Characterization of monoclonal antibodies against quiescin sulfhydryl oxidase 1

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Quiescin sulfhydryl oxidase 1 (QSOX1) is an enzyme that catalyzes disulfide bond formation by oxidizing two free sulfhydryl groups. QSOX1 consists of a thioredoxin (Trx) and an ERV (essential for respiration and viability)/ALR (augmenter of liver regeneration) domain which each

Quiescin sulfhydryl oxidase 1 (QSOX1) is an enzyme that catalyzes disulfide bond formation by oxidizing two free sulfhydryl groups. QSOX1 consists of a thioredoxin (Trx) and an ERV (essential for respiration and viability)/ALR (augmenter of liver regeneration) domain which each contain CxxC motifs that work to bind to substrates and shuttle electrons to a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor that accepts the electrons and reduces molecular oxygen to hydrogen peroxide. Investigation of the role of QSOX1 in cancer progression started when it was found at higher abundance in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) patient plasma compared to healthy normal donor plasma. Increased expression in QSOX1 has been further identified in breast, lung, kidney, prostate, and other cancers. QSOX1 expression is associated with cell proliferation and invasion in vitro and tumor growth in vivo. Additionally, the enzymatic activity of QSOX1 in the extracellular matrix (ECM) is important for cell invasion in vitro. Small molecule inhibitors of QSOX1 have been shown to have antitumorigenic properties in vitro and in vivo. It was hypothesized that monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against QSOX1 would inhibit cell invasion in vitro. In this work, mice were immunized with eukaryotic-derived rQSOX1 for generation of hybridomas. Hundreds of hybridoma clones were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a fluorescent QSOX1 activity assay. Multiple rounds of subcloning and screening identified 2F1.14 and 3A10.6 as mAbs of interest. The genes for the variable regions of the antibodies were rescued and sequenced. The sequences were aligned with the variable region sequences of another published αQSOX1 mAb scFv492.1. 2F1.14 inhibits the enzymatic activity of QSOX1 by binding to the active site of QSOX1, which was determined by epitope mapping against mutants of QSOX1 that contained mutations in the active site. 3A10.6 did not appear to inhibit the function of QSOX1 in the activity assay; however, it, along with 2F1.14, suppressed tumor invasion in a 3D invasion model. These findings support the developing idea that QSOX1 is a viable target for cancer treatment because targeted inhibition of QSOX1 extracellularly reduced invasive activity. The mAbs and rQSOX1 variants produced here can serve as tools in furthering the characterization of QSOX1 and its role in cancer.
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