The Politics of Justice in the Energy Transition: Policy Advocates and Justice Dilemmas

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Decarbonizing the energy system is one of the most challenging sustainability transitions that leaders across the globe must tackle. In governing this transition, decision-makers are increasingly pairing together decarbonization efforts with policy measures focused on issues of (in)justice. However, researchers’

Decarbonizing the energy system is one of the most challenging sustainability transitions that leaders across the globe must tackle. In governing this transition, decision-makers are increasingly pairing together decarbonization efforts with policy measures focused on issues of (in)justice. However, researchers’ understanding of the politics that have given rise to this emerging equitable energy transition agenda is under-developed. The central research question of my dissertation is: How is the energy transition made more attentive to equity through stakeholder advocacy? I examine this using qualitative methods across three analytical chapters. The study of justice in energy transitions has occurred across different lineages of scholarship. To establish a clearer understanding of the state of current research I conducted a systematic literature review. In the literature, I found a diverse advocacy community motivated by many different issues related to the energy system. Advocacy concerning inaccessible decision-making processes, environmental degradation, and energy ownership and control was common. However, there were few studies that explicitly focused on examining the relationship between advocate strategies and governance outcomes. The remainder of the research presented in this dissertation analyzes two state-level policy processes in New Mexico and Illinois. In both cases, justice-oriented policy instruments were bundled with climate policy. First, using public documents and interviews, I used process tracing to examine policy development and enactment. I find that different types of learning processes were critical in shaping justice policy provisions and that justice advocacy was instrumental in passing climate policy. Second, I used content analysis to examine the mechanisms within these processes driving and resolving justice conflicts. My findings show that disagreements about justice are rooted in divergent historic experiences of energy production and regulation. I also find that issues of (dis)trust and uncertainty contributed to disagreements and reinforced conflicts that diminished support for energy transition policy. This dissertation provides empirical evidence of the importance of learning for shaping justice policy provisions and building energy transition coalition power, the nature of uncertainty and (dis)trust in destabilizing justice efforts and reducing support for climate policy, and the ways in which incremental change may lead to transformative outcomes.
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Innovation Systems for Sustainable Energy: The Case of Mexico

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Global decarbonization requires a large-scale shift to sustainable energy sources. Innovation will be a key enabler of this global energy transition. Although the energy transition and innovation literatures overwhelmingly focus on the Global North, energy innovation is arguably even more

Global decarbonization requires a large-scale shift to sustainable energy sources. Innovation will be a key enabler of this global energy transition. Although the energy transition and innovation literatures overwhelmingly focus on the Global North, energy innovation is arguably even more important for the Global South because it can enable them to grow their energy demand and power their development with sustainable resources. This dissertation examines three aspects of energy innovation, focusing on Mexico, to advance the understanding of innovation systems and identify policy levers for accelerating energy innovation in emerging economies. The first project utilizes econometric models to assess patenting drivers for renewable energy (wind and solar) and enabling technologies (energy storage, high voltage direct current technologies, hydrogen technologies, and fuel cells) across 34 countries, including Mexico. The examination of enabling technologies is a particular contribution, since most research on energy innovation focuses on renewable generation technologies. This research finds that policies have differential effects on renewable technologies versus enabling technology, with innovation in enabling technologies lagging behind the deployment of renewable energy. Although renewable energy policies have some spillover effects on enabling technologies, this research suggests that targeted policy instruments for enabling technologies may be needed for global decarbonization. The second and third projects apply the innovation systems framework to understand energy innovation in Mexico. The second project analyzes the sectoral innovation system (SIS) for wind and solar technologies, using expert interviews to evaluate SIS structure and functions systemically. It finds that this innovation system is susceptible to changes in its structure, specifically institutional modifications, and encounters cultural and social aspects that reduce its performance. Further, it finds that non-government organizations and local governments are trying to support the SIS, but their efforts are hampered by low participation from the federal government. The third project studies the technology innovation system (TIS) for green hydrogen, an emerging industrial opportunity for Latin America. It evaluates this TIS's functionality and identifies 22 initiatives to improve its performance by interviewing green hydrogen experts in Mexico. The most important initiatives for strengthening the green hydrogen TIS are information campaigns, policy and regulation (taxes, subsidies, standards, and industrial policies), pilot or demonstration projects, and professional training. Overall, this dissertation contributes to the nexus of energy transition and innovation studies by advancing the understanding of energy innovation in an emerging economy.
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Understanding Participation in Energy Transitions: Insights from the US and Mexico

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Transitioning towards low-carbon energy systems requires participation from a diversity of organizations, governments, and actors. Yet it is still unclear who, when, how much, and what types of participation are needed to realize such transformations. I address this gap by

Transitioning towards low-carbon energy systems requires participation from a diversity of organizations, governments, and actors. Yet it is still unclear who, when, how much, and what types of participation are needed to realize such transformations. I address this gap by analyzing the role of participation in energy transitions using interviews, participant observation, document analyses, and novel visualization approaches deployed in the USA and Mexican contexts. I offer a framework to explore how engagement in energy transitions unfolds over time and deploy the framework to 1) investigate the role of engagement in decreasing the consumption of gas and electricity at municipal and residential levels in 12 US communities during a three-year competition (2014-2017) organized by Georgetown University; and 2) assess the acceptance and longevity of solar projects that grant electricity access to rural and dispersed Indigenous Ralámuli communities in Chihuahua, México. I found that wider and deeper participation does not always secure lower energy consumption in the US case, which highlights the need to tailor participation for specific goals. Results from Ralámuli communities suggest that the benefits of participation reach a limit; that is, when high participation surpassed the budget (in the form of cash/money and time availability) of solar users, participation became detrimental to user satisfaction and technology acceptance. Lastly, the analysis of how participation occurred in solar home systems with longer longevity (more than five years of use) showed that maintenance and operation costs (e.g. battery replacements) are the greatest barriers to longevity, while knowledge and capacity building might be elements driving longer longevity. Recommendations include: (1) offering clear information in the user’s first language about the costs and maintenance of solar systems, (2) seeking ideas from solar users at the early stages of solar programs, and (3) reducing costs through understanding electricity needs and offering collective forms of ownership. My work expands the theoretical understanding of the role of participation in energy transitions and offers practical resources for practitioners and researchers to facilitate a critical reflection on how participation influences desirable outcomes in different contexts, including communities in the global North and South.
Date Created

Mission Statement Alignment for Partnering and Non-Partnering Land-Managing Organizations

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Public and private lands depend on organizations to manage and protect them for the recreational enjoyment of humans and the conservation of biodiversity. Organizations that partner, or co-manage, to manage these lands can combine their resources to reach efficient conservation

Public and private lands depend on organizations to manage and protect them for the recreational enjoyment of humans and the conservation of biodiversity. Organizations that partner, or co-manage, to manage these lands can combine their resources to reach efficient conservation outcomes for biodiversity protection. How organizations express their priorities publicly through their mission statements are important because of their ability to reach stakeholders. In my thesis research, I collect the mission statements for 1144 organizations that are categorized into two groups of those that partner at least once and those that never partner. I analyze the extent to which they align and the drivers through performing text analysis by creating word clouds, word frequency lists, and identifying themes to categorize the words into for each group of partnering and non-partnering. Comparing partnering and non-partnering organization mission statements, I find that partnering organizations use more conservation-themed language and non-partnering organizations use community/people-themed language more frequently. I also find that the type of organization impacted the words being used, as well as the ratio of these different types of organizations that made up the total group of partnering and non-partnering (federal, local, and non-government organizations (NGO)). Future research could center around the dynamics of the partnerships and the extent to which mission statements play a role in attracting other organizations to partner and their role in clearly reflecting priorities to the public.

Date Created

Justice in Transition: A Case of Decentralized Renewables from India

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As India expanded its grid infrastructure, decentralized renewable energy technologies, such as off-grid solar, also emerged in parallel as an electrification solution. This dissertation critically examines the role of off-grid solar in facilitating rural electrification efforts in India. Specifically, it

As India expanded its grid infrastructure, decentralized renewable energy technologies, such as off-grid solar, also emerged in parallel as an electrification solution. This dissertation critically examines the role of off-grid solar in facilitating rural electrification efforts in India. Specifically, it applies the frameworks of the multi-level perspective, capabilities approach, and energy justice to achieve three objectives: (1) trace the evolution of off-grid solar in India; (2) understand the role of solar micro-grids in improving household capabilities and well-being; (1) examine whether and how community-scale solar micro-grids can operate as just means of electrification. This research relies on qualitative case-study methods. The historical research in Paper 1 is based on published policy documents and interviews with energy experts in India. It finds that landscape-regime-niche actor relations and politics were crucial in shaping off-grid solar transition outcomes. There is also a narrative component, as the key narratives of energy security, environmental degradation, climate change and energy for development converged to create spaces for state and non-state interactions that could nurture the development of off-grid solar. The community-level research in Papers 2 and 3 analyze a local energy initiative of community operated solar micro-grid using semi-structured interviews and participant observations from three villages in Maharashtra. Solar micro-grids play an important part in expanding people’s choices and opportunities. The benefits are not uniform across all people, however. Increases in energy-related capabilities vary by economic class and gender, and to some extent this means certain biases can get reinforced. In addition, the inability of solar micro-grids to keep up with the changing electrification landscape and daily practices means that the challenges of affordability, reliability and community engagement emerged as important concerns over-time. Empirically, this dissertation finds that off-grid energy initiatives must be carefully designed to be in alignment with local values and realities. Theoretically, it adds to debates on justice in energy transitions by showcasing the regime-led innovations, and temporality elements of energy justice local energy initiatives.
Date Created

Investigating Current and Future Opportunities of Voluntary Carbon Offsets

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Voluntary carbon offsets have become a key strategy of climate action efforts in the wake of worldwide anthropogenic climate change. The voluntary carbon market has grown rapidly as more institutions gain interest in contributing to decarbonization efforts to reach emissions

Voluntary carbon offsets have become a key strategy of climate action efforts in the wake of worldwide anthropogenic climate change. The voluntary carbon market has grown rapidly as more institutions gain interest in contributing to decarbonization efforts to reach emissions reduction goals. The voluntary carbon offset market has introduced decarbonization solutions through various carbon removal, reduction, and avoidance projects that provide accessibility to climate solutions and credit affordability. However, the variability of projects and verification systems has led to some criticisms of the validity and accuracy of these solutions. This thesis assesses the current state of the voluntary carbon market policies and future opportunities and trajectories for this market.

Date Created

The History and Practical Applications of Video Games as a Medium for Dispersing Knowledge of and Generating Discussion Around Sustainability

Games are prolific as an educational medium, and are able to tell a much richer story than pictures or words alone. This has led to the widespread phenomenon known as “gamification” in the educational and business sectors, as well as

Games are prolific as an educational medium, and are able to tell a much richer story than pictures or words alone. This has led to the widespread phenomenon known as “gamification” in the educational and business sectors, as well as educational games. While gamification itself is very prolific, its application to sustainability issues has been somewhat limited. With the progression of technology and the high percentage of gamers within the population, the time is ripe for a paradigm shift. Humans have always played games to inform themselves and others, and though this takes many forms, they always will, be their efforts dedicated to education, entertainment, or profit. While teaching and entertainment may sometimes be at odds with one another, they do not have to be. Many audiences respond well to varied forms of entertainment, and when the ability of a thing designed to further educate or gamify is given room to be entertaining as well, all involved benefit. Sustainability as a whole is an incredibly nebulous and broad concept, such that current educational and entertaining games exploring the subject largely addresses it on a smaller scale, or looks at a piece of the picture instead of all of it, as smaller pieces are easier to break down and address. There are ways that games can be and are vehicles for both entertainment and education, and by combining the two end goals in relatively equal measure, a solid platform can be built off of which both learning and personal growth can occur.
Date Created

Social-Life Cycle Assessment: Oil Extraction in Section 1002 of the National Arctic Wildlife Refuge

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Drilling in Section 1002 has been an ongoing debate since the region was designated as a potential area for drilling projects, pending congressional approval in 1980. In 2017, the area was officially opened up for oil and gas development through

Drilling in Section 1002 has been an ongoing debate since the region was designated as a potential area for drilling projects, pending congressional approval in 1980. In 2017, the area was officially opened up for oil and gas development through its passage in the GOP Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. This act requires 2 lease sales of 400,000 acres, with an allowed 2,000 acre physical footprint (not including pipelines, ice roads, or gravel mines). Using Social-Life Cycle Assessment methodology to assess the process of oil extraction in Section 1002, significant benefits and drawbacks of drilling in this region, with economic, cultural, and social impacts ranging from the local level to the state level to the national level were identified.

Stakeholders impacted by oil development in the Section 1002 region include the Kaktovik community who lives within the Program Area, the Gwich’in people who live south of ANWR, the corporations who will be leasing the land, as well as the employees who will be working on the projects. These stakeholders share similar values and interests, however, when it comes down to the attainment of these values, there are significant differences in opinion. This debate comes down specifically to the desire to ensure stability for one’s family and community, as this means 2 different things to the majority stakeholders on this issue: The Inupiaq and the Gwich’in. The Inupiaq ,who live in Kaktovik specifically ,are particularly keen on the idea of drilling in the Section 1002 region, because the revenues and opportunities that come with the oil and gas development provide access to better standards of living and a more westernized way of life. The Gwich’in, however, value their relationship to the land and the caribou that are at risk of significant change. These 2 groups are critical to the debate, but the state and federal governments have the final say, and a financial incentive to move forward with the lease sales.

Utilizing the S-LCA framework, life cycle impacts of drilling on society are found using indicators that are identified and assessed using both qualitative and quantitative means. Although some conclusions are uncertain due to the forward-looking nature of this S-LCA, the Increasing/Decreasing trends can be identified and confidently attributed to the specific indicators.

Significant Results:
Significant issues this study has highlighted include the resulting impacts, both positive and negative, on the communities affected by oil and gas development in Section 1002. Significant stakeholders include the Kaktovik community, the Gwich’in people, the oil and gas workers in the state of Alaska, and the oil and gas companies themselves. The local residents are the most affected by the impacts of development, with significant issues pertaining to potential for significant lifestyle change, the increased risk of impact on subsistence species, the risks associated with pollution, and the effect on the economy through revenues and job availability.
Date Created

The Negative Externalities of the Fence between the US and Mexico

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The fence between the US and Mexico had been and continues to be a controversial topic in both the U.S., Mexico and around the world. This study will look at the negative externalities related to the environment, society, and economy

The fence between the US and Mexico had been and continues to be a controversial topic in both the U.S., Mexico and around the world. This study will look at the negative externalities related to the environment, society, and economy of the current fence on the border. The central question behind the thesis is whether or not the fence has a direct impact on the ecosystem and people around it.
Date Created

Energy Subsidies: Cheaper Energy or Energy Abuse?

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This paper seeks to analyze the relationship between energy subsidies on fossil fuels by countries and corresponding energy consumption, specifically electricity, by its citizens and occupants. The purpose of this was to determine whether pre-tax subsidies and post-tax subsidies have

This paper seeks to analyze the relationship between energy subsidies on fossil fuels by countries and corresponding energy consumption, specifically electricity, by its citizens and occupants. The purpose of this was to determine whether pre-tax subsidies and post-tax subsidies have an effect on that consumption. This paper will discuss the prospect of accounting for post-tax subsidies as a method to curb rampant energy consumption throughout the world, with the focus being on residential electricity use. The two case studies, the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia, will illustrate the consumption patterns in relatively similar economic societies with different subsidy policies. Saudi Arabia will be a high pre-tax subsidy example while the Netherlands will be shown to account for some of the post-tax subsidies through an externality tax system. At the end of this analysis, this paper will show that the heavy subsidization of electricity production is strongly correlated to residential electricity consumption at levels that many officials would deem unsustainable, and that as such, subsidy reform is both beneficial and necessary.
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