Comparative Nursing Education in the US and UK

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I conducted a qualitative, comparative study on the nursing education systems in the United Kingdom and the United States, focusing on two universities—Arizona State University in Phoenix, Arizona and Leeds Beckett University in Leeds, England. The goals of my thesis

I conducted a qualitative, comparative study on the nursing education systems in the United Kingdom and the United States, focusing on two universities—Arizona State University in Phoenix, Arizona and Leeds Beckett University in Leeds, England. The goals of my thesis included comparing the educational, economic, and cultural aspects of the countries and how those aspects impact nursing students on both sides of the pond. The educational and economic aspects were compared by utilizing existing literature and open data sources such as the university websites and publications from comparative education journals, while the cultural differences were evaluated by conducting short, one-on-one interviews with students enrolled in the Adult Health courses at both universities. The findings from the interviews were transcribed and coded, and findings from the sites were compared. While there is an extensive amount of research published regarding comparative education, there has not been much published comparing these developed countries. While there is a significant difference in the structure and cost of the nursing programs, there are more similarities than differences in culture between nursing students interviewed in the US and those interviewed in the UK.
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Education for the Prevention of Diabetes

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Randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews of paired education involving both diet and activity recommendations have shown significant reductions in the advancement of adult (age 18 to 80) prediabetes to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Paired education on diet and

Randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews of paired education involving both diet and activity recommendations have shown significant reductions in the advancement of adult (age 18 to 80) prediabetes to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Paired education on diet and activity has been effective for persons from diverse races, ethnicities, and levels of education. For this project, the paired education focused on the dietary guidance of the Whole 30 plan and the current exercise/activity recommendations of the American Diabetes Association (ADA). The ADA recommends 30 min 5 x week or 60 min 3 x week of exercise, with no more than 48 hours between exercise occurrences.

Ten adults with HbA1C between 5.7%-6.4%, levels specified by the ADA as prediabetes, were invited to participate in the project at an outpatient wellness practice. Participants took a pretest on basic food and activity knowledge, received educational sessions on the Whole 30™ plan and activity recommendations from the ADA, then completed a posttest. Participants were scheduled for one month follow ups. At the 3 month follow up appointment, repeat HbA1C was drawn. Most of the patients (7/10) completed return appointments at the 3-month time frame. Statistically significant results were seen in diet and exercise knowledge using a paired T-test. Clinically significant reductions were seen in HbA1C averages as well as weight, BMI, and glucose levels.

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Critical care registered nurses' perceptions of nurse-to-nurse incivility and professional comportment

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This cross-sectional descriptive study was designed to examine critical care registered nurses’ perceptions of nurse-to-nurse incivility and professional comportment, and the extent to which education, nurses’ age, nursing degree, and years of nursing experience is related to their perceptions on

This cross-sectional descriptive study was designed to examine critical care registered nurses’ perceptions of nurse-to-nurse incivility and professional comportment, and the extent to which education, nurses’ age, nursing degree, and years of nursing experience is related to their perceptions on these topics. Professional comportment is comprised of nurses’ mutual respect, harmony in beliefs and actions, commitment, and collaboration. Yet, it was unknown whether a relationship existed between a civil or uncivil environment in the nursing profession and nurses’ professional comportment. Correlational analyses were conducted to explore the relationship between perceptions of nurse-nurse incivility and professional comportment, and the relationships between incivility and professional comportment education and perceptions of nurse-nurse incivility and professional comportment. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to identify predictors of perceptions of nurse-nurse incivility and professional comportment. Results indicated statistically significant relationships between perceptions of nurse-nurse incivility and professional comportment, and between professional comportment education and perceptions of professional comportment. Professional comportment education was identified as a statistically significant predictor of increased perceptions of professional comportment. Findings of the current study may assist in establishing more targeted and innovative educational interventions to prevent, or better address, nurse-nurse incivility. Future research should more clearly define professional comportment education, test educational interventions that promote professional comportment in nurses, and further validate the Nurse-Nurse Collaboration Scale as a measure of nurses' professional comportment.
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Competency Assessment in Nursing Using Simulation: A Generalizability Study and Scenario Validation Process

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The measurement of competency in nursing is critical to ensure safe and effective care of patients. This study had two purposes. First, the psychometric characteristics of the Nursing Performance Profile (NPP), an instrument used to measure nursing competency, were evaluated

The measurement of competency in nursing is critical to ensure safe and effective care of patients. This study had two purposes. First, the psychometric characteristics of the Nursing Performance Profile (NPP), an instrument used to measure nursing competency, were evaluated using generalizability theory and a sample of 18 nurses in the Measuring Competency with Simulation (MCWS) Phase I dataset. The relative magnitudes of various error sources and their interactions were estimated in a generalizability study involving a fully crossed, three-facet random design with nurse participants as the object of measurement and scenarios, raters, and items as the three facets. A design corresponding to that of the MCWS Phase I data--involving three scenarios, three raters, and 41 items--showed nurse participants contributed the greatest proportion to total variance (50.00%), followed, in decreasing magnitude, by: rater (19.40%), the two-way participant x scenario interaction (12.93%), and the two-way participant x rater interaction (8.62%). The generalizability (G) coefficient was .65 and the dependability coefficient was .50. In decision study designs minimizing number of scenarios, the desired generalizability coefficients of .70 and .80 were reached at three scenarios with five raters, and five scenarios with nine raters, respectively. In designs minimizing number of raters, G coefficients of .72 and .80 were reached at three raters and five scenarios and four raters and nine scenarios, respectively. A dependability coefficient of .71 was attained with six scenarios and nine raters or seven raters and nine scenarios. Achieving high reliability with designs involving fewer raters may be possible with enhanced rater training to decrease variance components for rater main and interaction effects. The second part of this study involved the design and implementation of a validation process for evidence-based human patient simulation scenarios in assessment of nursing competency. A team of experts validated the new scenario using a modified Delphi technique, involving three rounds of iterative feedback and revisions. In tandem, the psychometric study of the NPP and the development of a validation process for human patient simulation scenarios both advance and encourage best practices for studying the validity of simulation-based assessments.
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Complexity leadership theory and innovation: a new framework for innovation leadership

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The healthcare system is plagued with increasing cost and poor quality outcomes. A major contributing factor for these issues is that outdated leadership practices, such as leader-centricity, linear thinking, and poor readiness for innovation, are being used in healthcare organizations.

The healthcare system is plagued with increasing cost and poor quality outcomes. A major contributing factor for these issues is that outdated leadership practices, such as leader-centricity, linear thinking, and poor readiness for innovation, are being used in healthcare organizations. Through a qualitative case study analysis of innovation implementation, a new framework of leadership was uncovered. This framework presented new characteristics of leaders that led to the successful implementation of an innovation. Characteristics uncovered included boundary spanning, risk taking, visioning, leveraging opportunity, adaptation, coordination of information flow, and facilitation. These characteristics describe how leaders throughout the system were able to influence information flow, relationships, connections, and organizational context to implement innovation.
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External validation of an instructional design model for high fidelity simulation: model application in a hospital setting

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of the design characteristics component of the Jeffries/National League for Nursing Framework for Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Simulations when developing a simulation-based approach to teaching structured communication to new graduate

The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of the design characteristics component of the Jeffries/National League for Nursing Framework for Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Simulations when developing a simulation-based approach to teaching structured communication to new graduate nurses. The setting for the study was a medium sized tertiary care hospital located in the southwestern United States. Participants in the study were an instructional designer (who also served as the researcher), two graduate nursing education specialists, one unit based educator, and 27 new graduate nurses and registered nurses who had been in practice for less than six months. Design and development research was employed to examine the processes used to design the simulation, implementation of the simulation by faculty, and course evaluation data from both students and faculty. Data collected from the designer, faculty and student participants were analyzed for evidence on how the design characteristics informed the design and implementation of the course, student achievement of course goals, as well as student and faculty evaluation of the course. These data were used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the model in this context as well as suggestions for strengthening the model. Findings revealed that the model generally functioned well in this context. Particular strengths of the model were its emphasis on problem-solving and recommendations for attending to fidelity of clinical scenarios. Weaknesses of the model were inadequate guidance for designing student preparation, student support, and debriefing. Additionally, the model does not address the role of observers or others who are not assigned the role of primary nurse during simulations. Recommendations for strengthening the model include addressing these weaknesses by incorporating existing evidence in the instructional design of experiential learning and by scaffolding students during problem-solving. The results of the study also suggested interrelationships among the design characteristics that were not previously described; further exploration of this finding may strengthen the model. Faculty and instructional designers creating clinical simulations in this context would benefit from using the Jeffries/National League for Nursing Model, adding external resources to supplement in areas where the model does not currently provide adequate guidance.
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