"Mental Illnesses Are Illnesses Like Any Other": An Inquiry and Critique

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I examined the slogan, “Mental illnesses are illnesses like any other,” widespread in psychiatry and medicine, and in society more generally, to determine if it accurately and usefully characterizes mental illnesses, given current neurological and neurophysiological knowledge. Rather than focus

I examined the slogan, “Mental illnesses are illnesses like any other,” widespread in psychiatry and medicine, and in society more generally, to determine if it accurately and usefully characterizes mental illnesses, given current neurological and neurophysiological knowledge. Rather than focus on disease entities for comparison, I scrutinized the symptoms of somatic illnesses and mental illnesses and compared them in three areas: their production, their relationship to social and cultural context, and their potential use as indicators of underlying disease or dysfunction. In all three areas, I found that, contrary to the claim of the slogan, the symptoms of mental illness are not like the symptoms of somatic illness and therefore, by extension, mental illness is not “illness like any other.” I briefly surveyed the implications of this difference between mental illnesses and somatic illnesses, and provided some broad suggestions regarding how this finding might help to inform the characterization of mental illnesses, as well as help direct research and treatment of these conditions.
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Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Followed by Exercise as an Intervention to Increase Motivated Physical Activity Behavior in Healthy Participants

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This dissertation research project developed as an urgent response to physical inactivity, which has resulted in increased rates of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic disease worldwide. Incorporating enough daily physical activity (PA) is challenging for most people. This research aims to

This dissertation research project developed as an urgent response to physical inactivity, which has resulted in increased rates of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic disease worldwide. Incorporating enough daily physical activity (PA) is challenging for most people. This research aims to modulate the brain's reward systems to increase motivation for PA and, thus, slow the rapid increase in sedentary lifestyles. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) involves brain neuromodulation by facilitating or inhibiting spontaneous neural activity. tDCS applied to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) increases dopamine release in the striatum, an area of the brain involved in the reward–motivation pathways. I propose that a repeated intervention, consisting of tDCS applied to the DLPFC followed by a short walking exercise stimulus, enhances motivation for PA and daily PA levels in healthy adults. Results showed that using tDCS followed by short-duration walking exercise may enhance daily PA levels in low-physically active participants but may not have similar effects on those with higher levels of daily PA. Moreover, there was a significant effect on increasing intrinsic motivation for PA in males, but there were no sex-related differences in PA. These effects were not observed during a 2-week follow-up period of the study after the intervention was discontinued. Further research is needed to confirm and continue exploring the effects of tDCS on motivation for PA in larger cohorts of sedentary populations. This novel research will lead to a cascade of new evidence-based technological applications that increase PA by employing approaches rooted in biology.
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Organophosphate and Pyrethroid Pesticides and Cannabis in the United States: Trends in State-level Regulations and Applications of New Approach Methodologies

The presence of pesticide contaminants in cannabis, such as organophosphate and pyrethroid pesticides, has resulted in multiple recalls by manufacturers in the U.S. There are no national guidelines to mitigate the health risk of pesticide exposure in cannabis because it

The presence of pesticide contaminants in cannabis, such as organophosphate and pyrethroid pesticides, has resulted in multiple recalls by manufacturers in the U.S. There are no national guidelines to mitigate the health risk of pesticide exposure in cannabis because it is an illicit Schedule I substance under federal law. Here, we reviewed the state-level regulations of organophosphate and pyrethroid pesticides in cannabis between 2019 and 2023 and found that 14 more jurisdictions (for a total of 29) are regulating organophosphate or pyrethroid pesticides in the U.S. We evaluated the potential connections between pyrethroids, organophosphates, cannabinoids, and Parkinson’s disease using the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD). 10 pyrethroids, 27 organophosphates, and 15 cannabinoids were associated with 68 genes to form 2,320 inferred and curated Chemical-Gene-Phenotype-Disease tetramers. Exposure to chlorpyrifos and permethrin, but not Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), results in dose-dependent effects on 1-nonanol repulsive behaviors in Caenorhabditis elegans, indicating dopaminergic neurotoxicity (p < 0.01). Dose-dependent effects of chlorpyrifos, but not permethrin, are different in the presence of Δ9-THC and CBD (p < 0.001). Our findings show that (1) U.S. states are reaching a consensus on pesticide regulation in cannabis and (2) regulators need to consider the mechanistic interaction of pesticides and cannabinoids. Further research should apply new approach methodologies such as C. elegans and CTD can help inform pesticide regulation in cannabis by chemical class.
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PANK2’s Role in Controlling Cellular Coenzyme A Dynamics

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Free coenzyme A (CoASH) carries acyl groups for the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and fatty acid metabolism, and donates acyl groups for protein posttranslational modifications. Cellular de novo CoASH synthesis starts with a pantothenate kinase (PANK1-3) phosphorylating pantothenate (vitamin B5).

Free coenzyme A (CoASH) carries acyl groups for the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and fatty acid metabolism, and donates acyl groups for protein posttranslational modifications. Cellular de novo CoASH synthesis starts with a pantothenate kinase (PANK1-3) phosphorylating pantothenate (vitamin B5). Mutations in PANK2 cause a subtype of neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA). The PANKs have differential subcellular distribution and regulatory properties. However, the purpose of each PANK has remained obscure, with knockout mouse models presenting with mild phenotypes unless challenged with a high-fat diet. Based on PANK2’s known activation by palmitoylcarnitine, the PANK2-deficient cells were challenged with palmitic acid (PAL) added to glucose-containing media. The high nutrient mixture generated a surprising “starvation” profile of reduced proliferation, low ATP, AMPK activation, and autophagy upregulation in PANK2-deficient PAL-challenged cells. Further experiments showed that fatty acids accumulated and that PANK2-deficient cells had reduced respiration when provided with palmitoylcarnitine as a substrate, seemingly due to an impaired ability to oxidize fatty acids during PAL-induced Randle Cycle activation. Intriguingly, whole-cell CoASH levels remained stable despite the PAL-induced starvation phenotype, and increasing CoASH via PANK1β overexpression did not rescue the phenotype, demonstrating a unique role for PANK2 in fatty acid metabolism. Even though a direct CoASH deficiency was not detected, there were changes in short chain CoA-derivatives, including acetyl-CoA, succinyl-CoA, and butyryl-CoA, as well as evidence of impaired TCA cycle function. These impairments in both the TCA cycle and fatty acid oxidation implicate a role for PANK2 in regulating mitochondria CoA dynamics.
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The Functions of LKB1 in the Development of Inhibitory Interneurons in the Cerebral Cortex

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LKB1/STK11 is a serine/threonine kinase first identified in C.elegans as a gene important for cell polarity and proliferation. Mutations in LKB1 are the primary cause of Peutz-Jegher’s cancer syndrome, an autosomal dominantly inherited disease, in which patients are predisposed to

LKB1/STK11 is a serine/threonine kinase first identified in C.elegans as a gene important for cell polarity and proliferation. Mutations in LKB1 are the primary cause of Peutz-Jegher’s cancer syndrome, an autosomal dominantly inherited disease, in which patients are predisposed to benign and malignant tumors. Past studies have focused on defining LKB1 functions in various tissue types, for example LKB1 regulates axonal polarization and dendritic arborization by activating downstream substrates in excitatory neurons of the developing neocortex. However, the implications of LKB1, specifically in the developing cortical inhibitory GABAergic interneurons is unknown. LKB1 deletion was achieved by using Cre-lox technology to induce LKB1 loss in cells localized in the medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) that express Nkx2.1 and generate cortical GABAergic neurons. In this research study it is suggested that LKB1 plays a role in GABAergic interneuron specification by specifically regulating the expression of parvalbumin during the development of fast-spiking interneurons. Preliminary evidence suggest LKB1 also modulates the number of Nkx2.1-derived oligodendrocytes in the cortex. By utilizing a GABAergic neuron specific LKB1 deletion mutant, we confirmed that the loss of parvalbumin expression was due to a GABAergic neuron autonomous function for LKB1. These data provide new insight into the cell specific functions of LKB1 in the developing brain.
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Systemic Exposure to the HIV Protein gp120 Prevents the Inhibition of Cue-Induced Cocaine Seeking by the Novel Dopamine D3 Receptor Partial Agonist MC-25-41

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Use of psychostimulants, such as cocaine, is associated with an increased risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Dopaminergic signaling within the nucleus accumbens (NAc) is critically implicated in both disease states, mediating the addictive and reinforcing effects of cocaine

Use of psychostimulants, such as cocaine, is associated with an increased risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Dopaminergic signaling within the nucleus accumbens (NAc) is critically implicated in both disease states, mediating the addictive and reinforcing effects of cocaine and perpetuating HIV replication throughout the central nervous system (CNS). Cocaine and HIV induce neurobehavioral deficits separately; however, little is known regarding how they interact to dysregulate neuroimmune function or how this impacts relapse vulnerability. We have previously shown that inhibition of dopamine D3 receptor (D3R) signaling using MC-25-41, a novel and highly selective D3R partial agonist, attenuates cocaine-seeking behavior. Here, we sought to characterize changes in neuroimmune function in a rat model of combined HIV and cocaine use disorders across abstinence and examined the therapeutic efficacy of MC-25-41 in the presence of this comorbidity. Male rats were systemically treated with the HIV protein gp120 after establishing a history of cocaine self-administration and then, following 21 days of abstinence, were administered a systemic injection of MC-25-41 (10 mg/kg) prior to cue reactivity testing. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1 (Iba1) immunoreactivity were analyzed after 5 or 21 days of cocaine abstinence as an index of glial cell levels. We demonstrate that inhibition of D3R signaling significantly attenuates cue-induced cocaine seeking among control rats but not gp120-exposed rats. Moreover, we show that NAc core GFAP and Iba1 expression is impaired by 5 days of abstinence, which persists into protracted abstinence and cue reactivity testing. However, we also demonstrate that neither gp120 nor D3R inhibition significantly altered NAc core GFAP or Iba1 expression. Altogether, these results reveal significant changes in glial cell function across cocaine abstinence and unique behavioral interactions with gp120 may inhibit the effectiveness of medication regimens, which highlights the need to consider these comorbidities when treating HIV infection.

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Investigating the effects of CP94,253, a selective 5-HT1BR receptor agonist on self-administration in female rats

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In 2014 alone, 40% of all drug abuse-related emergency department visits involved cocaine, and despite the detrimental effects there is still no FDA approved treatment for cocaine use disorders (CUDs; Dawn, 2014). Studies show that serotonin 1B receptor (5HT1BR) agonists

In 2014 alone, 40% of all drug abuse-related emergency department visits involved cocaine, and despite the detrimental effects there is still no FDA approved treatment for cocaine use disorders (CUDs; Dawn, 2014). Studies show that serotonin 1B receptor (5HT1BR) agonists modulate cocaine abuse-related behaviors in opposite directions depending on the phase of the addiction cycle in male rats. In particular, the selective 5HT1BR agonist, CP94,253, facilitates cocaine intake during maintenance of daily cocaine self-administration. Paradoxically, after 21 days of abstinence, CP94,253 attenuates cocaine intake in male rats on a low effort fixed ratio 5 (FR5) and a high effort progressive ratio (PR) schedule of reinforcement. PR measures motivation as it requires an exponentially increasing number of lever responses to obtain the next reinforcer after a successful reinforcer. In contrast to male rats, we recently found CP94,253 attenuates cocaine intake before and after abstinence on an FR5 schedule of reinforcement in female rats, suggesting the attenuating effects of CP94,253 on cocaine intake is not dependent on a period of abstinence in females. However, the effect of CP94,253 on motivation for cocaine has not yet been examined in female rats. Therefore, we addressed this gap in the present study. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were trained to self-administer 0.375 mg/kg, IV cocaine or to obtain sucrose pellets (45 mg) on a PR schedule of reinforcement and were then pretreated with vehicle or CP94,253 (3.2, 5.6 and 10 mg/kg, SC) prior to their self-administration session. A separate cohort was pretreated with CP94,253 to examine the effects of CP94,253 on cocaine-seeking behavior (i.e., operant responses when cocaine is no longer available) and spontaneous locomotion after 21 or 60 days of abstinence. The preliminary findings show that CP94,253 has minimal impacts on decreasing cocaine intake on a PR schedule in female rats but decreases cue reactivity up to 60 days after abstinence in female rats. These findings suggest that 5-HT1BR agonists may be useful treatments for cocaine craving.

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Effects of Heroin on Prosocial Behavior in Rats and its Modulation by the Anterior Insula

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Opioid use rates and related deaths continue to be a public health crisis; while there are many contributing factors to opioid use disorders, criteria for diagnosis include problems related to social functioning. Previous research indicates that laboratory rats, which are

Opioid use rates and related deaths continue to be a public health crisis; while there are many contributing factors to opioid use disorders, criteria for diagnosis include problems related to social functioning. Previous research indicates that laboratory rats, which are frequently used as animal models of addiction-related behaviors, are capable of prosocial behavior. The following collection of studies were performed to determine the effects of heroin on prosocial behavior in rats, as well as the role of the insula in both self-administration of heroin and prosocial behaviors. All of the experiments were conducted utilizing an established model of prosocial behavior in rats in which a performing rat releases a cagemate from a restrainer. The occurrence of and latency to free the confined rat was recorded. After baseline rescuing behavior was established, rats were allowed to self-administer heroin (0.06 mg/kg/infusion i.v.), and subsequent experimental conditions were imposed.

Experimental conditions, in a series of different studies, included comparing heroin reinforcers with sucrose, chemogenetically modulating the insular cortex (both stimulatory and inhibitory processes) and administering excitotoxic lesions in the insula. There were significant differences in saving behaviors between heroin and sucrose groups demonstrating an opioid induced loss of prosocial behavior. Modulating the insula chemogenetically resulted in some restoration of these opioid related deficits, and insular lesions did not significantly impact prosocial behaviors, however, there were significant differences between rates of heroin intake in lesioned animals versus non-lesioned controls. Taken together, these results demonstrate the deleterious effects of heroin on prosocial behaviors and offer further support for the role of the insula in both addiction and social constructs.
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5-HT1B receptor agonist CP 94,253 reduces cocaine intake in female rats post-abstinence and after resuming self-administration

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Approximately five million Americans suffer from cocaine use disorder with no FDA approved pharmaceutical to help their path to recovery (Yerby, 2019). Serotonin is heavily implicated in cocaine use and in the reward system, and is therefore a suggested target

Approximately five million Americans suffer from cocaine use disorder with no FDA approved pharmaceutical to help their path to recovery (Yerby, 2019). Serotonin is heavily implicated in cocaine use and in the reward system, and is therefore a suggested target for pharmaceuticals aiming to aid in psychostimulant addiction (Sarlin, 2019; Clark and Neumaier, 2001). CP 94,253, a 5-HT1BR agonist, has been shown to increase cocaine intake during maintenance of daily cocaine self-administration, though it has also been shown to decrease intake after a period of forced abstinence (Parsons et al., 1998; Pentowski et al., 2009). While a decrease in cocaine intake post-abstinence is promising post-abstinence, it remains to be seen whether this is a viable option if patients relapse. Most experiments are conducted with male rats, though an increasing amount of data has come to light on the differing effects of drugs on male and female rats (Mennenga and Bimonte-Nelson, 2014). Previous studies conducted through our lab have shown no difference in cocaine self-administration behavior across the estrous cycle phases with CP 94,253. It remains to be seen however, whether CP 94,253 would function dissimilarly in female rats than in male rats. This experiment studied the effects of CP 94,253 on post-abstinence and post-resumption cocaine self-administration in free-cycling female rats across two doses of cocaine. It was shown that CP 94,253 reduces cocaine intake both post-abstinence and post-resumption, suggesting that this pharmacotherapy would work in cases of relapse, and that there are no sex differences in its effects. While more studies should be conducted with locomotion and stress tests, thus far this experiment provides further evidence for the validity of CP 94,253 to be a promising pharmacotherapeutic option for future investigation.
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Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms of TRP Channel Activity

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Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are a diverse family of polymodally gated nonselective cation channels implicated in a variety of pathophysiologies. Two channels of specific interest are transient receptor potential melastatin 8 (TRPM8) and transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1).

Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are a diverse family of polymodally gated nonselective cation channels implicated in a variety of pathophysiologies. Two channels of specific interest are transient receptor potential melastatin 8 (TRPM8) and transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1).
TRPM8 is the primary cold sensor in humans and is activated by ligands that feel cool such as menthol and icilin. It is implicated to be involved in a variety of cancers, nociception, obesity, addiction, and thermosensitivity. There are thought to be conserved regions of structural and functional importance to the channel which can be identified by looking at the evolution of TRPM8 over time. Along with this, looking at different isoforms of TRPM8 which are structurally very different but functionally similar can help isolate regions of functional interest as well. Between TRP channels, the transmembrane domain is well conserved and thought to be important for sensory physiology. To learn about these aspects of TRPM8, three evolutionary constructs, the last common primate, the last common mammalian, and the last common vertebrate ancestor TRPM8 were cloned and subjected to preliminary studies. In addition to the initial ancestral TRPM8 studies, fundamental studies were initiated in method development to evaluate the use of biological signaling sequences to attempt to force non-trafficking membrane protein isoforms and biophysical constructs to the plasma membrane. To increase readout for these and other studies, a cellular based fluorescence assay was initiated. Eventual completion of these efforts will lead to better understanding of the mechanism that underlie TRPM8 function and provide enhanced general methods for ion channel studies.
Beyond TRPM8 studies, an experiment was designed to probe mechanistic features of TRPV1 ligand activation. TRPV1 is also a thermosensitive channel in the TRP family, sensing heat and vanilloid ligands like capsaicin, commonly found in chili peppers. This channel is also involved in many proinflammatory interactions and associated with cancers, nociception, and addiction. Better understanding binding interactions can lead to attempts to create therapeutics.
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