Dynamics, Directional Maneuverability and Optimization Based Multivariable Control of Nonholonomic Differential Drive Mobile Robots

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This dissertation presents a comprehensive study of modeling and control issues associated with nonholonomic differential drive mobile robots. The first part of dissertation focuses on modeling using Lagrangian mechanics. The dynamics is modeled as a two-input two-output (TITO) nonlinear model.

This dissertation presents a comprehensive study of modeling and control issues associated with nonholonomic differential drive mobile robots. The first part of dissertation focuses on modeling using Lagrangian mechanics. The dynamics is modeled as a two-input two-output (TITO) nonlinear model. Motor dynamics are also modeled. Trade studies are conducted to shed light on critical vehicle design parameters, and how they impact static properties, dynamic properties, directional stability, coupling and overall vehicle design. An aspect ratio based dynamic decoupling condition is also presented. The second part of dissertation addresses design of linear time-invariant (LTI), multi-input multi-ouput (MIMO) fixed-structure H∞ controllers for the inner-loop velocity (v, ω) tracking system of the robot, motivated by a practical desire to design classically structured robust controllers. The fixed-structure H∞-optimal controllers are designed using Generalized Mixed Sensitivity(GMS) methodology to systematically shape properties at distinct loop breaking points. The H∞-control problem is solved using nonsmooth optimization techniques to compute locally optimal solutions. Matlab’s Robust Control toolbox (Hinfstruct and Systune) is used to solve the nonsmooth optimization. The dissertation also addresses the design of fixed-structure MIMO gain-scheduled H∞ controllers via GMS methodology. Trade-off studies are conducted to address the effect of vehicle design parameters on frequency and time domain properties of the inner-loop control system of mobile robot. The third part of dissertation focuses on the design of outer-loop position (x, y, θ) control system of mobile robot using real-time model predictive control (MPC) algorithms. Both linear time-varying (LTV) MPC and nonlinear MPC algorithms are discussed.The outer-loop performance of mobile robot is studied for two applications - 1) single robot trajectory tracking and multi-robot coordination in presence of obstacles, 2) maximum progress maneuvering on racetrack. The dissertation specifically addresses the impact of variation of c.g. position w.r.t. wheel-axle on directional maneuverability, peak control effort required to perform aggressive maneuvers, and overall position control performance. Detailed control relevant performance trade-offs associated with outer-loop position control are demonstrated through simulations in discrete time. Optimizations packages CPLEX(convex-QP in LTV-MPC) and ACADO(NLP in nonlinear-MPC) are used to solve the OCP in real time. All simulations are performed on Robot Operating System (ROS).
Date Created

Multivariable control of fixed wing aircrafts

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This thesis addresses control design for fixed-wing air-breathing aircraft. Four aircraft with distinct dynamical properties are considered: a scram-jet powered hypersonic (100foot long, X-43 like, wedge shaped) aircraft with flexible modes operating near Mach 8, 85k ft, a NASA

This thesis addresses control design for fixed-wing air-breathing aircraft. Four aircraft with distinct dynamical properties are considered: a scram-jet powered hypersonic (100foot long, X-43 like, wedge shaped) aircraft with flexible modes operating near Mach 8, 85k ft, a NASA HiMAT (Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology) F-18 aircraft,

a McDonnell Douglas AV-8A Harrier aircraft, and a Vought F-8 Crusader aircraft. A two-input two-output (TITO) longitudinal LTI (linear time invariant) dynamical model is used for each aircraft. Control design trade studies are conducted for each of the aircraft. Emphasis is placed on the hypersonic vehicle because of its complex nonlinear (unstable, non-minimum phase, flexible) dynamics and uncertainty associated with hypersonic flight (Mach $>$ 5, shocks and high temperatures on leading edges). Two plume models are used for the hypersonic vehicle – an old plume model and a new plume model. The old plume model is simple and assumes a typical decaying pressure distribution for aft nozzle. The new plume model uses Newtonian impact theory and a nonlinear solver to compute the aft nozzle pressure distribution. Multivariable controllers were generated using standard weighted $H_{\inf}$ mixed-sensitivity optimization as well as a new input disturbance weighted mixed-sensitivity framework that attempts to achieve good multivariable properties at both the controls (plant inputs) as well as the errors (plant outputs). Classical inner-outer (PD-PI) structures (partially centralized and decentralized) were also used. It is shown that while these classical (sometimes partially centralized PD-PI) structures could be used to generate comparable results to the multivariable controllers (e.g. for the hypersonic vehicle, Harrier, F-8), considerable tuning (iterative optimization) is often essential. This is especially true for the highly coupled hypersonic vehicle – thus justifying the need for a good multivariable control design tool. Fundamental control design tradeoffs for each aircraft are presented – comprehensively for the hypersonic aircraft. In short, the thesis attempts to shed light on when complex controllers are essential and when simple structures are sufficient for achieving control designs with good multivariable loop properties at both the errors (plant outputs) and the controls (plant inputs).
Date Created