An Atlas of Gene Expression in Daphnia pulex

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Embryonic and juvenile development consist of a series of complex and rapid changes driven by a suite of crucially timed developmental cues within the cell. The developmental process begins at the moment of zygote activation, “jump-started” by maternal factors such

Embryonic and juvenile development consist of a series of complex and rapid changes driven by a suite of crucially timed developmental cues within the cell. The developmental process begins at the moment of zygote activation, “jump-started” by maternal factors such as mRNA and proteins until transcription can be zygotically-driven. Regulation of transcription initiation plays a crucial role in this process, as minute changes in the timing, density, and characteristics of gene expression can have drastic effects on the zygote’s development. Specific promoter elements can be linked to different patterns of transcription, driving both ubiquitous and sharply regulated gene expression, thus forming the basis for the time-sensitive developmental processes. In order to better understand the genes expressed during different stages of development and the impact of promoter elements on transcription patterns and transcript concentrations within the cell, I created a Gene Expression and Promoter Atlas in two species within the cryptic species complex, Daphnia pulex. I surveyed five embryonic and two juvenile developmental stages in both a North American and mitochondrially European Daphnia pulex utilizing developmental landmarks to visually stages embryos. A total of 17,993 genes were identified in the European species and 15,295 were identified in the North American species, with 11,551 orthologs identified between the two. I utilized the transcription start site (TSS) profiling method STRIPE-seq to identify promoter motifs and RNA-seq to survey mRNA concentration at each stage, generating a wealth of genetic data. The methodology for library construction and the dataset generated therein provide an informative basis for further comparative developmental studies and the elucidation of full gene functionality in an emerging model organism.
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