Founders Lab: BusinessHealth+


The Founders lab is a year-long program that gives its students an opportunity to participate in a unique team-based, experiential Barrett honors thesis project to design and apply marketing and sales strategies, as well as business and financial models to

The Founders lab is a year-long program that gives its students an opportunity to participate in a unique team-based, experiential Barrett honors thesis project to design and apply marketing and sales strategies, as well as business and financial models to start up and launch a new business. This honors thesis project focuses on increasing the rate of vaccination outcomes in a country where people are increasingly busy (less time) and unwilling to get a needle through a new business venture that provides a service that brings vaccinations straight to businesses, making them available for their employees. Through our work with the Founders Lab, our team was able to create this pitch deck.

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Gleam: Connecting Pregnant Women to Motivation


The purpose of this study is to create and establish an efficient and cost-effective solution to decrease the effects of sedentarism in pregnant women. Our team was given a propelling question, from which we had to narrow down our scope

The purpose of this study is to create and establish an efficient and cost-effective solution to decrease the effects of sedentarism in pregnant women. Our team was given a propelling question, from which we had to narrow down our scope and conduct primary and secondary research to determine our ideal customers. The design of our study intends to imitate the development of a startup where ideas are created from scratch and the final deliverable is a business model plan that shows some sort of traction. Our first major finding is that a sedentary lifestyle can be treated without major challenges in low risk pregnancies. We determined that uncertainty and lack of concise and clear information is one of the main causes of an increased level of sedentary behavior in low risk pregnancies. A significant driver for women to do some sort of activity or exercise stems from feeling supported, which doesn’t necessarily come from their partner or couple, but instead from other women that are going to a similar process as them. There are apps in the market that intend to serve pregnant women; however, there is not one that incorporates a social aspect to achieve their goal. In conclusion, there is opportunity in the market for a socially integrated pregnancy fitness app. The Gleam concept has been consciously developed to decrease sedentary behavior through concise, clear, and reliable information and by encouraging women through a socialization platform.

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Founders Lab: BusinessHealth+

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The Founders lab is a year-long program that gives its students an opportunity to participate in a unique team-based, experiential Barrett honors thesis project to design and apply marketing and sales strategies, as well as business and financial models to

The Founders lab is a year-long program that gives its students an opportunity to participate in a unique team-based, experiential Barrett honors thesis project to design and apply marketing and sales strategies, as well as business and financial models to start up and launch a new business. This honors thesis project focuses on increasing the rate of vaccination outcomes in a country where people are increasingly busy (less time) and unwilling to get a needle through a new business venture that provides a service that brings vaccinations straight to businesses, making them available for their employees. Through our work with the Founders Lab, our team was able to create this pitch deck.

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Green Gamers

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Obesity rates among adults have steadily grown in recent decades all the way up to 42.4% in 2018. This is a 12% increase from the turn of the century (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). A major reason

Obesity rates among adults have steadily grown in recent decades all the way up to 42.4% in 2018. This is a 12% increase from the turn of the century (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). A major reason for this rise is increased consumption of processed, high-calorie foods. People eat these foods at a young age and develop bad eating habits that can last for the rest of their lives. It is essential to intervene early and help adolescents form balanced, healthy eating habits before bad habits are already formed. Our solution to this problem is Green Gamers. Green Gamers combines adolescent’s passion for gaming with healthy eating via in-game rewards for healthy eating. People will be able to purchase healthy food items, such as a bag of carrots, and on the packaging there will be a QR code. They will then be able to scan the code on our website, and earn points which will unlock in-game items and other rewards. Video game rewards act as effective motivators for you people to eat more healthy foods. After the solution was formulated, a preliminary survey was conducted to confirm that video game related rewards would inspire children to eat more healthy foods. Based on those results, we are currently in the process of running a secondary market research campaign to learn if gift card rewards are a stronger motivator. Our end goal for Green Gamers would be to partner with large gaming studios and food producers. This would allow us access to many gaming franchises, so that rewards are available from a wide variety of games: making the platform appealing to a diverse audience of gamers. Similarly, a relationship with large food producers would give us the ability to place QR codes on a greater assortment of healthy food items. Although no relationships with large companies have been forged yet, we plan to utilize funding to test our concept on small focus groups in schools.

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StreetWise: A skill service for students by students

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Stress for college students is nothing new and as more kids go to college the number of cases are on the rise. This issue is apparent at colleges across the nation including Arizona State University. StreetWise aims to help students

Stress for college students is nothing new and as more kids go to college the number of cases are on the rise. This issue is apparent at colleges across the nation including Arizona State University. StreetWise aims to help students prevent or appropriately deal with stress through interactive lessons teaching students life skills, social skills, and emotional intelligence.<br/>In order to prove the value of our service, StreetWise conducted a survey that asked students about their habits, thoughts on stress, and their future. Students from Arizona State University were surveyed with questions on respondent background, employment, number one stressor, preferred learning method, and topics that students were interested in learning. We found that students’ number one stressor was school but was interested in learning skills that would prepare them for their future after graduation. We used the results to make final decisions so that StreetWise could offer lessons that students would get the most value out of. This led to us conducting a second survey which included mock ups of the website, examples of interactive lesson plans, and an overview of the app. Students from the first survey were surveyed in addition to new respondents. This survey was intended for us to ensure that our service would maintain its value to students with the aesthetic and interface that we envisioned.

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StreetWise: A skill service for students by students

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Stress for college students is nothing new and as more kids go to college the number of cases are on the rise. This issue is apparent at colleges across the nation including Arizona State University. StreetWise aims to help students

Stress for college students is nothing new and as more kids go to college the number of cases are on the rise. This issue is apparent at colleges across the nation including Arizona State University. StreetWise aims to help students prevent or appropriately deal with stress through interactive lessons teaching students life skills, social skills, and emotional intelligence.<br/>In order to prove the value of our service, StreetWise conducted a survey that asked students about their habits, thoughts on stress, and their future. Students from Arizona State University were surveyed with questions on respondent background, employment, number one stressor, preferred learning method, and topics that students were interested in learning. We found that students’ number one stressor was school but was interested in learning skills that would prepare them for their future after graduation. We used the results to make final decisions so that StreetWise could offer lessons that students would get the most value out of. This led to us conducting a second survey which included mock ups of the website, examples of interactive lesson plans, and an overview of the app. Students from the first survey were surveyed in addition to new respondents. This survey was intended for us to ensure that our service would maintain its value to students with the aesthetic and interface that we envisioned.

Date Created

StreetWise: A Skill Service for Students by Students

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Stress for college students is nothing new and as more kids go to college the number of cases are on the rise. This issue is apparent at colleges across the nation including Arizona State University. StreetWise aims to help students

Stress for college students is nothing new and as more kids go to college the number of cases are on the rise. This issue is apparent at colleges across the nation including Arizona State University. StreetWise aims to help students prevent or appropriately deal with stress through interactive lessons teaching students life skills, social skills, and emotional intelligence.<br/>In order to prove the value of our service, StreetWise conducted a survey that asked students about their habits, thoughts on stress, and their future. Students from Arizona State University were surveyed with questions on respondent background, employment, number one stressor, preferred learning method, and topics that students were interested in learning. We found that students’ number one stressor was school but was interested in learning skills that would prepare them for their future after graduation. We used the results to make final decisions so that StreetWise could offer lessons that students would get the most value out of. This led to us conducting a second survey which included mock ups of the website, examples of interactive lesson plans, and an overview of the app. Students from the first survey were surveyed in addition to new respondents. This survey was intended for us to ensure that our service would maintain its value to students with the aesthetic and interface that we envisioned.

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4D Data Visualization in Augmented Reality: An Application to aid with decision-making for Ebola Vaccines

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A mobile phone application was designed as part of an X-Prize challenge at Arizona State University (ASU). The team created an application that displays 4D visualization of time sensitive contagion data, specifically focusing on the Ebola Virus Disease. The application,

A mobile phone application was designed as part of an X-Prize challenge at Arizona State University (ASU). The team created an application that displays 4D visualization of time sensitive contagion data, specifically focusing on the Ebola Virus Disease. The application, named “Ebola Resource Decision Evaluator” (ERDE), is a tool to aid in resource allocation for decision-makers during epidemics and outbreaks. The predictive algorithm was based on the SIR Model—susceptible, infected, and recovered (or immune). We adapted this predictive model into our application to forecast weeks forward the Ebola incidence in three cities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
The current 2D map used by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) displays only the number of deaths in a city caused by the outbreak. But, the cities differ in ways 2D cannot convey. We implemented the augmented reality (AR) aspect to give more meaning to data and to give decision-makers interactive 4D city-by-city comparisons. The outbreak is ongoing as of September 2019 and ASU has committed to hosting the application for other healthcare workers to use. The application incorporates the most recent data on the disease and updates to visualize how many are predicted to become infected given X units of vaccine. We are able to use the data and compare the effectiveness to other cities. After this collection of data, professionals would determine the most efficient action to take against the spread of the disease.
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Targeted Investment Program: Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care

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This paper focuses on our research of analyzing the implementation of AHCCCS's Targeted Investment Program at Children's Rehabilitative Services. Our main focus throughout the paper is analyzing the specific steps and requirements it took to implement this program successfully. By

This paper focuses on our research of analyzing the implementation of AHCCCS's Targeted Investment Program at Children's Rehabilitative Services. Our main focus throughout the paper is analyzing the specific steps and requirements it took to implement this program successfully. By analyzing these steps, we developed complexities and enablers it took for the clinic to implement this program.
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An Ethical Study: Development of An Electronic Wearable Pregnancy Monitor

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This paper will review past unethical studies conducted in the last 100 years on humans, including studies such as the WWII Concentration Camp studies on hypothermia and sterilization, Tuskegee Syphilis Study, and the case of Henrietta Lacks; Analyze why they

This paper will review past unethical studies conducted in the last 100 years on humans, including studies such as the WWII Concentration Camp studies on hypothermia and sterilization, Tuskegee Syphilis Study, and the case of Henrietta Lacks; Analyze why they were deemed unethical, the laws that emerged from these studies, and how it relates to contemporary technology, with a focus on the issues surrounding the development of an electronic wearable pregnancy monitor. The studies will include details of how they were conducted as well as what deemed them unethical and an explanation of why the results are unusable. Following the studies will be an explanation of the laws that were set into place following the studies with a lead into current technologies and how these technologies created a new set of ethics. The Google Mini, the wearable biosensor onesies for infants, and the intensive care unit at Banner Baywood will be described and so will their role in the development of an electronic wearable pregnancy monitor. The mini-meta analysis includes possible features of the monitor as well as a description of what the ethical consent form will look like. To conclude the paper, the importance of analyzing past unethical studies will help create a new ethical device that will make a point to go above and beyond to ensure the physical health of unborn children, in a way that is both ethical and significant.
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