HR gene expression. The first aim for this thesis was to clone the putative p53REs into a luciferase reporter and to characterize the transcription of these p53REs in glioblastoma (U87 MG) and human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cell lines. Through the transactivation assay, it was discovered that p53REs 2 and 3 were functional in HEK293, but none of the response elements were functional in U87 MG. Since p53 displayed a different regulatory capacity of HR expression in HEK293 and U87 MG cells, the second aim was to verify whether the p53REs are mutated in GBM U87 MG cells by genomic DNA sequencing.
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5-HT1B Receptor Agonists Hold Promise as Treatments for Psychostimulant Use Disorders

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Previously we found that the serotonin 1B receptor (5-HT1BR) agonist CP 94,253 (CP) enhances the reinforcing properties of cocaine when given to male rats self-administering the drug daily, however, CP had the opposite effect following a 21-day period of abstinence.

Previously we found that the serotonin 1B receptor (5-HT1BR) agonist CP 94,253 (CP) enhances the reinforcing properties of cocaine when given to male rats self-administering the drug daily, however, CP had the opposite effect following a 21-day period of abstinence. Methamphetamine, like cocaine, has similar mechanisms of action on the monoamine neurotransmitter systems. Therefore, we predicted that CP would have effects on the reinforcing properties of methamphetamine similar to cocaine. Additionally, we examined effects of the FDA-approved 5-HT1B/DR agonist, zolmitriptan, on psychostimulant self-administration. We first tested the effects of CP on methamphetamine self-administration utilizing a fixed ratio or progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement and found that regardless of whether or not rats experienced abstinence, CP decreased methamphetamine intake. We next verified that the effects of CP were mediated by 5-HT1BRs by demonstrating they were reversed when paired with a 5-HT1BR antagonist. We then tested the effects of zolmitriptan on methamphetamine responding and found the same results as found with CP. Finally, we tested whether the effects of zolmitriptan generalize to female rats. Both male and female rats were given access to various doses of cocaine after treatment with zolmitriptan. We also ruled out 5-HT1BR ligands has having an effect on locomotion, to rule out motor impairment as the reason behind the decreases in drug intake. Unlike our previous findings with CP effects on cocaine self-administration, zolmitriptan attenuated cocaine intake both before and after abstinence in both male and female rats. The pre-abstinence effects of zolmitriptan in attenuating intake of different psychostimulants suggest its potential as a pharmacological treatment for psychostimulant use disorders.
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Effects of a 5-HT1B Receptor Agonist on Locomotion and Reinstatement of Cocaine-Conditioned Place Preference After Abstinence From Repeated Injections in Mice

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5-HT1B receptors (5-HT1BRs) modulate behavioral effects of cocaine. Here we examined the effects of the 5-HT1BR agonist 5-propoxy-3-(1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-4-pyridinyl)-1H-pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyridine (CP94253) on spontaneous and cocaine-induced locomotion and on cocaine-primed reinstatement of conditioned place preference (CPP) in male mice given daily repeated injections

5-HT1B receptors (5-HT1BRs) modulate behavioral effects of cocaine. Here we examined the effects of the 5-HT1BR agonist 5-propoxy-3-(1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-4-pyridinyl)-1H-pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyridine (CP94253) on spontaneous and cocaine-induced locomotion and on cocaine-primed reinstatement of conditioned place preference (CPP) in male mice given daily repeated injections of either saline or cocaine (15 mg/kg, IP) for 20 days. In the locomotor activity experiment, testing occurred both 1 and 20 days after the final injection. In the CPP experiment, mice underwent conditioning procedures while receiving the last of their daily injections, which were given either during or ≥2 h after CPP procedures. The CPP procedural timeline consisted of baseline preference testing (days 12–13 of the chronic regimen), conditioning (days 14–19, 2 daily 30-min sessions separated by 5 h), CPP test (day 21), extinction (days 22–34; no injections), CPP extinction test (day 35), and reinstatement test (day 36). Mice that had not extinguished received additional extinction sessions prior to reinstatement testing on day 42.

On test days, mice were pretreated with either saline or CP94253 (10 mg/kg, IP). Testing began 30 min later, immediately after mice were primed with either saline or cocaine (5 mg/kg for locomotion; 15 mg/kg for reinstatement). We found that CP94253 increased spontaneous locomotion in mice receiving repeated injections of either saline or cocaine when tested 1 day after the last injection, but had no effect on spontaneous locomotion after 20 days abstinence from repeated injections. Surprisingly, cocaine-induced locomotion was sensitized regardless of whether the mice had received repeated saline or cocaine. CP94253 attenuated expression of the sensitized locomotion after 20 days abstinence. A control experiment in noninjected, drug-naïve mice showed that CP94253 had no effect on spontaneous or cocaine-induced locomotion. Mice reinstated cocaine-CPP when given a cocaine prime, and CP94253 pretreatment attenuated cocaine reinstatement. The findings suggest that stress from repeated saline injections and/or co-housing with cocaine-injected mice may cross-sensitize with cocaine effects on locomotion and that CP94253 attenuates these effects, as well as reinstatement of cocaine-CPP. This study supports the idea that 5-HT1BR agonists may be useful anti-cocaine medications.

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Modulation of sensing and sharing food-related information in the honey bee

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Food is an essential driver of animal behavior. For social organisms, the acquisition of food guides interactions with the environment and with group-mates. Studies have focused on how social individuals find and choose food sources, and share both food and

Food is an essential driver of animal behavior. For social organisms, the acquisition of food guides interactions with the environment and with group-mates. Studies have focused on how social individuals find and choose food sources, and share both food and information with group-mates. However, it is often not clear how experiences throughout an individual's life influence such interactions. The core question of this thesis is how individuals’ experience contributes to within-caste behavioral variation in a social group. I investigate the effects of individual history, including physical injury and food-related experience, on individuals' social food sharing behavior, responses to food-related stimuli, and the associated neural biogenic amine signaling pathways. I use the eusocial honey bee (Apis mellifera) system, one in which individuals exhibit a high degree of plasticity in responses to environmental stimuli and there is a richness of communicatory pathways for food-related information. Foraging exposes honey bees to aversive experiences such as predation, con-specific competition, and environmental toxins. I show that foraging experience changes individuals' response thresholds to sucrose, a main component of adults’ diets, depending on whether foraging conditions are benign or aversive. Bodily injury is demonstrated to reduce individuals' appetitive responses to new, potentially food-predictive odors. Aversive conditions also impact an individual's social food sharing behavior; mouth-to-mouse trophallaxis with particular groupmates is modulated by aversive foraging conditions both for foragers who directly experienced these conditions and non-foragers who were influenced via social contact with foragers. Although the mechanisms underlying these behavioral changes have yet to be resolved, my results implicate biogenic amine signaling pathways as a potential component. Serotonin and octopamine concentrations are shown to undergo long-term change due to distinct foraging experiences. My work serves to highlight the malleability of a social individual's food-related behavior, suggesting that environmental conditions shape how individuals respond to food and share information with group-mates. This thesis contributes to a deeper understanding of inter-individual variation in animal behavior.
Date Created

Practical therapies for diffuse traumatic brain injury in the mouse: translational considerations

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Approximately 2.8 million Americans seek medical care for traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year. Of this population, the majority are sufferers of diffuse TBI, or concussion. It is unknown how many more individuals decline to seek medical care following mild

Approximately 2.8 million Americans seek medical care for traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year. Of this population, the majority are sufferers of diffuse TBI, or concussion. It is unknown how many more individuals decline to seek medical care following mild TBI. This likely sizeable population of un- or self-treated individuals combined with a lack of definitive biomarkers or objective post-injury diagnostics creates a unique need for practical therapies among diffuse TBI sufferers. Practical therapies stand to decrease the burden of TBI among those who would otherwise not seek treatment or do not meet clinical diagnostic criteria upon examination. For this unique treatment niche, practical therapies for TBI are defined as having one or more of the following qualities: common availability, easy administration, excellent safety profile, and cost-effectiveness. This dissertation identifies and critically examines the efficacy of four classes of practical treatments in improving rodent outcome from experimental diffuse traumatic brain injury.

Over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics, omega-3 fatty acids, specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs), and remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) were administered before or following midline fluid percussion injury. Behavioral, histological, and molecular analyses were used to assess treatment effects on functional outcome and secondary injury progression. Acute administration of common OTC analgesics had little effect on post-injury outcome in mice. Dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) prior to or following diffuse TBI significantly reduced injury-induced sensory sensitivity and markers of neuroinflammation with no effect on spatial learning. Intraperitoneal administration of omega-3 fatty acid-derived SPM resolvin E1 significantly increased post-injury sleep and suppressed microglial activation. Aspirin-triggered (AT) resolvin D1 administration improved both motor and cognitive outcome following diffuse TBI. RIC treatment in mice demonstrated little effect on functional outcome from diffuse TBI. Untargeted proteomic analysis of plasma samples from RIC-treated mice was used to identify candidate molecular correlates of RIC. Identification of these candidates represents a vital first step in elucidating the neuroprotective mechanisms underlying RIC. The overall findings suggest that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, SPM administration, and RIC may serve as effective practical therapies to reduce the somatic, cognitive, and neurological burden of diffuse TBI felt by millions of Americans.
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The Neurochemical Consequences of Music Therapy on Dementia Patients

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As the incidence of dementia continues to rise, the need for an effective and non-invasive method of intervention has become increasingly imperative. Music therapy has exhibited these qualities in addition to relatively low implementation costs, therefore establishing itself as a

As the incidence of dementia continues to rise, the need for an effective and non-invasive method of intervention has become increasingly imperative. Music therapy has exhibited these qualities in addition to relatively low implementation costs, therefore establishing itself as a promising means of therapeutic intervention. In this review, current research was investigated in order to determine its effectiveness and uncover the neurochemical mechanisms that lead to positive manifestations such as improved memory recall, increased social affiliation, increased motivation, and decreased anxiety. Music therapy has been found to improve several aspects of memory recall. One proposed mechanism involves temporal entrainment, during which the melodic structures present in music provide a framework for chunking information. Although entrainment's role in the treatment of motor defects has been thoroughly studied, its role in treating cognitive disorders is still relatively new. Musicians have also been shown to demonstrate extensive plastic changes; therefore, it is hypothesized that non-musicians may also glean some benefits from engaging in music. Social affiliation has been found to increase due to increases in endogenous oxytocin. Oxytocin has also been shown to strengthen hippocampal spike transmission, a promising outcome for Alzheimer's patients. An increase in motivation has also been found to occur due to music's ability to tap into the reward center of the brain. Dopaminergic transmission between the VTA, NAc and higher functioning regions such as the OFC and hypothalamus has been revealed. Additionally, relaxing music decreases stress levels and modifies associated autonomic processes, i.e. heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate. On the contrary, stimulating music has been found to initiate sympathetic nervous system activity. This is thought to occur by either a reflexive brainstem response or stimulus interpretation by the amygdala.
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Defining the effects of ERK/MAPK hyperactivation on the development of GABAergic

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Abstract: The RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK (RAS signaling cascade) pathway is a highly conserved biochemical signaling cascade that exists in every mammalian cell. The pathway is highly versatile in functionality due to hundreds of substrates that regulate metabolism, apoptosis, and proliferation in both

Abstract: The RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK (RAS signaling cascade) pathway is a highly conserved biochemical signaling cascade that exists in every mammalian cell. The pathway is highly versatile in functionality due to hundreds of substrates that regulate metabolism, apoptosis, and proliferation in both adult and developing tissues. The RAS signaling cascade has been examined in the context of cancers since mutations can lead to the disruption of the cell cycle and unregulated cellular proliferation. In addition, germline mutations in the pathway have been shown to cause a group of syndromes known as RASopathies. RASopathies are marked by facial defects, seizures, developmental delays, and cognitive dysfunction often due to enhanced activation of the RAS signaling cascade. Although there are noted factors that play roles in neurological disease, such as a hyperactivated RAS signaling cascade, the pathogenesis of neurological defects is not fully understood. The Newbern lab uses conditional mutagenesis to examine how hyperactivating the RAS/MAPK pathway affects GABAergic neurons in a cortical microcircuit, especially during development. Inhibitory neurons are implicated in seizures and epilepsy is common in RASopathies, thus GABAergic neurons are of particular interest (Rauen, 2013). Gain-of-function ERK was not found to significantly alter global locomotion or anxiety-like behaviors. Interestingly, the mutant mice exhibited freezing behavior in the first twenty-two seconds of the open field assay that appeared to be consistent with absence seizures. Direct EEG recordings confirmed spontaneous seizure activity and mutants had a reduced seizure threshold. We hypothesized that these deficits were due to altered GABAergic neuron number. Indeed, mutant mice exhibited a 30% reduction in total cortical GABAergic neuron number. This effect appeared to be cell subtype specific, where neurons expressing somatostatin (SST) existed in similar numbers among controls and mutants but a significant decrease in the number of those expressing parvalbumin (PV) was observed. I hypothesized that a recently identified GABAergic neuron expressing vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) would also be affected in such a manner that fewer VIP neurons exist in the mutants than the wildtype. Subsequent histological studies in these mice found there to be no significant difference in VIP populations. Selective affects seem to only have an effect on the development of PV neurons in the cortex. Further studies are underway to define the mechanism responsible for aberrant GABAergic neuron development.
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The role of nucleus accumbens NMDA receptors on rapid, transient synaptic plasticity induced by cued nicotine reinstatement

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Nicotine use is an outstanding public health problem with associated social and economic consequences. Nicotine is an active alkaloid compound in tobacco and is recognized as a psychoactive drug. Preclinically, nicotine addiction and relapse can be modeled using a self-administration-reinstatement

Nicotine use is an outstanding public health problem with associated social and economic consequences. Nicotine is an active alkaloid compound in tobacco and is recognized as a psychoactive drug. Preclinically, nicotine addiction and relapse can be modeled using a self-administration-reinstatement paradigm. Here, we used a nicotine self-administration and contingent cue-induced reinstatement model to examine rapid, transient synaptic plasticity (t-SP) induced by nicotine cue-triggered motivation. Although preliminary, treatment with the NMDA GluN2B subunit antagonist, ifenprodil, reduced reinstated nicotine seeking, and increased the percentage of spines with smaller head diameters. Thus, future studies are needed to fully parse out the role of NAcore GluN2B receptors in cued nicotine seeking and t-SP.
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Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, and Responsibility: Attitudes on Psychedelic Harm Reduction in the EDM Community

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In this field study, 103 individuals from two different music festivals, one in California and one in Michigan, were surveyed to observe current attitudes surrounding harm reduction strategies associated with psychedelic drug usage in the EDM scene. Topics from the

In this field study, 103 individuals from two different music festivals, one in California and one in Michigan, were surveyed to observe current attitudes surrounding harm reduction strategies associated with psychedelic drug usage in the EDM scene. Topics from the survey included but were not limited to the chemical testing of substances, frequency of usage, spacing between usage, and adverse effects associated with usage. It was concluded that harm reduction education should become more integrated within the EDM scene in order to provide research-based evidence for ravers to make better decisions for their health. While authorities have pushed "just say no", the lack of education altogether in the community is life threatening. Education is the key to saving minds, bodies, and lives.
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