Understanding Drinking Water Quality and Evaluating the Risks of Opportunistic Pathogens in Building Water Systems

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This dissertation focused on studying risks associated with emerging drinking water contaminants and tradeoffs related to water management interventions. The built environment impacts health, as humans on average spend ~90% of their time indoors. Federal regulations generally focus on drinking

This dissertation focused on studying risks associated with emerging drinking water contaminants and tradeoffs related to water management interventions. The built environment impacts health, as humans on average spend ~90% of their time indoors. Federal regulations generally focus on drinking water at the water treatment plant and within the distribution system as opposed to when it enters buildings after crossing the property line. If drinking water is not properly managed in buildings, it can be a source or amplifier of microbial and chemical contaminants. Unlike regulations for chemical contaminants that are risk-based, for pathogens, regulations are either based on recommended treatment technologies or designated as zero, which is not achievable in practice. Practice-based judgments are typically made at the building level to maintain water quality. This research focuses on two drinking water opportunistic pathogens of public health concern, Legionella pneumophila and Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC). Multiple aspects of drinking water quality in two green buildings were monitored in tandem with water management interventions. Additionally, a quantitative microbial risk assessment framework was used to predict risk-based critical concentrations of MAC for drinking water-related exposures in the indoor environment corresponding to a 1 in 10,000 annual infection target risk benchmark. The overall goal of this work was to inform the development of water management plans and guidelines for buildings that will improve water quality in the built environment and promote better public health. It was determined that a whole building water softening system with ion exchange softening resin and expansion tanks were unexplored reservoirs for the colonization of L. pneumophila. Furthermore, it was observed that typical water management interventions such as flushing and thermal disinfection did not always mitigate water quality issues. Thus, there was a need to implement several atypical interventions such as equipment replacement to improve the building water quality. This work has contributed comprehensive field studies and models that have highlighted the need for additional niches, facility management challenges, and risk tradeoffs for focus in water safety plans. The work also informs additional risk-based water quality policy approaches for reducing drinking water risks.
Date Created

Exploring microbial chain elongation for production of organics and hydrogen in soils

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This research explores microbial chain elongation as a pathway for production of complex organic compounds in soils with implication for the carbon cycle. In chain elongation, simple substrates such as ethanol and short chain carboxylates such as acetate can be

This research explores microbial chain elongation as a pathway for production of complex organic compounds in soils with implication for the carbon cycle. In chain elongation, simple substrates such as ethanol and short chain carboxylates such as acetate can be converted to longer carbon chain carboxylates under anaerobic conditions through cyclic, reverse β oxidation. This pathway elongates the carboxylate by two carbons. The chain elongation process is overall thermodynamically feasible, and microorganisms gain energy through this process. There have been limited insights into the versatility of chain elongating substrates, understanding the chain elongating microbial community, and its importance in sequestering carbon in the soils.

We used ethanol, methanol, butanol, and hydrogen as electron donors and acetate and propionate as electron acceptors to test the occurrence of microbial chain elongation in four soils with different physicochemical properties and microbial communities. Common chain elongation products were the even numbered chains butyrate, caproate, and butanol, the odd numbered carboxylates valerate and heptanoate, along with molecular hydrogen. At a near neutral pH and mesophilic temperature, we observed a stable and sustained production of longer fatty acids along with hydrogen. Microbial community analysis show phylotypes from families such as Clostridiaceae, Bacillaceae, and Ruminococcaceae in all tested conditions. Through chain elongation, the products formed are less biodegradable. They may undergo transformations and end up as organic carbon, decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions, thus, making this process important to study.
Date Created