Vehicle Re-identification Using a Multi-View Vehicle Dataset

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There has been an explosion in the amount of data on the internet because of modern technology – especially image data – as a consequence of an exponential growth in the number of cameras existing in the world right now;

There has been an explosion in the amount of data on the internet because of modern technology – especially image data – as a consequence of an exponential growth in the number of cameras existing in the world right now; from more extensive surveillance camera systems to billions of people walking around with smartphones in their pockets that come with built-in cameras. With this sudden increase in the accessibility of cameras, most of the data that is getting captured through these devices is ending up on the internet. Researchers soon took leverage of this data by creating large-scale datasets. However, generating a dataset – let alone a large-scale one – requires a lot of man-hours. This work presents an algorithm that makes use of optical flow and feature matching, along with utilizing localization outputs from a Mask R-CNN, to generate large-scale vehicle datasets without much human supervision. Additionally, this work proposes a novel multi-view vehicle dataset (MVVdb) of 500 vehicles which is also generated using the aforementioned algorithm.There are various research problems in computer vision that can leverage a multi-view dataset, e.g., 3D pose estimation, and 3D object detection. On the other hand, a multi-view vehicle dataset can be used for a 2D image to 3D shape prediction, generation of 3D vehicle models, and even a more robust vehicle make and model recognition. In this work, a ResNet is trained on the multi-view vehicle dataset to perform vehicle re-identification, which is fundamentally similar to a vehicle make and recognition problem – also showcasing the usability of the MVVdb dataset.
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