Microbial Functions and Interactions in Carbon Cycling of Amazon Peatlands

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Peatlands are significant global carbon sinks, where plant litter accumulation outpaces the rate of microbial degradation, which can result in significant emissions of methane and carbon dioxide. The Pastaza-Marañón foreland basin (PMFB) in the western Amazon contains the largest expanse

Peatlands are significant global carbon sinks, where plant litter accumulation outpaces the rate of microbial degradation, which can result in significant emissions of methane and carbon dioxide. The Pastaza-Marañón foreland basin (PMFB) in the western Amazon contains the largest expanse of tropical peatlands in South America, characterized by a diversity of soil properties, including pH and mineral concentration. The PMFB is predicted to decrease in its carbon capture capacity along with a rise in greenhouse gas emissions as the climate changes. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the impact that soil properties have on the abundance of functions, microbial physiology, and interspecies interactions between microbial community members. Metagenomic sequencing of soil samples from three geochemically distinct peatlands revealed site-specific enrichment of functions related to carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur cycling. Additionally, 519 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) were recovered, revealing variations in microbial populations responsible for organic matter degradation and nutrient (nitrogen and sulfur) cycling across sites. From these MAGs, a novel family within the Bathyarchaeia was identified, Candidatus Paludivitaceae. This family is putatively capable of carboxydotrophy, able to use CO for energy and biomass. Subsequently they could detoxify the environment of CO benefiting other community members and playing an indirect role in modulating carbon cycling. To experimentally investigate interactions of peatland microbes, co-culture experiments assessed the impact of carbon substrates (4-hydroxybenzoic acid, mannitol, and arginine) on microbial interactions from heterotrophs isolated from two geochemically distinct peatlands. Results indicate substrate and peatland type significantly influence nature and frequency of microbial interactions. The response of microbial genera to carbon substrate also varied showing the role of metabolic traits and substrate preferences in determining growth patterns of microbes. This research advances our understanding of microbial ecology in tropical peatlands and better informs predictions as the climate changes.
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