Carbon Removal and Carbon Avoidance

Currently, many countries are working towards transitioning into cleaner energy to meet the Sustainable Development Goals set forth by the United Nations to be met by 2050. Moving to cleaner energy resources, enforcing carbon taxes, and cap and trade programs

Currently, many countries are working towards transitioning into cleaner energy to meet the Sustainable Development Goals set forth by the United Nations to be met by 2050. Moving to cleaner energy resources, enforcing carbon taxes, and cap and trade programs are all examples of carbon avoidance. Carbon removal is used to describe something that removes the carbon already existing in the atmosphere. While most countries are making decisions that would support carbon avoidance, many scientists claim it will take more than making the transition to clean energy and that something needs to be done about the carbon in the air currently. This project will look towards researching the two methods and working to inform people about carbon removal since many people do not even know what this term means, let alone have heard of it before. To this end, I interviewed one of the lead scientists and engineers on the Mechanical Tree, ASU’s Center for Negative Carbon Emissions prototype that will hopefully champion the carbon removal movement. I created podcasts, conducted student surveys, and made an informative video on this subject to raise more awareness of the difference between carbon removal and carbon avoidance. I also researched carbon avoidance to see for myself whether or not carbon removal is necessary. I concluded by the end of this project that carbon removal and carbon avoidance are both necessary components in order to reach net zero by the mid century.
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A conceptual framework for the certification of carbon sequestration

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This document details a conceptual Framework for the Certification of Carbon Sequestration (FCCS). It is based on a system designed to support negative emissions. It provides the minimum requirements for the development of carbon sequestration standards and certificates of carbon

This document details a conceptual Framework for the Certification of Carbon Sequestration (FCCS). It is based on a system designed to support negative emissions. It provides the minimum requirements for the development of carbon sequestration standards and certificates of carbon sequestration. It allows the certification of standards so that they in turn produce certification of removed carbon that authenticates durability and verifiability. The framework (i) identifies an organizational structure for the certification system, (ii) clarifies the responsibility of participating entities, (iii) provides certificate designs and usages, (iv) details the requirements to develop measurement protocols, (v) provides mechanisms to support a long-term industry, and (vi) outlines a vision towards durable storage.

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Addressing open questions in the development of standards for the certification of carbon removal: Critical insights from an international consultation process

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Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) is essential to meet the Paris Agreement’s commitment to stay below a 1.5 degrees Celsius average temperature increase. To provide critical foundational support to the development, deployment, and scaling of CDR, certification of carbon removal is

Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) is essential to meet the Paris Agreement’s commitment to stay below a 1.5 degrees Celsius average temperature increase. To provide critical foundational support to the development, deployment, and scaling of CDR, certification of carbon removal is needed. The international community is developing rules for the functioning of carbon markets. To support that process, we explored open questions on four key themes in the development of standards and certification of carbon removal through an international multi-stakeholder consultation process hosted by the Global Carbon Removal Partnership, Arizona State University, and Conservation International. Categories of stakeholders included standard developing organizations, non-governmental organizations, governments, and academics. Discussions covered 1. the treatment of emission reduction, avoidance,and removal in certification, 2. the role of additionality in carbon removal, 3. the choice of certification instrument for carbon removal, and 4. the treatment of durability in certification. They revealed fundamental differences in viewpoints on how certification should work. We highlight areas of further exploration, concluding that providing transparency on assumptions made at the certification level will be crucial to progress and, eventually, the acceptance and success of carbon removal as a climate solution.

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The socio-economic and technical context for Direct Air Capture in decarbonization pathways

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Workshop report on socio-economic and technical discussions Direct Air Capture as a technology for the climate transition.

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Carbon Removal Accounting Methodologies: How to rethink the system for negative carbon emissions

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We analyze current approaches to carbon accounting for removed carbon sold on carbon markets, focusing on carbon crediting under the framing of a remaining carbon budget, the issue of durability, and approaches to accounting methodologies. We explore the topic of

We analyze current approaches to carbon accounting for removed carbon sold on carbon markets, focusing on carbon crediting under the framing of a remaining carbon budget, the issue of durability, and approaches to accounting methodologies. We explore the topic of mixing carbon with other problems in developing carbon accounting methodologies and highlight the open policy questions. We conclude with a suggested framework for accounting for carbon removal accounting that simplifies climate action and enables a world with negative carbon emissions.

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The road to a carbon neutral Intermountain West: Arizona Stakeholder Workshop Report, September 2021

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Workshop report of general outcomes from stakeholder discussions regarding the planning of the decarbonization of the state of Arizona as part of a regional effort.

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