Structural Responses of Bouteloua eriopoda to Changes in Annual Precipitation: Interactive Effects of Amount and Duration

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Bouteloua eriopoda (Torr.) Torr., also known as black grama, is a perennial bunchgrass native to arid and semiarid ecosystems in the southwestern region of North America. As a result of anthropogenic climate change, this region is predicted to increase in

Bouteloua eriopoda (Torr.) Torr., also known as black grama, is a perennial bunchgrass native to arid and semiarid ecosystems in the southwestern region of North America. As a result of anthropogenic climate change, this region is predicted to increase in aridity and experience more frequent extreme drought and extreme wet years. This change in precipitation will no doubt affect black grama; however, few studies have investigated how the specific structural components of this grass will respond. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of years since start of treatment and annual precipitation amount on tiller and stolon densities, and to test for interaction between the two predictor variables. Additionally, the effects of annual precipitation on ramets and axillary buds were investigated. By using 36 experimental plots that have been receiving drought, irrigated, or control treatments since 2007, tiller density was the most responsive component to both annual precipitation amount and years since start of treatment. Years since start of treatment and annual precipitation amount also had a statistically significant interaction, meaning the effect of precipitation amount on tiller density differs depending on how many years have passed since treatments began. Stolon density was the second-most responsive component; the predictor variables were found to have no statistically significant interaction, meaning their effects on stolon density are independent of one another. Ramet density, ramets per stolon, and axillary bud metabolic activity and density were found to be independent of annual precipitation amount for 2021. The results indicate that multiple-year extreme wet and multiple-year extreme dry conditions in the Southwest will both likely reduce tiller and stolon densities in black grama patches. Prolonged drought conditions reduced tiller and stolon production in black grama because of negative legacies from previous years. Reduced production during prolonged wet conditions could be due to increased competition between adjacent plants.
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Land Surface Fluxes in Natural and Urban Landscapes in Arid and Semiarid Regions

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In arid and semiarid areas of the southwestern United States and northwestern México, water availability is the main control on the interactions between the land surface and the atmosphere. Seasonal and interannual variations in water availability regulate the response of

In arid and semiarid areas of the southwestern United States and northwestern México, water availability is the main control on the interactions between the land surface and the atmosphere. Seasonal and interannual variations in water availability regulate the response of water and carbon dioxide fluxes in natural and urban landscapes. However, despite sharing a similar dependance to water availability, landscape characteristics, such as land cover heterogeneity, landscape position, access to groundwater, microclimatic conditions, and vegetation functional traits, among others, can play a fundamental role in modulating the interactions between landscapes and the atmosphere. In this dissertation, I study how different landscape characteristics influence the response of water and carbon dioxide fluxes in arid and semiarid urban and natural settings. The study uses the eddy covariance technique, which calculates the vertical turbulent fluxes within the boundary layer, to quantify water, energy, and carbon dioxide fluxes within local patches. Specifically, the study focused on three main scopes: (1) how vegetation, anthropogenic activity, and water availability influence carbon fluxes in four urban landscapes in Phoenix, Arizona, (2) how access to groundwater and soil-microclimate conditions modulate the flux response of three natural ecosystems in northwestern México during the North American monsoon, and (3) how the seasonal hydrologic partitioning in a watershed with complex terrain regulates the carbon dioxide fluxes of a Chihuahuan Desert shrubland. Results showed a differential response of landscapes according to their land cover composition, access to groundwater or functional traits. In Chapter 2, in urban landscapes with irrigation, vegetation activity can counteract carbon dioxide emissions during the day, but anthropogenic sources from the built environment dominate the carbon dioxide fluxes overall. In Chapter 3, across an elevation-groundwater access gradient, low elevation ecosystems showed intensive water use strategies linked to a dependance to shallow or intermittent access to soil moisture, while a high elevation ecosystem showed extensive water use strategies which depend on a reliable access to groundwater. Finally, in Chapter 4, the mixed shrubland in complex terrain showed an evenly distributed bimodal vegetation productivity which is supported by an abundant water availability during wet seasons and by carry-over moisture in deeper layers of the soil during the dry season. The results from this dissertation highlight how different forms of water availability are responsible for the activity of vegetation which modulates land surface fluxes in arid and semiarid settings. Furthermore, the outcomes of this dissertation help to understand how landscape properties regulate the flux response to water availability in urban and natural areas.
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