Pathogenic peptides to enhance treatment of glioblastoma: evaluation of RVG-29 from rabies virus and chlorotoxin from scorpion venom

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Glioblastoma (GBM) is a highly invasive and deadly late stage tumor that develops from abnormal astrocytes in the brain. With few improvements in treatment over many decades, median patient survival is only 15 months and the 5-year survival rate hovers

Glioblastoma (GBM) is a highly invasive and deadly late stage tumor that develops from abnormal astrocytes in the brain. With few improvements in treatment over many decades, median patient survival is only 15 months and the 5-year survival rate hovers at 6%. Numerous challenges are encountered in the development of treatments for GBM. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) serves as a primary obstacle due to its innate ability to prevent unwanted molecules, such as most chemotherapeutics, from entering the brain tissue and reaching malignant cells. The GBM cells themselves serve as a second obstacle, having a high level of genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity. This characteristic improves the probability of a population of cells to have resistance to treatment, which ensures the survival of the tumor. Here, the development and testing of two different modes of therapy for treating GBM is described. These therapeutics were enhanced by pathogenic peptides known to improve entry into brain tissue or to bind GBM cells to overcome the BBB and/or tumor cell heterogeneity. The first therapeutic utilizes a small peptide, RVG-29, derived from the rabies virus glycoprotein to improve brain-specific delivery of nanoparticles encapsulated with a small molecule payload. RVG-29-targeted nanoparticles were observed to reach the brain of healthy mice in higher concentrations 2 hours following intravenous injection compared to control particles. However, targeted camptothecin-loaded nanoparticles were not capable of producing significant treatment benefits compared to non-targeted particles in an orthotopic mouse model of GBM. Peptide degradation following injection was shown to be a likely cause for reduced treatment benefit. The second therapeutic utilizes chlorotoxin, a non-toxic 36-amino acid peptide found in the venom of the deathstalker scorpion, expressed as a fusion to antibody fragments to enhance T cell recognition and killing of GBM. This candidate biologic, known as anti-CD3/chlorotoxin (ACDClx) is expressed as an insoluble protein in Nicotiana benthamiana and Escherichia coli and must be purified in denaturing and reducing conditions prior to being refolded. ACDClx was shown to selectively activate T cells only in the presence of GBM cells, providing evidence that further preclinical development of ACDClx as a GBM immunotherapy is warranted.
Date Created

Fabrication and Characterization of Panobinostat Loaded PLA-PEG Nanoparticles

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Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant pediatric brain cancer and is classified into four different subgroups based on genetic profiling: sonic hedgehog (SHH), WNT, Group 3 and 4. Changes in gene expression often alter the progression and development of cancers.

Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant pediatric brain cancer and is classified into four different subgroups based on genetic profiling: sonic hedgehog (SHH), WNT, Group 3 and 4. Changes in gene expression often alter the progression and development of cancers. One way to control gene expression is through the acetylation and deacetylation of histones. More specifically in medulloblastoma SHH and Group 3, there is an increased deacetylation, and histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) can be used to target this change. Not only can HDACi target increases in deacetylation, they are also known to induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. The combination of these factors has made HDACi a promising cancer therapeutic. Panobinostat, a hydrophobic, small molecule HDACi was recently identified as a potent molecule of interest for the treatment of medulloblastoma. Furthermore, panobinostat has already been FDA approved for treatment in multiple myeloma and is being explored in clinical trials against various solid tumors. The laboratory is interested in developing strategies to encapsulate panobinostat within nanoparticles composed of the biodegradable and biocompatible polymer poly(lactic acid)-poly(ethylene glycol) (PLA-PEG). Nanoparticles are formed by single emulsion, a process in which hydrophobic drugs can be trapped within the hydrophobic nanoparticle core. The goal was to determine if the molecular weight of the hydrophobic portion of the polymer, PLA, has an impact on loading of panobinostat in PLA-PEG nanoparticles. Nanoparticles formulated with PLA of varying molecular weight were characterized for loading, size, zeta potential, controlled release, and in vivo tolerability. The results of this work demonstrate that panobinostat loaded nanoparticles are optimally formulated with a 20:5kDa PLA-PEG, enabling loading of ~3.2 % w/w panobinostat within nanoparticles possessing an average diameter of 102 nm and surface charge of -8.04 mV. Panobinostat was released from nanoparticles in a potentially biphasic fashion over 72 hours. Nanoparticles were well tolerated by intrathecal injection, although a cell culture assay suggesting reduced bioactivity of encapsulated drug warrants further study. These experiments demonstrate that the molecular weight of PLA influences loading of panobinostat into PLA-PEG nanoparticles and provide basic characterization of nanoparticle properties to enable future in vivo evaluation.
Date Created

Nanoparticle Drug Delivery to Brain Tumors: From Intravenous to Intrathecal

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Achieving effective drug concentrations within the central nervous system (CNS) remains one of the greatest challenges for the treatment of brain tumors. The presence of the blood-brain barrier and blood-spinal cord barrier severely restricts the blood-to-CNS entry of nearly all

Achieving effective drug concentrations within the central nervous system (CNS) remains one of the greatest challenges for the treatment of brain tumors. The presence of the blood-brain barrier and blood-spinal cord barrier severely restricts the blood-to-CNS entry of nearly all systemically administered therapeutics, often leading to the development of peripheral toxicities before a treatment benefit is observed. To circumvent systemic barriers, intrathecal (IT) injection of therapeutics directly into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) surrounding the brain and spinal cord has been used as an alternative administration route; however, its widespread translation to the clinic has been hindered by poor drug pharmacokinetics (PK), including rapid clearance, inadequate distribution, as well as toxicity. One strategy to overcome the limitations of free drug PK and improve drug efficacy is to encapsulate drug within nanoparticles (NP), which solubilize hydrophobic molecules for sustained release in physiological environments. In this thesis, we will develop NP delivery strategies for brain tumor therapy in two model systems: glioblastoma (GBM), the most common and deadly malignant primary brain tumor, and medulloblastoma, the most common pediatric brain tumor. In the first research chapter, we developed 120 nm poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) NPs encapsulating the chemotherapy, camptothecin, for intravenous delivery to GBM. NP encapsulation of camptothecin was shown to reduce the drug’s toxicity and enable effective delivery to orthotopic GBM. To build off the success of intravenous NP, the second research chapter explored the utility of 100 nm PEGylated NPs for use with IT administration. Using in vivo imaging and ex vivo tissue slices, we found the NPs were rapidly transported by the convective forces of the CSF along the entire neuraxis and were retained for over 3 weeks. Based on their wide spread delivery and prolonged circulation, we examine the ability of the NPs to localize with tumor lesions in a leptomeningeal metastasis (LM) model of medulloblastoma. NPs administered to LM bearing mice were shown to penetrate into LM mets seeded within the meninges around the brain. These data show the potential to translate our success with intravenous NPs for GBM to improve IT chemotherapy delivery to LM.
Date Created

Engineering PNIPAAm Biomaterial Scaffolds to Model Microenvironmental Regulation of Glioblastoma Stem-Like Cells

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Following diagnosis of a glioblastoma (GBM) brain tumor, surgical resection, chemotherapy and radiation together yield a median patient survival of only 15 months. Importantly, standard treatments fail to address the dynamic regulation of the brain tumor microenvironment that actively supports

Following diagnosis of a glioblastoma (GBM) brain tumor, surgical resection, chemotherapy and radiation together yield a median patient survival of only 15 months. Importantly, standard treatments fail to address the dynamic regulation of the brain tumor microenvironment that actively supports tumor progression and treatment resistance. Moreover, specialized niches within the tumor microenvironment maintain a population of highly malignant glioblastoma stem-like cells (GSCs). GSCs are resistant to traditional chemotherapy and radiation therapy and are likely responsible for near universal rates of tumor recurrence and associated morbidity. Thus, disrupting microenvironmental support for GSCs could be critical to more effective GBM therapies. Three-dimensional (3D) culture models of the tumor microenvironment are powerful tools for identifying key biochemical and biophysical inputs that may support or inhibit malignant behaviors. Here, we developed synthetic poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-Jeffamine M-1000® acrylamide) or PNJ copolymers as a model 3D system for culturing GBM cell lines and low-passage patient-derived GSCs in vitro. These temperature responsive scaffolds reversibly transition from soluble to insoluble in aqueous solution by heating from room temperature to body temperature, thereby enabling easy encapsulation and release of cells in a 3D scaffold. We also designed this system with the capacity for presenting the cell-adhesion peptide sequence RGD for adherent culture conditions. Using this system, we identified conditions that promoted GBM proliferation, invasion, GSC phenotypes, and radiation resistance. In particular, using two separate patient-derived GSC models, we observed that PNJ scaffolds regulated self-renewal, provided protection from radiation induced cell death, and may promote stem cell plasticity in response to radiation. Furthermore, PNJ scaffolds produced de novo activation of the transcription factor HIF2α, which is critical to GSC tumorigenicity and stem plasticity. All together, these studies establish the robust utility of PNJ biomaterials as in vitro models for studying microenvironmental regulation of GSC behaviors and treatment resistance.
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