Impact of Urban Diets on the Nutritional Physiology of Mealworms

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Mealworms (Tenebrio molitor), the larval stage of yellow mealworm beetles, are a popular feeder insect for birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and even human populations throughout the world. As such, the goal of this work was to understand how the diet

Mealworms (Tenebrio molitor), the larval stage of yellow mealworm beetles, are a popular feeder insect for birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and even human populations throughout the world. As such, the goal of this work was to understand how the diet of mealworms impacts their nutritional quality as variations in quality can impact the animals (and humans) that consume them. In this study, 500 mealworms were divided among each of the following substrates designed to model food sources available in urban versus rural, more natural areas: 100% wheat germ (control); 100% Styrofoam; mixture of soil, grasses, and leaves from urban lawns; a mixture of soil, grasses and leaves from rural lawns; 50% mixture of wheat germ + carrots; natural fertilizer; or fertilizer with weed killer. The mealworms were maintained at room temperature and the diets were replaced bi-weekly to prevent spoilage and to remove mealworm waste. Once a week for three weeks, mealworms were sampled from each substrate and frozen at -20°C. After 3 weeks, mealworms housed in wheat germ + carrots weighed significantly more than all other groups (p<0.05), whereas those housed in Styrofoam or urban lawn substrates weighed significantly less at week 3 as compared to week 1 (p<0.01). The urban lawn substrate resulted in greater molting and contained the highest number of pupae, but also the greatest mortality among the substrates. The Bradford method measured the total protein content of mealworms homogenized in phosphate-buffered saline. Mealworms maintained on wheat germ had significantly greater total protein content as compared to mealworms transitioned to any other diet (p<0.05). So, compared to wheat germ, urban foods generally reduced protein, total sugars, and crude fat, although they also decreased oxidized lipoproteins. Urban lawn had lower oxidized lipoprotein content than wheat germ, but levels were higher compared to wheat germ with carrots and natural fertilizer. In addition, urban foods generally increase the water content in mealworms. Urban foods were not much different from rural lawns as no there was difference between urban and rural lawns. Differences in body mass and total protein support the hypothesis that mealworms' nutritional quality is altered by ingesting urban substrates. These data suggest that mealworms (and potentially other insects) in cities may be exposed to food substrates that result in less nutritional value than those living in more natural areas as mimicked by the rural lawn substrates and wheat germ control, although they may be higher in water content.
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The Missing Dimension of Bycatch Reduction: Understanding Fishers’ Perspectives on Bycatch & Bycatch Reduction Strategies

Marine fisheries are a globally significant source of economic and food security, however high bycatch rates can threaten marine biodiversity putting both ecosystems and fisheries at risk for degradation. Although bycatch reduction technologies exist that can reduce the uptake of

Marine fisheries are a globally significant source of economic and food security, however high bycatch rates can threaten marine biodiversity putting both ecosystems and fisheries at risk for degradation. Although bycatch reduction technologies exist that can reduce the uptake of bycatch without significantly impacting target catch, bycatch rates remain high. To understand the factors that affect fishers’ change readiness we reviewed 15 interview-based studies assessing fishers perspectives on bycatch and bycatch reduction strategies. In sum, the perspectives of 1,991 fishers were assessed in these studies across 10 different countries from 2006-2023. One key finding that arose was the potential importance of agency. This factor closely relates to change readiness and was identified as an essential component for effective bycatch reduction. Additionally, it was discovered that the kind of proposed strategy is important. Bycatch reduction methods that are equally effective in capturing target catch while reducing non-target catch and are accessible are more likely to have favorable responses from fishers. Agency and change readiness are interconnected and may be influenced by a variety of factors such as income, education, experience, and beliefs/values. Incentives and education/engagement programs may be useful in fostering fishers’ willingness for change and improving the efficacy of bycatch reduction strategies.
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The Importance and Impact of Experiential Learning Through a Deep Dive of FIS 494: Sea Turtles, Sharks, and Fisheries of Baja California

Dr. Jesse Senko has what he describes as the “secret sauce” with his FIS 494 Sea Turtles, Sharks, & Fisheries of Baja California study abroad class. Students meet with him and assistant instructor Ph.D. candidate Cindy Vargas weekly to learn

Dr. Jesse Senko has what he describes as the “secret sauce” with his FIS 494 Sea Turtles, Sharks, & Fisheries of Baja California study abroad class. Students meet with him and assistant instructor Ph.D. candidate Cindy Vargas weekly to learn more about the marine megafauna and the fisheries that impact La Paz, Baja California, Mexico. Then, during spring break, the students travel to La Paz to explore the world they have been studying. After the week-long trip, students resume class and reflect on their experiences. By the time students arrive in La Paz during their spring break, they possess a vast knowledge of the topics they have learned in class and have built a sense of community among their classmates and teachers. While in La Paz, students get once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to swim with sea lions, safely capture and monitor sea turtles, and visit the Isla El Pardito to speak with local fishermen. Dr. Senko is bringing his students to a real-world research opportunity only accessible through this trip, and for a lot of students, their first time abroad. This experience has proven to be life-changing for many students, including myself. Students leave with not only a greater knowledge of La Paz but also genuine fieldwork experience with experts in their field. FIS 494 Sea Turtles, Sharks, & Fisheries of Baja California is the only class of its kind here at Arizona State University.
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My Coral Reef Booklet: Incorporating Coral Reef and Ocean Conservation Research into Elementary and Middle School Curriculum


The Arizona Board of Education decides the science curricula for students K-6. The standards lack an in depth knowledge of marine life, marine science, ocean conservation, and more related topics. Through interviews with teachers, faculty, and research on ocean literacy

The Arizona Board of Education decides the science curricula for students K-6. The standards lack an in depth knowledge of marine life, marine science, ocean conservation, and more related topics. Through interviews with teachers, faculty, and research on ocean literacy and coral reefs, My Coral Reef Booklet assembles various learning activities to cater to students from a variety of education, financial and impairment backgrounds. My Coral Reef Booklet addresses coral reef basics and how students can play their part in coral reef conservation despite their location.

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Bat Crazy: An Urban Enhancement and Biodiversity Case Study


Due to what is known as the “biologically desert fallacy” and the pervasive westernized ideal of wilderness that has influenced widespread American Conservation culture for millennia, urban areas have long been deemed as areas devoid of biodiversity. However, cities can

Due to what is known as the “biologically desert fallacy” and the pervasive westernized ideal of wilderness that has influenced widespread American Conservation culture for millennia, urban areas have long been deemed as areas devoid of biodiversity. However, cities can contribute significantly to regional biodiversity and provide vital niches for wildlife, illuminating the growing awareness that cities are crucial to the future of conservation and combating the global biodiversity crisis. In terms of the biodiversity crisis, bats are a relevant species of concern. In many studies, different bat species have been broadly classified according to their ability to adapt to urban environments. There is evidence that urban areas can filter bat species based on traits and behavior, with many bats possessing traits that do not allow them to live in cities. The three broad categories are urban avoiders, urban adapters, or urban exploiters based upon where their abundance is highest along a gradient of urban intensity. A common example of an urban exploiter bat is a Mexican Free-tailed bat, which can thrive and rely on urban environments and it is found in the Phoenix Metropolitan area. Bats are important as even in urban environments they play vital ecological roles such as cactus pollination, insect management, and seed dispersal. Bat Crazy is a thesis project focused on urban enhancement and the field of urban biodiversity. The goals of this thesis are to observe how bio-conscious urban cities that work to promote species conservation can serve as a positive tool to promote biodiversity and foster community education and engagement for their urban environment.

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Mountain Lions: A Literature Review of the Effects of Hunting on Mountain
Lion Populations

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With human populations continuing to expand, encounters with wildlife become more frequent, and more people have the ability to go hunting. When it comes to top level predators, there have often been questions raised about the effects hunting has on

With human populations continuing to expand, encounters with wildlife become more frequent, and more people have the ability to go hunting. When it comes to top level predators, there have often been questions raised about the effects hunting has on their populations. Some speculate there are compensatory measures as a result, others that hunting has an additive mortality effect. The purpose of this project was to do a literature review over the topic of hunting mountain lions in order to definitively determine what the effects of hunting are on their populations. It was concluded that hunting has a negative impact on mountain lion populations, having an additive effect on their mortality rate, reducing their genetic biodiversity, reducing their rate of emigration/immigration, and changing their population demographics.
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Effects of Day-night Net Illumination on Bycatch, Target Catch, and Market Value in Coastal Gillnet Fisheries

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One of the most pronounced issues affecting the management of fisheries today is bycatch, or the unintentional capture of non-target species of marine life. Bycatch has proven to be detrimental for many species, including marine megafauna and pelagic fishes. One

One of the most pronounced issues affecting the management of fisheries today is bycatch, or the unintentional capture of non-target species of marine life. Bycatch has proven to be detrimental for many species, including marine megafauna and pelagic fishes. One method of reducing bycatch is illuminated gillnets, which involves utilizing the differences in biological visual capabilities and behaviors between species of bycatch and target fish catch. To date, all studies conducted on the effects of net illumination on bycatch and target fish catch have been conducted at night. In this study, the effects of net illumination on bycatch, target fish catch, and market value during both night and day periods at Baja California Sur, Mexico were compared. It was found that i) net illumination is effective (p < 0.05) at reducing bycatch of finfish during the day and at night, ii) net illumination at night is more effective (p < 0.05) at reducing bycatch for elasmobranchs, Humboldt squid, and aggregate bycatch than during the day, iii) time of day did not have an effect (p > 0.05) on sea turtle bycatch, and iv) net illumination did not significantly (p > 0.05)affect target catch or market value at night or during the day. These results suggest that net illumination may be an effective strategy for reducing finfish bycatch in fisheries that operate during the day or across 24 h periods, and is especially effective for reducing elasmobranch, Humboldt squid, and total bycatch biomass at night.
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Effects of Net Illumination on Fish Assemblages in Baja California Sur, Mexico

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Globally, the incidental capture of non-target species in fisheries (bycatch) has been linked to declines of ecologically, economically, and culturally important marine species. Gillnet fisheries have especially high bycatch due to their non-selective nature, necessitating the development of new bycatch

Globally, the incidental capture of non-target species in fisheries (bycatch) has been linked to declines of ecologically, economically, and culturally important marine species. Gillnet fisheries have especially high bycatch due to their non-selective nature, necessitating the development of new bycatch reduction technologies (BRTs). Net illumination is an emerging BRT that has shown promise in reducing bycatch of marine megafauna, including sea turtles, cetaceans, and seabirds. However, little research has been conducted to understand the effects of net illumination on fish assemblages, including bony fish and elasmobranchs (i.e. sharks, rays, and skates). Here, I assessed a 7-year dataset of paired net illumination trials using four different types of light (green LEDs, green chemical glowsticks, ultraviolet (UV) lights, and orange lights) to examine the effects of net illumination on fish catch and bycatch in a gillnet fishery at Baja California Sur, Mexico. Analysis revealed no significant effect on bony fish target catch or bycatch for any light type. There was a significant decrease in elasmobranch bycatch using UV and orange lights, with orange lights showing the most promise for decreasing elasmobranch bycatch, resulting in a 50% reduction in bycatch rates. Analysis of the effects of net illumination on elasmobranch target catch was limited due to insufficient data. These results indicate that the illumination of gillnets may offer a practical solution for reducing fish bycatch while maintaining target catch. More research should be conducted to understand the effects of net illumination in different fisheries, how net illumination affects fisher profit and efficiency, and how net illumination affects fish behavior. Further optimization of net illumination is also necessary before the technology can be recommended on a broader scale.

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