Inspecting the Glass Ceiling: Analyzing Perspectives of Gender and Parenthood in Leadership

The gender gap in leadership has been shrinking over time, with women occupying 32% of managerial positions in 1983, and 40.5% of managerial positions in 2022 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2004, 2023). Within the United States, the cultural and

The gender gap in leadership has been shrinking over time, with women occupying 32% of managerial positions in 1983, and 40.5% of managerial positions in 2022 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2004, 2023). Within the United States, the cultural and social expectations for what it means to be a good leader include having agentic personality traits (Badura et al., 2018), being an active participant in group discussion (Bass, 1990), and expressing primarily achievement and antagonistic emotions (Fischbach et al., 2015). But, does a working man or woman’s desire to have children impact the way others perceive their ability to assume a position of leadership? Approximately one hundred and fifty college students and civil engineers were equally split into five groups. Four of the five groups were instructed to rate a different imaginary coworker, distinguished based on their gender and desire to have kids in the future. The fifth group was instructed to rate their ideal manager. All five groups used a descriptive index with 67 terms in order to complete their respective ratings. The results supported the hypothesis that men who want to have children have character traits that are most similar to those traits used to describe an ideal manager. However, the results did not support the hypothesis that women who want to have children would be least similar to the ideal manager group, as men who do not want to have children were rated least similar.
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Pieces of the Past: A Novel Therapeutic Game for Young Adults

With an increasing number of mental illnesses appearing in young adults, psychologists must find new ways to address this crisis. Play therapy is a form of therapy that is typically used effectively on the adolescent population. Given its success with

With an increasing number of mental illnesses appearing in young adults, psychologists must find new ways to address this crisis. Play therapy is a form of therapy that is typically used effectively on the adolescent population. Given its success with children, it is reasonable to consider play therapy for other age groups. Pieces of the Past is a game based on play therapy theory and designed with a young adult audience in mind. This game was created in hopes of becoming a tool for play therapists to use on young adult populations.
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Cognitive and Affective Consequences of Language Alignment in Dyadic Coping

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Dyadic coping is a couple level coping strategy, where partners respond to relationship external stressors as a unit. Dyadic coping behaviors have the ability to strengthen the relationship and improve both partners’ mental health outcomes in the face of adversity.

Dyadic coping is a couple level coping strategy, where partners respond to relationship external stressors as a unit. Dyadic coping behaviors have the ability to strengthen the relationship and improve both partners’ mental health outcomes in the face of adversity. Verbal communication is one of the primary channels of dyadic coping processes. As such, psycholinguistic investigations of predictors of successful dyadic coping comprise a growing body of research within the field of cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics. Aspects of language such as pronoun use and emotion word use are common areas of study. In this study, I examined the effects of language alignment on dyadic coping outcomes among a sample of heterosexual couples. Specifically, I postulated that lexical and semantic alignment would lead to positive outcomes in the cognitive domain of dyadic coping, while alignment in function word use – also referred to as language style matching – would lead to positive outcomes in the affective domain of dyadic coping. I also explored the effect of the temporal dynamics of language alignment on the relevant outcomes. Findings suggest that while function word alignment is weakly predictive of the hypothesized outcomes, no detectable relationships exist between lexical and semantic alignment and cognitive outcomes relating to dyadic coping among my sample. This study also shows a potential weak recency effect of language style matching on one affective outcome of dyadic coping. The absence of statistically significant effects in this study should not be taken to mean that no such effect exists, but that a more sensitive approach with a larger sample may be necessary to uncover the subtle effects of language alignment on dyadic coping outcomes.
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Vaccine Hesitancy as a Function of Fetal Androgen Exposure


Abstract Evidence suggests fetal androgen exposure influences the development and function of the neuro-endocrine system. Recent research suggests people might be hesitant to get vaccinated because they are misinformed about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Others may have concerns

Abstract Evidence suggests fetal androgen exposure influences the development and function of the neuro-endocrine system. Recent research suggests people might be hesitant to get vaccinated because they are misinformed about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Others may have concerns about the potential side effects or may have religious or philosophical objections to vaccination. Additionally, recent studies suggest that prenatal testosterone plays a critical role in the development of sex-specific characteristics, such as adult aggressiveness. However, little is known about the potential impact of fetal androgen exposure on adult behavior such as vaccine hesitancy. The current pilot study aims to clarify any relations between these factors as well determining whether fetal androgen exposure could serve as a bioindicator for understanding how these hormones may influence the future development of adult behavior and any consequences for public health. Here we show that high fetal androgen exposure is related to a significantly greater likelihood of getting vaccinated as compared to low fetal androgen exposure. Future studies should explore the extent to which fetal androgen exposure impacts adult behavior such as vaccine hesitancy.

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Recreational Marijuana Legalization: The Effects on Fast Food Businesses

The present thesis investigated the effect, if any, that recreational marijuana legalization laws had on fast food businesses and whether the legalization of such laws differed from the previous year's annual profit recorded from Yum! Brands. We compared annual profit

The present thesis investigated the effect, if any, that recreational marijuana legalization laws had on fast food businesses and whether the legalization of such laws differed from the previous year's annual profit recorded from Yum! Brands. We compared annual profit margins from Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut before and after the legalization process. Here show that the legalization of recreational-specific marijuana did not seem to affect the profit margins of these restaurants. Interestingly, during the time periods investigated, some of the restaurants’ profits decreased because of the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on the economy. Since interest in this topic is increasing in popularity more research needs to be done to understand just how much, if any, marijuana legalization laws affect any fast-food restaurants
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The Parafoveal Region's Contribution to Shape and Color Perception


Color, shape, and motion perception are easily identifiable in the center of the visual field. However, less is understood about the recognition of change in color and shape when motion occurs in the parafoveal region of the eye. This study

Color, shape, and motion perception are easily identifiable in the center of the visual field. However, less is understood about the recognition of change in color and shape when motion occurs in the parafoveal region of the eye. This study seeks to gain more knowledge on this subject and help guide future research. Major goals of this research included to find if there is significant difference between change and no change of shape and color in the peripheral vision and to seek a better understanding of this perception. A total of 47 undergraduate psychology students participated. Subjects were shown videos of a shape moving across the screen that either had a shape change, color change, or no change occur. Participants were then asked to report if they saw a change or no change. We found that students noticed that change at a rate significantly greater than average. These findings suggest perception of shape and color change may be present in the parafoveal region of the visual field.

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