Multiple Perspectives on Plant Conservation Biology: Molecular Phylogeny and Biogeography of the Mammilloid

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In the face of the sixth mass extinction on Earth, with the flowering plant family Cactaceae assessed as the fifth most endangered plant or animal family by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), it is imperative that

In the face of the sixth mass extinction on Earth, with the flowering plant family Cactaceae assessed as the fifth most endangered plant or animal family by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), it is imperative that all available tools be used to understand the biodiversity, habitat suitability, climate change impacts and population viability of cacti. Within the Cactaceae, Mammillaria Haw and the closely related genus Cochemiea (K. Brandegee) Walton of Baja California, Mexico, are species-rich, with 46 regionally endemic taxa, 12 of which have been assessed as threatened or endangered by the IUCN. This study clarifies the evolutionary relationships in the Mammilloid clade, a complex and species-rich clade in tribe Cacteae, and generic circumscription of the genera Mammillaria Haw. and Cochemiea (K. Brandegee) Walton, estimates divergence times, diversification rates and ancestral ranges and explores habitat suitability and the risk of extinction of a representative species within these genera. The r species, Cochemiea halei (K. Brandegee) Walton, a narrowly distributed island endemic, is assessed using species distribution modeling (SDM) and population viability analysis (PVA). SDM in this study includes projections to two climate change scenarios over the next century, using four representative particle concentration pathways, and the PVA uses habitat-specific deterministic and stochastic models. The results of molecular phylogenetic analyses of the Mammilloid cladde restore the genus Mammillaria to monophyly via new combinations in the genus Cochemiea. The taxa in this study are shown to be of recent origin resulting from rapid diversification and radiation. Geological and climatic forces at multiple scales appear to be responsible for the high degree of biodiversity and endemism of these cacti. SDM shows that C. halei is likely to be stranded in its fragmented island habitat, has a facultative adaptation to ultramafic soils, and faces a 21%–53% contraction of its range on the islands under climate change scenarios. PVA suggests that C. halei is at increased risk of extinction in response to slight decreases in fecundity and persistence. In general, the perspectives in this dissertation fill several gaps in our prior knowledge of the evolution, biogeography, and conservation pressures of an important, species-rich group of cacti, occurring in a region of high biodiversity and endemism.
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Evaluating the Use of Surrogates of Marine Mammal Species Representation in Biodiversity Conservation Planning

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Biodiversity is required to guarantee proper ecosystem structure and function. However, increasing anthropogenic threats are causing biodiversity loss around the world at an unprecedented rate, in what has been deemed the sixth mass extinction. To counteract this crisis, conservationists seek

Biodiversity is required to guarantee proper ecosystem structure and function. However, increasing anthropogenic threats are causing biodiversity loss around the world at an unprecedented rate, in what has been deemed the sixth mass extinction. To counteract this crisis, conservationists seek to improve the methods used in the design and implementation of protected areas, which help mitigate the impacts of human activities on species. Marine mammals are ecosystem engineers and important indicator species of ocean and human wellbeing. They are also disproportionally less known and more threatened than terrestrial mammals. Therefore, surrogates of biodiversity must be used to maximize their representation in conservation planning. Some of the most effective surrogates of biodiversity known have only been tested in terrestrial systems. Here I test complementarity, rarity, and environmental diversity as potential surrogates of marine mammal representation at the global scale, and compare their performance against species richness, which is the most popular surrogate used to date. I also present the first map of marine mammal complementarity, and assess its relationship with environmental variables to determine if environmental factors could also be used as surrogates. Lastly, I determine the global complementarity-based hotspots of marine mammal biodiversity, and compare their distributions against current marine protected area coverage and exposure to global indices of human threats, to elucidate the effectiveness of current conservation efforts. Results show that complementarity, rarity, and environmental diversity are all efficient surrogates, as they outcompete species richness in maximizing marine mammal species representation when solving the minimum-set coverage problem. Results also show that sea surface temperature, density, and bathymetry are the top environmental variables most associated with complementarity of marine mammals. Finally, gap analyses show that marine mammals are overall poorly protected, yet moderately exposed to hotspots of cumulative human impacts. The wide distribution of marine mammals justify global studies like the ones here presented, to determine the best strategy for their protection. Overall, my findings show that less popular surrogates of biodiversity are more effective for marine mammals and should be considered in their management, and that the expansion of protected areas in their most important habitats should be prioritized.
Date Created

Forecasting the Winners and Losers of a Riparian Herpetofauna in Response to Habitat Invasion and Xerification

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Riparian systems in the arid southwest are heavily altered and, based on relative land-area, provision a disproportionately high number of native wildlife. Amphibians and reptiles are collectively the most threatened vertebrate taxa and, in the Sonoran Desert, are often reliant

Riparian systems in the arid southwest are heavily altered and, based on relative land-area, provision a disproportionately high number of native wildlife. Amphibians and reptiles are collectively the most threatened vertebrate taxa and, in the Sonoran Desert, are often reliant on riparian habitat. The link between amphibians and environmental water characteristics, as well as the association between lizards and habitat structure, make herpetofauna good organisms for which to examine the effects of environmental change.

My objective was to relate capture rates of a fossorial anuran and lizard abundance to aspects of native, invaded, and shrub-encroached riparian habitats in order to forecast the potential winners and losers of riparian habitat xerification and invasion.

I measured habitat and monitored herpetofauna at 18 sites near the confluence of the San Pedro River and Gila River in Pinal County, Arizona in 2016 and 2017. Sites were divided into three categories based on dominant tree genus; Populus-Salix, Prosopis, and Tamarix, which represented native riparia, xeric riparia, and invaded riparia, respectively.

Habitat measurements indicated that sites varied significantly in structure, and that dominant tree species was a useful descriptor of habitat physiognomy. Results from herpetofauna trapping demonstrated that Scaphiopus couchii, a fossorial anuran, occupy Prosopis sites at a much higher rate than at Tamarix sites, which were almost completely avoided. S. couchii was also found to be closely tied to xero-riparian habitat components present at Prosopis sites and soil analyses indicate that aspects of soil moisture and texture play an important role in the partitioning of this species across altered riparian habitats. Lizard abundance was found to be significantly lower in Tamarix habitat, with the majority of captures attributed to the generalist whiptail Aspidoscelis tigris. Additionally, more than half of lizard species that were analyzed displayed a negative association to Tamarix habitat. Of the three habitat types considered, Populus-Salix supported the greatest abundance of lizards.

Based on this study, the deleterious effects of xerfication on a riparian herpetofauna community may be lesser than those of Tamarix invasion. These two forms of riparian habitat shift often co-occur, with the ultimate cause being changes in hydrologic regime. This may imply that a bottom-up approach, wherein historic hydrology is restored to restore or maintain native habitats, to riverine management is appropriate for riparian herpetofauna conservation.
Date Created